So, what do you think of the board?

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I happen to disagree, strongly, with Fresno here. I think alternative energy is a good source - especially if you can get into a "closed loop" situation where your solar panels can power your home, your cars, etc. It also makes you less reliant on the grid.

I also think that "green" means "use less". An example is "return to work". The irony, of course, is that Democratic mayors and governors want people to spend loads of carbon, dry cleaning materials so that they can prop up local spending at the expense of the environment, household budgets, families, etc. It even go against gender equity.

I do NOT agree that we should give away energy independence. I also think that we can, greatly, over-sell the EV benefits and that the left "greenwashes" horrors such as child labor in artisinal mines in Africa.
Agree completely. Hey, I get it, conservatives are by nature averse to change. It’s in their nature. Especially older ones.

And what will help with energy independence? More renewable fuel sources. Why is that so hard to understand?
Until we make cold fusion a reality, nuclear energy is the cleanest alternative.

“all of these green/sustainable efforts are a fools errand" - if you think they will completely replace what we have. they are fine as supplements, but are not reliable as a major source of energy ...
The climate change boondoogle was an eye-opener for a lot of people. You have all these crazy lefties claiming we MUST adopt 'cleaner' energy to save the planet.....but when you show them the complete environmental disaster that is the rare earth mines, they say hey that's fine, as long as we get 'cleaner' energy.

They are literally fine with destroying the planet....if their politics tell them that's what they need to do to save the planet. Brainwashing at its finest.
Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom want them gone.

No predictions have ever been correct. "Experts" have been wrong the entire time and there is no consensus. The 97% agreement the left uses is just a lie.

And what good is carbon neutrality and to what end?

China and India pollute massively, regardless of what they spend on alternative energy. Talk about a straw man ...


It’s as if some on here are unaware that the Tobacco Companies used to use “the doctors” and “the science” to promote the safety and benefits of smoking cigarettes, at one time.

The correlation between who’s getting money and how it affects their subsequent research… didn’t stop with that particular piece of history.

(This applies to the “weather” and Covid, too.)
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It’s as if some on here are unaware that the Tobacco Companies used to use “the doctors” and “the science” to promote the safety and benefits of smoking cigarettes, at one time.

The correlation between who’s getting money and how it affects their subsequent research… didn’t stop with that particular piece of history.

(This applies to the “weather” and Covid, too.)
Love your posts!

It’s as if some on here are unaware that the Tobacco Companies used to use “the doctors” and “the science” to promote the safety and benefits of smoking cigarettes, at one time.

The correlation between who’s getting money and how it affects their subsequent research… didn’t stop with that particular piece of history.

(This applies to the “weather” and Covid, too.)
Yes, and I’m also aware that oil companies used disinformation to discredit climate change science, although they all now accept it.

So what’s your point? Im not talking about one or two scientists, but the vast majority now.
Do conservatives have issues with trans or people trying to trans kids?

I really don't think, outside of the hard religious right (which is represented here), the avg conservative cares much what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes.

I have gay relatives that I love very much, couldn't care less as long as they are happy.

I am angry that that openness has been taken advantage of and now we're transing kids without parental consent and hosting drag queen story hours at libraries though.
They literally lost their stuff over Bud light promoting that Mulvaney person.

Trans kids is the distraction
Obama did not approve of gay marriage in 2008. Uganda, to this day, considers this punishable by death (or at least extended incarceration). I do not see China, Japan, No Korea, Saudi Arabia or any other culture supporting or embracing LGBTQIA+ culture.

Rap culture through at least 1999 was very anti-gay.

Conservatives, for what I have seen, is essentially a "live and let live". If people want to work, pay taxes, do a pride parade for adults, and be part of it - great. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

When you bring in drag shows into the classroom for kids under 18 and especially in elementary and middle school, that is a bridge too far, on the right and even the center-left.
Don't fall for the distraction. They care more than about trans kids.
Until we make cold fusion a reality, nuclear energy is the cleanest alternative.

“all of these green/sustainable efforts are a fools errand" - if you think they will completely replace what we have. they are fine as supplements, but are not reliable as a major source of energy ...
Well, this will be my last post ITT. As I said, I rarely venture over here any more and don’t plan on in the future.

Sorry for being the fly in your Chardonnay as I’m sure you expected kudos for how great the board is now. I really don’t hold it against you, but you asked. You’ve always been one of my favorite posters dating back to the Alligator Alley days, until you decided to go over to the dark side and become a Mod. I was even in a FF league with you many years ago.

I know it won’t happen, but IMO if you really want this board to become civil again you need to have Ghost removed and his other minions will slither on over to another board, as they’ve done many times on the Rivals network. The ones that want a real conversation without flaming and childish insults would be welcome to stay.
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Agree completely. Hey, I get it, conservatives are by nature averse to change. It’s in their nature. Especially older ones.

And what will help with energy independence? More renewable fuel sources. Why is that so hard to understand?

I'm not averse to change. I'm averse to BS.

Change to nuclear energy from coal, I'm all for it. Nuclear works so I have no issue with that change.

Change to wind from coal, I'm not on board. Why? Because it doesn't work and it requires crap tons of supplements (in favor of wind and punishment for coal)...and yet it still sucks by comparison with coal.

Give me something that works and I'll embrace the change. Give me something that doesn't work, SIUYA.

Cold fusion, bring that sht on.
Love your posts!

Thanks! As you may have noticed, I’ve Liked a great many of the things you’ve had to say… so, I’ll gladly accept the compliment.

Had the day to sit around and post on here, since I was waiting for a repairman… who never showed. 😡
I won’t get to do this again, for a while.
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Agree completely. Hey, I get it, conservatives are by nature averse to change. It’s in their nature. Especially older ones.

And what will help with energy independence? More renewable fuel sources. Why is that so hard to understand?
Honestly, I think it is due to lack of trust.
I'm not averse to change. I'm averse to BS.

Change to nuclear energy from coal, I'm all for it. Nuclear works so I have no issue with that change.

Change to wind from coal, I'm not on board. Why? Because it doesn't work and it requires crap tons of supplements (in favor of wind and punishment for coal)...and yet it still sucks by comparison with coal.

Give me something that works and I'll embrace the change. Give me something that doesn't work, SIUYA.

Cold fusion, bring that sht on.
Cold fusion is FIRE! lol.

Agree on Nuclear versus Coal. All day long.
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Yes, and I’m also aware that oil companies used disinformation to discredit climate change science, although they all now accept it.

So what’s your point? Im not talking about one or two scientists, but the vast majority now.
My point?

Well, for starters… one example deals with a Tobacco company’s deception that still had to work within certain parameters and they faced the consequences.

The other deceptions are from an unfettered Government with limitless funds and now answers to no one.
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Exactly. You respond to who complains the loudest. ieGhost and Crew.

And I don’t really blame you. I wouldn’t spend much time here either. The place is a cess pool. But you do get paid the big bucks to Moderate so it is ultimately your responsibility.
I do my best to follow the rules regardless who complains and how loud ...
Well, this will be my last post ITT. As I said, I rarely venture over here any more and don’t plan on in the future.

Sorry for being the fly in your Chardonnay as I’m sure you expected kudos for how great the board is now. I really don’t hold it against you, but you asked. You’ve always been one of my favorite posters dating back to the Alligator Alley days, until you decided to go over to the dark side and become a Mod. I was even in a FF league with you many years ago.

I know it won’t happen, but IMO if you really want this board to become civil again you need to have Ghost removed and his other minions will slither on over to another board, as they’ve done many times on the Rivals network. The ones that want a real conversation without flaming and childish insults would be welcome to stay.
Nope, not how I roll. I don't start self-congratulatory threads here. It was an honest question.

Thanks for the nice comments. I remember the FF league with you, it was fun ...
And as I said, No one (well almost no one) is talking about completely replacing fossil fuels. Biden’s plan doesn’t come close to doing that, just getting to carbon neutral.

And I agree about nuclear energy, unfortunately nobody wants them in their back yard. And so we continue to kick the can down the road.
NIMBYism…. For all the ballyhoo about renewable energy, no one wants acres of solar panels or a windmill behind their house. Do you blame them?

Agree completely. Hey, I get it, conservatives are by nature averse to change. It’s in their nature. Especially older ones.

And what will help with energy independence? More renewable fuel sources. Why is that so hard to understand?
Those people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo better get cracking on digging up more cobalt.
They literally lost their stuff over Bud light promoting that Mulvaney person.

Trans kids is the distraction
No one lost anything. All I can really recall being over the line was hypocrite Kid Rock shooting a case of beer.

The base consumer was just put off enough to send a message.

And no, trans kids is the focus. There is no evidence normal everyday conservatives are going after trans people.
This is a great example of what people are talking about. This car salesman actually believes he knows more about Covid than 1776.
If you believe 1776 is actually a doctor I’ve got a nice used car to sell you. Only driven in Sundays by a little old lady…
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Honestly, I think it is due to lack of trust.
Older people … AKA Boomers … are from a generation who were told to “never trust anyone over 30” and had our drafted classmates and brethren lied to about Vietnam. We saw JFK, RFK, and MLK murdered. Saw kids shot up at Kent State.
The rest of you will understand why once we decide to trust on something we tend to be pretty tough about changing our minds.
If you believe 1776 is actually a doctor I’ve got a nice used car to sell you. Only driven in Sundays by a little old lady…
Sorry but you’re mistaken.
I suppose you think Ghost isn’t a plant though?
Older people … AKA Boomers … are from a generation who were told to “never trust anyone over 30” and had our drafted classmates and brethren lied to about Vietnam. We saw JFK, RFK, and MLK murdered. Saw kids shot up at Kent State.
The rest of you will understand why once we decide to trust on something we tend to be pretty tough about changing our minds.
It was a bad time to have a surname that started with a K ...
To be fair, there's an important distinction to be made: I am only willing to entertain opposing viewpoints from solid posters.

For instance, you have made it known that whatever the government and media tells you to believe about covid, that's what you believe. So I really don't care what you have to say on the topic, since you have proven that you are misinformed. And the irony is, they are about to push for masks and lockdowns again. It will be interesting to see if you have the courage to think for yourself when it starts (likely in the next few weeks) or if you will again go lockstep with the demands of the left.

@goldmom freely admits she adopts a different persona on this board than another board. And that in both cases she's trying to troll. But she also laments the fact that she gets called 'unAmerican'. I've never seen trolls who were also victims, but we seem to breed them here on this board somehow.

Watch how I react to our disingenuous posters like @kalimgoodman versus the ones like @armbar73 who have proven they can think critically about issues.

As I always said, I would *love* for there to be more HONEST middle or even left-leaning posters here. We only have a scant few.

Unfortunately, we are overrun with trolls. Who complain that we don't take them seriously AND that we call them out for being trolls. I've never understood that LOL
It’s interesting to me when you have posters that try to dish it, but can’t take it. Call others names, troll others and admit to it….

But the first time you call them on it and push back…..they cry about it.
I’m stuck in the middle here. Bud and Target can sell what they want to anyone and everyone they want. But no one has to buy any of it.
Dylan M was a horrendously stupid choice in hindsight and the really dumb thing is that it was an unforced error on Bud’s part from a dimwit with an Ivy degree and a zero understanding of her target audience. The mission is to sell the damn product - and not a point of view.
The same can be said for Target. Yet another unforced error.
Stay the hell out of politics and sell beer and kids bathing suits. Or quit business and go to work for some think tank non profit. Or catch on at freakin MSNBC. My late husband was a Sr. VP of Marketing for some very famous consumer products. He’s probably turning over in his grave.
Great, great post
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I’m not even sure what a plant is.

The guy was at his most prolific posting while claiming his hospital was overrun with Covid carnage.

He’s a troll, another fake professional troll.
Don't think so. He works the ER, primarily as a pulmonologist, I believe. He posted to blow off steam when dealing with the stress of life and death. i was in healthcare (although not life and death) so i understand the stress, which I dealt with by playing an ungodly amount of golf.

The AMA had an agenda and tried to make sure their members fell in line. The pressure on the docs was very real and they were censured if they didn't espouse the party line. That said, i think he tried to give us the best most up to date info he could. There are several pressure points the establishment could use to achieve solidarity. I get it, but don't like it. This is based on other docs I know pretty well ...
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If so, I was not aware of it, but that would certainly get you banned, if that were the case ...
Yes. He challenged Jason mano a mano and went out with a bang. We are not besties but we still talk, he's not a bad person. He was unaware that Jason called him out about something so I called him. He told me, "well watch this". 😂 He basically forced Jason to ban him. Truth. Later I asked him to reincarnate himself and he said, "no, he was wasting to much time here conversing with rutahds". He does have a south Georgia accent, which is amazing for a true eastern Indian trueblood.
No one lost anything. All I can really recall being over the line was hypocrite Kid Rock shooting a case of beer.

The base consumer was just put off enough to send a message.

And no, trans kids is the focus. There is no evidence normal everyday conservatives are going after trans people.
From this thread @BSC911 named multiple examples. Not to mention banning them in the armed forces. Like he said earlier, the Republicans are perfect and the Dems are bad.

You was going to always justify it.

They literally protested multiple businesses over gay and trans involvement and still are trying to tell me that conservatives got all love for them 😆. Man!
You May disagree with their Marketing Dept. and may even be correct that it was a bad idea in the short run because many homophobes drink Bud Lite, but I just saw a study today that the fall out is waning. Remember people burning their Nikes when they put Kapernick in a ad? Now their sales are better than ever. Perhaps they just want to expand their target audience. Who is it really hurting? No one was forced to buy a can with the Traanny on it.

Personally I dont drink that swill water or shop at Target anyway, so I don’t really care who they market to. I just don’t understand why some people care so much. And it’s really mostly the older generation anyway, so not really their target audience.
You left out woke Disney. The market has spoken. They keep grooming children, put out woke bomb movies, and up to their gills in debt. Get woke, go broke. Disney was a 190 dollar stock in 2021 AFTER covid. Now they are wallowing in their sorrows around 85. Captain Ron may not have killed their asses, but he put the nail in their coffin. Now there is talk about putting them on the chopping block to sell in pieces. Snow Brown and the 7 Pervs just doesn't resonate well with families.

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I think this board is pretty smart. I’ve learned a lot responding to posts and looking up information. I’ve actually learned that a lot of my arguments are founded on presumptions and assumptions and I’ve been surprised by some of the facts on these issues.

In general, the thing I really don’t get is how partisans can get behind something overbearing when their party is in power without understanding that some day, someone you don’t support is going to abuse power the same way.

People really underestimate the power of precedent and don’t see it when it’s happening.
Agree completely. Hey, I get it, conservatives are by nature averse to change. It’s in their nature. Especially older ones.

And what will help with energy independence? More renewable fuel sources. Why is that so hard to understand?
If you had even one ounce of non partisan moxy, you'd be on board with nuclear energy. You walk lockstep with the windmill fluffers, the electric vehicle boondoggle where the lithium mining and use of fossil fuels for electricity are completely ignored, the solar energy panel graveyard is worse than coal mining, etc. China Joe has done everything politically possible to kill oil and gas, all while claiming the exact opposite, and burning our reserves simultaneously, whatever is politically expedient for elections and such, Watch and learn, his puppet masters will lower interest rates next year in 2024 whether or not inflation has been curtailed.

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