Autopsy of an Election: What We Have Learned and What We Observed


Ring of Honor
Gold Member
Jan 19, 2011
I'll go first with my reflections and thoughts from today.

1) Numbers Tell a Story:
-Biden received 81,283,501 votes in 2020, the most votes EVER in a presidential election. A full 11.5 million more votes than the second highest total ever for a democrat, Obama in 2008 with 69.498,516 million votes. In 2012 Obama received 65,915,795 million votes. In 2016 Hillary received 65,853,514 million votes.
-Net increase on average of over 13 million votes over the prior 3 elections for democrats.
-Trump received 74,223,975 million votes in 2020
-Total votes cast in 2020 155,507,475 million vote, a full 26,669,917 more votes than in 2016, an increase of 17.2%
-Then, magically, in 2024 the current overall vote total for president stands at 139,685,213, a decrease of 15,822,262 (11.3%)
-Kamala received 67,462,374 million votes, a remarkable 13,821, 127 million fewer votes than Biden in 2020. That is an unprecedented 21% decrease in votes for one party in 4 years. That percentage drop is over 12% bigger drop than any such decline for either party in the 250 years of presidential elections.


What am I saying? I'm saying that this is proof undeniable that there was cheating by the democrat party in 2020.
I was never one to blame 2020 on voter fraud (cheating). I have always accepted there is some cheating in our elections (see Chicago in 1960 for example), but until 2020 I never viewed it as rampant. I struggled with what happened in 2020 because I didn't want to accept that cheating to that degree could really happen in America, and I did not want to be a poor sport. So, I accepted it and didn't make as big a deal about it as some, like @NavigatorII

So, let's be objective about this:
The environment in 2020 was ripe for voter fraud
Covid led to unprecedented changes in the way we voted in a matter of months
There was not adequate time to ensure measures to prevent cheating
States that had never allowed mail in voting on a large scale suddenly allowed mail in voting for their entire state. They mailed ballots out and required no proof that the name on the ballot was the one that actually voted
Donald Trump and the irrational hatred of Donald Trump provided the justification to do the most Unamerican thing imaginable, cheating to steal the presidency on a massive level. To many on the left, Trump was the evil that justified an equally great evil, stealing an election
Opportunity, motive, motus operandi

2) What changed from 2020 to 2024? Laws. The Republican party had 4 years to institute rules and regulations about mail in voting that required proof that the vote was actually legally filled out by the voter that signed it. And while there will always be a degree of voter fraud in our elections when over 100,000,000 people vote it is sadly inevitable, by enacting laws/rules/regulations the Republican party was able to keep the voter fraud to a much smaller level than "allegedly" was in 2024
What also changed, Trump and the Republicans accepted the reality of the situation and embraced early voting in all of its forms in 2024, something they did not do in 2020 which I think also cost them dearly in 2020.

3) Polling continues to underestimate Republican Votes:
-In 2016 poles underestimated Trump Turnout by over 5%
-In 2020 poles underestimated Trump Turnout by over 4%
-In 2024 polls underestimate Trump Turnout by close to 2%
Are they getting better? Yes
Why do they always underestimate Republican Turnout? Hard to say. On theory is that Republicans are 17% less willing to talk to someone over their phone about how they plan to vote. Another theory is that some pollsters have an agenda and do this on purpose to pick sides and discourage Republicans regarding their candidates and their chances in the elections.
What is the right answer, I will leave that for debate.

4) Running on a platform of demagoguery and hatred that vilifies Americans and American ideals is not an effective campaign strategy.

5) Media Bias is Undeniable
-Per the Washington Examiner, Trump coverage by the Legacy Media was 85% negative
-Per the Washington Examiner, Harris coverage by the Legacy Media was 78% positive
-Despite this overwhelming advantage, Trump still won both the popular vote and a minor Electoral College landslide
Why? I think it is because Americans have come to realize that there are no true "news" sources left in America, only bias television shows designed to both pander to their base for ratings and to PUSH AN AGENDA. American's no longer trust news outlets, and, even worse, news outlets no longer care about gaining the trust of the American people
The fourth estate is dead. This is very worrisome because the nation is far healthier when there is a 4th estate who morally works for the people to keep the government from being dishonest to its voters they represent. Edward Murrow and Walter Conkrite would be disgusted by this development
How did this happen? Is it the 24-hour news cycle, the number of news networks, the need for pandering for ratings, how reporters are educated, the peer pressure in the newsroom, the ideology of those that run the news outlets pushing the narrative?
I'd go with all the above, but what is true is there is no "mainstream media" left in America, only the corrupt skeletons of former giants long extinct in our modern world.
Can we get it back, not sure. It will need to be a generational swing back to their roots. Do they have it in them?

Donald Trump, not the hero we wanted, but the hero we needed.

I'll end my thoughts on this election with my favorite observation about the media today, from MSNBC Morning Joe, when one of the panelists made the astute observation that, "Clearly Donald Trump understands Americans better than the media does."
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I agree that it looks like Biden’s totals in 2020 must have been fraudulent. I think Covid and all the mail in voting provided the opportunity in 2020 which wasn’t present this year. Agree that the Rs seem to have gotten smarter about monitoring.

I thought it was interesting at one point how Wisky, Michigan and PA at one point late on Tuesday all showed Trump with solid leads and the last votes to be counted were uncounted batches from Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia. Like those were the only counties outstanding and the only things potentially standing in the way of a Trump landslide. And the reporting on CNN and from Dems on Twitter was: oh be prepared that it might take all tomorrow to count those votes.

I wonder if Dems had ballot dumps ready to go for each, but ultimately made the decision that would be too obvious for all three major metro areas to flip all three states.

Also, as far as vote rigging in 2020, at one point John King, who is stupendous at his job, showed how Kamala had literally only improved on Biden’s count in like three counties nationally. Even Tapper was like “oh my god.” If there were 20 million fraudulent votes floating around, that would help explain that.
I agree that it looks like Biden’s totals in 2020 must have been fraudulent. I think Covid and all the mail in voting provided the opportunity in 2020 which wasn’t present this year. Agree that the Rs seem to have gotten smarter about monitoring.

I thought it was interesting at one point how Wisky, Michigan and PA at one point late on Tuesday all showed Trump with solid leads and the last votes to be counted were uncounted batches from Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia. Like those were the only counties outstanding and the only things potentially standing in the way of a Trump landslide. And the reporting on CNN and from Dems on Twitter was: oh be prepared that it might take all tomorrow to count those votes.

I wonder if Dems had ballot dumps ready to go for each, but ultimately made the decision that would be too obvious for all three major metro areas to flip all three states.

Also, as far as vote rigging in 2020, at one point John King, who is stupendous at his job, showed how Kamala had literally only improved on Biden’s count in like three counties nationally. Even Tapper was like “oh my god.” If there were 20 million fraudulent votes floating around, that would help explain that.
Yeah, made that observation last night and again today. Ultimately it was to big to rig. The numbers would not have added up with Trumps lead and the Republicans had to many observers this time. I think it would have been to obvious. This is not to say the media was complicit in the ballot box stuffing so much as they were complicit in ignoring it or underselling it, unless it would have been too obvious.
I'll go first with my reflections and thoughts from today.

1) Numbers Tell a Story:
-Biden received 81,283,501 votes in 2020, the most votes EVER in a presidential election. A full 11.5 million more votes than the second highest total ever for a democrat, Obama in 2008 with 69.498,516 million votes. In 2012 Obama received 65,915,795 million votes. In 2016 Hillary received 65,853,514 million votes.
-Net increase on average of over 13 million votes over the prior 3 elections for democrats.
-Trump received 74,223,975 million votes in 2020
-Total votes cast in 2020 155,507,475 million vote, a full 26,669,917 more votes than in 2016, an increase of 17.2%
-Then, magically, in 2024 the current overall vote total for president stands at 139,685,213, a decrease of 15,822,262 (11.3%)
-Kamala received 67,462,374 million votes, a remarkable 13,821, 127 million fewer votes than Biden in 2020. That is an unprecedented 21% decrease in votes for one party in 4 years. That percentage drop is over 12% bigger drop than any such decline for either party in the 250 years of presidential elections.


What am I saying? I'm saying that this is proof undeniable that there was cheating by the democrat party in 2020.
I was never one to blame 2020 on voter fraud (cheating). I have always accepted there is some cheating in our elections (see Chicago in 1960 for example), but until 2020 I never viewed it as rampant. I struggled with what happened in 2020 because I didn't want to accept that cheating to that degree could really happen in America, and I did not want to be a poor sport. So, I accepted it and didn't make as big a deal about it as some, like @NavigatorII

So, let's be objective about this:
The environment in 2020 was ripe for voter fraud
Covid led to unprecedented changes in the way we voted in a matter of months
There was not adequate time to ensure measures to prevent cheating
States that had never allowed mail in voting on a large scale suddenly allowed mail in voting for their entire state. They mailed ballots out and required no proof that the name on the ballot was the one that actually voted
Donald Trump and the irrational hatred of Donald Trump provided the justification to do the most Unamerican thing imaginable, cheating to steal the presidency on a massive level. To many on the left, Trump was the evil that justified an equally great evil, stealing an election
Opportunity, motive, motus operandi

2) What changed from 2020 to 2024? Laws. The Republican party had 4 years to institute rules and regulations about mail in voting that required proof that the vote was actually legally filled out by the voter that signed it. And while there will always be a degree of voter fraud in our elections when over 100,000,000 people vote it is sadly inevitable, by enacting laws/rules/regulations the Republican party was able to keep the voter fraud to a much smaller level than "allegedly" was in 2024
What also changed, Trump and the Republicans accepted the reality of the situation and embraced early voting in all of its forms in 2024, something they did not do in 2020 which I think also cost them dearly in 2020.

3) Polling continues to underestimate Republican Votes:
-In 2016 poles underestimated Trump Turnout by over 5%
-In 2020 poles underestimated Trump Turnout by over 4%
-In 2024 polls underestimate Trump Turnout by close to 2%
Are they getting better? Yes
Why do they always underestimate Republican Turnout? Hard to say. On theory is that Republicans are 17% less willing to talk to someone over their phone about how they plan to vote. Another theory is that some pollsters have an agenda and do this on purpose to pick sides and discourage Republicans regarding their candidates and their chances in the elections.
What is the right answer, I will leave that for debate.

4) Running on a platform of demagoguery and hatred that vilifies Americans and American ideals is not an effective campaign strategy.

5) Media Bias is Undeniable
-Per the Washington Examiner, Trump coverage by the Legacy Media was 85% negative
-Per the Washington Examiner, Harris coverage by the Legacy Media was 78% positive
-Despite this overwhelming advantage, Trump still won both the popular vote and a minor Electoral College landslide
Why? I think it is because Americans have come to realize that there are no true "news" sources left in America, only bias television shows designed to both pander to their base for ratings and to PUSH AN AGENDA. American's no longer trust news outlets, and, even worse, news outlets no longer care about gaining the trust of the American people
The fourth estate is dead. This is very worrisome because the nation is far healthier when there is a 4th estate who morally works for the people to keep the government from being dishonest to its voters they represent. Edward Murrow and Walter Conkrite would be disgusted by this development
How did this happen? Is it the 24-hour news cycle, the number of news networks, the need for pandering for ratings, how reporters are educated, the peer pressure in the newsroom, the ideology of those that run the news outlets pushing the narrative?
I'd go with all the above, but what is true is there is no "mainstream media" left in America, only the corrupt skeletons of former giants long extinct in our modern world.
Can we get it back, not sure. It will need to be a generational swing back to their roots. Do they have it in them?

Donald Trump, not the hero we wanted, but the hero we needed.

I'll end my thoughts on this election with my favorite observation about the media today, from MSNBC Morning Joe, when one of the panelists made the astute observation that, "Clearly Donald Trump understands Americans better than the media does."
So true. Great post
5) Media Bias is Undeniable
-Per the Washington Examiner, Trump coverage by the Legacy Media was 85% negative
-Per the Washington Examiner, Harris coverage by the Legacy Media was 78% positive
-Despite this overwhelming advantage, Trump still won both the popular vote and a minor Electoral College landslide

^^^ the above is insanity and a big FU to America ...
Let me add something. I will go a step deeper and say the reason we had Covid is because they wanted to steal an election. Yes, I believe that and I believe they are that evil.
I don’t think the Democrats planned Covid, I just think they took massive advantage of it.
I do think Covid was man-made. Whether China release that on purpose or by accident would be a reasonable question.

Are there people in China that would be in favor of releasing a biological weapon against the United States, absolutely. Are there people deep deep deep inside the deep state that might conspire with these certain Chinese leaders to do this, I think it’s possible.

But I don’t think they were necessarily that clever. I just think they took massive advantage of it.
6) Trump improved his numbers compared with 2020 in every demographic in 2024 except for one. He was 3% lower amongst white men in 2024 than he was in 2020.

So much for the misogyny and racist arguments.
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I don’t think the Democrats planned Covid, I just think they took massive advantage of it.
I do think Covid was man-made. Whether China release that on purpose or by accident would be a reasonable question.

Are there people in China that would be in favor of releasing a biological weapon against the United States, absolutely. Are there people deep deep deep inside the deep state that might conspire with these certain Chinese leaders to do this, I think it’s possible.

But I don’t think they were necessarily that clever. I just think they took massive advantage of it.
I think our intelligence agencies worked with China to do it. WAY too much of a coincidence that EXACTLY what they needed to win an election happened EXACTLY at the time they needed it to.
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Remember when Cuck911 posted, "way to go Nancy, you go girl' then deleted the post after getting clowned endlessly?
Soy boys only use the term, you go girl.
Let me add something. I will go a step deeper and say the reason we had Covid is because they wanted to steal an election. Yes, I believe that and I believe they are that evil.
You are going out on no ledges here. It's been obvious for a long time to anyone paying attention that deep state hacks (Fauci, Gates, etc.) were involved in funding and carrying out the gain of function "research" for the coronavirus, which was then conveniently and purposely foisted upon the world by the Chinese / Dems to get Trump out of office, which occurred because deep state operative John Roberts cast the deciding vote for VBM, which appears to have been ultimately and unwittingly beneficial for Trump in hindsight ...
I don’t think the Democrats planned Covid, I just think they took massive advantage of it.
I do think Covid was man-made. Whether China release that on purpose or by accident would be a reasonable question.

Are there people in China that would be in favor of releasing a biological weapon against the United States, absolutely. Are there people deep deep deep inside the deep state that might conspire with these certain Chinese leaders to do this, I think it’s possible.

But I don’t think they were necessarily that clever. I just think they took massive advantage of it.
it was on purpose, same way Dems leaked Israel's attack strategy vs. Iran recently and said oops ...
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Remember when Cuck911 posted, "way to go Nancy, you go girl' then deleted the post after getting clowned endlessly?
Soy boys only use the term, you go girl.

it was on purpose, same way Dems leaked Israel's attack strategy vs. Iran recently and said oops ...
I’ll be really saying, the Democratic party unleashed Covid or are we saying they took advantage of Covid? I think it’s much more likely they took advantage of Covid.
I’ll be really saying, the Democratic party unleashed Covid or are we saying they took advantage of Covid? I think it’s much more likely they took advantage of Covid.
I am saying that Democrats or their agents released it, it was not accidental. I honestly believe they are evil and have no bottom. And I am not talking about rank and file Democrats I am talking about the leadership. ...
I am saying that Democrats or their agents released it, it was not accidental. I honestly believe they are evil and have no bottom. And I am not talking about rank and file Democrats I am talking about the leadership. ...
Circumstances interesting theory, but it started in China and traveled through many other countries before it reached the United States. So if their goal had been to hurt the presidential election, why would they release it in China?

I love you guys, but I think sometimes y’all go a little too far out on those limbs

But I would be more than happy to look at any evidence you have

Sure that I will stick to the theory that they took full advantage of it
Circumstances interesting theory, but it started in China and traveled through many other countries before it reached the United States. So if their goal had been to hurt the presidential election, why would they release it in China?

I love you guys, but I think sometimes y’all go a little too far out on those limbs

But I would be more than happy to look at any evidence you have

Sure that I will stick to the theory that they took full advantage of it
Dems were funding the lab in Wuhan, and the Chinese government doesn't care at all about their people so it served as a test market. It was only a matter of time before it made it to the US.. If the Dems didn't do it, it was their agents meaning the Chinese. Their goals are aligned in my opinion. There will be proof at some point, but I don't have it.. The series of coincidences is just too convenient.

If the last 4 to 6 years taught us anything, it showed us that all of these supposedly far-flung, conspiracy theories, and end up being way more true than not ...
Dems were funding the lab in Wuhan, and the Chinese government doesn't care at all about their people so it served as a test market. It was only a matter of time before it made it to the US.. If the Dems didn't do it, it was their agents meaning the Chinese. Their goals are aligned in my opinion. There will be proof at some point, but I don't have it.. The series of coincidences is just too convenient.

If the last 4 to 6 years taught us anything, it showed us that all of these supposedly far-flung, conspiracy theories, and end up being way more true than not ...
Wow, to be fair funding gain of function research has been going on through many administrations, both Republican and democrat.

I just don’t think some grand conspiracy of that large level could go about without somebody leaking it significant information.

Now could I see one or two rogue players do something like this, certainly possible.

I just think it’s more probable that this was either an accidental lab leak from a poorly administrative lab that led to a crisis that the Democrats and bureaucrats took full advantage of. Where one is worse than the other is debatable, both are deplorable.
Wow, to be fair funding gain of function research has been going on through many administrations, both Republican and democrat.

I just don’t think some grand conspiracy of that large level could go about without somebody leaking it significant information.

Now could I see one or two rogue players do something like this, certainly possible.

I just think it’s more probable that this was either an accidental lab leak from a poorly administrative lab that led to a crisis that the Democrats and bureaucrats took full advantage of. Where one is worse than the other is debatable, both are deplorable.
I am not arguing that point. I think Fauci and Gates were eminently involved in the leak ...
I am not arguing that point. I think Fauci and Gates were eminently involved in the leak ...
Gut feeling, or do you have actual proof of that?
Personally, I don’t think either of those two are smart enough to plan something out to that degree.
Wow, to be fair funding gain of function research has been going on through many administrations, both Republican and democrat.

I just don’t think some grand conspiracy of that large level could go about without somebody leaking it significant information.

Now could I see one or two rogue players do something like this, certainly possible.

I just think it’s more probable that this was either an accidental lab leak from a poorly administrative lab that led to a crisis that the Democrats and bureaucrats took full advantage of. Where one is worse than the other is debatable, both are deplorable.
I do not know how many or who. I just believe it was intentional
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Unleashed. With the help of China. Remember the tariffs? They HATE when Trump is in charge
I have a little problem thinking China could’ve unleashed it but again, why would they not just send it over the United States to unleash it, why start with China.

Guys are really derailing this thread of all this so I’ll just state that Covid was definitely man-made, never came from a wet market, was unleashed either on accident or on purpose, and the Democrats took full advantage of it. On those fundamentals, we agree let’s leave it at that.
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I have a little problem thinking China could’ve unleashed it but again, why would they not just send it over the United States to unleash it, why start with China.

Guys are really derailing this thread of all this so I’ll just state that Covid was definitely man-made, never came from a wet market, was unleashed either on accident or on purpose, and the Democrats took full advantage of it. On those fundamentals, we agree let’s leave it at that.
You truly would have to be an idiot to think Covid started in a wet market right across the street from a lab that was using gain of function research on COVID. Like Fres stated, they had too many answers(wrong as they were) to fast. This sounds more like something that the CIA manipulated, not the democrat administration. We KNIW the CIA hated Trump
Wow, to be fair funding gain of function research has been going on through many administrations, both Republican and democrat.

I just don’t think some grand conspiracy of that large level could go about without somebody leaking it significant information.

Now could I see one or two rogue players do something like this, certainly possible.

I just think it’s more probable that this was either an accidental lab leak from a poorly administrative lab that led to a crisis that the Democrats and bureaucrats took full advantage of. Where one is worse than the other is debatable, both are deplorable.
Why do you think we support certain former Eastern Bloc countries that aren't our allies? Here's a hint, we aren't allowed to develop NBC weapons in America.
Why do you think we support certain former Eastern Bloc countries that aren't our allies? Here's a hint, we aren't allowed to develop NBC weapons in America.
I don’t deny anything as possible, but I live in the world of probables. I am a scientist and a Catholic. That means I have faith, but my faith is in the science that proves what God has brought about.
Which is a fancy word for saying I need proof more than faith on things like this :)

Conjecture is not prove though it is sometimes correct. So I will leave it as anything is possible, but it’s not probable unless you can show me the numbers.
This is one of the main reasons I waited till after the selection to go all in on did the Democrats cheat to win in 2020. I need the next line in the graph, the next set of data, which, as I have posted another threats clearly shows 2020 was a Mathematically improbable statistical outlier. To me, that’s the proof.
I don’t deny anything as possible, but I live in the world of probables. I am a scientist and a Catholic. That means I have faith, but my faith is in the science that proves what God has brought about.
Which is a fancy word for saying I need proof more than faith on things like this :)

Conjecture is not prove though it is sometimes correct. So I will leave it as anything is possible, but it’s not probable unless you can show me the numbers.
This is one of the main reasons I waited till after the selection to go all in on did the Democrats cheat to win in 2020. I need the next line in the graph, the next set of data, which, as I have posted another threats clearly shows 2020 was a Mathematically improbable statistical outlier. To me, that’s the proof.
I understand you process differently, however that does not mean we are wrong. I knew IMMEDIATELY they cheated in 2020 because of the stuff right in front of my face. 1. He won Florida and Ohio. Go let me know how many candidates won the presidency without winning both of these. 2. They mysteriously stopped counting votes and refused many poll watchers access in those vote counting rooms 3. 81 million votes? Barack Hussein obama did not come close to that many votes, and many were exited about him. He is talented. FJBBhid in a basement because he could not complete a sentence. ANYONE who sees this math and thinks things were fair is a COMPLETE IDIOT, and will be the rest of their life. 4. Trump INCREASED his vote counting from 2016. That early if ever happens. 5. The one the Trump people should have jumped on more, the laptop. The FBI had Hunters laptop for 14 months before those 51 intelligence officers signed that letter. Did it take the FBI overhear to identify that computer? BS. They KNEW they were lying, and that DID affect the results of the election! I knew this all the next day.
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I understand you process differently, however that does not mean we are wrong. I knew IMMEDIATELY they cheated in 2020 because of the stuff right in front of my face. 1. He won Florida and Ohio. Go let me know how many candidates won the presidency without winning both of these. 2. They mysteriously stopped counting votes and refused many poll watchers access in those vote counting rooms 3. 81 million votes? Barack Hussein obama did not come close to that many votes, and many were exited about him. He is talented. FJBBhid in a basement because he could not complete a sentence. ANYONE who sees this math and thinks things were fair is a COMPLETE IDIOT, and will be the rest of their life. 4. Trump INCREASED his vote counting from 2016. That early if ever happens. 5. The one the Trump people should have jumped on more, the laptop. The FBI had Hunters laptop for 14 months before those 51 intelligence officers signed that letter. Did it take the FBI overhear to identify that computer? BS. They KNEW they were lying, and that DID affect the results of the election! I knew this all the next day.
Which is why I said anything as possible :) not once have I said you guys are wrong, I just said I need more proof 😊

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