Racism/Sexism continues in Biden Admin

Where are your answers to #1 and #2? I tell you what I will meet you half way and answer #2 for you. joe biden filibustered the nomination of Janice Rogers Brown not once, BUT TWICE.
And there are no stupid questions, just people who claim they are stupid questions because they don't have an answer or are unwilling to answer the question.
Much of SC nominations are based off tradition and precedent. A few dems here have tried to excuse Hiden's racist pick of Jackson by claiming RINO Bush Sr did the same thing with picking Thomas.

Actually, he didn't. Thomas was a black judge REPLACING a black judge. Jackson is a black judge replacing a white judge.

But.....Jackson also clerked under Breyer, so she checks both boxes. Just like Kavanaugh was picked cause he clerked under the judge he replaced, Kennedy. And ACB was a woman replacing a woman.

But the Hiden pick is different cause he said all along he would be picking a black woman. It's a racist pick and every non-racist can point that out without deflecting.

The racists and their enablers are the ones defending the move. As we see ITT.
You asked me "What makes her unqualified to you?" That means you want my opinion. I gave my opinion and how I came about it with facts. Her as any other judge's understanding of law/constitution are the only thing that matter. The rule of law as it is written not interpreted is the only thing that should matter. It is a judges responsibility to ensure decisions are made based on the written rule of law and facts, not political views or what he/she thinks the law says.
We were discussing Jackson, are you now expanding the discussion to Amy Comey Barrett?
Just wanted to prove that you're FOS.
You didn't answer and stop changing the subject.

Once again;

Question, did it bother you when Trump made a "sexist" announcement that he was picking a woman?
That’s not the subject. I suggest you look at the title of the post again.

one of us is on topic, one isn’t.

Hint: it’s not you.

Your question on Trump was already answered ITT. How many times do you have to read something before you comprehend it?

Go back and read everything again until you do. It will be good practice for you.
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That’s not the subject. I suggest you look at the title of the post again.

one of us is on topic, one isn’t.

Hint: it’s not you.

You’re question on Trump was already answered ITT. How many times do you have to read something before you comprehend it?

Go back and read everything again until you do. It will be good practice for you.
Tomorrow @kalimgoodman's son, who loves basketball, comes home from middle school bawling.

Dad asks what happened? Son says during PE none of his teammates would pick him for their basketball team because they didn't like the color of his skin.

How would @kalimgoodman react? The exact opposite of how he's reacting here when Hiden does the same thing.

See the dems know right from wrong. They just put their politics above all in their lives.
Much of SC nominations are based off tradition and precedent. A few dems here have tried to excuse Hiden's racist pick of Jackson by claiming RINO Bush Sr did the same thing with picking Thomas.

Actually, he didn't. Thomas was a black judge REPLACING a black judge. Jackson is a black judge replacing a white judge.

But.....Jackson also clerked under Breyer, so she checks both boxes. Just like Kavanaugh was picked cause he clerked under the judge he replaced, Kennedy. And ACB was a woman replacing a woman.

But the Hiden pick is different cause he said all along he would be picking a black woman. It's a racist pick and every non-racist can point that out without deflecting.

The racists and their enablers are the ones defending the move. As we see ITT.

Nice try omitting Sandra Day O’Connor from your examples.
That’s not the subject. I suggest you look at the title of the post again.

one of us is on topic, one isn’t.

Hint: it’s not you.

Your question on Trump was already answered ITT. How many times do you have to read something before you comprehend it?

Go back and read everything again until you do. It will be good practice for you.
Question, did it bother you when Trump made a "sexist" announcement that he was picking a woman?
Nice try omitting Sandra Day O’Connor from your examples.
Why would I include her? I have no idea what the background is regarding her pick. I just stated that SC judge nominations are often influenced by the judges they are replacing and offered examples of both dems and republicans doing this.

Curious that this is what you choose to comment on in this thread.
Why would I include her? I have no idea what the background is regarding her pick. I just stated that SC judge nominations are often influenced by the judges they are replacing and offered examples of both dems and republicans doing this.

Curious that this is what you choose to comment on in this thread.

You guys complain about Biden promising to nominate a Black woman to SCOTUS. Yet Reagan promised to nominate a woman to SCOTUS. How can you be bothered by one and not the other?
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It’s a “gotcha” question
But it doesn't work on me, cause I don't let my politics run my life and decide my morals.

Notice @Uniformed_ReRe hasn't once condemned Hiden for picking a judge cause she was black.

If Trump had said he was picking ACB cause she was white, he would have been the first one here catching the vapors.

But now he can't say anything cause he didn't when Hiden did the same thing.

I can, cause I don't let my politics run my life. Easy.
But it doesn't work on me, cause I don't let my politics run my life and decide my morals.

Notice @Uniformed_ReRe hasn't once condemned Hiden for picking a judge cause she was black.

If Trump had said he was picking ACB cause she was white, he would have been the first one here catching the vapors.

But now he can't say anything cause he didn't when Hiden did the same thing.

I can, cause I don't let my politics run my life. Easy.
Oh I know all that. (Insert pronoun) thought they could catch you in a gotcha question, you’re obviously a lot smarter than that.
That’s not the subject. I suggest you look at the title of the post again.

one of us is on topic, one isn’t.

Hint: it’s not you.

Your question on Trump was already answered ITT. How many times do you have to read something before you comprehend it?

Go back and read everything again until you do. It will be good practice for you.
How bad does your head hurt from banging it against a wall? I've been there and come across the same wall. Very painful.
It’s like they don’t even read the thread or something, and think others must be hypocrites because they are.

That's precisely what it is.

One of the most revealing things ever posted here came from @LizardGrad89 right after the election when he was furious that we wanted to audit the results in states where there was obvious fraud.

He posted what he thought was the gotcha post of all time: "Have you guys ever considered what happens if you audit and find out that TRUMP cheated?"

He thought that would immediately shut us up. Because he assumed we would want to bury cheatng if Trump did it, just like he wanted to bury cheating Hiden did.

We want a fair election. They want to win the election.

'Count every vote!'
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You guys complain about Biden promising to nominate a Black woman to SCOTUS. Yet Reagan promised to nominate a woman to SCOTUS. How can you be bothered by one and not the other?
That's why I don't understand this "anger". It's so immature. Reality is they don't care, they just want something to whine about.
As long as you are intellectually consistent about calling a spade a spade, regardless of party, then fair enough.
Speaking of consistent, why are you more worried about what I think about Sandra Day O Connor than you are about Hiden making a racist pick?

I mean, we all know why, you needed a change of topic. Just like @kalimgoodman does.

Is it really that hard for you guys to just admit your guy is a racist? Is it really that hard for you both to call him out on that?

Rhetorical question. Carry on.
Speaking of consistent, why are you more worried about what I think about Sandra Day O Connor than you are about Hiden making a racist pick?

I mean, we all know why, you needed a change of topic. Just like @kalimgoodman does.

Is it really that hard for you guys to just admit your guy is a racist? Is it really that hard for you both to call him out on that?

Rhetorical question. Carry on.

I’m not worried about either. I’m just checking for intellectual consistency. If Hiden’s nomination is racist and sexist then Reagan’s nomination was sexist. Either both are true or neither are true.
I’m not worried about either. I’m just checking for intellectual consistency. If Hiden’s nomination is racist and sexist then Reagan’s nomination was sexist. Either both are true or neither are true.

I guess that we'll have to see if Brandon's choice is a competent as SDO was....
(the proof is in the pudding, or putting...)
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I’m not worried about either. I’m just checking for intellectual consistency. If Hiden’s nomination is racist and sexist then Reagan’s nomination was sexist. Either both are true or neither are true.
Ok then. Balls in your court

I am looking for someone to fill a management position in one of my businesses. I am only taking applications from white males. You cool with that?
I’m not worried about either. I’m just checking for intellectual consistency. If Hiden’s nomination is racist and sexist then Reagan’s nomination was sexist. Either both are true or neither are true.
We are on the same page. I truly don't care about either. I just want them to be just as mad about other presidents doing it. I even searched the forum for when RGB died and not find one thread that was created criticizing Trump for promising a woman, surprising right?

I also don't think it's sexist or racist. I truly believe it's about adding diversity, which I'm ok with. Especially since the courts had zero black woman in 200+ years. Time to break that barrier.
We are on the same page. I truly don't care about either. I just want them to be just as mad about other presidents doing it. I even searched the forum for when RGB died and not find one thread that was created criticizing Trump for promising a woman, surprising right?

I also don't think it's sexist or racist. I truly believe it's about adding diversity, which I'm ok with. Especially since the courts had zero black woman in 200+ years. Time to break that barrier.
Reported for racism and sexism
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