Biden Solves High Gas Prices

Biden promised us less domestic oil and gas production. Biden promised us higher electrical costs by killing coal mining (coal provides 20% of it's production, natural gas being the majority), Biden discontinued the Keystone Pipeline, and approving Putin's. Biden stopped drilling on federal land.

Biden keeping campaign promises.

Maybe so. But it’s unlikely any of that made a significant difference in the cost of oil over one year.
You must be new here. I’ve explained this

1. We lost energy independence when Trump was president
2. The industry is still recovering but drilling has more than doubled since Biden took over
3. Energy independence is not a guarantee of low oil prices since oil is priced based on worldwide supply and demand.
4. Keystone has zero to do with current oil prices since it wouldn’t have been completed by now anyway, and that supply is still being sent here by rail.

Quit repeating Fox talking points that make you look ignorant. Learn from someone who is actually in the industry.

Literally wrong on all points. Thanks for playing. So u are basically spreading your cheeks for a political party, got it
It’s not the first time ole BSC took his merkin off and lubed up for insertion 😂😂😂
Yeah, like you dorks know anything about the oil and gas business. Your knowledge ends at the end of the hose you fill up your tank with.

Are you claiming another one of your famous internet victories?
Yeah, like you dorks know anything about the oil and gas business. Your knowledge ends at the end of the hose you fill up your tank with.

Are you claiming another one of your famous internet victories?

Ur knowledge ends where CNN stops talking. It's really simple, when the demorats are in office, gas prices sky rocket, inflation increases. This has been true the last 12 years Biden was in the white house. He's terrible, policies are bad, and gas prices/inflation sky rocket. Thank God there is no mean tweets though
Ur knowledge ends where CNN stops talking. It's really simple, when the demorats are in office, gas prices sky rocket, inflation increases. This has been true the last 12 years Biden was in the white house. He's terrible, policies are bad, and gas prices/inflation sky rocket. Thank God there is no mean tweets though
Biden promised economic stagnation and higher crime rates in Democrat debates. The board's slow are angered because the thinking question 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for Brandon's inflationary tidal wave and snowballing national crime wave.
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Ur knowledge ends where CNN stops talking. It's really simple, when the demorats are in office, gas prices sky rocket, inflation increases. This has been true the last 12 years Biden was in the white house. He's terrible, policies are bad, and gas prices/inflation sky rocket. Thank God there is no mean tweets though
Yep, that concludes the extent of your knowledge. Unfortunately, the facts differ.

1. Gas prices rise and fall based on worldwide supply and demand, not who the US president is.
2. Inflation was low during the Obama administration, because GDP growth was moderate.
3. inflation drops during recessions. Congrats toBush and Trump for recessions?

You are as ignorant about economic issues as the other Trumpers OTB. Now take your ass back to Tally. You’re embarrassing yourself.
Biden promised economic stagnation and higher crime rates in Democrat debates. The board's slow are angered because the thinking question 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for Brandon's inflationary tidal wave and snowballing national crime wave.
Sunburnt promised to take a Mensa test.
Sunburnt lied.
Sunburnt is easily manipulated by Fox.
Yep, that concludes the extent of your knowledge. Unfortunately, the facts differ.

1. Gas prices rise and fall based on worldwide supply and demand, not who the US president is.
2. Inflation was low during the Obama administration, because GDP growth was moderate.
3. inflation drops during recessions. Congrats toBush and Trump for recessions?

You are as ignorant about economic issues as the other Trumpers OTB. Now take your ass back to Tally. You’re embarrassing yourself.

Oh lord. So in your mind, cheap prices is because the economy is failing and inflation means the economy is good? The presidents policies have no influence on gas prices? You are either absolutely trolling (please God I hope so) or you are so dumb it's pure luck you haven't been ran over as you wonder into the street. You are a libtard tho, so you are probably just stupid. "Low prices actually means the president is doing a bad job". God you are dumb.
China Joe is under the thumb of Russia & China. That is EXACTLY why he hasn’t started pumping & drilling in America!

Global Warming is a bigger scam than the pandemic! At least the pandemic had a real virus associated to it. America, along w The CCP, funded & created the virus through Gain-of-Function Engineering.

If Global Warming is real - why isn’t NYC under water & the Polar Regions bare of ice?!?!

Joe Biden is an illegitimate POTUS and a dumber, more senile version of Crooked Hillary!
Oh lord. So in your mind, cheap prices is because the economy is failing and inflation means the economy is good? The presidents policies have no influence on gas prices? You are either absolutely trolling (please God I hope so) or you are so dumb it's pure luck you haven't been ran over as you wonder into the street. You are a libtard tho, so you are probably just stupid. "Low prices actually means the president is doing a bad job". God you are dumb.
Like all economic principles, the price of oil is based on supply and demand. Demand decreases during a recession, thus triggering lower inflation. This is basic stuff.

Didn’t they teach Economics at FSU? Or are you just a T-shirt fan?

What did Trump do to drive gas prices down?
Do you sleep on Trump pillows and bed sheets? It’s embarrassing how much you guys suck up to the fat Orange Clown.

Trumpers are the worst, but fun to toy with, since you aren’t the brightest bulbs.

The correct answer is that we lost energy independence during the Trump administration. Biden has been building it back up.

Thanks for playing.
This is how I answer ;lib idiots like you, Reagan said, and he was SPOT ON...Liberals are not really bad people...they just know SO MUCH that just is not true (not paraphrased)

However I believe in your case your mouth just overloads your limited knowledge. You never get things right!
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You must be new here. I’ve explained this

1. We lost energy independence when Trump was president
2. The industry is still recovering but drilling has more than doubled since Biden took over
3. Energy independence is not a guarantee of low oil prices since oil is priced based on worldwide supply and demand.
4. Keystone has zero to do with current oil prices since it wouldn’t have been completed by now anyway, and that supply is still being sent here by rail.

Quit repeating Fox talking points that make you look ignorant. Learn from someone who is actually in the industry.
You are dumber than a full box of uninformed rocks, son. I truly think it would be better for you to go study up on world events, instead of being comedy relief for this board. I hope you were educated fully by scholarship...because paying for what little education you got would really hurt.
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I can haul as much with my Honda Fit as I could in my old Toyota Pickup. Of course, that pickup was half the size of today’s money-pits-on-wheels.

What vehicle you drive is your business. My point is more about the magical thinking that anything Biden did had a significant effect on the price of oil.
EVERY lib always plays this lie...yet when they are in office, gas prices soar. FACT. So everyone know gas prices are controlled by "futures". When you have an administration that declares war on the fossil fuel industry, what kind of effect do you think that has on futures? But what I typed above needs to be typed AGAIN...when libs are in charge, gas prices RISE. When republicans open drilling, cut regulations...prices go down. While Trump was in office, the four year average of fuel prices were 2.47 a gallon. How much money does ANYONE want to bet that while Biden is in will never again see prices that low?
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Guys who are hurting because they paid way too much for an oversized trophy pickup are pretending that gas would be $1.50/gallon if Trump was still president to deflect from having to be honest with themselves about their questionable judgment.
Not everyone are girly "men" and drive sissy vehicles man! But my boat burns WAY more than my beautiful V8 truck that gets 13 mpg!
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Biden promised us less domestic oil and gas production. Biden promised us higher electrical costs by killing coal mining (coal provides 20% of it's production, natural gas being the majority), Biden discontinued the Keystone Pipeline, and approving Putin's. Biden stopped drilling on federal land.

Biden keeping campaign promises.
My lord, this will burn their azzes. Facts are hard to deal with when you are a socialist.
EVERY lib always plays this lie...yet when they are in office, gas prices soar. FACT. So everyone know gas prices are controlled by "futures". When you have an administration that declares war on the fossil fuel industry, what kind of effect do you think that has on futures? But what I typed above needs to be typed AGAIN...when libs are in charge, gas prices RISE. When republicans open drilling, cut regulations...prices go down. While Trump was in office, the four year average of fuel prices were 2.47 a gallon. How much money does ANYONE want to bet that while Biden is in will never again see prices that low?

Was oil discovered in 2009? I remember oil rising to nearly $150/barrel during the Bush era and gas dropping to under $1/gallon during the Clinton era.

I’m not blaming or crediting either. I’m just pointing out that trying to turn this into a partisan pissing match is ridiculous.
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You are dumber than a full box of uninformed rocks, son. I truly think it would be better for you to go study up on world events, instead of being comedy relief for this board. I hope you were educated fully by scholarship...because paying for what little education you got would really hurt.
Dude, you contribute nothing other than lame insults. Try to refute anything I’ve posted with actual facts. I dare you.

I chew you up and spit you out, just like the rest of you clowns. I own the board. Get used to it.
EVERY lib always plays this lie...yet when they are in office, gas prices soar. FACT. So everyone know gas prices are controlled by "futures". When you have an administration that declares war on the fossil fuel industry, what kind of effect do you think that has on futures? But what I typed above needs to be typed AGAIN...when libs are in charge, gas prices RISE. When republicans open drilling, cut regulations...prices go down. While Trump was in office, the four year average of fuel prices were 2.47 a gallon. How much money does ANYONE want to bet that while Biden is in will never again see prices that low?
LOL. Do you even know what the futures market is? You sound like a nube.

And no, gas prices aren’t controlled by the futures market. They are controlled by the spot market. I’m sure you don’t know what that is so look it up.
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Was oil discovered in 2009? I remember oil rising to nearly $150/barrel during the Bush era and gas dropping to under $1/gallon during the Clinton era.

I’m not blaming or crediting either. I’m just pointing out that trying to turn this into a partisan pissing match is ridiculous.
You are correct. Gas prices dropped during the second Obama term as supply increased due to shale drilling. Gas prices were rising during Trumps term until the recession. These guys are idiots.

Dude, you contribute nothing other than lame insults. Try to refute anything I’ve posted with actual facts. I dare you.

I chew you up and spit you out, just like the rest of you clowns. I own the board. Get used to it.

Like all economic principles, the price of oil is based on supply and demand. Demand decreases during a recession, thus triggering lower inflation. This is basic stuff.

Didn’t they teach Economics at FSU? Or are you just a T-shirt fan?

What did Trump do to drive gas prices down?
You are such a libtard, economics is not as easy as you are trying to make it out to be. Energy independence, free market, less restrictions all drive costs down. This is basic stuff that you fail to understand. You point to x and scream and yell about x when really it's x,y,z, and about 50 other things.
You LEGITIMATELY believe that lower gas prices and prices around the country are indicative of a bad president. Those democrats have a grip on you. Idgaf who the president is, cheaper prices are better for everyone, your gods suck at this

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LOL. Do you even know what the futures market is? You sound like a nube.

And no, gas prices aren’t controlled by the futures market. They are controlled by the spot market. I’m sure you don’t know what that is so look it up.

THIS is what I know. THIS is what drives prices up...the WAR on fossil fuel, and the TOTAL LIE about global warming. idiots just proclaimed "global warming" is America's biggest threat. So STOOPID!

Why do we import oil from Russia, when we have ALL we need right here?
Why shut OUR pipeline down, and approve Russia's? (how stupid was THAT move?)
WHY shut down oil companies from drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, while importing oil?

You "own" the board? I will bet you "rent" your apartment, son! I will also bet you are very young. At least that would explain a whole bunch!
I gassed my car this AM at $3.15 per gallon at Cefco. I drove wife's Jeep to 7-11. Oops!! Today finds regular at $3.29. I drove to Cefco where a gallon was still $3.15.

I told the cashier what I had found at 7-11. She told me she had just marked her beef jerky up to 17 bucks from nine.

This is called Brandon's inflationary tidal wave. NavigatorII explaining to the BSC-level slow is completely beyond his reach.
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I gassed my car this AM at $3.15 per gallon at Cefco. I drove wife's Jeep to 7-11. Oops!! Today finds regular at $3.29. I drove to Cefco where a gallon was still $3.15.

I told the cashier what I had found at 7-11. She told me she had just marked her beef jerky up to 17 bucks from nine.

This is called Brandon's inflationary tidal wave. NavigatorII explaining to the BSC-level slow is completely beyond his reach.
Still waiting on those Mensa test results. You can't hide forever.
Our BSC-level slow has never been able to answer a single M question I've presented. Yet the board's slowest asks for more. I even asked my test's simplest, most second graders can answer. Our slow hasn't answered yet.

What color can we expect when red and blue are mixed?
Yeah, like you dorks know anything about the oil and gas business. Your knowledge ends at the end of the hose you fill up your tank with.

Are you claiming another one of your famous internet victories?
You’re so weird

How does my post claim victory of any sort? It literally states you lube up before insertion.

Surprisingly, you didn’t even try to dispute it which could mean there is validity here 🤷🏼‍♂️
Dude, you contribute nothing other than lame insults. Try to refute anything I’ve posted with actual facts. I dare you.

I chew you up and spit you out, just like the rest of you clowns. I own the board. Get used to it.
Merkin’s inferior complex is kicking in

This happens when he takes his ultimate internet victory of owning the board 😂😂😂😂

You’re such a weird little guy
Pink slips.
You do not even have a boat, as I have owned boats for 50 years. Isold my big boat 5 years ago because I got too old to work on it. I would bet if I still had that one. I sized down to a 21 now, in fact, it is in my avatar, so is my other 21. So if you can see the bottom right of that picture, that is where I parked my big boat. I have a 3 slip boat dock.

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