Do you think large elections occur without errors?
Hell do even small elections occur without errors?
If you identify an error in voting process does that mean it even made it to the actual vote tabulation?
And if it did, was it material to the final count?
There are attempts to defraud every type of voting in-person, mail-in, dropbox, etc.
in EVERY election
All of the wild trump theories of material numbers of dead people voting, ballot stuffing, more voters than registered, etc have been proven to be false
Is that what happened with the fraudulent voters in Florida?
What are you talking about...trump did destroy government documents
He also hasn't explained the "lost" documents or if he's returned all of the documents either
You have no idea what Clinton "destroyed" but we know trump stole government property and hasn't been able to account for what he took
Are you saying he should walk?