You can google my first point. I’m to lazy to go digging through articles.
I consider Trafalgar and Rasmussen outliers, but I don’t dismiss them out of hand. I include them in the general basket of polls as a sanity check against other polls that show Biden winning in a landslide.
And claims about Trafalgar superior accuracy are exaggerated. They deserve credit for getting the “Blue Wall” right in 2016, while others overlooked them. But aside from that big break, they haven’t been as accurate as the Trump faithful seem to believe. Rassmusen was way off in 2018.
Contrary to popular belief, 538 wasn’t that far off in 2016. They were actually one of the few to recognize that Trump’s chances were better than the national polls suggested due to his supporters being heavily concentrated in key swing states.
Personally, I prefer outlets like 538 and RCP since they average multiple pollsters, reducing the influence of outliers without ignoring them entirely.
Uninformed ReRe obviously wasn’t informed that the polls were all wrong in 2016, and his purported “outliers” were the most correct.....
stay uninformed ReRe, being actually informed might be scary to libs