Biden and sensitive documents

Dude....your new name will be "hair splitter" He BROKE THE LAW for EIGHT YEARS having TOP SECRET material he was NOT allowed to have....split those hairs!! SECONDLY...I do not know if this broke the law....having those documents in VERY unsecure places SHOULD be a crime, especially after he admitted that they were in his F'n garage. He took TS material that NO ONE knew about. Trump took stuff, and they wanted it back. He broke laws TAKING the stuff..and broke laws being in possession of it.
What eight years are you referring to?
Look up what possession means and get back to me.

As vice president, he can be in possession of literally as many documents as he wants.

So being in possession of them is not the crime. Remaining in possession when he no longer had that authority and removing them and storing them is the problem.
Some of the docs found in the first batch were marked SCI, meaning they couldn't be viewed outside of a SCIF.

These locations are extremely secure, no electronic devices are allowed in, and documents can't be removed.

So, at least for some of them, I'm fairly certain he wasn't supposed to possess them.
Some of the docs found in the first batch were marked SCI, meaning they couldn't be viewed outside of a SCIF.

These locations are extremely secure, no electronic devices are allowed in, and documents can't be removed.

So, at least for some of them, I'm fairly certain he wasn't supposed to possess them.
I understood your post. I'm having trouble understanding the timeline on Ron's.

i've known a few individuals with YW clearance and from what I hear regardless of the letter behind their names they are all abysmal at document handling which SS and CID pick up the slack for.
Some of the docs found in the first batch were marked SCI, meaning they couldn't be viewed outside of a SCIF.

These locations are extremely secure, no electronic devices are allowed in, and documents can't be removed.

So, at least for some of them, I'm fairly certain he wasn't supposed to possess them.
Correct. That one will be a beauty to try to explain.
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Look up what possession means and get back to me.

As vice president, he can be in possession of literally as many documents as he wants.

So being in possession of them is not the crime. Remaining in possession when he no longer had that authority and removing them and storing them is the problem.
That is correct. The entire issue is that the Pantshitter in Chief should not have been in possession of them when Bo Peep left office, but he still did for over well over 6 years later and kept in a damned garage. 😂 Not much different than a SOS operating a TS server out of her toilet. The entire discussion though is the hypocrisy of who has classified documents, who can declassify them for personal consumption, and the manner of which average Citizen Z would go to prison for violating the letter of the law. That's what pisses me off the most. I don't have any issues with what you have posted, have seen nothing that I disagree with regarding the matter. But when Hiden left the VP spot, he is no different than either you or I. Just making that point, and it's not an adversarial one.
That is correct. The entire issue is that the Pantshitter in Chief should not have been in possession of them when Bo Peep left office, but he still did for over well over 6 years later and kept in a damned garage. 😂 Not much different than a SOS operating a TS server out of her toilet. The entire discussion though is the hypocrisy of who has classified documents, who can declassify them for personal consumption, and the manner of which average Citizen Z would go to prison for violating the letter of the law. That's what pisses me off the most. I don't have any issues with what you have posted, have seen nothing that I disagree with regarding the matter. But when Hiden left the VP spot, he is no different than either you or I. Just making that point, and it's not an adversarial one.
The fact that he still has them is the issue.

As you said, likely nothing will be done about it even though they were trying to make a case for jailing Trump on the ACCUSATION of him doing less than we now know Hiden DID.

The only way I can see this getting traction for punishment would be if we can show that he gave that intel to our enemies. Which, this is the dems, so that's possible.
The fact that he still has them is the issue.

As you said, likely nothing will be done about it even though they were trying to make a case for jailing Trump on the ACCUSATION of him doing less than we now know Hiden DID.

The only way I can see this getting traction for punishment would be if we can show that he gave that intel to our enemies. Which, this is the dems, so that's possible.
I think this is convenient, in extremis.

They're going to somehow prove that mishandling classified documents makes you ineligible to run for president.

Two birds, one stone.
I think this is convenient, in extremis.

They're going to somehow prove that mishandling classified documents makes you ineligible to run for president.

Two birds, one stone.
That's what it's beginning to look like, yet another Dimtard coup. Prevent Trump from running, make the Pantshitter take a seat in the corner to clear the way for a new leftist extremist. Once the House flipped, they knew Hiden's evil deeds would become an exposed liability that could no longer be ignored or called Russian disinformation.

What is really interesting is how terrified the Dims AND the Deep State are of Trump. Why would they worry about someone they claim is so unpopular? 😂
I still think this entire deal is to protect the Dems in 2024 from Biden's Ukraine and China crooked kickbacks. I do think Biden will serve out his term now which I thought would never happen after he took office. Another 2 years with an alzheimers patient as POTUS.
Who told you this? Almost everyone with "Secretary of" in their title has TS clearance.
Another POOR communication on my part. The documents were taken when he was VP. A VP has NO REASON to take TS documents. It was immediately a crime. Trump at LEAST can say he declassified the ones he took. There COULD be a legit reason for him to have them. There are no excuses for Brandon.
Another POOR communication on my part. The documents were taken when he was VP. A VP has NO REASON to take TS documents. It was immediately a crime. Trump at LEAST can say he declassified the ones he took. There COULD be a legit reason for him to have them. There are no excuses for Brandon.
None. Nor does he have the power to set the declassification process in motion.
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The fact that he still has them is the issue.

As you said, likely nothing will be done about it even though they were trying to make a case for jailing Trump on the ACCUSATION of him doing less than we now know Hiden DID.

The only way I can see this getting traction for punishment would be if we can show that he gave that intel to our enemies. Which, this is the dems, so that's possible.
IMO he most likely took docs that:
1) Had intel valuable to countries Biden is doing business with;
2) Could incriminate the Biden crime family in unethical/illegal foreign affairs

It had to have some value or he wouldn’t have risked it. I don’t believe for one second he didn’t know he had these, I just don’t think he ever dreamed the DS would turn against him.
IMO he most likely took docs that:
1) Had intel valuable to countries Biden is doing business with;
2) Could incriminate the Biden crime family in unethical/illegal foreign affairs

It had to have some value or he wouldn’t have risked it. I don’t believe for one second he didn’t know he had these, I just don’t think he ever dreamed the DS would turn against him.
Absolutely spot on.
That is correct. The entire issue is that the Pantshitter in Chief should not have been in possession of them when Bo Peep left office, but he still did for over well over 6 years later and kept in a damned garage. 😂 Not much different than a SOS operating a TS server out of her toilet. The entire discussion though is the hypocrisy of who has classified documents, who can declassify them for personal consumption, and the manner of which average Citizen Z would go to prison for violating the letter of the law. That's what pisses me off the most. I don't have any issues with what you have posted, have seen nothing that I disagree with regarding the matter. But when Hiden left the VP spot, he is no different than either you or I. Just making that point, and it's not an adversarial one.

So it's been fun watching the dems on Twitter excuse this away, and I'm not getting into all of that, but I have a really simple question:

Biden claims he "didn't realize" he had these documents in various locations. How can you secure and protect something that you don't even know you have?
How did he even get those documents out of the original secure area in the first place?
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Trump: Lied about turning over Docs
Biden:: Turned over right away.

Trump: Lied about declassification
Biden: Didn’t make up some story about declassification (maybe Obama pretended to declassify them)

Trump: Kept in a public resort which has been breached many times
Biden. Hidden away in his Corvette which he is too old to drive. The perfect cover.

Dems. Calling out Biden for his stupidity
Pubs. Continue to defend Trump.

Yep. There is a difference.
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IMO he most likely took docs that:
1) Had intel valuable to countries Biden is doing business with;
2) Could incriminate the Biden crime family in unethical/illegal foreign affairs

It had to have some value or he wouldn’t have risked it. I don’t believe for one second he didn’t know he had these, I just don’t think he ever dreamed the DS would turn against him.
Muh Biden crime family. You’ve totally gone insane.
That's what it's beginning to look like, yet another Dimtard coup. Prevent Trump from running, make the Pantshitter take a seat in the corner to clear the way for a new leftist extremist. Once the House flipped, they knew Hiden's evil deeds would become an exposed liability that could no longer be ignored or called Russian disinformation.

What is really interesting is how terrified the Dims AND the Deep State are of Trump. Why would they worry about someone they claim is so unpopular? 😂
They can't prevent Trump from running cause Trump has done nothing wrong. This will be spun to the sheep as 'Trump gets away with breaking the law AGAIN' and the sheep will eat it up and the dems will milk them for more money as a result.
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Explain how he has 4 mansions on a senators salary? I'll hang up and listen
Book deals? Speaking fees? Hell if I know. They all get rich while in office.

Wait, it must be all of those payments from China. Hahahaha. You’ve unlocked the secret. Run with it based purely on speculation.

Muh China.
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Correct. This is why they can't go after Trump. But as we can see ITT, the sheep already believe Trump and Hiden did the same thing.

So when they throw Hiden under the bus, the sheep will howl and want to know why they aren't doing anything to Trump.

We know the left will eventually have to dump Hiden. When they do, they will try to take out Trump at the same time.

1 - If they get Hiden on taxes, they will claim Trump fibbed on his as well and neither can run in 24

2 - If they get Hiden on classified documents, they will claim Trump did the same, and neither can run in 24

3 - If they get Hiden for his health, they will claim Trump is just as old and neither can run in 24
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IMO he most likely took docs that:
1) Had intel valuable to countries Biden is doing business with;
2) Could incriminate the Biden crime family in unethical/illegal foreign affairs

It had to have some value or he wouldn’t have risked it. I don’t believe for one second he didn’t know he had these, I just don’t think he ever dreamed the DS would turn against him.
He absolutely took the documents that had the most monetary value to him. Either as a way to preserve existing value, or to acquire new value. My guess is as a defensive measure.

Does anyone think Hiden is the only one doing this in DC? Probably the biggest reason why nothing will/can be done to Hiden over this.
The biggest difference is that if you can prove Biden was giving state secrets toChina, I say fry him. Whereas if Trump was doing it, you all would keep making excuses.

Im perfectly fine with a full investigation into all of his sources of income. The American Public deserves complete transparency from its leader, not the obfuscation the Trumpers seem to treasure.
They ARE coming after this idiot.....

The end goal is getting Trump, not Hiden. Hiden will eventually be moved to the side, but in doing so they will try to make the case that Trump can't run in 24 for the same reason Hiden can't.

The real question is why are they doing this now? My guess is they've caught wind of something involving the Hiden crime family is about to go public, and they are trying to get out in front of it.

My guess is Hiden eventually resigns, Kamala is elevated, then in 6 months or so after this has calmed down, she announces she isn't running in 24.
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How did he even get those documents out of the original secure area in the first place?
Who was going to stop him? The people that are likely doing the same things he was, for the same reasons?

Again, when Trump came to DC and BOTH PARTIES united in fighting him, that should have been a MASSIVE wakeup call to everyone.
Lol at Biden taking down his tax return info online right before his people were allowed to go in and check over these documents. This special counsel was clearly created to throw a bag over Bidens crooked dealings until the 2024 election is over. The same thing they did when using Mueller to refuse to turn over many fake Russian collusion documents. It's unbelievable how weaponized our agencies are for the Dems. It's what happens when they selectively hire lefties for years in these Govt agencies.

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