Biden and sensitive documents

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Yep. IMO this is all happening cause the 'we will throw our support behind DeSantis' didn't derail the Trump Train.

It's possible something is about to come out about the Hiden Crime family and they are just trying to drag Trump down with them. But even without this, they were gonna go onto their next attempt to stop Trump from running in 24.

They tried raiding his home and making the case with the public that he had to be arrested. That blew up spectacularly in their faces.

Then they switched to 'we'll support DeSantis and unite the party' and the republicans completely rejected that idea.

Now they are on this. When this implodes, it will be on to the next attempt.

It's a long time till November 24.
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The end goal is getting Trump, not Hiden. Hiden will eventually be moved to the side, but in doing so they will try to make the case that Trump can't run in 24 for the same reason Hiden can't.

The real question is why are they doing this now? My guess is they've caught wind of something involving the Hiden crime family is about to go public, and they are trying to get out in front of it.

My guess is Hiden eventually resigns, Kamala is elevated, then in 6 months or so after this has calmed down, she announces she isn't running in 24.
I am with this timeline...they may not make him resign, however they will make SURE he cannot be re elected
IMO he most likely took docs that:
1) Had intel valuable to countries Biden is doing business with;
2) Could incriminate the Biden crime family in unethical/illegal foreign affairs

It had to have some value or he wouldn’t have risked it. I don’t believe for one second he didn’t know he had these, I just don’t think he ever dreamed the DS would turn against him.
I think it is VERY telling he will not release the visitor logs. They have a Secret Service gate to enter his residence,,they HAVE a log. He is refusing it
Trump: Lied about turning over Docs
Biden:: Turned over right away.

Trump: Lied about declassification
Biden: Didn’t make up some story about declassification (maybe Obama pretended to declassify them)

Trump: Kept in a public resort which has been breached many times
Biden. Hidden away in his Corvette which he is too old to drive. The perfect cover.

Dems. Calling out Biden for his stupidity
Pubs. Continue to defend Trump.

Yep. There is a difference.
I nominate this as your DUMBEST post ever. And you have had MANY stupid posts
The biggest difference is that if you can prove Biden was giving state secrets toChina, I say fry him. Whereas if Trump was doing it, you all would keep making excuses.

Im perfectly fine with a full investigation into all of his sources of income. The American Public deserves complete transparency from its leader, not the obfuscation the Trumpers seem to treasure.
No...Trump is not a F'n crook like Biden. THAT is the difference
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Muh Biden crime family. You’ve totally gone insane.
Question: what was the impetus for suddenly “finding” the Biden documents ahead of the midterms, who did the finding, and how is it these documents were not reported missing by the National Archives for six years?
Answer: Biden handlers and puppet masters know that the Republican majority in the House were going to pull back the curtain on the Biden FAMILY dealings with foreign governments during their investigation of Hunter. They had to get in front of that, didn’t they?

Raise your hand if you believe all of the documents have been found and that they’ve been safely tucked out of sight where no foreign government has seen them.
Now raise your hand again if you believe that no log was ever kept showing who visited the Delaware residence where the Dimwit spends a third (at least) of his time?
The biggest difference is that if you can prove Biden was giving state secrets toChina, I say fry him. Whereas if Trump was doing it, you all would keep making excuses.

Im perfectly fine with a full investigation into all of his sources of income. The American Public deserves complete transparency from its leader, not the obfuscation the Trumpers seem to treasure.

Yes, you've made it clear you "weren't defending Biden" even as you typed words in an order that served no other purpose beyond "defending Biden."

Sometimes it's difficult to tell if you're stupid or if you're stupid on purpose for the troll lulz.
Yes, you've made it clear you "weren't defending Biden" even as you typed words in an order that served no other purpose beyond "defending Biden."

Sometimes it's difficult to tell if you're stupid or if you're stupid on purpose for the troll lulz.
He's just a terrible troll. This is the first board I've ever posted on where the trolls are so bad at what they do that they complain about people not taking their trolls seriously.
Yes, you've made it clear you "weren't defending Biden" even as you typed words in an order that served no other purpose beyond "defending Biden."

Sometimes it's difficult to tell if you're stupid or if you're stupid on purpose for the troll lulz.
I quit replying to him because of this. He seems REALLY stupid. So much I almost feel sorry for him. Typical libbie.
I quit replying to him because of this. He seems REALLY stupid. So much I almost feel sorry for him. Typical libbie.

My best guess...he's of average intelligence, or just on the cusp. But he's so completely FOS that he can't help but talk out of his arse from time to time which makes him appear to be dumber than he is in reality.

Sometimes he seems to even surprise himself with the foolishness.
Question: what was the impetus for suddenly “finding” the Biden documents ahead of the midterms, who did the finding, and how is it these documents were not reported missing by the National Archives for six years?
Answer: Biden handlers and puppet masters know that the Republican majority in the House were going to pull back the curtain on the Biden FAMILY dealings with foreign governments during their investigation of Hunter. They had to get in front of that, didn’t they?

Raise your hand if you believe all of the documents have been found and that they’ve been safely tucked out of sight where no foreign government has seen them.
Now raise your hand again if you believe that no log was ever kept showing who visited the Delaware residence where the Dimwit spends a third (at least) of his time?
No idea. Maybe he just packed a bunch of stuff away and forget about it. Like I said, let’s do a full investigation. I don’t keep a log of people visiting my house.

But to jump straight to “Biden is selling state secrets to the Chinese” is just something crazy people say. These are the same people that claimed the FBI planted those top secret documents at the Trump residence.
I quit replying to him because of this. He seems REALLY stupid. So much I almost feel sorry for him. Typical libbie.
Either that or you can’t take it when people don’t buy into the same lame conspiracy theories that the echo chamber does.

I’ll say it again. Do a full investigation. If Biden is caught selling state secrets, fry him. Simple as that.

I-wish you Trumpers were so honest.
Have you figured out the difference between the Fair Tax and a Flat Tax yet?

I am going to do myself a HUGE favor this year! I cannot tell you how much more I enjoy this board since I put lil dicky on ignore. You just earned the title. You are a lying fraud, and I think a conversation with a rock would be more educational. Have a good time trolling others.......
This is what happens when someone brings some rational thought into a discussion. Don’t attack the poster, attack the message.

I am going to do myself a HUGE favor this year! I cannot tell you how much more I enjoy this board since I put lil dicky on ignore. You just earned the title. You are a lying fraud, and I think a conversation with a rock would be more educational. Have a good time trolling others.......
Enjoy the echo chamber. . Some people just can’t handle dissenting opinions.

I’ll still be here either way.
You have people on ignore for the same reason, goofball. 😂
So as soon as it begins to become obvious that Hiden was likely selling state secrets to a foreign power, suddenly @BSC911 wants to deflect and talk about individual posters instead of owning his guy's actions?

What a coincidence. Oh well, at least we don't have to worry about having an 'echo chamber' here.
You have people on ignore for the same reason, goofball. 😂
The people I put on ignore is because they bore me, like you do. When all you can come up with is call the other poster stupid, or a retard, or a liar, then its not worth my time, which is valuable. Oh, I still check in from time to time to see if any of you all have anything interesting to add to a discussion, but you rarely do. Just regurgitate the same Fox talking points.

If I wanted an echo chamber with people whose only contribution is Dems Good, Pubs Bad, then I’d join a different forum. Plus I’m mainly here for recruiting news anyway. Triggering you guys is just an added bonus.
The people I put on ignore is because they bore me, like you do. When all you can come up with is call the other poster stupid, or a retard, or a liar, then its not worth my time, which is valuable. Oh, I still check in from time to time to see if any of you all have anything interesting to add to a discussion, but you rarely do. Just regurgitate the same Fox talking points.

If I wanted an echo chamber with people whose only contribution is Dems Good, Pubs Bad, then I’d join a different forum. Plus I’m mainly here for recruiting news anyway. Triggering you guys is just an added bonus.

A. You don't like the "stupid, retard, liar" combo? LOL...have you read any of your posts goofball? Can you actually be that unaware? Check out your posts with Capt Ron. 😂 You do the same with nearly everyone, lol.

B. You put me on ignore because you're a coward. You aren't bright and I highlight that for you each time we have an exchange. It's literally as simple as that.

C. I DGAF that you have me on ignore. As you said to another poster, "I'm still here" regardless of your allergies to the truth.

D. I literally NEVER watch Fox. I don't know how many times I have to tell you this. This is why I call you stupid. I changed streaming services about 8 months ago and I don't even know what channel Fox is on. 😂
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A. You don't like the "stupid, retard, liar" combo? LOL...have you read any of your posts goofball? Can you actually be that unaware? Check out your posts with Capt Ron. 😂 You do the same with nearly everyone, lol.

B. You put me on ignore because you're a coward. You aren't bright and I highlight that for you each time we have an exchange. It's literally as simple as that.

C. I DGAF that you have me on ignore. As you said to another poster, "I'm still here" regardless of your allergies to the truth.

D. I literally NEVER watch Fox. I don't know how many times I have to tell you this. This is why I call you stupid. I changed streaming services about 8 months ago and I don't even know what channel Fox is on. 😂
Yawn. Boring…….

Let me know how that blind trust is working out for you. Talk about not very bright. Tries to brag about his “blind trust” and doesn’t even know what it means. Sorry dude, you are no one to talk. You keep calling others “not very bright“ and then say the dumbest things. Nope, you are up there with Capt.Ron and Sunburnt. I get it, you are mad that I embarrassed you.

Let me know if there is anything else I can teach you.
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Yawn. Boring…….

Let me know how that blind trust is working out for you. Talk about not very bright. Tries to brag about his “blind trust” and doesn’t even know what it means. Sorry dude, you are no one to talk. You keep calling others “not very bright“ and then say the dumbest things. Nope, you are up there with Capt.Ron and Sunburnt. I get it, you are mad that I embarrassed you.

Let me know if there is anything else I can teach you.

LOL...thanks for making my point with this deflection. Should I respond with something equally how was the soybean crop? What did you grow on your Caribbean plantation?

The irrevocable trust is fine...probably. I hire people like you, only smarter, to manage such things. They call me sir or Mr. ______. Maybe that would benefit you as well?

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