So, what do you think of the board?

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Very good post by you and that's why you're considered a RINO 😉.

Apparently Republicans are supposed to hate anyone that's not a Republican and give 100% loyalty to Trump. You failed at both.
@goldmom freely admits she adopts a different persona for each board she posts on, each one designed to spark arguments. Same as you claiming you are really an 'independent' or that you have posters on Ignore.

I can't imagine taking a message board that seriously, but if it makes you two happy, ok then.
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Certainly a bastion of Adam Smith free capital economics such as yourself should not only approve but applaud.

"Who is Adam Smith?"
@goldmom freely admits she adopts a different persona for each board she posts on, each one designed to spark arguments. Same as you claiming you are really an 'independent' or that you have posters on Ignore.

I can't imagine taking a message board that seriously, but if it makes you two happy, ok then.

Fresno - I think the above and this thread is what can be improved on this board. The discussion quickly devolves into ad hominem, 5th grade level attacks on intelligence, how individuals may have been raised, etc.

Here is a good example.

There is a lot in the IRA that I like including bringing Semiconductor manufacturing back to the US. I actually think that Vivek has the exact right analysis on the strategic value of Taiwan.

The problem with the IRA and EV/green industry is that the raw materials depend: heavily on China, on afghanistan (where we hastily pulled out of), Africa (a key target of the belt and road initiative) and even our own lands which Biden is (and there is merit here, although interests conflict) reverting back to Native American hands.

So, we should have a spirited, multi-faceted debate, but instead, we drop down into invective and accusations. I think we can do better from a board point of view.
Fresno - I think the above and this thread is what can be improved on this board. The discussion quickly devolves into ad hominem, 5th grade level attacks on intelligence, how individuals may have been raised, etc.

Here is a good example.

There is a lot in the IRA that I like including bringing Semiconductor manufacturing back to the US. I actually think that Vivek has the exact right analysis on the strategic value of Taiwan.

The problem with the IRA and EV/green industry is that the raw materials depend: heavily on China, on afghanistan (where we hastily pulled out of), Africa (a key target of the belt and road initiative) and even our own lands which Biden is (and there is merit here, although interests conflict) reverting back to Native American hands.

So, we should have a spirited, multi-faceted debate, but instead, we drop down into invective and accusations. I think we can do better from a board point of view.
Not to defend nail and others but I am not sure all these are good examples. For example, if someone comes on a board and says….I am a troll, and then someone jokes about them being a troll….they brought that on themselves.

I get it, some are just so sensitive that it doesn’t take sticks and stones to hurt them, but it’s a message board folks. Get a little thicker skin. Folks need to toughen up some. People are offended by everything these days.

The reason rich men North of Richmond is blowing up? Because people resonated with the message of being very direct about the issues. And he didn’t dress up anything about obese people paying for fudge rounds with welfare checks.

Folks are tired of censorship.

In other words, if one wears a clown suit to work, and gets pissed at being called a clown…..they should look in the mirror.
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Not to defend nail and others but I am not sure all these are good examples. For example, if someone comes on a board and says….I am a troll, and then someone jokes about them being a troll….they brought that on themselves.

I get it, some are just so sensitive that it doesn’t take sticks and stones to hurt them, but it’s a message board folks. Get a little thicker skin. Folks need to toughen up some. People are offended by everything these days.

The reason rich men North of Richmond is blowing up? Because people resonated with the message of being very direct about the issues. And he didn’t dress up anything about obese people paying for fudge rounds with welfare checks.

Folks are tired of censorship.

In other words, if one wears a clown suit to work, and gets pissed at being called a clown…..they should look in the mirror.
I am adamant for the 1st amendment and 2nd amendment (along with most if not all of other amendments). I am truly free-speech.

Let's test this and make it personal. If you were to say, "hey Diddy, I know you are 25% jewish, what are your thoughts that many of the heads of Media and Hollywood are led by people of Jewish heritage or background? What do you think of Scooter Braun, who essentially "stole" (he paid fair market value, i believe) for Taylor Swift's masters and refused to sell it to her at a fair price. Scooter also comes from a conservative jewish background" I would look at it and try to make a fact based, independent judgment on it. I would not immediately call you an Anti-Semite, an idiot, a hate-monger, etc. etc.

Let's take another example very close to you, Ghost, Nail and others: the 2020 election. You are all deeply convinced it was literally (ballots overwritten, etc.) stolen. I support your right to stay it and offer up evidence as you have it (which often is not perfect, regardless of what the topic is) and how it may emerge (e.g. Trump's legal filing in the Georgia indictment) I may not agree with it, but I will evaluate and judge the assertion (versus the person) based on the facts presented. I will also not reflexively dismiss you as a "fascist, anti-democratic, etc." None of us should do that.

By the way, one of the one's whom I asked to rethink his approach is MDF. Many of his posts blurt out in all caps, "SHEEP" which does little to advance free exchange of thoughts and dialogue.

Where this board, again in my opinion, which Fresno asked for on this thread, is that we too often devolve into the ad-hominem attacks. It detracts from the given and take of opinion and perspective here. If we can focus on the latter, I believe we will all benefit from it - that, in my view, is the beauty of our constitutional republic, our democracy.
Oh ok. I can't agree or disagree unless I know more but I gotcha.
Kalim - I view an independent who can look at an event, evaluate data from multiple sources, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, OAN, PBS, Economist, etc. and then render a judgement that is based on first principles, personal experience and facts as provided individually and collectively. Those opinions are not then automatically "snapped to grid" based on one's political affiliations.

An independent should be able to as easily call out Biden for his Afghanistan debacle and lying about Hunter, to Pelosi trading on insider information as s/he can Trump's handling of illegal documents and very poor judgement of calling Africa a collection of "s....hole countries".

They can separate out affinity and proximity bias both in their own worldview and in the sources the receive information from.

They can admit that they were wrong (e.g. me with DeSantis) , and form better opinions and conclusions in the future.
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I am adamant for the 1st amendment and 2nd amendment (along with most if not all of other amendments). I am truly free-speech.

Let's test this and make it personal. If you were to say, "hey Diddy, I know you are 25% jewish, what are your thoughts that many of the heads of Media and Hollywood are led by people of Jewish heritage or background? What do you think of Scooter Braun, who essentially "stole" (he paid fair market value, i believe) for Taylor Swift's masters and refused to sell it to her at a fair price. Scooter also comes from a conservative jewish background" I would look at it and try to make a fact based, independent judgment on it. I would not immediately call you an Anti-Semite, an idiot, a hate-monger, etc. etc.

Let's take another example very close to you, Ghost, Nail and others: the 2020 election. You are all deeply convinced it was literally (ballots overwritten, etc.) stolen. I support your right to stay it and offer up evidence as you have it (which often is not perfect, regardless of what the topic is) and how it may emerge (e.g. Trump's legal filing in the Georgia indictment) I may not agree with it, but I will evaluate and judge the assertion (versus the person) based on the facts presented. I will also not reflexively dismiss you as a "fascist, anti-democratic, etc." None of us should do that.

By the way, one of the one's whom I asked to rethink his approach is MDF. Many of his posts blurt out in all caps, "SHEEP" which does little to advance free exchange of thoughts and dialogue.

Where this board, again in my opinion, which Fresno asked for on this thread, is that we too often devolve into the ad-hominem attacks. It detracts from the given and take of opinion and perspective here. If we can focus on the latter, I believe we will all benefit from it - that, in my view, is the beauty of our constitutional republic, our democracy.
Quick answer.

Anyone can call me whatever they want. Why? Because I don’t care. It’s silly if one does.

And again, if one wears a clown suit to work and gets upset about being called a clown….should the person that called them a clown be punished, or should the clown take ownership?

My suggestion? We go back to childhood when our parents taught us …..sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will NEVER hurt me. Apparently that isn’t true for some.

And For those that support the first amendment, it doesn’t parse words about speech we don’t like. Like Speech that offends us, insinuates things, name calling, questioning, hate speech etc. know why? Because that slippery slope is tough to climb back up once you go down it.

And yes, I realize this is a private business, but if you believe in free speech….then we should all practice what we preach.

Just my two cents.

Also FWIW, there was serious ambiguity in what you were referencing. Hell, I still don’t know what EXACTLY you were taking issue with. Be bold, call it out. Quote it….something.
Kalim - I view an independent who can look at an event, evaluate data from multiple sources, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, OAN, PBS, Economist, etc. and then render a judgement that is based on first principles, personal experience and facts as provided individually and collectively. Those opinions are not then automatically "snapped to grid" based on one's political affiliations.

An independent should be able to as easily call out Biden for his Afghanistan debacle and lying about Hunter, to Pelosi trading on insider information as s/he can Trump's handling of illegal documents and very poor judgement of calling Africa a collection of "s....hole countries".

They can separate out affinity and proximity bias both in their own worldview and in the sources the receive information from.

They can admit that they were wrong (e.g. me with DeSantis) , and form better opinions and conclusions in the future.
Agree to an extent. But for me…Independents and moderates can also be caught up in cult of personality with what they are doing as well. A certain, “I am a moderate, I am sensible” trying to convince others they are the sensible ones in the room. They know better than others, and can process information that others cannot, because they are “free thinkers”. It comes off as holier than thou. For example, who says you are correct about the things you say are mistakes? Isn’t that just your opinion?

The reality… are your media “moderates” that largely are supported by the “free thinkers”

George Bush, Cheney, Mitt, Mccain, Jeb.

Obama, Clinton, Carter, Biden

Yeah, I never want a part of that cult ever again.


My opinion is neither of those things you mentioned were mistakes by Trump. IMO his biggest mistakes were staffing mistakes. But those two? Nah.
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Kalim - I view an independent who can look at an event, evaluate data from multiple sources, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, OAN, PBS, Economist, etc. and then render a judgement that is based on first principles, personal experience and facts as provided individually and collectively. Those opinions are not then automatically "snapped to grid" based on one's political affiliations.

An independent should be able to as easily call out Biden for his Afghanistan debacle and lying about Hunter, to Pelosi trading on insider information as s/he can Trump's handling of illegal documents and very poor judgement of calling Africa a collection of "s....hole countries".

They can separate out affinity and proximity bias both in their own worldview and in the sources the receive information from.

They can admit that they were wrong (e.g. me with DeSantis) , and form better opinions and conclusions in the future.
I agree with the 1st paragraph. I'll add that you should also be able to understand that there isn't both sides to a lie.

You should be able to call out anyone for their wrongdoing. So I agree with your 2nd paragraph as well.

I don't think anyone is a true independent. I think people lean somewhere based on the topic. I definitely lean left on certain things and right on some things, as do you.
Kalim - I view an independent who can look at an event, evaluate data from multiple sources, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, OAN, PBS, Economist, etc. and then render a judgement that is based on first principles, personal experience and facts as provided individually and collectively. Those opinions are not then automatically "snapped to grid" based on one's political affiliations.

An independent should be able to as easily call out Biden for his Afghanistan debacle and lying about Hunter, to Pelosi trading on insider information as s/he can Trump's handling of illegal documents and very poor judgement of calling Africa a collection of "s....hole countries".

They can separate out affinity and proximity bias both in their own worldview and in the sources the receive information from.

They can admit that they were wrong (e.g. me with DeSantis) , and form better opinions and conclusions in the future.
Well said
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I agree with the 1st paragraph. I'll add that you should also be able to understand that there isn't both sides to a lie.

You should be able to call out anyone for their wrongdoing. So I agree with your 2nd paragraph as well.

I don't think anyone is a true independent. I think people lean somewhere based on the topic. I definitely lean left on certain things and right on some things, as do you.
What do you lean right on?
Agree to an extent. But for me…Independents and moderates can also be caught up in cult of personality with what they are doing as well. A certain, “I am a moderate, I am sensible” trying to convince others they are the sensible ones in the room. They know better than others, and can process information that others cannot, because they are “free thinkers”. It comes off as holier than thou. For example, who says you are right about the things you say….are mistakes? Isn’t that just your opinion?
The reality… are your media “moderates” that largely are supported by the “free thinkers”

George Bush, Cheney, Mitt, Mccain, Jeb.

Obama, Clinton, Carter, Biden

Yeah, I never want a part of that cult ever again.


My opinion is neither of those things you mentioned weren’t mistakes by Trump. IMO his biggest mistakes were staffing mistakes. But those two? Nah.
One of your best posts. I especially like the "I am a moderate, I am sensible" comment. It resonates.

For the individuals, especially Bush, Cheney, Mitt, McCain and Jeb - I also view them as, depending on issues, moderates, as taking the lowest common denominator versus coming to a new synthesis that, theoretically, at least, should bring the best of both sides.

Note that I view the Bushes, Cheney and Mitt as primarily interested in money and retaining power. No way, for example, that either Bush gets into Yale today based on academic rigor and intellectual horsepower. They got in because of their name and family. Same with Hunter Biden. (Don T. Jr, too if we are being honest).

I think of the theory like a Diamond. There is a left, a right, a top (the goal of an independent), and the bottom (lowest common denominator) which is the moderate.

To make the point earlier, this is the board at its best - trading ideas, and making individuals better for the exchange versus ad-hominem attacks.

Have a good night.
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I agree with the 1st paragraph. I'll add that you should also be able to understand that there isn't both sides to a lie.

You should be able to call out anyone for their wrongdoing. So I agree with your 2nd paragraph as well.

I don't think anyone is a true independent. I think people lean somewhere based on the topic. I definitely lean left on certain things and right on some things, as do you.
Good post. Very much agreed as everyone has a lean or a conscious/unconscious bias. The best of us can recognize it and be open about it. Few do - especially in the MSM and in politics.
Law and order, most fiscal stuff, government involvement, etc.
By the way - if you want to see a terrific exchange of ideas, watch a recent podcast exchange between Charlamagne the God and Larry Elder. I was very, very impressed with both.

Credit CTG for bringing on and having a true exchange ideas with Larry. Credit Larry for bringing facts and as reasonable tone to the discussion.

Again, this is the best of our country.
By the way - if you want to see a terrific exchange of ideas, watch a recent podcast exchange between Charlamagne the God and Larry Elder. I was very, very impressed with both.

Credit CTG for bringing on and having a true exchange ideas with Larry. Credit Larry for bringing facts and as reasonable tone to the discussion.

Again, this is the best of our country.
Oh I wasn't impressed. Elder DESTROYED him. Charlemagne is a perfect example of someone who doesn't know politics but always want to to have a comment about it.
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Oh I wasn't impressed. Elder DESTROYED him. Charlemagne is a perfect example of someone who doesn't know politics but always want to to have a comment about it.
Elder was clear and compelling with this thoughts, to be sure. His views on the multi-dimension and longitudinal aspects of slavery are on point and important.

Charlemagne did not have to have Elder on. He listened and Elder answered with broad historical context and again, a calm demeanor. It did not devolve into a pedantic shouting match. For that, I give CTG a ton of credit.

CNN, as an example, says that they do it, but all they do is "discussion wash" by having Never Trumpers like Christie, Adam K., and others - people who even I say, "yeah, they are RINOs and are just saying enough to be interesting, but non-offensive to the CNN base audience".

Dana Bash will never have Larry Elder on to have a similar discussion.
Oh I wasn't impressed. Elder DESTROYED him. Charlemagne is a perfect example of someone who doesn't know politics but always want to to have a comment about it.
And credit you here for watching and having the above opinion. No reflexive liberal would say the above.
Good post. Very much agreed as everyone has a lean or a conscious/unconscious bias. The best of us can recognize it and be open about it. Few do - especially in the MSM and in politics.
The MSM definitely got their problems but nobody is more partisan than right wing media like Fox, Newsmax and OANN. It's not even close. Just look at they chyrons. At the same time, I understand you.
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Elder was clear and compelling with this thoughts, to be sure. His views on the multi-dimension and longitudinal aspects of slavery are on point and important.

Charlemagne did not have to have Elder on. He listened and Elder answered with broad historical context and again, a calm demeanor. It did not devolve into a pedantic shouting match. For that, I give CTG a ton of credit.

CNN, as an example, says that they do it, but all they do is "discussion wash" by having Never Trumpers like Christie, Adam K., and others - people who even I say, "yeah, they are RINOs and are just saying enough to be interesting, but non-offensive to the CNN base audience".

Dana Bash will never have Larry Elder on to have a similar discussion.
CNN had on MTG, Pence, Vivek, and plenty of pro Trump people including Trump lol.

Elder just killed that man. It was sad.
It's amazing we keep having this conversation over and over again.

Everyone here is an adult. Everyone knows they shouldn't be trolling and they shouldn't be lying.

Just act like an adult and we can have actual conversations. Or if you want to act like a child, at least have enough shame not to complain when a mod steps in and treats you like one.
Did you manage to type this with a straight face?
Both are profoundly partisan. MSNBC is essentially a progressive organization whose views in 2023 are not materially off from those views espoused by the Black Panthers in the 60s.

PBS is left wing. When David Brooks is your "right representative", your ideological tilt is a moderate on the Wellesley campus.

One can argue that there is balance in the synthesis. That would be fair.
I am adamant for the 1st amendment and 2nd amendment (along with most if not all of other amendments). I am truly free-speech.

Let's test this and make it personal. If you were to say, "hey Diddy, I know you are 25% jewish, what are your thoughts that many of the heads of Media and Hollywood are led by people of Jewish heritage or background? What do you think of Scooter Braun, who essentially "stole" (he paid fair market value, i believe) for Taylor Swift's masters and refused to sell it to her at a fair price. Scooter also comes from a conservative jewish background" I would look at it and try to make a fact based, independent judgment on it. I would not immediately call you an Anti-Semite, an idiot, a hate-monger, etc. etc.

Let's take another example very close to you, Ghost, Nail and others: the 2020 election. You are all deeply convinced it was literally (ballots overwritten, etc.) stolen. I support your right to stay it and offer up evidence as you have it (which often is not perfect, regardless of what the topic is) and how it may emerge (e.g. Trump's legal filing in the Georgia indictment) I may not agree with it, but I will evaluate and judge the assertion (versus the person) based on the facts presented. I will also not reflexively dismiss you as a "fascist, anti-democratic, etc." None of us should do that.

By the way, one of the one's whom I asked to rethink his approach is MDF. Many of his posts blurt out in all caps, "SHEEP" which does little to advance free exchange of thoughts and dialogue.

Where this board, again in my opinion, which Fresno asked for on this thread, is that we too often devolve into the ad-hominem attacks. It detracts from the given and take of opinion and perspective here. If we can focus on the latter, I believe we will all benefit from it - that, in my view, is the beauty of our constitutional republic, our democracy.
I was simply trying to figure out what you were talking about, specifically. Still not 💯, but that might be because I ignore some posts and posters. 🤷‍♂️

As for ad hominem, for me it doesn’t bother me either way. Me personally, I would rather endure it than take away someone else’s speech. It’s easy enough for me to ignore, and I can understand folks needing to vent. Not to mention, the clown suit analogy…..Why would I get upset for folks calling me an asshole when I put my asshole suit on before posting?

One thing I do find interesting, is folks tend to report “supposed” ad hominem attacks, or get upset with the purported attack when it’s against certain factions. But turn around and say nothing when it’s a perceived ideological ally, or even worse, do it themselves. And some of the “attacks”….may not even be an attack, but a perceived attack. Which is why it’s a slippery slope.

Just an observation, and not directed at anyone in particular.
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I am adamant for the 1st amendment and 2nd amendment (along with most if not all of other amendments). I am truly free-speech.

Let's test this and make it personal. If you were to say, "hey Diddy, I know you are 25% jewish, what are your thoughts that many of the heads of Media and Hollywood are led by people of Jewish heritage or background? What do you think of Scooter Braun, who essentially "stole" (he paid fair market value, i believe) for Taylor Swift's masters and refused to sell it to her at a fair price. Scooter also comes from a conservative jewish background" I would look at it and try to make a fact based, independent judgment on it. I would not immediately call you an Anti-Semite, an idiot, a hate-monger, etc. etc.

Let's take another example very close to you, Ghost, Nail and others: the 2020 election. You are all deeply convinced it was literally (ballots overwritten, etc.) stolen. I support your right to stay it and offer up evidence as you have it (which often is not perfect, regardless of what the topic is) and how it may emerge (e.g. Trump's legal filing in the Georgia indictment) I may not agree with it, but I will evaluate and judge the assertion (versus the person) based on the facts presented. I will also not reflexively dismiss you as a "fascist, anti-democratic, etc." None of us should do that.

By the way, one of the one's whom I asked to rethink his approach is MDF. Many of his posts blurt out in all caps, "SHEEP" which does little to advance free exchange of thoughts and dialogue.

Where this board, again in my opinion, which Fresno asked for on this thread, is that we too often devolve into the ad-hominem attacks. It detracts from the given and take of opinion and perspective here. If we can focus on the latter, I believe we will all benefit from it - that, in my view, is the beauty of our constitutional republic, our democracy.

Agree. However I'm also a big believer in, if a person tells you who they are, believe them.

When you've gone to great lengths to have reasonable conversations with people and they've gone to even greater links to purposely miss the point, twist your words and generally behave in an intellectualy dishonest manner, ad hominem attacks or general ignore are entirely reasonable responses imho.

I admit ad hominem responses are juvenile and generally beneath me...but it is the internet.
Both are profoundly partisan. MSNBC is essentially a progressive organization whose views in 2023 are not materially off from those views espoused by the Black Panthers in the 60s.

PBS is left wing. When David Brooks is your "right representative", your ideological tilt is a moderate on the Wellesley campus.

One can argue that there is balance in the synthesis. That would be fair.
I would agree, but that is not what he said, not even close ...
I would agree, but that is not what he said, not even close ...
Unless I missed it, he said that Fox, OAN was very partisan in reporting and I said that both sides have very partisan news outlets and gave examples on the left.

Did I miss something? (Asking honestly)
Unless I missed it, he said that Fox, OAN was very partisan in reporting and I said that both sides have very partisan news outlets and gave examples on the left.

Did I miss something? (Asking honestly)
Yes, I just said that right wing media is MORE partisan.
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