So, what do you think of the board?

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Victor Hansen Davis had a very good piece on this. I have evolved my thinking on race and CRT over the years. Ice Cube also had a very good comment with Tucker C.

VHD said that race is ultimately about "Tribalism". It is about "when your back is up against the wall, which people are more likely to support you." It is your race. Why? Ultimately your first layer of support is family. By definition, you are the same race even if you have a bi-racial history. Your next layer(s) are cousins and extended family. Again, connected by race.

A natural intuitive connection is your part of the country which for decades, century and millenia are race. It is why, as VDH said, whites (the average white) or any other race would have a very difficult time in countries ranging from Japan, Iran, Saudia Arabia, Africa, South Korea and even Europe. We are the only multi-racial society, and not surprisingly, as the demographics change at warp speed (speed of illegals crossing the border), the ability to adapt is constrained.

So, in that context, CRT is natural. It is intuitive - to a point.
Now to Cube's point.

He said, and I fully agree, that Race is taking up "too much space" in today's discussion. Kalim and I should be able to get together, discuss politics, Gator football, music, etc. and I will treat him as a person, not a "race". Same with Vivek, Tim Scott, Ro Kanna (sp?) or anyone else.
😍I totally agree.
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Adult manner? You went on a profanity-laced tirade against me in the the thread that got deleted about Ray. You don't exhibit the "adult' behavior you're complaining about at all.

I agree on the "alerts" and I'm not a name caller, but if these two (Kalim and 1776) are your bastions of liberal logic that we're supposed to have meaningful interactions with you're a bigger troll than you get credit for.

Present logical, coherent arguments, outside of your masturbatory thread, that make sense and see how you're treated. But don't name call and troll and then whine about name calling and trolling.
Still butt hurt about the GOAT, I see. Why so afraid of posting there. I rarely read any other thread.

Kalim and 1776 are entitled to their opinions, or in 1776’s case his EXPERT opinion. And 1776 is hardly a liberal. If you think their “logic” is any worse than yours and most of the rest of your crew, you are severely overestimating yours. 1776 happens to be an expert in treating infectious diseases, but check how many times he was called a quack. Look at how Goldmom and others are treated just for supporting someone other than Trump.

Yes, you are not a name caller. I’ll give you that. That’s why you haven’t made my ignore list. While I was pissed about Ray getting banned, I hardly think my response was ”profanity laced.” That’s not in my character. Yes, if called names I will respond in kind but I have many conversations with Righties without resorting to childish name calling.

Regardless, your concept of presenting “logical, coherent arguments and see how you will be treated“ is a joke. I’ve tried to explain our current oil and gas industry and economic matters many times, with information from the EIA and BLS. But people still resort to the same tired arguments they hear on their slanted political news sites. You are as guilty of that as anyone. Look at the climate change thread. Long ago I posted statistics from scientists, but of course they are discredited while “it’s snowing here in Denver” is a valid response.

But bottom line, I stopped trying to have logical arguments with you people long ago. It’s fruitless and I have more important things that concern me.
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Thanks for that.

"Gotten rid of the one true liberal who helped balance the perspectives", now that is just hilarious and sad if you were serious. He spammed the board and race baited repeatedly. He was banned after receiving multiple warnings. His goal was to inflame so you can stop the revisionist history. I know he's your George Floyd, but he made his bed.

and after seeing you post for a period of time, it seems to me that you cherry pick the perceived, slights and respond in kind, and attempt to fight fire with fire which just escalates the animosity. Try taking a page out of grand Haven diddy's book.

Try bringing to the board that whIch you say is missing ...
Notice I didn’t say it wasn’t deserved, inflaming a Mod or owner is never a good idea, just that he helped balance the perspectives. Many people on here just want to spam and inflame. See the following Examples of Thread Titles:

Pinned PedoHitler Thread
Creepy Joey
Biden Crime wave
No Cure for Liberal Insanity

So he’s not alone there. The difference is he got banned and others are allowed to continue because they don’t have someone (ie Ghost) reporting them all the time. I continue to believe people should be able to post whatever they want unless it’s obviously racist or proposes violence. That’s what the ignore button is for if you dont like someone’s posts (I pulled some of those threads from my ignore list). No, Ray was banned because SOME people didnt like what he posted.

Of course I “cherry pick the perceived slights” and yes I do respond in kind. But that doesn’t change my overall impression, which you asked for and I gave my honest opinion. TIFWIW. Ask anyone not part of Ghost’s Trumper crew and they will say the same thing. I’m not asking you to change anything. And no, I’m not interested in trying to improve the quality of discussion here. It’s fruitless.
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Oh, OK, so the liberals adopt these horrible policies that divide us and we're not supposed to even discuss it so we aren't "talking about race"?

That's a tyrannical fascist take if I've ever seen one.
Show me where did I say that?
Personally I’m fine with intellectually honest discussions, regardless of ideology. I’ve mentioned before that the UK board has a pinned political thread, and the mods generally keep it that way. Sometimes I think I’d like to see that on this board, but it would require very active and sustained moderation to make it work. There are pros and cons to each way of managing the board. At the risk of coming across as a sycophant (lol) I think Fresno does an awesome job on this board.
Yes you are. You are the rare example of a Righty that I can have a discussion with, without any name calling. Agree?

Same with Evil Wayz, and from the olden days BONG. But you are the exception OTB now.
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Like they do with gays and trans? smh
Notice I didn’t say it wasn’t deserved, inflaming a Mod or owner is never a good idea, just that he helped balance the perspectives. Many people on here just want to spam and inflame. So he’s not alone there. The difference is he got banned and others are allowed to continue because they don’t have someone (ie Ghost) reporting them all the time. I continue to believe people should be able to post whatever they want unless it’s obviously racist or proposes violence. That’s what the ignore button is for if you dont like someone’s posts. No, Ray was banned because SOME people didnt like what he posted.

Of course I “cherry pick the perceived slights” and yes I do respond in kind. But that doesn’t change my overall impression, which you asked for and I gave my honest opinion. TIFWIW. Ask anyone not part of Ghost’s Trumper crew and they will say the same thing. I’m not asking you to change anything. And no, I’m not interested in trying to improve the quality of discussion here. It’s fruitless.
Again with the revisionist history, the guy was banned because he would not and could not follow the rules and no one reported him, those people you reference mostly had him on ignore. And the 1st amendment doesn't apply to this site and constant race-baiting will get you bounced. So, again, that's why your martyr got banned. Keep trying to spin it though.

And I appreciate your opinion even though you openly admit to being part of the problem and not the solution ...
Personally I’m fine with intellectually honest discussions, regardless of ideology. I’ve mentioned before that the UK board has a pinned political thread, and the mods generally keep it that way. Sometimes I think I’d like to see that on this board, but it would require very active and sustained moderation to make it work. There are pros and cons to each way of managing the board. At the risk of coming across as a sycophant (lol) I think Fresno does an awesome job on this board.
Hmmm… I don’t post often, but I’ll chime in to say please do NOT lump all the political discussion into one pinned thread.
I’ve enjoyed this board the past couple years (following ukalum’s recommendation) because the various current events/political subjects are posted individually.

As for the opportunity to actually read/discuss issues with people who might have differing opinions… I try to keep an open mind, but it’s obviously very difficult, these days. I place most of the blame for the communication breakdown on the Left. I find that their approach to any hot-button subject is usually disingenuous… and that’s the kindest way I can put it.
Again with the revisionist history, the guy was banned because he would not and could not follow the rules and no one reported him, those people you reference mostly had him on ignore. And the 1st amendment doesn't apply to this site and constant race-baiting will get you bounced. So, again, that's why your martyr got banned. Keep trying to spin it though.

And I appreciate your opinion even though you openly admit to being part of the problem and not the solution ...
Jason mentioned that he spent hours dealing with complaints in one of the threads about Ray. It made it sound like he got a lot of complaints about Ray.
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Again with the revisionist history, the guy was banned because he would not and could not follow the rules and no one reported him, those people you reference mostly had him on ignore. And the 1st amendment doesn't apply to this site and constant race-baiting will get you bounced. So, again, that's why your martyr got banned. Keep trying to spin it though.

And I appreciate your opinion even though you openly admit to being part of the problem and not the solution ...
I’m not spinning anything. And I’m not revising any history. Even Jason said he was banned because he kept getting reports, and Ghost even admitted it. I dI’d like your George Floyd reference though. Good call.

I never said you guys couldn’t run the site like you want. I just don’t like the way some things arent allowed while others are ignored which I believe are just as bad or worse. Again, JMO but I’m not in charge. Which is why you won’t see me here much. Win win for everyone.
Hmmm… I don’t post often, but I’ll chime in to say please do NOT lump all the political discussion into one pinned thread.
I’ve enjoyed this board the past couple years (following ukalum’s recommendation) because the various current events/political subjects are posted individually.

As for the opportunity to actually read/discuss issues with people who might have differing opinions… I try to keep an open mind, but it’s obviously very difficult, these days. I place most of the blame for the communication breakdown on the Left. I find that their approach to any hot-button subject is usually disingenuous… and that’s the kindest way I can put it.
This board was created to keep 'political' topics off the sports board. There should never be a need for a pinned thread.
Jason mentioned that he spent hours dealing with complaints in one of the threads about Ray. It made it sound like he got a lot of complaints about Ray.
I knew I wasn’t making that up. I thought I was losing it for a second.
It’s just different. Like I said, no introspection whatsoever. Conservatives are fair and balanced, liberals are evil. How many times have you read that OTB.
I fully expect him to reply with how it's different or use the word gaslighting.
Hmmm… I don’t post often, but I’ll chime in to say please do NOT lump all the political discussion into one pinned thread.
I’ve enjoyed this board the past couple years (following ukalum’s recommendation) because the various current events/political subjects are posted individually.

As for the opportunity to actually read/discuss issues with people who might have differing opinions… I try to keep an open mind, but it’s obviously very difficult, these days. I place most of the blame for the communication breakdown on the Left. I find that their approach to any hot-button subject is usually disingenuous… and that’s the kindest way I can put it.
LOL. Of course you place most of the blame on the Left. The Rights approach to hot button issues is so fair and honest. Like anything to do with Covid. Or abortion. Or race. Or climate change. Or the Economy (ie It’s all Biden’s fault).
Like they do with gays and trans? smh
Obama did not approve of gay marriage in 2008. Uganda, to this day, considers this punishable by death (or at least extended incarceration). I do not see China, Japan, No Korea, Saudi Arabia or any other culture supporting or embracing LGBTQIA+ culture.

Rap culture through at least 1999 was very anti-gay.

Conservatives, for what I have seen, is essentially a "live and let live". If people want to work, pay taxes, do a pride parade for adults, and be part of it - great. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

When you bring in drag shows into the classroom for kids under 18 and especially in elementary and middle school, that is a bridge too far, on the right and even the center-left.
I’m not spinning anything. And I’m not revising any history. Even Jason said he was banned because he kept getting reports, and Ghost even admitted it. I dI’d like your George Floyd reference though. Good call.

I never said you guys couldn’t run the site like you want. I just don’t like the way some things arent allowed while others are ignored which I believe are just as bad or worse. Again, JMO but I’m not in charge. Which is why you won’t see me here much. Win win for everyone.
Again, they must have contacted him directly ...
Obama did not approve of gay marriage in 2008. Uganda, to this day, considers this punishable by death (or at least extended incarceration). I do not see China, Japan, No Korea, Saudi Arabia or any other culture supporting or embracing LGBTQIA+ culture.

Rap culture through at least 1999 was very anti-gay.

Conservatives, for what I have seen, is essentially a "live and let live". If people want to work, pay taxes, do a pride parade for adults, and be part of it - great. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

When you bring in drag shows into the classroom for kids under 18 and especially in elementary and middle school, that is a bridge too far, on the right and even the center-left.
Agree about the drag shows but come on. Conservatives want to live and let live? Boycotting Bud Light, Target, etc because they want to market to LGBT people? Want to tell women that they have to give birth to unwanted fetuses? Respecting other religions? Not to mention their history of opposing the Civil Rights Act and interracial marriages.
Jason mentioned that he spent hours dealing with complaints in one of the threads about Ray. It made it sound like he got a lot of complaints about Ray.
That's because ray spent months here breaking board rules the entire time he was here.

Don't want to get banned, then don't break the rules. Again, we are all adults here, everyone knows how to avoid being banned.

BTW, I'm fine with the mods posting ALL the people I have EVER reported or complained about.

In fact, we can total up the number of my complaints versus the number of times @BSC911 has complained and have the mods lifetime ban the guy that has the most, if @BSC911 agrees.

But he won't, cause he knows he would get banned. As I said, pointless.
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Agree about the drag shows but come on. Conservatives want to live and let live? Boycotting Bud Light, Target, etc because they want to market to LGBT people? Want to tell women that they have to give birth to unwanted fetuses? Respecting other religions? Not to mention their history of opposing the Civil Rights Act and interracial marriages.
A lot to unpack there. One at a time.

First off, to the vehement arguing and, from their religious point of view (which I respect), moral dis-approbation , I am pro-choice. They believe in protecting the fetus or, in the case of Captain, they believe it should be a state decided issue and that RVW was improperly, as Ruth BG once concurred with, decided on the 14th amendment, privacy grounds. Ghost, says, morally, that he is doing more to protect brown and black babies than "so-called" civil rights leaders. Mathematically, he is right.

My view on the above, is that until the fetus is viable outside the womb, the rights of the mother prevail. Now, that can to bring the baby to term, put it up for adoption, or abort it. It should be safe, legal and rare. Very rare. I had a vasectomy back in 2006 as I would never want to be in that difficult moral situation. But, as you know (I believe you are a physician or perhaps that is 1776) procedures are never 100%, and should we be in that difficult place, I do not want the government telling me what to do.

I also do not want to lose elections over abortion. I want tight borders, law and order, fiscal restraint, etc. The biden administration only does that when the donor class makes it permissable to do so. It is VERY clear that Abortion is a loser issue in election after election after election. Hannity, Nancy Mace, anyone can see that. Even Captain is recognizing it (to his credit).

Bud light was corporate america doing virtual signaling. Hey, if Dylan wanted to have a beer, great. Symbolically, it was implying far more.

Respecting other religions is tougher. I was in a back and forth with a poster around Vivek. The discussion quickly devolved around his Hindu religion.

Let me say that Evangelicals/Conservatives are far more libertarian than they were in the 1980s with the moral majority. Not 100%, but generally true.

When you (one, not you specifically) push it on their kids, they say, "that is enough".|

That represents at least 80% of the conservatives that I know, but hey, by definition, it is a limited sample size.
That's because ray spent months here breaking board rules the entire time he was here.

Don't want to get banned, then don't break the rules. Again, we are all adults here, everyone knows how to avoid being banned.

BTW, I'm fine with the mods posting ALL the people I have EVER reported or complained about.

In fact, we can total up the number of my complaints versus the number of times @BSC911 has complained and have the mods lifetime ban the guy that has the most, if @BSC911 agrees.

But he won't, cause he knows he would get banned. As I said, pointless.
Agree with the top part.

Bolded part will have no mod participation. You fellas are on your own with that ...
A lot to unpack there. One at a time.

First off, to the vehement arguing and, from their religious point of view (which I respect), moral dis-approbation , I am pro-choice. They believe in protecting the fetus or, in the case of Captain, they believe it should be a state decided issue and that RVW was improperly, as Ruth BG once concurred with, decided on the 14th amendment, privacy grounds. Ghost, says, morally, that he is doing more to protect brown and black babies than "so-called" civil rights leaders. Mathematically, he is right.

My view on the above, is that until the fetus is viable outside the womb, the rights of the mother prevail. Now, that can to bring the baby to term, put it up for adoption, or abort it. It should be safe, legal and rare. Very rare. I had a vasectomy back in 2006 as I would never want to be in that difficult moral situation. But, as you know (I believe you are a physician or perhaps that is 1776) procedures are never 100%, and should we be in that difficult place, I do not want the government telling me what to do.

I also do not want to lose elections over abortion. I want tight borders, law and order, fiscal restraint, etc. The biden administration only does that when the donor class makes it permissable to do so. It is VERY clear that Abortion is a loser issue in election after election after election. Hannity, Nancy Mace, anyone can see that. Even Captain is recognizing it (to his credit).

Bud light was corporate america doing virtual signaling. Hey, if Dylan wanted to have a beer, great. Symbolically, it was implying far more.

Respecting other religions is tougher. I was in a back and forth with a poster around Vivek. The discussion quickly devolved around his Hindu religion.

Let me say that Evangelicals/Conservatives are far more libertarian than they were in the 1980s with the moral majority. Not 100%, but generally true.

When you (one, not you specifically) push it on their kids, they say, "that is enough".|

That represents at least 80% of the conservatives that I know, but hey, by definition, it is a limited sample size.
good post, agree ...
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