You should defs make a trip to Alabama and attempt to purchase a slave. Let me know how that goes for you.
The state owns all of them now and don't put them up for sale
They're too busy making money off their servitude
OTOH, forced labor by convicted felons...that's legal according to the constitution.
Thanks for telling us nothing we didn't already know
And what makes that legal is the slavery exception that's written in the 13th amendment. You know the amendment about the abolishment of slavery.
Funny how language that allows for an exception to the 13th amendment isn't about slavery in your opinion, huh?
FTR I don't believe that it still occurs in Alabama. "Trustee" status in Alabama prisons and jails is a highly sought after status. Almost all of them apply for it, so that they can work, but very few are actually given the privilege.
Gun to my head, maybe 10% are given the privilege.
The debate was slavery still institutionally legal in America.
You disagreed
Now that you've been made aware of the number of states that have moved or are moving to remove the exception from their constitutions you're trying to turn the argument.
Why don't you just admit what the Alabama legislature has already admitted to?
And what Alabama's own media has reported?
Yep, slavery is still legal
By Jim LiskeView Comments
On Sept. 15, 1963, the bomb that killed four girls at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala., showed America just how far we had to go to fulfill the promise of justice and equality for all, even a century after the 13th Amendment ended slavery. Half a century after the bombing, the struggle is not over, in part because language in that same amendment still undermines the equal humanity of more than 7 million Americans who have been convicted of a crime.
Abolish Slavery Alabama: Remove Art. 1, sec. 32 from the Alabama Constitution of 1901
Posted on December 3, 2020 by FREE ALABAMA MOVEMENTToday, December 2, 2020, is International Abolish Slavery Day, and oh my! did it start with a bang. This date is historically important in America because of its historic practices of slavery and due to the fact that the 13th Amendment to the United States continues to have an exception clause that legalizes slavery and Involuntary servitude as punishment for crime.
Over the past several years, many incarcerated organizers, activists, artists and scholars in US prisons have worked to highlight not only the slavery exception clause in the 13th Amendment, but also the institutions this Amendment is responsible for creating (the network of Departments of Corrections around the country.
Desperate to keep profiting from Black bondage, Alabama's leaders were exploiting an exception to the 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery in the United States “except as a punishment for crime.” That caveat stands today, allowing forced labor in prisons that disproportionately hold people of color