The hell of it? I keep seeing people say “are you willing to let the left use abortion to win”?
As if they have a choice that the left won’t use it. Folks, the left will use it no matter how much you try to capitulate on it. That’s a fact, and can be historically backed up.
But it is quite comical that some view it as a choice. Ignorance is bliss.
Here’s an idea, just be strong and able to articulate better. This isn’t hard. The compromise candidates lose EVERY damn time. Romney, Mccain, Jeb, the list is long. Weird that their capitulation didn’t save them.
I think/hope the hand-wringers on the right are beginning to wake up. The RINOs and dems told us we better elect McCarthy on the FIRST VOTE back in Jan. Too embarrassing, make it stop! We didn't listen and got the motion to vacate installed if McCarthy didn't follow through on his promises.
McCarthy broke his promises, Gaetz exercised the vacate option and got him out. RINOs and dems pounced, told us we better stop voting and elect the SOROS GUY. Hand-wringers again said yes, anything to STOP THE EMBARRASSMENT.
We didn't listen again, ended up getting a CHRISTIAN elected as Speaker.
Hopefully we are waking up to the fact that the RINOs and dems, even on this board, do NOT have our best interests in mind.
Look at internet doctor above saying we gotta cave on abortion, else we will keep losing.
If that's true, how did Trump win?
If that's true, why did the dems have to literally STEAL AN ELECTION to stop Trump?
Trump is the first republican since Roe v Wade was passed that campaigned openly on KILLING ABORTION, and he is also the MOST POPULAR REPUBLICAN IN THE HISTORY OF THE PARTY.
Hand-wringers, please wake up. Trump showed us in 2016 by attacking abortion head on that we ALWAYS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING THIS.
The toothpaste is out of the tube now. Isn't it glorious?