So, what do you think of the board?

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So calling anyone that disagrees with me a 'nut' would make me more open-minded like you? LOL

A bit surprised to see @FresnoGator Like your point about posters leaving because of trolls. The posters we lost due to 1776's posts were absolutely more valuable to the discussions we had here than 1776 has ever been.

Avoiding an 'echo chamber' comes at a cost.
You will notice I have liked every post in this thread. I asked for opinions and people have delivered them, and that I like ...
So calling anyone that disagrees with me a 'nut' would make me more open-minded like you? LOL

A bit surprised to see @FresnoGator Like your point about posters leaving because of trolls. The posters we lost due to 1776's posts were absolutely more valuable to the discussions we had here than 1776 has ever been.

Avoiding an 'echo chamber' comes at a cost.
'Nut' is a term of endearment.

Real trolls are harmless as long as they don't flood the board. You don't have to interact with them. If they don't get the desired response, they'll fade away on their own. Put them on ignore if you need to.
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Board is great. Honestly, Most (emphasis on most) of the posters here can debate, and are mature enough to take a little name calling ribbing when things get a little heated…

And then turn around and have a debate or even agree on certain topics. And that’s what it should be IMO.

We are in troubled times and folks need outlets. Good on you for allowing folks who are being genuine in their debates and emotions, to do just that.

There are still those that are here to troll, and it’s obvious. The obvious ones? I just don’t respond to them. They don’t deserve the attention.

The ones who do get actual quoted replies! Those are posters that have EARNED respect, even if they get a brutal response from myself. At least from my perspective.

I can tell you this much, the board is better now than it was. IMO.
Precisely. How many times has @gatorspeed called for me to be banned just cause he doesn't like my politics?

Theo knows all this. He's just defending his people, as always.
Malone God doesn’t like ugly, quit lying on a Sunday, and furthermore I could give a rip about your political views, furthermore you need to be banned just for being a nasty troublemaker
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Malone God doesn’t like ugly, quit lying on a Sunday, and furthermore I could give a rip about your political views, furthermore you need to be banned just for being a nasty troublemaker
Why? You only show up to complain. You don't even post here and would love a vacuum. 😂 Lefties are exactly why we can't have nice things.
You like it because it’s an echo chamber just like the lefty sites you don’t like just opposite. This site isn’t mistral by a long shot.

Nope I like arguing with the left but if lefty mods control the site they will ban you just because the lefties request it enough. Don't have to be trolling or anything to be banned on those sites. They are about equivalent to Facebook and youtube censoring the right.
Nope I like arguing with the left but if lefty mods control the site they will ban you just because the lefties request it enough. Don't have to be trolling or anything to be banned on those sites. They are about equivalent to Facebook and youtube censoring the right.
Truth. You left out Yahoo comments. You can have comments deleted even if they are widely known facts if some snowflake reports it. It's astounding.
Truth. You left out Yahoo comments. You can have comments deleted even if they are widely known facts if some snowflake reports it. It's astounding.
I was banned from yahoo's comments years ago for what I consider very little reason. So, I am inclined to let folks vent as long as they don't cross what should be obvious lines ...
Nope I like arguing with the left but if lefty mods control the site they will ban you just because the lefties request it enough. Don't have to be trolling or anything to be banned on those sites. They are about equivalent to Facebook and youtube censoring the right.
That’s the same as here, lefties get banned
Why? You only show up to complain. You don't even post here and would love a vacuum. 😂 Lefties are exactly why we can't have nice things.
Poor @GatorTheo. He was trying soooooooo hard to make the case that only lefties get banned here, and that they only get banned for being lefties, then @gatorspeed comes behind him and craps all over his work LOL
Poor @GatorTheo. He was trying soooooooo hard to make the case that only lefties get banned here, and that they only get banned for being lefties, then @gatorspeed comes behind him and craps all over his work LOL
Ahhh lil Maloney playing chase after the lefties, you go catch em there Maloney! Do your duty there Mr Righty, you get those lefties banned! We’ll present you with a Trophy for all your hard work there super hero

So in your mind, if someone ELSE is being close-minded, well that's a threat to the 'vibrancy' of the board.

But when you do's endearing 🥰
I'm fine with close-minded people. They're part of life and should be part of this board. They actually add to the vibrancy of the board. I prefer more posters not less. I'm unconcerned whether they agree with my opinions or not.
I'm fine with close-minded people. They're part of life and should be part of this board. They actually add to the vibrancy of the board. I prefer more posters not less. I'm unconcerned whether they agree with my opinions or not.
Malone is a turd plain and simple, the rest of the dudes on here are good dudes… plain and simple
Legit arguing their points or for trolling or spamming etc. I have never requested someone be banned on a site but you do see some clear cut cases of the things mentioned above.
I respect you, there many in here I don’t. What you call trolling is another persons attempt to move some very very far right people out of the lunatic realm. Plenty of right wing spam on here, it’s 97% right 3% left and 1 person that’s a real indie, the great mdf..
  • Haha
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I respect you, there many in here I don’t. What you call trolling is another persons attempt to move some very very far right people out of the lunatic realm. Plenty of right wing spam on here, it’s 97% right 3% left and 1 person that’s a real indie, the great mdf..

It is mostly right wing posters here but I got banned a few times at another Gator site for complaints from lefty posters. The mods acted like their hands were tied even when I showed the people that complained did the same things they were complaining about.

Not saying it's always the case but it seems in general the left wants to mostly silence the other side while the right is more into arguing with the other side. Kind of like the few conservative professors liking arguing their point with students while you are risking your grades possibly arguing a conservative point with a lefty professor.
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I respect you, there many in here I don’t. What you call trolling is another persons attempt to move some very very far right people out of the lunatic realm. Plenty of right wing spam on here, it’s 97% right 3% left and 1 person that’s a real indie, the great mdf..
  • Haha
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It is mostly right wing posters here but I got banned a few times at another Gator site for complaints from lefty posters. The mods acted like their hands were tied even when I showed the people that complained did the same things they were complaining about.

Not saying it's always the case but it seems in general the left wants to mostly silence the other side while the right is more into arguing with the other side. Kind of like the few conservative professors liking arguing their point with students while you are risking your grades possibly arguing a conservative point with a lefty professor.
Yes the far left is annoying but the guys getting banned here are left. Our boy raygraves has been banned numerous times. You have never been banned here. Not have I, thanks @FresnoGator, I appreciate you!!
I'm fine with close-minded people. They're part of life and should be part of this board. They actually add to the vibrancy of the board. I prefer more posters not less. I'm unconcerned whether they agree with my opinions or not.
Yes you are very open-minded and tolerant of people you don't agree with. It's probably your most endearing quality.
It is mostly right wing posters here but I got banned a few times at another Gator site for complaints from lefty posters. The mods acted like their hands were tied even when I showed the people that complained did the same things they were complaining about.

Not saying it's always the case but it seems in general the left wants to mostly silence the other side while the right is more into arguing with the other side. Kind of like the few conservative professors liking arguing their point with students while you are risking your grades possibly arguing a conservative point with a lefty professor.
Fascism is a construct of the left. They always want to silence anyone that has an opposing viewpoint. And they always want the rules to be applied to everyone else and not themselves. Notice that the same posters always rush in demanding that trolls be allowed to break the rules, while trying to spin that they are being 'targeted'.
It's better to have all sides represented as long as someone isn't clearly just constantly trolling. Back and forth is good as long as it doesn't get too personal. I like this place unlike real lefty heavy sites because they seem to always want to eventually silence the views they don't like.
A la Swamp gAss. Your old stomping ground till you pissed off every liberal there. The leftists here would feel right at home there. Most of all, the sunshine pumpers there are seriously intolerable.
A la Swamp gAss. Your old stomping ground till you pissed off every liberal there. The leftists here would feel right at home there. Most of all, the sunshine pumpers there are seriously intolerable.

Yep they even carried it over to the football forum some. You couldn't be deemed too negative about what was going on with the team even when things were falling apart.
Poor @GatorTheo. He was trying soooooooo hard to make the case that only lefties get banned here, and that they only get banned for being lefties, then @gatorspeed comes behind him and craps all over his work LOL
Theo's not a lefty. But he's got a giant redwood jammed into the corner of his eye when it comes to guns. Even he won't deny it. 😂 What's completely ironic is that you don't even own a gun, yet you are a staunch constitutionalist when it comes to gun ownership. The constitution > personal preferences , we salute you!
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It's been about 6 weeks since we've been spammed with countless yahoo news articles.

Feels to me like a little bit more of an echo chamber, but there are a few still fighting the good fight.

The one thing I really liked about the yahoo articles was that the subject line made it very clear what the thread was about.

It seems the ambiguously titled threads get fewer posts and fewer views @Mdfgator @Capt Ron 1

Just my opinion.

The goal is to have an active yet civil forum.

So, what do you like / not like?
Intended or not....yes, an echo chamber was created.

Yahoo is less but gateway pundit is more 😖
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Losing interest and patience with a shrinking circle of participants and I’m sure they don’t care for me. I’m called a RINO and not a real American but I just have to consider the source.

I will defend the fact that this is America and they have the right to be wrong.

But serious kudos to you for asking.
Very good post by you and that's why you're considered a RINO 😉.

Apparently Republicans are supposed to hate anyone that's not a Republican and give 100% loyalty to Trump. You failed at both.
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Intended or not....yes, an echo chamber was created.

Yahoo is less but gateway pundit is more 😖
An echo chamber wasn't created. Useless spam got eliminated. Same thing happens on the sports boards when the latest penis pill advertising gets sent to the garbage bin. It's 2023 bro. Copy and paste long catting is so 1999.

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An echo chamber wasn't created. Useless spam got eliminated. Same thing happens on the sports boards when the latest penis pill advertising gets sent to the garbage bin. It's 2023 bro. Copy and paste long catting is so 1999.

You’re one of the main fluffers in the chamber…
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I respect you, there many in here I don’t. What you call trolling is another persons attempt to move some very very far right people out of the lunatic realm. Plenty of right wing spam on here, it’s 97% right 3% left and 1 person that’s a real indie, the great mdf..

@kalimgoodman is the only true independent on here…. right, Kal? 😂😂
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