About The "OTHER" Things That Were On The Ballot...

You can be born here and not be a citizen. (people renounce citizenship for many reasons).
You don’t have to be born here to be a citizen
You don’t have to be a citizen to have a drivers license
Election officials keep a roster but it’s not perfect.

The point is, the major deterrent is the heavy criminal penalties for illegally voting. That’s why it would be stupid to try to vote illegally since one vote never matters. It’s just an excuse the losers make.

The fact that the left is so viruntly opposed to voter ID is a tell for me.

If you're eligible to vote and an ID is required, you can get one for free. So why is the left against this with so much passion?

I can only come up with one reason.
The fact that the left is so viruntly opposed to voter ID is a tell for me.

If you're eligible to vote and an ID is required, you can get one for free. So why is the left against this with so much passion?

I can only come up with one reason.
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Yeah she was the topic of several threads on our board; I believe they ended up locked or deleted. A poster on our board said she got fired from her job over this but didn’t provide a link.
Yeah, she worked at Dillards and they fired her.

Here’s a better picture of her. Shes definitely at the extreme end of the hot/crazy matrix.

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Thats funny.
Every time I exercise my constitutional right to keep and bear arms I have to provide a valid ID. I have to provide an ID and ask permission to purchase a firearm.

Do you have to provide a ID to transfer ownership a gun?

I have to provide ID every time a visit a range. And I have to provide an ID, fingerprints and ask for permission to take said firearm outside of my house...all to exercise a constitutional right.

What's funny is that you don't need a picture ID to get a government issued picture ID

If I present my birth certificate, social security card and two forms of proof of residency I can get a DL or a state issued ID card...

So why wouldn't the presentation of the underlying documents serve as proof of ID
for voting?

Do you have to provide a ID to transfer ownership a gun?


What's funny is that you don't need a picture ID to get a government issued picture ID

If I present my birth certificate, social security card and two forms of proof of residency I can get a DL or a state issued ID card...

So why wouldn't the presentation of the underlying documents serve as proof of ID
for voting?

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

You're just embarrassing yourself now. Free and available ID's aren't suppressive or racist.
The Feds say that soon not only will you need an ID to fly, you'll need a star on that ID to double prove it's you.

But ID's to vote are racist? Haha, ok.
And there you go...if the glove don't fit you must acquit.
But they don't exist at a material level to question the outcome of any election in the US

Do you think large elections occur without errors?
Hell do even small elections occur without errors?

If you identify an error in voting process does that mean it even made it to the actual vote tabulation?

And if it did, was it material to the final count?

There are attempts to defraud every type of voting in-person, mail-in, dropbox, etc.
in EVERY election

All of the wild trump theories of material numbers of dead people voting, ballot stuffing, more voters than registered, etc have been proven to be false

I'm guessing that in the case of in-person fraudulent attempts that the ballot is not counted, and possibly criminal charges filed.

Is that what happened with the fraudulent voters in Florida?

Nope and that's why the FBI raided Mira he didn't do what Hillary did and destroy the evidence. If that makes him 'not as smart' so be it.

What are you talking about...trump did destroy government documents

He also hasn't explained the "lost" documents or if he's returned all of the documents either

You have no idea what Clinton "destroyed" but we know trump stole government property and hasn't been able to account for what he took

Are you saying he should walk?
Do you think large elections occur without errors?
Hell do even small elections occur without errors?

If you identify an error in voting process does that mean it even made it to the actual vote tabulation?

And if it did, was it material to the final count?

There are attempts to defraud every type of voting in-person, mail-in, dropbox, etc.
in EVERY election

All of the wild trump theories of material numbers of dead people voting, ballot stuffing, more voters than registered, etc have been proven to be false

Is that what happened with the fraudulent voters in Florida?

What are you talking about...trump did destroy government documents

He also hasn't explained the "lost" documents or if he's returned all of the documents either

You have no idea what Clinton "destroyed" but we know trump stole government property and hasn't been able to account for what he took

Are you saying he should walk?
Trumpers will always believe in election fraud because they truly can't believe that people would vote against the MAGA movement. They are so addicted to it, that they can't see outside of it.

Every election will have some discrepancies. History will tell you that. There were machine issues in 70's, 80's elections BUT we never had massive fraud. They truly think that the Ds manufactured like 200,000 votes with fake names, dead people, etc in like 50 states each. It's quite hilarious, when you truly think about it.

Every time they lose going forward, there will be a democrats cheat crowd. To help justify 2020 loss.
In Alabama, if you don't have a picture ID from any state or from the federal government you'll need...

1. Birth Certificate
2. SSN Card

..and the 3rd if you don't have another state ID, expired AL ID, passport, military picture ID, certificate of naturalization or citizenship

3. Any of the following...

Marriage license.
Professional license issued by a state or federal agency.
Selective Service card.
Veterans Administration card.
Current medical insurance identification card.
ID card issued by school with photo.
W-2 tax form, along with copy of previous year’s filed forms (tax return).
Documents from court of record:
Divorce decree;
Adoption decree;
Name-change decree;
Bankruptcy decree.
Probation or release documents issued by state or federal department of correction with photo ID card issued by the same authority, or felon ID card issued by the sheriff of the county of the applicant’s release.
Is Arizona a republican or democratic legislature?

Maybe you should realize that issue is more about voter suppression not election integrity...the people of Arizona do...why don't you?
Because it does not take this long to count the amount of votes they get. Florida was done before we went to bed Tuesday night. Quit pretending you want election integrity. You do NOT. You want power in your party. You care ZERO about America, son. How many flags have you either stepped on, of refused to show respect?
Banks can do whatever they want. There’s nothing in the constitution that says you have to have an unexpired drivers license to vote. Your sister may not feel suppressed but it’s a fact that many legal citizens are denied their constitutional rights for merely technical reasons. That should bother everyone, Pub or Dem.
Libbys HATE voter ID's. Makes cheating much harder
In some states, yes.

The constitution provides that power to each individual state. So, in a round about way, it absolutely does.
I love how people who hate the constitution like to pull out the "where in the constitution" card to argue for something they don't want such as voter id. To answer that question of where voter id is in the constitution, I think it's on the same page as a woman's right to an abortion.
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Here's a ballot measure that was sickeningly rejected.
So when does a fetus become a human being and when does killing it become murder.

Montana rejects ballot measure to require medical care for 'infants who are born alive'


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