So, what do you think of the board?

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Hmmm… I don’t post often, but I’ll chime in to say please do NOT lump all the political discussion into one pinned thread.
I’ve enjoyed this board the past couple years (following ukalum’s recommendation) because the various current events/political subjects are posted individually.

As for the opportunity to actually read/discuss issues with people who might have differing opinions… I try to keep an open mind, but it’s obviously very difficult, these days. I place most of the blame for the communication breakdown on the Left. I find that their approach to any hot-button subject is usually disingenuous… and that’s the kindest way I can put it.
Thanks for replying, I’ve always respected your opinion. Did you get banned on the UK board or just decide not to post there anymore? I don’t think I’ve seen you post over there in quite some time.
Agree with the top part.

Bolded part will have no mod participation. You fellas are on your own with that ...
I know LOL Just making a point how silly it is for a poster to try to misrepresent their actions to a board that knows who they are better than they know themselves.
Yes you are. You are the rare example of a Righty that I can have a discussion with, without any name calling. Agree?

Same with Evil Wayz, and from the olden days BONG. But you are the exception OTB now.
Agreed. I’ll come out and say that I like you and think we could be friends given our previous email exchanges outside of this board. Even though our politics don’t perfectly align, as a fellow Catholic I respect your standing up for the faith when attacked by others OTB.
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I agree. I was referencing ukalum’s mention of UK’s non-sports board… which DID lump everything ‘political’ into one catch-all thread.
They still do….. When a thread on Rupps Rafters starts talking about Ashley Judd or Rex Chapman, it usually gets dumped into the Political Thread in short order.
Grand and I agree on almost everything. But I’ve never been polled by any group and neither has anyone else I know who thinks this way.
I’m not a hardcore supporter of the former President and would emphatically say so if polled.
But to some here that makes me anything but an American.
I will never be able to understand that “reasoning” nor will I ever identify with leftists who are fine with a puppet suffering from dementia.
IMO neither group puts America first.
LOL. Of course you place most of the blame on the Left. The Rights approach to hot button issues is so fair and honest. Like anything to do with Covid. Or abortion. Or race. Or climate change. Or the Economy (ie It’s all Biden’s fault).

“Anything” to do with those? Ok. I’ll try.
(Hopefully, I’m crossing no lines with the mods.)

The Left’s propaganda has had the overwhelming advantage of the MSM and Social Media pushing and protecting their agenda, these past several years.

Rs wanted to know why Natural Immunity wasn’t even being discussed, and what were the (surely, there were some) side effects of the vax.
The Left used censorship to stop those very reasonable conversations.

Many Rs sat on the sidelines… until abortion-supporters mentioned adding killing the child AFTER it was born to the list of ‘rights.’
The Left says that’s false… or that it’s so rare, it need not be questioned.

Rs say look at “every weekend in Chicago.”
Ls — “White Supremacy!”

Climate change:
Rs remind people that experts previously said we were supposed to freeze. Then it changed to drowning. Now, we’ll burn. And I think freezing is coming back into fashion, at the moment.
Ls — We’re going to have to change the terminology, again. Let’s try “Planetary Disfunctionalization!”

So, I’ve just tried to respond in a respectful manner with what I believe to be an accurate assessment of the topics you’ve mentioned… in as brief a manner, as possible. Do you find my typical R point of view to be disingenuous?

(As for the Economy… I’ll have to get to that, later.)
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Quick answer.

Anyone can call me whatever they want. Why? Because I don’t care. It’s silly if one does.

And again, if one wears a clown suit to work and gets upset about being called a clown….should the person that called them a clown be punished, or should the clown take ownership?

My suggestion? We go back to childhood when our parents taught us …..sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will NEVER hurt me. Apparently that isn’t true for some.

And For those that support the first amendment, it doesn’t parse words about speech we don’t like. Like Speech that offends us, insinuates things, name calling, questioning, hate speech etc. know why? Because that slippery slope is tough to climb back up once you go down it.

And yes, I realize this is a private business, but if you believe in free speech….then we should all practice what we preach.

Just my two cents.

Also FWIW, there was serious ambiguity in what you were referencing. Hell, I still don’t know what EXACTLY you were taking issue with. Be bold, call it out. Quote it….something.

I get called mean things 100+ times per day. So far I'm cancer I've got that going for me.
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“Anything” to do with those? Ok. I’ll try.
(Hopefully, I’m crossing no lines with the mods.)

The Left’s propaganda has had the overwhelming advantage of the MSM and Social Media pushing and protecting their agenda, these past several years.

Rs wanted to know why Natural Immunity wasn’t even being discussed, and what were the (surely, there were some) side effects of the vax.
The Left used censorship to stop those very reasonable conversations.

Many Rs sat on the sidelines… until abortion-supporters mentioned adding killing the child AFTER it was born to the list of ‘rights.’
The Left says that’s false… or that it’s so rare, it need not be questioned.

Rs say look at “every weekend in Chicago.”
Ls — “White Supremacy!”

Climate change:
Rs remind people that experts previously said we were supposed to freeze. Then it changed to drowning. Now, we’ll burn. And I think freezing is coming back into fashion, at the moment.
Ls — We’re going to have to change the terminology, again. Let’s try “Planetary Disfunctionalization!”

So, I’ve just tried to respond in a respectful manner with what I believe to be an accurate assessment of the topics you’ve mentioned… in as brief a manner, as possible Do you find my typical R point of view to be disingenuous?

(As for the Economy… I’ll get to that, later.)
Pretty good post.

Let me add to the issue of climate change:
Per the right, yes, the climate is changing - it always has and always will. However, there is zero proof that any of our efforts or money spent will have a demonstrable or predictable effect on it in the future. All of these green / sustainable efforts are a fool's errand, especially since China and India are by far the world's biggest polluters.
Removing fossil fuels and relying on EVs is simply pushing an unproven agenda. There is more, but that's enough for now ...
Obama did not approve of gay marriage in 2008. Uganda, to this day, considers this punishable by death (or at least extended incarceration). I do not see China, Japan, No Korea, Saudi Arabia or any other culture supporting or embracing LGBTQIA+ culture.

Rap culture through at least 1999 was very anti-gay.

Conservatives, for what I have seen, is essentially a "live and let live". If people want to work, pay taxes, do a pride parade for adults, and be part of it - great. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

When you bring in drag shows into the classroom for kids under 18 and especially in elementary and middle school, that is a bridge too far, on the right and even the center-left.

Yes. I do not care what you do. Don't do it in front of my kids and don't ask for extra protection for your rights. The same rights as I have will suffice.

Yes, people will hate gay people just like they hate other groups. Hate poisons the hater, not the hated...and they have the right to poison themselves if that's their thing.
They still do….. When a thread on Rupps Rafters starts talking about Ashley Judd or Rex Chapman, it usually gets dumped into the Political Thread in short order.

Ha! Yeah, I can see why the mods move those.

No, I wasn’t banned over there. Basically, I left when the basketball team went “woke.” It was like a switch had flipped inside my brain, and just like that… my passion (lifelong fan) for UK was gone. And I don’t care for Calipari, either.

As for posting, I don’t usually have the time. Today is the exception to the rule.

(Note: I have filed your mention of Catholic membership for a future chat.)
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Agree about the drag shows but come on. Conservatives want to live and let live? Boycotting Bud Light, Target, etc because they want to market to LGBT people? Want to tell women that they have to give birth to unwanted fetuses? Respecting other religions? Not to mention their history of opposing the Civil Rights Act and interracial marriages.

So in order to be a good person, they have to agree with everything that you agree with? Boycotting Bud Light makes you a horrible person? It makes you a bigot?

You (meaning anyone) are free to be trans, gay or identify as a cat if you like. I am free to boycott products that promote crap that I don't support. That doesn't mean that I hate cat people. Also, I've always hated Bud so no, I didn't boycott.

Your view here is far more fascist than the view of the people who you are complaining about.

And PS, in my personal experience, what Ive seen...there's far more interracial marriage in the conservative south than in the liberal NE. Out west it's certainly different...literally anything goes and no one cares (save being Asian...which is weird). Philadelphia is easily the most racist place I've ever lived (briefly) but the communities around Boston, Newark, ect are no slouches either.

Hell, in the NE...they’re racist/xenophobic about crap that isn't even considered in the south (Italian, Irish, Eastern European, ect).
Like they do with gays and trans? smh
Do conservatives have issues with trans or people trying to trans kids?

I really don't think, outside of the hard religious right (which is represented here), the avg conservative cares much what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes.

I have gay relatives that I love very much, couldn't care less as long as they are happy.

I am angry that that openness has been taken advantage of and now we're transing kids without parental consent and hosting drag queen story hours at libraries though.
Agree about the drag shows but come on. Conservatives want to live and let live? Boycotting Bud Light, Target, etc because they want to market to LGBT people? Want to tell women that they have to give birth to unwanted fetuses? Respecting other religions? Not to mention their history of opposing the Civil Rights Act and interracial marriages.
Trump was the first President to enter the WH in favor of gay marriage, and has had meaningful relationships with immigrants and minorities in his personal life, so it's nice to see you come around on him.

And boycotts were a direct result of companies not knowing their customer. The avg Bud Light drinker is I'm sure fine with most LGBTQ issues, but the person they picked to advertise their product is a freaking cartoon - who, I'm sure you know, prefers women to men. She's a bit, an act - I don't know one real woman who acts anything like her. The avg Bud Light drinker has a beer after work to get away from the hard turn the Left is imposing on society, and instead you rub their nose in it? Not good business.

Same with Target - they operate in suburban and rural markets, seeing an entire "tucking" and "binding" section meant for kids doesn't fit with their clientele and their morals, leave the damn kids out of it.

And no one burned a store down or caused violence, they just gave feedback with their wallets. It's a free country, at least for a little while longer. I know how much that triggers you.
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Do conservatives have issues with trans or people trying to trans kids?

I really don't think, outside of the hard religious right (which is represented here), the avg conservative cares much what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes.

I have gay relatives that I love very much, couldn't care less as long as they are happy.

I am angry that that openness has been taken advantage of and now we're transing kids without parental consent and hosting drag queen story hours at libraries though.
This is EXACTLY where I stand...and I might add forcing wokeness on our great military is despicable. We should NEVER kowtow to .4% of the population with mental disorders(trannies) Gays I have ZERO problems with
I'm far more willing to entertain opposing viewpoints than you are. See the gun debates, you can only see your side and anyone that has a different viewpoint you view as a 'gun nut' with zero consideration of their POV.

Just as a society shouldn't embrace people that wish to do it harm, neither should this board. It doesn't make it 'vibrant' to embrace trolls that are only here to draw attention to themselves and attack others.

This was my original point, the top priority should IMO be the elimination of trolls and posters who are only here to troll. There's been many solid posters who left this board completely due to trolls. 1776's idiocy in the covid thread permanently ran off several of our best posters.

If we end up with a board that's free of trolls and 90% of the board agrees politically and there's very little fighting......I don't see how that's an undesireable outcome, even if we also have the dreaded 'echo chamber'.

But I can see how the trolls would disagree.
Call me a troll if you wish. I read the Swamp frequently. I occasionally read some of these threads in the Parking Lot and once in a while comment. I have not read this whole thread. I stopped at this post. Oh man, What a crock! I believe what drove off 1776 was the complete one sided vitriol towards any comment not conforming to the general right wing lean of the majority of the posters. What's the use of posting if it will be shot down out of hand? I first entered the Parking Lot a few years ago and thought I would learn something or have a smart discourse with others. I was immediately attacked by most of the group concerning my views on Covid, for example. It was like a feeding frenzy - "We have fresh blood to attack!" No give and take save for a few more sensible posters. You make it sound like the Parking Lot belongs to the radical right and anyone else who enters is a troll or interloper and should not be there. I do not see in the Parking Lot rules that one must lean to a certain political party to participate.
And to say you, Ghost, are "willing to entertain opposing viewpoints" is laughable. Never have I seen you agree or understand a viewpoint other than your own. Although, I do admit I do not read most of your posts anymore.
Call me a troll if you wish. I read the Swamp frequently. I occasionally read some of these threads in the Parking Lot and once in a while comment. I have not read this whole thread. I stopped at this post. Oh man, What a crock! I believe what drove off 1776 was the complete one sided vitriol towards any comment not conforming to the general right wing lean of the majority of the posters. What's the use of posting if it will be shot down out of hand? I first entered the Parking Lot a few years ago and thought I would learn something or have a smart discourse with others. I was immediately attacked by most of the group concerning my views on Covid, for example. It was like a feeding frenzy - "We have fresh blood to attack!" No give and take save for a few more sensible posters. You make it sound like the Parking Lot belongs to the radical right and anyone else who enters is a troll or interloper and should not be there. I do not see in the Parking Lot rules that one must lean to a certain political party to participate.
And to say you, Ghost, are "willing to entertain opposing viewpoints" is laughable. Never have I seen you agree or understand a viewpoint other than your own. Although, I do admit I do not read most of your posts anymore.
Some people are too soft...I get it. You do need some thick skin to banter in here. It is not for everyone. 1776 lied about covid. He put his politics above everything. And he got ran off because now the facts have come out...and he was proven wrong. But I guess any doctor that had as much time to post on a message board as he did must not be very busy! LOL I was actually VERY surprised he would even show up here after almost EVERYTHING he posted turned out to be wrong. And the parking lot belongs to Jason one else. I am quite aware of that.
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“Anything” to do with those? Ok. I’ll try.
(Hopefully, I’m crossing no lines with the mods.)

The Left’s propaganda has had the overwhelming advantage of the MSM and Social Media pushing and protecting their agenda, these past several years.

Rs wanted to know why Natural Immunity wasn’t even being discussed, and what were the (surely, there were some) side effects of the vax.
The Left used censorship to stop those very reasonable conversations.

Many Rs sat on the sidelines… until abortion-supporters mentioned adding killing the child AFTER it was born to the list of ‘rights.’
The Left says that’s false… or that it’s so rare, it need not be questioned.

Rs say look at “every weekend in Chicago.”
Ls — “White Supremacy!”

Climate change:
Rs remind people that experts previously said we were supposed to freeze. Then it changed to drowning. Now, we’ll burn. And I think freezing is coming back into fashion, at the moment.
Ls — We’re going to have to change the terminology, again. Let’s try “Planetary Disfunctionalization!”

So, I’ve just tried to respond in a respectful manner with what I believe to be an accurate assessment of the topics you’ve mentioned… in as brief a manner, as possible. Do you find my typical R point of view to be disingenuous?

(As for the Economy… I’ll have to get to that, later.)
I have no problem with your take, although quite a bit simplistic and not representative of most here. You’ve also cherry picked the extreme Left, who are just as disingenuous. No argument her.

It’s nothing more than a cold and people aren’t really dying from it. The vaccine is dangerous kills more people than it saves.

Let’s ban it even before the woman knows she’s preggo, and even ban the Morning After pill. Life begins at conception.

Climate Change.
The glaciers aren’t melting, they are growing. The seas aren’t rising. It’s all a hoax and a money grab. It snowed in “name the city.” PS. It was George Bush that changed the terminology from global warming to climate change. Just the fact that you admit to global warming makes you a RINO on here.

Way too simplistic to even discuss. And what does Chicago have to do with anything. That’s just a deflection.

All of those are actual positions many on here take. I’m not making those up. So if you are saying there are many on the Far Left who are just as disingenuous, sure, I’ll buy that, but never from any of the posters OTB. . But don’t act like the Righties OTB try to be reasonable in their take. Anything left of far right is considered to be a RINO. Heck, even your buddy UKAlum was blasted for admitting Trump actually lost the election.
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And to say you, Ghost, are "willing to entertain opposing viewpoints" is laughable. Never have I seen you agree or understand a viewpoint other than your own. Although, I do admit I do not read most of your posts anymore.
To be fair, there's an important distinction to be made: I am only willing to entertain opposing viewpoints from solid posters.

For instance, you have made it known that whatever the government and media tells you to believe about covid, that's what you believe. So I really don't care what you have to say on the topic, since you have proven that you are misinformed. And the irony is, they are about to push for masks and lockdowns again. It will be interesting to see if you have the courage to think for yourself when it starts (likely in the next few weeks) or if you will again go lockstep with the demands of the left.

@goldmom freely admits she adopts a different persona on this board than another board. And that in both cases she's trying to troll. But she also laments the fact that she gets called 'unAmerican'. I've never seen trolls who were also victims, but we seem to breed them here on this board somehow.

Watch how I react to our disingenuous posters like @kalimgoodman versus the ones like @armbar73 who have proven they can think critically about issues.

As I always said, I would *love* for there to be more HONEST middle or even left-leaning posters here. We only have a scant few.

Unfortunately, we are overrun with trolls. Who complain that we don't take them seriously AND that we call them out for being trolls. I've never understood that LOL
Call me a troll if you wish. I read the Swamp frequently. I occasionally read some of these threads in the Parking Lot and once in a while comment. I have not read this whole thread. I stopped at this post. Oh man, What a crock! I believe what drove off 1776 was the complete one sided vitriol towards any comment not conforming to the general right wing lean of the majority of the posters. What's the use of posting if it will be shot down out of hand? I first entered the Parking Lot a few years ago and thought I would learn something or have a smart discourse with others. I was immediately attacked by most of the group concerning my views on Covid, for example. It was like a feeding frenzy - "We have fresh blood to attack!" No give and take save for a few more sensible posters. You make it sound like the Parking Lot belongs to the radical right and anyone else who enters is a troll or interloper and should not be there. I do not see in the Parking Lot rules that one must lean to a certain political party to participate.
And to say you, Ghost, are "willing to entertain opposing viewpoints" is laughable. Never have I seen you agree or understand a viewpoint other than your own. Although, I do admit I do not read most of your posts anymore.
Thank you. That was exactly my point. The fact that Fresno can’t acknowledge that fact is why the Board has become what it is. A far right wing echo chamber.
Trump was the first President to enter the WH in favor of gay marriage, and has had meaningful relationships with immigrants and minorities in his personal life, so it's nice to see you come around on him.

And boycotts were a direct result of companies not knowing their customer. The avg Bud Light drinker is I'm sure fine with most LGBTQ issues, but the person they picked to advertise their product is a freaking cartoon - who, I'm sure you know, prefers women to men. She's a bit, an act - I don't know one real woman who acts anything like her. The avg Bud Light drinker has a beer after work to get away from the hard turn the Left is imposing on society, and instead you rub their nose in it? Not good business.

Same with Target - they operate in suburban and rural markets, seeing an entire "tucking" and "binding" section meant for kids doesn't fit with their clientele and their morals, leave the damn kids out of it.

And no one burned a store down or caused violence, they just gave feedback with their wallets. It's a free country, at least for a little while longer. I know how much that triggers you.
Who said anything about Trump. I’m talking about posters OTB.

Yeah, a free country as long as companies don’t advertise to gays and trannies. That’s what triggers you lot.
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Thank you. That was exactly my point. The fact that Fresno can’t acknowledge that fact is why the Board has become what it is. A far right wing echo chamber.
Yes, it's all my fault. How dense I must be to not see it.

As I have said before, you see inappropriate behavior / bullying then bring it to my attention ...
Pretty good post.

Let me add to the issue of climate change:
Per the right, yes, the climate is changing - it always has and always will. However, there is zero proof that any of our efforts or money spent will have a demonstrable or predictable effect on it in the future. All of these green / sustainable efforts are a fool's errand, especially since China and India are by far the world's biggest polluters.
Removing fossil fuels and relying on EVs is simply pushing an unproven agenda. There is more, but that's enough for now ...
Let’s just say that the actual experts, ie scientists, disagree with your take. It’s not a Left nor Right issue. And you probably don’t know that China is spending multiples of what the US does on alternative energy. The Right should quit using them as an excuse not to do anything.

And no one, especially me, is saying to remove ALL fossil fuels. That’s quite a straw man you’ve built there. We’re talking about becoming carbon neutral.
Do conservatives have issues with trans or people trying to trans kids?

I really don't think, outside of the hard religious right (which is represented here), the avg conservative cares much what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes.

I have gay relatives that I love very much, couldn't care less as long as they are happy.

I am angry that that openness has been taken advantage of and now we're transing kids without parental consent and hosting drag queen story hours at libraries though.
Precisely what I said. Reflects 80%+ of conservatives that I speak with.
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Yes, it's all my fault. How dense I must be to not see it.

As I have said before, you see inappropriate behavior / bullying then bring it to my attention ...
And as I’ve said, it’s not my job. You can see it if you care to. Everyone else can.

And I actually don’t really care. I’m just explaining why this board has become what it is, as the poster above, and many others that have PM’d me and left the board, have indicated.

You asked the question. Don’t get so defensive when you don’t hear what you want to hear.
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Let’s just say that the actual experts, ie scientists, disagree with your take. It’s not a Left nor Right issue. And you probably don’t know that China is spending multiples of what the US does on alternative energy. The Right should quit using them as an excuse not to do anything.

And no one, especially me, is saying to remove ALL fossil fuels. That’s quite a straw man you’ve built there. We’re talking about becoming carbon neutral.
The right has been far from perfect here, starting with "flip-flop" Lindsey Graham. First they denied there was any temperature movement and then came to a reasonable place on it.

On the right, banning FF for EV sales in 2035 is certainly a "removal motion".
Some people are too soft...I get it. You do need some thick skin to banter in here. It is not for everyone. 1776 lied about covid. He put his politics above everything. And he got ran off because now the facts have come out...and he was proven wrong. But I guess any doctor that had as much time to post on a message board as he did must not be very busy! LOL I was actually VERY surprised he would even show up here after almost EVERYTHING he posted turned out to be wrong. And the parking lot belongs to Jason one else. I am quite aware of that.
This is a great example of what people are talking about. This car salesman actually believes he knows more about Covid than 1776.
Who said anything about Trump. I’m talking about posters OTB.

Yeah, a free country as long as companies don’t advertise to gays and trannies. That’s what triggers you lot.
I’m stuck in the middle here. Bud and Target can sell what they want to anyone and everyone they want. But no one has to buy any of it.
Dylan M was a horrendously stupid choice in hindsight and the really dumb thing is that it was an unforced error on Bud’s part from a dimwit with an Ivy degree and a zero understanding of her target audience. The mission is to sell the damn product - and not a point of view.
The same can be said for Target. Yet another unforced error.
Stay the hell out of politics and sell beer and kids bathing suits. Or quit business and go to work for some think tank non profit. Or catch on at freakin MSNBC. My late husband was a Sr. VP of Marketing for some very famous consumer products. He’s probably turning over in his grave.
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Let’s just say that the actual experts, ie scientists, disagree with your take. It’s not a Left nor Right issue. And you probably don’t know that China is spending multiples of what the US does on alternative energy. The Right should quit using them as an excuse not to do anything.

And no one, especially me, is saying to remove ALL fossil fuels. That’s quite a straw man you’ve built there. We’re talking about becoming carbon neutral.
Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom want them gone.

No predictions have ever been correct. "Experts" have been wrong the entire time and there is no consensus. The 97% agreement the left uses is just a lie.

And what good is carbon neutrality and to what end?

China and India pollute massively, regardless of what they spend on alternative energy. Talk about a straw man ...
The right has been far from perfect here, starting with "flip-flop" Lindsey Graham. First they denied there was any temperature movement and then came to a reasonable place on it.

On the right, banning FF for EV sales in 2035 is certainly a "removal motion".
Exactly. But what is “reasonable.” Like Fresno said above, “all of these green/sustainable efforts are a fools errand.” Are CAFE standards unreasonable? Is investing in alternative energy sources unreasonable? Most on here think so. It’s all a fools errand.

And why is it so important to have gasoline powered cars? Isn’t the point of transportation to get from one place to the other? What is the problem with having a cleaner method of transportation? why do have to have coal plants to power our electricity?
And as I’ve said, it’s not my job. You can see it if you care to. Everyone else can.

And I actually don’t really care. I’m just explaining why this board has become what it is, as the poster above, and many others that have PM’d me and left the board, have indicated.

You asked the question. Don’t get so defensive when you don’t hear what you want to hear.
I don't see every post here. Sounded to me like you are scapegoating and that's fine if you feel that way, I did ask ...
Exactly. But what is “reasonable.” Like Fresno said above, “all of these green/sustainable efforts are a fools errand.” Are CAFE standards unreasonable? Is investing in alternative energy sources unreasonable? Most on here think so. It’s all a fools errand.

And why is it so important to have gasoline powered cars? Isn’t the point of transportation to get from one place to the other? What is the problem with having a cleaner method of transportation? why do have to have coal plants to power our electricity?
Until we make cold fusion a reality, nuclear energy is the cleanest alternative.

“all of these green/sustainable efforts are a fools errand" - if you think they will completely replace what we have. they are fine as supplements, but are not reliable as a major source of energy ...
I’m stuck in the middle here. Bud and Target can sell what they want to anyone and everyone they want. But no one has to buy any of it.
Dylan M was a horrendously stupid choice in hindsight and the really dumb thing is that it was an unforced error on Bud’s part from a dimwit with an Ivy degree and a zero understanding of her target audience. The mission is to sell the damn product - and not a point of view.
The same can be said for Target. Yet another unforced error.
Stay the hell out of politics and sell beer and kids bathing suits. Or quit business and go to work for some think tank non profit. Or catch on at freakin MSNBC. My late husband was a St. VP of Marketing for some very famous consumer products. He’s probably turning over in his grave.
You May disagree with their Marketing Dept. and may even be correct that it was a bad idea in the short run because many homophobes drink Bud Lite, but I just saw a study today that the fall out is waning. Remember people burning their Nikes when they put Kapernick in a ad? Now their sales are better than ever. Perhaps they just want to expand their target audience. Who is it really hurting? No one was forced to buy a can with the Tranny on it.

Personally I dont drink that swill water or shop at Target anyway, so I don’t really care who they market to. I just don’t understand why some people care so much. And it’s really mostly the older generation anyway, so not really their target audience.
To be fair, there's an important distinction to be made: I am only willing to entertain opposing viewpoints from solid posters.

For instance, you have made it known that whatever the government and media tells you to believe about covid, that's what you believe. So I really don't care what you have to say on the topic, since you have proven that you are misinformed. And the irony is, they are about to push for masks and lockdowns again. It will be interesting to see if you have the courage to think for yourself when it starts (likely in the next few weeks) or if you will again go lockstep with the demands of the left.

@goldmom freely admits she adopts a different persona on this board than another board. And that in both cases she's trying to troll. But she also laments the fact that she gets called 'unAmerican'. I've never seen trolls who were also victims, but we seem to breed them here on this board somehow.

Watch how I react to our disingenuous posters like @kalimgoodman versus the ones like @armbar73 who have proven they can think critically about issues.

As I always said, I would *love* for there to be more HONEST middle or even left-leaning posters here. We only have a scant few.

Unfortunately, we are overrun with trolls. Who complain that we don't take them seriously AND that we call them out for being trolls. I've never understood that LOL
You are the supreme troll who decides who is or is not a “solid” poster? Who died and left you in charge?
I am considered a flaming right winger on another board yet I’m told I am not a real American on this board. So that makes me a troll? Newsflash: I am an American, I’m a real person and fakes like you are the real menace. I say the same thing to the hard lefties on other sites.
Your job as a plant operative is to keep certain dimwits in the Trump camp and it’s very apparent to me and others who I DM with.
Social media is full of people like you.
So in that regard both you and the other lefty trolls both have the same mission-get Trump nominated so that the Delaware Dimwit is re-elected.
You don’t put America first. For shame.
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You May disagree with their Marketing Dept. and may even be correct that it was a bad idea in the short run because many homophobes drink Bud Lite, but I just saw a study today that the fall out is waning. Remember people burning their Nikes when they put Kapernick in a ad? Now their sales are better than ever. Perhaps they just want to expand their target audience. Who is it really hurting? No one was forced to buy a can with the Tranny on it.

Personally I dont drink that swill water or shop at Target anyway, so I don’t really care who they market to. I just don’t understand why some people care so much. And it’s really mostly the older generation anyway, so not really their target audience.
I agree it will blow over with time. But the older generation aren’t big Bud drinkers. And Target has gotten a bit pricey for a lot of people and not just older folks.
I don't see every post here. Sounded to me like you are scapegoating and that's fine if you feel that way, I did ask ...
Exactly. You respond to who complains the loudest. ieGhost and Crew.

And I don’t really blame you. I wouldn’t spend much time here either. The place is a cess pool. But you do get paid the big bucks to Moderate so it is ultimately your responsibility.
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Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom want them gone.

No predictions have ever been correct. "Experts" have been wrong the entire time and there is no consensus. The 97% agreement the left uses is just a lie.

And what good is carbon neutrality and to what end?

China and India pollute massively, regardless of what they spend on alternative energy. Talk about a straw man ...
Of course some predictions have been correct. Just not the extreme ones the Right always use as an excuse not to do anything.

Here are some.
The earth’s temperatures will warm. Correct. Pretty obvious these past two years.
The seas will rise. Correct. See increased flooding. OK, not as fast as Al Gore said, but he’s just one extreme.
There will be more extreme weather events. Also correct.

And the worst is yet to come if the warming trend isn’t slowed down. Carbon neutrality does that.
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You are the supreme troll who decides who is or is not a “solid” poster? Who died and left you in charge?
I am considered a flaming right winger on another board yet I’m told I am not a real American on this board. So that makes me a troll? Newsflash: I am an American, I’m a real person and fakes like you are the real menace. I say the same thing to the hard lefties on other sites.
Your job as a plant operative is to keep certain dimwits in the Trump camp and it’s very apparent to me and others who I DM with.
Social media is full of people like you.
So in that regard both you and the other lefty trolls both have the same mission-get Trump nominated so that the Delaware Dimwit is re-elected.
You don’t put America first. For shame.
Typical Ghost retort. Call anyone who disagrees with him a troll. That’s a big part of his strategy.
Exactly. But what is “reasonable.” Like Fresno said above, “all of these green/sustainable efforts are a fools errand.” Are CAFE standards unreasonable? Is investing in alternative energy sources unreasonable? Most on here think so. It’s all a fools errand.

And why is it so important to have gasoline powered cars? Isn’t the point of transportation to get from one place to the other? What is the problem with having a cleaner method of transportation? why do have to have coal plants to power our electricity?
I happen to disagree, strongly, with Fresno here. I think alternative energy is a good source - especially if you can get into a "closed loop" situation where your solar panels can power your home, your cars, etc. It also makes you less reliant on the grid.

I also think that "green" means "use less". An example is "return to work". The irony, of course, is that Democratic mayors and governors want people to spend loads of carbon, dry cleaning materials so that they can prop up local spending at the expense of the environment, household budgets, families, etc. It even go against gender equity.

I do NOT agree that we should give away energy independence. I also think that we can, greatly, over-sell the EV benefits and that the left "greenwashes" horrors such as child labor in artisinal mines in Africa.
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Until we make cold fusion a reality, nuclear energy is the cleanest alternative.

“all of these green/sustainable efforts are a fools errand" - if you think they will completely replace what we have. they are fine as supplements, but are not reliable as a major source of energy ...
And as I said, No one (well almost no one) is talking about completely replacing fossil fuels. Biden’s plan doesn’t come close to doing that, just getting to carbon neutral.

And I agree about nuclear energy, unfortunately nobody wants them in their back yard. And so we continue to kick the can down the road.
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