So, what do you think of the board?

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I think this board is pretty smart. I’ve learned a lot responding to posts and looking up information. I’ve actually learned that a lot of my arguments are founded on presumptions and assumptions and I’ve been surprised by some of the facts on these issues.

In general, the thing I really don’t get is how partisans can get behind something overbearing when their party is in power without understanding that some day, someone you don’t support is going to abuse power the same way.

People really underestimate the power of precedent and don’t see it when it’s happening.
Lots of MDFers and Cucky's are mourning the day Dirty Harry Reid went nuclear on SCOTUS justices. 😆
If you had even one ounce of non partisan moxy, you'd be on board with nuclear energy. You walk lockstep with the windmill fluffers, the electric vehicle boondoggle where the lithium mining and use of fossil fuels for electricity are completely ignored, the solar energy panel graveyard is worse than coal mining, etc. China Joe has done everything politically possible to kill oil and gas, all while claiming the exact opposite, and burning our reserves simultaneously, whatever is politically expedient for elections and such, Watch and learn, his puppet masters will lower interest rates next year in 2024 whether or not inflation has been curtailed.

Agree. The fact that nuclear power is disregarded (and in fact shunned) in the “clean energy” is how you know the agenda is not primarily aimed at reducing carbon output.
I would say that when I first really jumped in on this board, a lot of the Rs were talking about the globalist agenda, etc… etc… and I thought it was pretty kooky and far out there. Conspiracy stuff. But i have to say things are unfolding pretty much as was predicted. Maybe more rapidly.
I've noticed you've come around. Not that you were whacky like some, but you see what the globalists have in store for us. Welcome to reality, it's not a pretty place, but we've learned to live in it.
Thank you. That was exactly my point. The fact that Fresno can’t acknowledge that fact is why the Board has become what it is. A far right wing echo chamber.

Fresno is the best. He’s the best mod I’ve ever been around. Stop acting like he’s not being fair to everyone who posts on this board. If you had half brain, you would realize Sunny and I give you a hard time because we actually like you. I don‘t agree with what you say but we give you the business to make it fun. Grab your sac and post more.

I personally like you, Kal, MDF’R, DG and the rest of the leftist. That’s what makes it fun and that’s the point. . We all live tough life's, this is just an escape.

stop crying and jump aboard
So he knows the name of a hospital?
LOL....... I luffs Fresno, but I can't condone his defense of 1776. My father was a highly successful physician. He listened to both sides of the vaccine debate and was not assured it was the right avenue, even though he rolled the dice and got the jab. The AMA was pushing that BS down all of the medical world's throats, the normal protocol testing be damned. He was so unsure that he would not let my elderly mother get the vaccine because of her many frailties. The dirty laundry is just beginning to come out, one day, mark my words................

If you were a victim of COVID 19 VACCINES, JUST CALL #LAW, thats all! :mad:
To be fair, there's an important distinction to be made: I am only willing to entertain opposing viewpoints from solid posters.

For instance, you have made it known that whatever the government and media tells you to believe about covid, that's what you believe. So I really don't care what you have to say on the topic, since you have proven that you are misinformed. And the irony is, they are about to push for masks and lockdowns again. It will be interesting to see if you have the courage to think for yourself when it starts (likely in the next few weeks) or if you will again go lockstep with the demands of the left.

@goldmom freely admits she adopts a different persona on this board than another board. And that in both cases she's trying to troll. But she also laments the fact that she gets called 'unAmerican'. I've never seen trolls who were also victims, but we seem to breed them here on this board somehow.

Watch how I react to our disingenuous posters like @kalimgoodman versus the ones like @armbar73 who have proven they can think critically about issues.

As I always said, I would *love* for there to be more HONEST middle or even left-leaning posters here. We only have a scant few.

Unfortunately, we are overrun with trolls. Who complain that we don't take them seriously AND that we call them out for being trolls. I've never understood that LOL
Thanks for proving my point.
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LOL....... I luffs Fresno, but I can't condone his defense of 1776. My father was a highly successful physician. He listened to both sides of the vaccine debate and was not assured it was the right avenue, even though he rolled the dice and got the jab. The AMA was pushing that BS down all of the medical world's throats, the normal protocol testing be damned. He was so unsure that he would not let my elderly mother get the vaccine because of her many frailties. The dirty laundry is just beginning to come out, one day, mark my words................

If you were a victim of COVID 19 VACCINES, JUST CALL #LAW, thats all! :mad:
Didn't realize I was defending him. I understand where he's coming from and empathize with his plight.

Heard many stories like your dad's. There is no doubt the stuff is gonna hit the fan some day ...
Fresno is the best. He’s the best mod I’ve ever been around. Stop acting like he’s not being fair to everyone who posts on this board. If you had half brain, you would realize Sunny and I give you a hard time because we actually like you. I don‘t agree with what you say but we give you the business to make it fun. Grab your sac and post more.

I personally like you, Kal, MDF’R, DG and the rest of the leftist. That’s what makes it fun and that’s the point. . We all live tough life's, this is just an escape.

stop crying and jump aboard
Yes! He's jumped my ship and scolded me a few times. 😇 That's what mods do, its their job (although one that pays mightily poorly) . What I don't understand is why anyone bitches about someone doing what is a public service for their school when nobody is getting banned, ever, unless you basically ban yourself? I wonder how many times Cucky has cried to Fres? I'll bet I don't have enough fingers and toes. 😂

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Agree. The fact that nuclear power is disregarded (and in fact shunned) in the “clean energy” is how you know the agenda is not primarily aimed at reducing carbon output.
Bingo. Same thing with getting the rare earth minerals to make batteries for EVs. You literally have to destroy the environment while using CHILD LABOR to get the materials. And when the 'clean energy' crowd found out, they were meh, my politics are being served, so all good.

Nuclear has some definite risks, but also some definite advantages. As you said, the fact that it's being totally dismissed and ostracized as a power source tells you this isn't about the planet or 'clean energy', there's politics at play here.
Didn't realize I was defending him. I understand where he's coming from and empathize with his plight.

Heard many stories like your dad's. There is no doubt the stuff is gonna hit the fan some day ...
His posts in the covid thread during the height of 2020 were pretty near unforgivable IMO, I agree with @fatman76. I get he was desperate to draw attention to himself, but that didn't just cross the line, it pole-vaulted it.
I think this board is pretty smart. I’ve learned a lot responding to posts and looking up information. I’ve actually learned that a lot of my arguments are founded on presumptions and assumptions and I’ve been surprised by some of the facts on these issues.

In general, the thing I really don’t get is how partisans can get behind something overbearing when their party is in power without understanding that some day, someone you don’t support is going to abuse power the same way.

People really underestimate the power of precedent and don’t see it when it’s happening.
BINGO...this is EXACTLY why I come here. I get better news here than anywhere. Some of our posters are VERY, VERY bright, and I like to read their opinions
I would say that when I first really jumped in on this board, a lot of the Rs were talking about the globalist agenda, etc… etc… and I thought it was pretty kooky and far out there. Conspiracy stuff. But i have to say things are unfolding pretty much as was predicted. Maybe more rapidly.
This amazes me that people cannot see this. I have some pretty informed friends that just are not there yet. My eyes REALLY opened when Hillary got let off the hook. Then IMMEDATLEY, I KNEW Trump never colluded with Russia. Only lefties do that kind of stuff. Then the laptop, then the stolen election. No...there is a cabal, with many "republicans" involved. They ALL have one thing in common...getting paid for their votes. ONLY Trump is not controlled. And many of us were VERY disappointed when DeSantis started taking money from them. He had such a bright future. Just remember is not the person TRUMP that we love. It is that he is NOT controlled by the cabal/establishment and does what is good for AMERICA first..not his pockets. There are none like him in that regard
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His posts in the covid thread during the height of 2020 were pretty near unforgivable IMO, I agree with @fatman76. I get he was desperate to draw attention to himself, but that didn't just cross the line, it pole-vaulted it.
The hell of it? We have people more worried about censoring people for perceived ad hominem.

This cat was exposed for what he is. A self proclaimed dr. that was giving out false information about potentially life altering medical treatments.

I will never forget when he said he had been treating kids with a drug that wasn’t even approved yet. But hey, we have posters that claimed to have stalked him and verified employment.


I love it when people tell on themselves.
Well, this will be my last post ITT. As I said, I rarely venture over here any more and don’t plan on in the future.

Sorry for being the fly in your Chardonnay as I’m sure you expected kudos for how great the board is now. I really don’t hold it against you, but you asked. You’ve always been one of my favorite posters dating back to the Alligator Alley days, until you decided to go over to the dark side and become a Mod. I was even in a FF league with you many years ago.

I know it won’t happen, but IMO if you really want this board to become civil again you need to have Ghost removed and his other minions will slither on over to another board, as they’ve done many times on the Rivals network. The ones that want a real conversation without flaming and childish insults would be welcome to stay.
Losing interest and patience with a shrinking circle of participants and I’m sure they don’t care for me. I’m called a RINO and not a real American but I just have to consider the source.

I will defend the fact that this is America and they have the right to be wrong.

But serious kudos to you for asking.
I don't have a problem with you at all and even though you are going to hell I can't control that. God bless.
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It's been about 6 weeks since we've been spammed with countless yahoo news articles.

Feels to me like a little bit more of an echo chamber, but there are a few still fighting the good fight.

The one thing I really liked about the yahoo articles was that the subject line made it very clear what the thread was about.

It seems the ambiguously titled threads get fewer posts and fewer views @Mdfgator @Capt Ron 1

Just my opinion.

The goal is to have an active yet civil forum.

So, what do you like / not like?
I didn't notice much difference. What am I missing here?
His posts in the covid thread during the height of 2020 were pretty near unforgivable IMO, I agree with @fatman76. I get he was desperate to draw attention to himself, but that didn't just cross the line, it pole-vaulted it.
To be fair, I did not read all of them. I was going by the gist of what I remember at the time. I remember being inundated with Covid info, so I picked and chose what I read. if you have any specific examples of where he jumped the shark I'd like to see them ...
Cold fusion is FIRE! lol.

Agree on Nuclear versus Coal. All day long.

But again, most people who are against "alternatives" aren't just being averse to change. They are averse to BS.

And BSC is slinging that BS here like we're backwards for not wanting to end coal in favor of wind farms. GTFO.
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The hell of it? We have people more worried about censoring people for perceived ad hominem.

This cat was exposed for what he is. A self proclaimed dr. that was giving out false information about potentially life altering medical treatments.

I will never forget when he said he had been treating kids with a drug that wasn’t even approved yet. But hey, we have posters that claimed to have stalked him and verified employment.


I love it when people tell on themselves.
This is funny stuff.
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I started off liking 1776 and I read his posts. I believed him and his posts seemed to have credibility. That changed.

It didn't change because of what others were saying about him. It changed because of what he himself was saying.

I have no idea if he's a real doctor and honestly I don't care because, either way, he's lost that credibility. It just got EXTREMELY weird from him before he left and it's just as weird when he briefly returns.
I started off liking 1776 and I read his posts. I believed him and his posts seemed to have credibility. That changed.

It didn't change because of what others were saying about him. It changed because of what he himself was saying.

I have no idea if he's a real doctor and honestly I don't care because, either way, he's lost that credibility. It just got EXTREMELY weird from him before he left and it's just as weird when he briefly returns.
Haha, he IS a real doctor. I can tell you that much as a fact ...
Haha, he IS a real doctor. I can tell you that much as a fact ...
Very odd that a real doctor would be treating patients with a medication that he couldn’t have been treating them with.

Just sayin.

Not saying you’re wrong, but short of walking into his office and watching him treat patients…. I would be hard pressed to believe anything short of that.

It basically boils down to this based on his posts.

1. He was lying about being a doctor
2. He was treating patients with unapproved treatments
3. He was lying about the treatment of his patients. (See point 1.)

Not much gray area with what he stated.

But then again, Jill Biden calls herself a Dr so I guess anyone can be today.
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