Ron DeSantis stands no chance against a political barbarian like Donald Trump...

This is another funny thing gun nuts do.

You think the people who don't carry guns are the ones who are scared.

You think the people who do carry guns are big and brave.

That seems backwards to rational people.
What do I have to be scared of?

If you have a fire extinguisher and a smoke alarm does that mean you live in fear of fire? Or are you prepared in case the worst happens? I don't understand this line of reasoning.

Using the gun nut version of Pascals wager, isn't it better to carry just in case?
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Going with the low number is getting closer to reality but even with 32/day, seems like we'd be hearing about it way more often than we do.
No you wouldn't. Last year I held a guy at gunpoint til JSO showed up. He was breaking into my neighbors truck. Other than a one sentence mention that I was armed and the 911 call, there was nothing else. Guy plead guilty so there's not even a court record.

I mean you'd have to be faced with some kind of danger (how often does that happen?), then you'd have to successfully repel it with a firearm.
Where do you live?
I think we have an insane number of guns in circulation and need to radically reduce that for the good of America.
If you had your way, who would you send to collect said weaponry? hint: If you say armed government agents you're a hypocrite.

And I truly believe gun nuts are nuts.
If we were really as stupid, reckless, and dangerous as you think we are, you wouldn't be able to walk without stepping over a body.
This is another funny thing gun nuts do.

You think the people who don't carry guns are the ones who are scared.

You think the people who do carry guns are big and brave.

That seems backwards to rational people.
I actually think the opposite. Because I look at the issue logically, not emotionally.

I believe the average gun owner owns a gun because they feel they need protection. I doubt it has anything to do with 'wanting to feel like a big man', that's just a moronic talking point created by the left. Not surprised you fell for it.
I actually think the opposite. Because I look at the issue logically, not emotionally.

I believe the average gun owner owns a gun because they feel they need protection. I doubt it has anything to do with 'wanting to feel like a big man', that's just a moronic talking point created by the left. Not surprised you fell for it.
People in a cult don't realize they're in a cult.
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If you had your way, who would you send to collect said weaponry? hint: If you say armed government agents you're a hypocrite.
If it came down to having to collect weapons, government authorities would obviously be required.
If we were really as stupid, reckless, and dangerous as you think we are, you wouldn't be able to walk without stepping over a body.
I'm not saying gun nuts are necessarily stupid, reckless and dangerous. They're just logically irrational when it comes to defending guns.

I don't see gun nuts as criminals. I see them as nuts.
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If it came down to having to collect weapons, government authorities would obviously be required.
You don't see the delicious irony of needing people with guns to take guns away from people?

I'm not saying gun nuts are necessarily stupid, reckless and dangerous. They're just logically irrational when it comes to defending guns.

I don't see gun nuts as criminals. I see them as nuts.
Dehumanizing people is a bad road to start down, wouldn't you say?
Is it somehow deliciously ironic that the police or military carry weapons?
Allegedly I don't need a gun. Why do you need a gun to take mine then?

Police carry weapons for their protection, not yours. Castle Rock v. Gonzales.

And when not on the range or in a forward area/watch, all the weapons are in the armory. No personal weapons are allowed on a military base, they're in the armory too.

I find it interesting that it's OK for military /LEO to have weapons. What are they afraid of?

Not sure what you mean.
Crazy is not an opinion. Crazy is a pejorative for mentally ill. Because we don't agree with your position / Theo says so. Not part of your tribe.
The older Mercs were actually good motors. They were simple to work on before all of this chip technology. Their decline began with the EFI line. Junk!
Yeah...NO. Not around salt water. I have laughed my whole life at Mercury outboards! Every time they come out with the "new and improved" supposedly the BEST motor ever...and they still brake. Nothing like old OMC's. Easy way to prove this is look at the ones being used still today. Almost NEVER see an old Merc that has been frequently used in salt water I would NOT buy a boat if it had one on it.
The army of Trump supporters is shouting into the echo chamber of a rapidly emptying auditorium.
Bitter white men who are pissed.
Here’s the news: WE ALL ARE.
To admit that we must move on is difficult for them but AMERICA - their country - needs them to move on.
Some of you are trolls for the Dems, some are bots, but when the rest of you wake up (please Lord before the primaries) I hope your hard bitten behinds get with the program.
CPAC is not what it was. Trump ain’t what he was. It’s not 2016 OR 2020.
Such a RACIST statement. Let me give you a lesson you need to learn, honey...if you cannot say a statement the other way (bitter black men are pissed) it probably should not be said. I will bet "bitter white men" pay a FAR, FAR larger amount of taxes in America than ANY group.
You almost sound like the lefty or Murdoch controlled Fox News with those talking points.

I think people have woken up but it's to the fact that these crooked Rep billionaire donors will expect payback and where it's likely to come from.

Not sure how all this ends but I think Trump reacted just in time to the slow bleed Team DeSantis/Bush/Paul Ryan were giving him on social media and the rest. It may not be easy on Trump though with the huge war chest DeSantis will be able to deploy though. The rise of alternative media and social media allows a candidate to overcome a funding deficit better than before though.
She just is not very bright. She votes PERSONALITY over PERFORMANCE. She lumps EVERYONE in to her little she age discriminates AND makes racist matter how some older people do better jobs than people many years younger.(Trump is a PERFECT example) PERSONALITY over PERFORMANCE. People like her are EASILY fooled
The Trump cult. They will believe anything they see as pro-Trump and nothing they see as anti-Trump. They think anyone who's not in the cult is a leftwing extremist.
Now the REAL Theo is back...the person (like goldmom) who chooses PERSONALITY over PERFORMANCE. VERY lazy research on both of your part..or maybe that is all both are capable of?
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I’m a big Trump guy but to call DeSantis a RINO and backed by RINO establishment Is absurd.
100% agree. While I will admit I am keeping my eyes open about this...I just DO NOT see this. I think someone is trying to cut him off at the knees by putting misinformation out there
No. I said you were either stupid or naive based on your assertion that you aren't afraid being a victim of violent crime. That's my opinion, a personal assessment of your intelligence and life experience.
Seems like you're saying it's OK to call someone stupid or naive but not OK to call them crazy.
You are such an ID*** for even asking this. Can you show me in the Constitution whee firearms were allowed only for defense?
Why does it matter? Gun defenders frequently tout the number of defensive gun uses. Why would it not be OK to ask about that?
People in a cult don't realize they're in a cult.
People in a cult often think emotionally and lack critical thinking skills. When pressed by someone else to critically defend their positions, they can only repeat talking points.

Anyone thinking about gun violence critically can see that more restrictions on legal and responsible gun ownership leads to more gun violence. Because only criminals are guilty of gun violence.

I wish you could see this. But you are scared and thinking emotionally. The left preys on such people.
God some of y’all are so dumb. Big business that is so bad it is the jobs and wealth driver of this country and your 401K.
Want to eliminate “big business”? LOL
Let me make sure I am understand you...WE are dumb because we want Trump, who HAS PERFORMED BETTER than ANY President in modern history for the economy? You are SMART because you LIKE DeSantis better..who has done ZERO on a National level? So YOU, who chooses PERSONALITY OVER PERFORMANCE is calling others STPID?? LOLOLOL Oh Honey.........
Seems like you're saying it's OK to call someone stupid or naive but not OK to call them crazy.
I'm guessing you have never seen a form 4473.

It's the paperwork you fill out before they run the background check.

Question 11F asks if you have ever been deemed mentally defective.

Wouldn't that be a quick way to get guns away from people you don't like.

You want to call me cowardly, fearful, selfish, you can say I'm compensating for a small penis. Have at it you're entitled to your opinion.

But when you start with "nut" and move to crazy, paranoid, and cultlike, that's concerning. You're buying into a narrative that doesn't lead where you think it does.

Disarmament has come to this country twice already. Once they teach about in school. The other time had almost no coverage which is a shame.
Such a RACIST statement. Let me give you a lesson you need to learn, honey...if you cannot say a statement the other way (bitter black men are pissed) it probably should not be said. I will bet "bitter white men" pay a FAR, FAR larger amount of taxes in America than ANY group.
I find it amusing that when our 'independent/moderate' friends lose their cool, they always fall back to liberal tendencies.

Mask falls off in the heat of battle. Every time.
Why does it matter? Gun defenders frequently tout the number of defensive gun uses. Why would it not be OK to ask about that?
You are just digging your hole deeper. You are missing the ENTIRE point. The ONLY argument needed is written VERY clearly in this little document that governs EVERYTHING we do in our Country. (just to help you out because I am not sure you understand....The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of America. It does not give even one little chit about your..or other snowflakes opinions!
People in a cult often think emotionally and lack critical thinking skills. When pressed by someone else to critically defend their positions, they can only repeat talking points.

Anyone thinking about gun violence critically can see that more restrictions on legal and responsible gun ownership leads to more gun violence. Because only criminals are guilty of gun violence.

I wish you could see this. But you are scared and thinking emotionally. The left preys on such people.
It is EXACTLY who both are.
I dont follow any of the statistics. I am probably what you would consider to be a gun nut. I dont own guns because of the statistics. I have a God given right to own them, I ahve a God given right to defend myself, and I have zero faith in the state to protect my family.
BRAVO!! WELL SAID...and we do not need..or give ONE chit about some little snowflakes OPINION
I respect your honesty and your right to have that opinion. You don't really care how many people love your guns.

That's what gun fanatics need to be saying instead of all the BS about the constitution and ridiculous 'logic' trying to defend guns.
My HAVE to be kidding? Did you just insult our Constitution? Yes...YES you did. So you do not believe in our Constitution unless you AGREE with it? That makes you a DEMOCRAT!!
I respect your honesty and your right to have that opinion. You don't really care how many people love your guns.

That's what gun fanatics need to be saying instead of all the BS about the constitution and ridiculous 'logic' trying to defend guns.
I can SHRED your STUPID argument. PLEASE go see how many LEGAL gun owners commit crimes. People with CCL's(concealed carry license) EVEN people who LEGALLY own a firearm. My lord you need to stay away from stuff you are so UNINFORMED about. I would HIGHLY suggest studying up on this subject before removing ALL DOUBT.
Again, you have no idea what their thought process is.

Guns will always be an emotional issue for you. People like you will always believe more gun control and fewer guns means fewer deaths, despite the fact that gun violence INCREASES the vast majority of times when gun control is pushed.

If you could think logically about guns, you could see that. But this is an emotional issue for you, and always will be, I fear.
He is DUMBER than a rock. His argument is SO EASY to overcome..because of statistics. He needs to go look up WHERE all of these gun crimes are committed...and by WHO. WHERE are they committed?? In LEFTY cities with the TIGHTEST gun laws. WHO is committing the crimes? ILLEGAL gun owners. I would think some 3rd and 4th graders are even aware of this!
I can SHRED your STUPID argument. PLEASE go see how many LEGAL gun owners commit crimes. People with CCL's(concealed carry license) EVEN people who LEGALLY own a firearm. My lord you need to stay away from stuff you are so UNINFORMED about. I would HIGHLY suggest studying up on this subject before removing ALL DOUBT.
Dude, I looked up 'gun nut' in the dictionary. There was a picture of you. ;)
He is DUMBER than a rock. His argument is SO EASY to overcome..because of statistics. He needs to go look up WHERE all of these gun crimes are committed...and by WHO. WHERE are they committed?? In LEFTY cities with the TIGHTEST gun laws. WHO is committing the crimes? ILLEGAL gun owners. I would think some 3rd and 4th graders are even aware of this!
Let me ask you this super simple (I hope) question:

All these gun crimes in lefty cities with the tightest gun laws, yada, yada, yada......what are they using to commit their crimes?

(hint: they're using GUNS)
The Atlantic and Pacific? I guess that wouldn’t stop Canada or Mexico. Yeah, they probably haven’t invaded because of the 2nd.
LOLOLOL I guess we are the only Nation on earth protected by the sea? Well looks like you need a bit of a histroy lesson, son

Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto


“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.”​

So this has been around for DECADES....WAY before the internet. The lefties try to disprove this, however it is 100% true
Let me ask you this super simple (I hope) question:

All these gun crimes in lefty cities with the tightest gun laws, yada, yada, yada......what are they using to commit their crimes?

(hint: they're using GUNS)
WRONG...ILLEGAL guns you boob. NOW..let ME educate your dumb azz. If you can let me know WHY you want to take LEGAL guns away from people who have NEVER committed ANY crime in their life and how things will get better concerning "gun crime" I will discuss with you. HOWEVER, if your argument is to make guns ILLEGAL for everyone....please explain why we do not do the exact same thing (make bad things illegal) with drugs, murder, child abuse, stealing etc? Making guns illegal to people who ALREADY care ZERO about our laws will ONLY embolden criminals to commit MORE crimes, because they do not fear entering someone's house that does not have equal or MORE means to defend themselves
LOLOLOL I guess we are the only Nation on earth protected by the sea? Well looks like you need a bit of a histroy lesson, son

Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto


“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.”​

So this has been around for DECADES....WAY before the internet. The lefties try to disprove this, however it is 100% true
Yeah, they're not scared of our military. They're scared of this guy:

I actually think the opposite. Because I look at the issue logically, not emotionally.

I believe the average gun owner owns a gun because they feel they need protection. I doubt it has anything to do with 'wanting to feel like a big man', that's just a moronic talking point created by the left. Not surprised you fell for it.
I own guns BECAUSE as a MAN, it is MY job to defend my loved ones. I may be a bit odd here...but IF I ever have to actually do this...I want MORE firepower than the person trying to do us harm. I choose to "WIN" this potential encounter. Another funny thing is...I have owned guns for 5 decades...and have a perfect record of NEVER using a firearm illegally. And NO...NO ONE on this EARTH will EVER get ANY of my means to protect my family. N E V E R
Let me ask you this super simple (I hope) question:

All these gun crimes in lefty cities with the tightest gun laws, yada, yada, yada......what are they using to commit their crimes?

(hint: they're using GUNS)
Why do those same people NOT commit those crimes in places where people HAVE guns to defend themselves??

You are borderline dumber than a red brick, son! LOL I PROMISE you that you have a democrat in the woodpile somewhere VERY close. You are as dumb as a democrat!