So, what do you think of the board?

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It's been about 6 weeks since we've been spammed with countless yahoo news articles.

Feels to me like a little bit more of an echo chamber, but there are a few still fighting the good fight.

The one thing I really liked about the yahoo articles was that the subject line made it very clear what the thread was about.

It seems the ambiguously titled threads get fewer posts and fewer views @Mdfgator @Capt Ron 1

Just my opinion.

The goal is to have an active yet civil forum.

So, what do you like / not like?
Honest opinion:It sucks. Which is why I rarely post here any more. The Board is boring. But that’s fine, Im ready for football season.

What’s wrong is that it’s obviously turned into an echo chamber, which based on the responses ITT many think is a good thing. Look at the Climate Change and Vaccine threads. Do you think there is any real discussion going on there? It’s all one sided, with zero acceptance that there is actually valid points on the other side. For whatever reason, You’ve gotten rid of the one true liberal OTT which helped balance out the perspectives and added differing points of views. In what world is Yahoo News considered too extreme but The Gateway Pundit, Red State, Breitbart, OANN, etc considered fair and balanced? Homophobic posts are allowed, but posting about racial injustice is off limits. Telling people they are going to hell should just be laughed off.

How did this happen, well, any time someone doesn’t fall in line with the far right perspective, you allow Ghost and his sad crew to just flame away with childish insults, “Retard Alerts”, lame French fry gifs, Sally from A/R, etc. Look at at any time Kalim or 1776 posts. Most have already been run off, which was their objective, of course. They are actually proud of it.

But it’s your Board and it seems to be what you were looking for, so have at it. There are plenty of other venues where politics can be discussed in a more adult manner.
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Link one positive article or segment from Fox, OANN or Newsmax regarding Biden or the Democrats....

I am waiting to reply with some from other news outlets about Trump or the Rs.
That’s the thing, it’s like they can’t even see themselves in the mirror.
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Good post and thanks for your opinion.

Personally I'd rather have a sensationalized headline that tells you in broad strokes what the thread is about than things like "just the tip" or "you are not gonna believe this".

The echo chamber is an observation, the one and only goal is to have healthy civil discourse.

Agree with your last paragraph, those guys drive the board when they post, IMO ...
He's talking about Yahoo article headlines and you're talking about this board's thread headlines so you're both right.
Sure. And sometimes they are right. Just like when Pubs call Biden and other Dems racists.

It works both ways. It's naive to think race doesn't play a part in many/most people's mindset.
Victor Hansen Davis had a very good piece on this. I have evolved my thinking on race and CRT over the years. Ice Cube also had a very good comment with Tucker C.

VHD said that race is ultimately about "Tribalism". It is about "when your back is up against the wall, which people are more likely to support you." It is your race. Why? Ultimately your first layer of support is family. By definition, you are the same race even if you have a bi-racial history. Your next layer(s) are cousins and extended family. Again, connected by race.

A natural intuitive connection is your part of the country which for decades, century and millenia are race. It is why, as VDH said, whites (the average white) or any other race would have a very difficult time in countries ranging from Japan, Iran, Saudia Arabia, Africa, South Korea and even Europe. We are the only multi-racial society, and not surprisingly, as the demographics change at warp speed (speed of illegals crossing the border), the ability to adapt is constrained.

So, in that context, CRT is natural. It is intuitive - to a point.
Now to Cube's point.

He said, and I fully agree, that Race is taking up "too much space" in today's discussion. Kalim and I should be able to get together, discuss politics, Gator football, music, etc. and I will treat him as a person, not a "race". Same with Vivek, Tim Scott, Ro Kanna (sp?) or anyone else.
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Victor Hansen Davis had a very good piece on this. I have evolved my thinking on race and CRT over the years. Ice Cube also had a very good comment with Tucker C.

VHD said that race is ultimately about "Tribalism". It is about "when your back is up against the wall, which people are more likely to support you." It is your race. Why? Ultimately your first layer of support is family. By definition, you are the same race even if you have a bi-racial history. Your next layer(s) are cousins and extended family. Again, connected by race.

A natural intuitive connection is your part of the country which for decades, century and millenia are race. It is why, as VDH said, whites (the average white) or any other race would have a very difficult time in countries ranging from Japan, Iran, Saudia Arabia, Africa, South Korea and even Europe. We are the only multi-racial society, and not surprisingly, as the demographics change at warp speed (speed of illegals crossing the border), the ability to adapt is constrained.

So, in that context, CRT is natural. It is intuitive - to a point.
Now to Cube's point.

He said, and I fully agree, that Race is taking up "too much space" in today's discussion. Kalim and I should be able to get together, discuss politics, Gator football, music, etc. and I will treat him as a person, not a "race". Same with Vivek, Tim Scott, Ro Kanna (sp?) or anyone else.
One side keeps race in the news.
Honest opinion:It sucks. Which is why I rarely post here any more. The Board is boring. But that’s fine, Im ready for football season.

What’s wrong is that it’s obviously turned into an echo chamber, which based on the responses ITT many think is a good thing. Look at the Climate Change and Vaccine threads. Do you think there is any real discussion going on there? It’s all one sided, with zero acceptance that there is actually valid points on the other side. For whatever reason, You’ve gotten rid of the one true liberal OTT which helped balance out the perspectives and added differing points of views. In what world is Yahoo News considered too extreme but The Gateway Pundit, Red State, Breitbart, OANN, etc considered fair and balanced? Homophobic posts are allowed, but posting about racial injustice is off limits. Telling people they are going to hell should just be laughed off.

How did this happen, well, any time someone doesn’t fall in line with the far right perspective, you allow Ghost and his sad crew to just flame away with childish insults, “Retard Alerts”, lame French fry gifs, Sally from A/R, etc. Look at at any time Kalim or 1776 posts. Most have already been run off, which was their objective, of course. They are actually proud of it.

But it’s your Board and it seems to be what you were looking for, so have at it. There are plenty of other venues where politics can be discussed in a more adult manner.
Adult manner? You went on a profanity-laced tirade against me in the the thread that got deleted about Ray. You don't exhibit the "adult' behavior you're complaining about at all.

I agree on the "alerts" and I'm not a name caller, but if these two (Kalim and 1776) are your bastions of liberal logic that we're supposed to have meaningful interactions with you're a bigger troll than you get credit for.

Present logical, coherent arguments, outside of your masturbatory thread, that make sense and see how you're treated. But don't name call and troll and then whine about name calling and trolling.
Adult manner? You went on a profanity-laced tirade against me in the the thread that got deleted about Ray. You don't exhibit the "adult' behavior you're complaining about at all.

I agree on the "alerts" and I'm not a name caller, but if these two (Kalim and 1776) are your bastions of liberal logic that we're supposed to have meaningful interactions with you're a bigger troll than you get credit for.

Present logical, coherent arguments, outside of your masturbatory thread, that make sense and see how you're treated. But don't name call and troll and then whine about name calling and trolling.
We have meaningful interactions.
CRT banning and AP AA studies banning is being done by the Dems?
CRT - in it's contemporary form, outside of 3rd year law classes or at most undergraduate classes, is race obsession. When you are reading "Woke Baby" to 3rd graders, you are practicing, in the eyes of many moderates, let alone the right, "indoctrination".

The banning is not an initiation, it is a reaction to race obsessed curriculum.

Where I disagree with DeSantis on AP AA is that it is a college level class. In college, you should be able to discuss things like CRT - whether you reject, full agree or see partial validity (myself) in it. He should allow high schools to teach the material - as an AP class.
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Who is pushing CRT and AA studies? Would anyone from the right ever suggest special race-based education?
Asian Studies
European Studies
Italian Studies
German Studies

So it's common but only 1 is being targeted...
Who is pushing CRT and AA studies? Would anyone from the right ever suggest special race-based education?
In fairness, when I studied in High School and in College, I learned almost exclusively about Western European, Roman and Greek Culture. I took AP Western European when I was a sophomore.

It was only through my daughters education that I learned more about Middle-East, Indian and Chinese cultures, through both of their AP World Histories.

That was a miss.

My biggest issue with AP African American culture, is that it does not go FAR enough in teaching the history as Larry Elder (essentially) said. How did these tiny, I mean tiny, maritime countries like Spain and Portugal, Portugal! be able to acquire and transport MILLIONS of slaves.
Answer: African kingdoms.

That part gets omitted likely, conveniently, because, as Larry noted, it undercuts the left's position on reparations among other things.
CRT - in it's contemporary form, outside of 3rd year law classes or at most undergraduate classes, is race obsession. When you are reading "Woke Baby" to 3rd graders, you are practicing, in the eyes of many moderates, let alone the right, "indoctrination".

The banning is not an initiation, it is a reaction to race obsessed curriculum.

Where I disagree with DeSantis on AP AA is that it is a college level class. In college, you should be able to discuss things like CRT - whether you reject, full agree or see partial validity (myself) in it. He should allow high schools to teach the material - as an AP class.
CRT is a litmus test for how devoted you are to your politics.

Let's say someone came out with a Critical Liberal Theory. The theory stated that when liberals make up 20% of the population, that the population begins to see its society decay at an accelerating rate as the liberal percentage of the population increases. So the theory holds that in order to preserve functioning society, the percentage of liberals in a population cannot be allowed to exceed 20%. Further, if the goal is to see society flourish, the percentage of liberals in a population should be reduced to as close as 0% as possible.

Obviously, such a theory is insane, and if it were suggested, decent people would say so and it would get no traction.

However....if there was a Critical Conservative Theory that came out making the same claims about 20% of a population being conservative, do we really think @kalimgoodman or @BSC911 would push back?

Or would they put their politics ahead of what's just and good. Now you see the dangers we deal with.
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Adult manner? You went on a profanity-laced tirade against me in the the thread that got deleted about Ray. You don't exhibit the "adult' behavior you're complaining about at all.

I agree on the "alerts" and I'm not a name caller, but if these two (Kalim and 1776) are your bastions of liberal logic that we're supposed to have meaningful interactions with you're a bigger troll than you get credit for.

Present logical, coherent arguments, outside of your masturbatory thread, that make sense and see how you're treated. But don't name call and troll and then whine about name calling and trolling.
This board is at it's best when, again, the Ad Hominem attacks are left to the side. And they come from both sides. Ray Graves was terrible at it - even to me, a moderate. MDF uses "Sheep" ad naseum.

To your point Russell on "sticks and stones" - yes, we are all grown adults and I doubt anyone takes it personally, but it just detracts from what can be productive dialogue.
European, Italian and German studies wouldn't be about race.

What do they teach in Asian studies? Do they focus on dividing Asians from other races?
They actually do teach about the struggle they faced, the racist as well. African American Studies isn't all about race,
European, Italian and German studies wouldn't be about race.

What do they teach in Asian studies? Do they focus on dividing Asians from other races?
Theo - well, yes, they are about race. These are racially connected people. America is the only multi-racial country we have, perhaps outside of say Brazil.

Now, separate out the history from CRT propaganda and you have a discussion.

There should be an AP African American course. how much of that course should be premised on CRT is a different discussion.
Theo - well, yes, they are about race. These are racially connected people. America is the only multi-racial country we have, perhaps outside of say Brazil.

Now, separate out the history from CRT propaganda and you have a discussion.

There should be an AP African American course. how much of that course should be premised on CRT is a different discussion.
Just seems that when BLACK people do it, it's a problem. At same time, pointing that out is a no/no on this board. So ill stop before I get in trouble.
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The issue is the hardcore leftists don’t win on the facts when talking current events, or logic when talking concepts.

So, to stay alive they troll and obfuscate and celebrate fake “wins” to get attention.

It’s an echo chamber because the games they play are pretty transparent and they know it.

I’d love more balance but that requires competency
I’ve only made it through the first page of this thread, but this is the best post so far. Well stated and well done,

As my fellow UK poster @blubo can attest, we see the exact same behavior from the lefties on the UK board. A couple of them are truly unhinged.
Theo - well, yes, they are about race. These are racially connected people. America is the only multi-racial country we have, perhaps outside of say Brazil.

Now, separate out the history from CRT propaganda and you have a discussion.

There should be an AP African American course. how much of that course should be premised on CRT is a different discussion. is hate based and should never be in ANY curriculum. It TEACHED division(poor poor black people...whitey bad)
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Just seems that when BLACK people do it, it's a problem. At same time, pointing that out is a no/no on this board. So ill stop before I get in trouble.
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Honest opinion:It sucks. Which is why I rarely post here any more. The Board is boring. But that’s fine, Im ready for football season.

What’s wrong is that it’s obviously turned into an echo chamber, which based on the responses ITT many think is a good thing. Look at the Climate Change and Vaccine threads. Do you think there is any real discussion going on there? It’s all one sided, with zero acceptance that there is actually valid points on the other side. For whatever reason, You’ve gotten rid of the one true liberal OTT which helped balance out the perspectives and added differing points of views. In what world is Yahoo News considered too extreme but The Gateway Pundit, Red State, Breitbart, OANN, etc considered fair and balanced? Homophobic posts are allowed, but posting about racial injustice is off limits. Telling people they are going to hell should just be laughed off.

How did this happen, well, any time someone doesn’t fall in line with the far right perspective, you allow Ghost and his sad crew to just flame away with childish insults, “Retard Alerts”, lame French fry gifs, Sally from A/R, etc. Look at at any time Kalim or 1776 posts. Most have already been run off, which was their objective, of course. They are actually proud of it.

But it’s your Board and it seems to be what you were looking for, so have at it. There are plenty of other venues where politics can be discussed in a more adult manner.
Thanks for that.

"Gotten rid of the one true liberal who helped balance the perspectives", now that is just hilarious and sad if you were serious. He spammed the board and race baited repeatedly. He was banned after receiving multiple warnings. His goal was to inflame so you can stop the revisionist history. I know he's your George Floyd, but he made his bed.

and after seeing you post for a period of time, it seems to me that you cherry pick the perceived, slights and respond in kind, and attempt to fight fire with fire which just escalates the animosity. Try taking a page out of grand Haven diddy's book.

Try bringing to the board that whIch you say is missing ...
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Personally I’m fine with intellectually honest discussions, regardless of ideology. I’ve mentioned before that the UK board has a pinned political thread, and the mods generally keep it that way. Sometimes I think I’d like to see that on this board, but it would require very active and sustained moderation to make it work. There are pros and cons to each way of managing the board. At the risk of coming across as a sycophant (lol) I think Fresno does an awesome job on this board.
Thanks for that.

"Gotten rid of the one true liberal who helped balance the perspectives", now that is just hilarious and sad if you were serious. He spammed the board and race baited repeatedly. He was banned after receiving multiple warnings. His goal was to inflame so you can stop the revisionist history. I know he's your George Floyd, but he made his bed.

and after seeing you post for a period of time, it seems to me that you cherry pick the perceived, slights and respond in kind, and attempt to fight fire with fire which just escalates the animosity. Try taking a page out of grand Haven diddy's book.

Try bringing to the board that whIch you say is missing ...
Other than Evil and Ray...who has been banned? Evil was no lib.
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Theo - well, yes, they are about race. These are racially connected people. America is the only multi-racial country we have, perhaps outside of say Brazil.

Now, separate out the history from CRT propaganda and you have a discussion.

There should be an AP African American course. how much of that course should be premised on CRT is a different discussion.
European, Italian and German are not races. Perhaps you see it in terms of race.

Should there be an AP course on White Americans? Seems like that would get a LOT of pushback.
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