7 states; 7 losses…

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I think you have that backwards. The images of perverts shaking their junk at one another, especially in front of children, largely have the opposite effect. By a wide margin btw.

If your point is that children don't need to see the image above, agree. However, when it becomes appropriate, we should all see it.
They think they’re making a difference. So do you.

You can completely express your opinion without the gross pictures.
They think they’re making a difference. So do you.

You can completely express your opinion without the gross pictures.
What's next, complaining about someone posting pictures of the aftermath of a shooting in a 'gun free zone'?

If seeing visual evidence of what you advocate for upsets you this much, then maybe you are advocating for the wrong stuff.
They need to dump the religious right, you think those idiots would vote for a liberal? Not a chance.
They’re blindly supporting a former NY Democrat. Who’s now a Republican only because it was a convenient business decision.
When McCain was asked what he would do to earn the conservative/evangelical vote his answer was, nothing, where else are they going to go.

He was partly right. They had no where to go and stayed home..
And look where it got us.
Bless your heart.
What's next, complaining about someone posting pictures of the aftermath of a shooting in a 'gun free zone'?

If seeing visual evidence of what you advocate for upsets you this much, then maybe you are advocating for the wrong stuff.
I don’t care about the politics. I don’t think graphic horror pics should be posted.
It's certainly complex. I have zero doubt that God abhors abortion and will punish those responsible for its practice.

At the same time, I believe that He gave us free will for a reason. He wants us to choose Him. This country, like no other before it, allows people to choose Him without fear.
The evangelicals on here should in fact not be at all bothered if someone (UH, THE WOMAN AKA…THE REPOSITORY FOR THEIR SEMEN) decides to have the pregnancy ended and you’re sure she’s going to hell.
Won’t that shorten the line for y’all up at the pearly gates?
But all those women burning down in hell are going to cause a shortage of women up in heaven. Talk about no hot dates…
But it obviously doesn’t have the same impact as the visual truth. Or else you wouldn’t be asking for censorship.
Put them up. They’re Exhibit A of an irresponsible woman AND an irresponsible man.
Bet you didn’t think about that did you?
Of course you didn’t. Most men don’t.
Come and go…right?
The evangelicals on here should in fact not be at all bothered if someone (UH, THE WOMAN AKA…THE REPOSITORY FOR THEIR SEMEN) decides to have the pregnancy ended and you’re sure she’s going to hell.
Won’t that shorten the line for y’all up at the pearly gates?
But all those women burning down in hell are going to cause a shortage of women up in heaven. Talk about no hot dates…

This post is rather disappointing. Rather simple, cold and not well thought out.

And you do realize that women don't create life on their own, right? It's a part of us as well. Yes, women bear the burden of pregnancy but that child is quite literally as much ours as it is yours.

To answer your question, if I help my "semen repository" get an abortion, I'm sinning every bit as much as she is.
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Put them up. They’re Exhibit A of an irresponsible woman AND an irresponsible man.
Bet you didn’t think about that did you?
Of course you didn’t. Most men don’t.
Come and go…right?

Did someone intimate that men aren't also responsible?
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Porn would make an impact too but you don’t post it here.
The fact that you equate these two is quite telling.

You are all about authoritarian censorship and tyranny.

So, we now know…that you hate the First amendment just like the 2nd.

Again, Goldmom and Theo exposing exactly what I said about them. They aren’t moderates, and they damn sure aren’t on the Right.

Y’all make this too easy.
They think they’re making a difference. So do you.

You can completely express your opinion without the gross pictures.

Explain how these two things are the same...pretend I'm 5 years old and teach me.

A. A picture of an aborted fetus that's nearly full term or at least late term.

B. Gay men filming themselves gyrating with one another to normalize the behavior.

I don't think either picture would make me more likely to sympathize with, or appreciate, the behavior.

Both pictures would influence me negatively towards the behavior within the picture.
Explain how these two things are the same...pretend I'm 5 years old and teach me.

A. A picture of an aborted fetus that's nearly full term or at least late term.

B. Gay men filming themselves gyrating with one another to normalize the behavior.

I don't think either picture would make me more likely to sympathize with, or appreciate, the behavior.

Both pictures would influence me negatively towards the behavior within the picture.
You're letting your politics affect your ability to reason (there's a real shocker).

I think there are limits on what should be posted here. That's all. It's no more complicated than that.
You're letting your politics affect your ability to reason (there's a real shocker).

I think there are limits on what should be posted here. That's all. It's no more complicated than that.

No, you're missing your logic fail. It was rather obvious.

If gay men want to show other adults pics of them gyrating with other men in order to gain acceptance, more power to them.

It's not going to work, of course, and it will have a similar impact as the aborted baby pic imo. I don't dislike gay people but gay sex is gross to me.

Can I make gay people like straight sex by showing them pics of it? Durp.
No, you're missing your logic fail. It was rather obvious.

If gay men want to show other adults pics of them gyrating with other men in order to gain acceptance, more power to them.

It's not going to work, of course, and it will have a similar impact as the aborted baby pic imo. I don't dislike gay people but gay sex is gross to me.

Can I make gay people like straight sex by showing them pics of it? Durp.
OK, like you're 5 years old:

You exhibit shocking pics to try to modify people's beliefs.

Gay boys exhibit shocking behavior to try to modify people's beliefs.

If you can't understand that, I can't help you any further.
OK, like you're 5 years old:

You exhibit shocking pics to try to modify people's beliefs.

Gay boys exhibit shocking behavior to try to modify people's beliefs.

If you can't understand that, I can't help you any further.

Thank you. Now we'll explain it to you like your 5...

Both shocking pics will turn most people's stomachs. Neither are pleasant to most people. The majority will find one behavior to be cruel and the other to be icky.

So again, I don't care if gay people use this tactic to "win hearts and minds." I just don't believe it will work. I believe that it will have the opposite effect.

I do believe the aborted fetus pic can open people's eyes to the cruelty. Only the craziest of the crazies will be OK with this pic.
Thank you. Now we'll explain it to you like your 5...

Both shocking pics will turn most people's stomachs. Neither are pleasant to most people. The majority will find one behavior to be cruel and the other to be icky.

So again, I don't care if gay people use this tactic to "win hearts and minds." I just don't believe it will work. I believe that it will have the opposite effect.

I do believe the aborted fetus pic can open people's eyes to the cruelty. Only the craziest of the crazies will be OK with this pic.
I see.

Left wing shocking pics won't work but right wing shocking pics will.
I see.

Left wing shocking pics won't work but right wing shocking pics will.

You aren't hearing what I'm saying and I don't know how to word it so that you will.

To be clear, no...what you said in this quote is not true and it is not what I'm saying.
These people make me sick. Celebrating being able to kill babies.

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Agree, it is different in that way. But this isn't how we'll win this battle (with laws).

In truth we'll never "win" it...rather the fight itself is the win. God wants us to change the people rather than the law imo.
Sure it is. But you are partly right. We can do both. We can outlaw most abortions AND work to change minds. The law even our laws are instructive. They send the message to 80-90 percent of us what is expected and acceptable behavior. All laws are based on morals, ethics and world view. But God gave the law and setup the Judges to rule over Israel. We see Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy. He came as Jesus to change minds and save souls. You do both.
The evangelicals on here should in fact not be at all bothered if someone (UH, THE WOMAN AKA…THE REPOSITORY FOR THEIR SEMEN) decides to have the pregnancy ended and you’re sure she’s going to hell.
Won’t that shorten the line for y’all up at the pearly gates?
But all those women burning down in hell are going to cause a shortage of women up in heaven. Talk about no hot dates…
Individuals are punished/rewarded in the after life.

Nations which are temporal are punished for their sins in the present. Only Israel is eternal.

BTW there is no marriage in heaven
Individuals are punished/rewarded in the after life.

Nations which are temporal are punished for their sins in the present. Only Israel is eternal.

BTW there is no marriage in heaven
What does that mean: Only Israel is eternal?
The RATS tap dance to their base who are bra burner single women with no kids and that’s why it’s always abortion abortion abortion. The GOP establishment trash and look down at their base who consist of Christian conservatives and Katlicks and why the base doesn’t turn out for RINO squish.

Conservatism works, ask Reagan who won two landslides. Reagan defined his opponent and issues and hit it head on. The abortion issue is not hard. The RATS are the party of death and they need to wrap that around their head. They have so dehumanized the killing of babies it’s sick. GOP needs to be smarter on how they attack it because the RATS 🐀 will keep driving the issue home with it's bra burner base.
Me thinks yall are overthinking this.
While I agree that the border is important, going to push back a little. The NUMBER 1 issue is morality and God. The further we get from him, the worse things will and have gotten. See above post as well.

We cannot compromise morality and think we can fix anything. Sorry, but that’s just the Truth. This is bigger than party affiliation sir. One day you will see that. Better now than when truly being judged.

But I do find it interesting that the 2 best Presidents we have had, didn’t shy away from being Pro Life, and Trump actually campaigned on it. Meanwhile, the two “moderate” wishy washy candidates? Were obliterated. But by all means, don’t address the items that don’t fit the narrative you continue to parrot. CNN is damn proud of that.
And here folks is why the retardicans cannot get out of their own way, this is America no Iran. You nut
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Iran is the evil muzzies. Surprised you did not understand that.
People that take religion too seriously are dangerous and cannot be trusted. Doesn’t matter the religion. The Muslims are simply poorer with less hope.
lots of GOP victories

Ohio had dope on the ballot and brought out the young skulls of mush to vote

Northern Virginia is full of swamp creatures and Kommies

Kantuck GOP ran a McConnell hand pick RINO who didn’t inspire the base and go after Biden he was mush ( GOP crus all the down ballot races)

the GOP needs to reframe the debate on abortion against the mengale party who is more heinous and brutal on abortion than North Korea and China. SCOTUS a did the right thing sending it back to the states it’s federalism

Not aimed at the poster, but let me see if I can summarize what we’re saying here. The contention of a few people in here is the voter fraud and election stealing is why Republicans lost so many races were abortion was also on the ballot, yet, in Long Island, were Democrats controlled most of the elections, somehow Republicans come away with a clean sweep.

So voter fraud is your explanation for losing in states were Republicans control the elections, but it states were Democrats control the elections. The Republicans win, and there’s no abortion on the ballot.

Sure makes sense to me

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I have difficulty with the lack of rational thought.
But you keep these limited individuals all herded up so they vote for Trump, mkay?
Whenever they don’t have a good argument, they just resort to personal attacks :)
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Someone ITT is very upset that High Heel Ron, Jebbed out.

Looks like the two or three remaining supporters of the Romney wing have once again shown everyone their upstanding moral values.

The Uniparty is really working OT up in here.
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