Biden Solves High Gas Prices

You do not even have a boat, as I have owned boats for 50 years. Isold my big boat 5 years ago because I got too old to work on it. I would bet if I still had that one. I sized down to a 21 now, in fact, it is in my avatar, so is my other 21. So if you can see the bottom right of that picture, that is where I parked my big boat. I have a 3 slip boat dock.
Damn youre old. Nice dock. Here's mine.

Our BSC-level slow has never been able to answer a single M question I've presented. Yet the board's slowest asks for more. I even asked my test's simplest, most second graders can answer. Our slow hasn't answered yet.

What color can we expect when red and blue are mixed?
Tough one. The difference is I've never claimed to be a fake genius like you.

When are you going to answer any of my questions, fake Mensa.
Damn youre old. Nice dock. Here's mine.

I rest my case

A lot of jelly ITT.

I told you all to buy LNG. Up 25% since I recommended it.
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The Stockbridge-Munsee Band of the Mohicans thrive to this day in Wisconsin. A couple members told me they designed the BSC boat. The BSC boat was featured in the Hollywood film Last of the Mohicans starring Daniel Day Lewis.

Great Spirit, Maker of All Life. A warrior goes to you swift and straight as an arrow shot into the sun. Welcome him and let him take his place at the council fire of my people. He is Uncas, my son. Tell them to be patient and ask death for speed; for they are all there but one - I, Chingachgook - Last of the Mohicans.


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I did not miss the fact that he did not post real pictures. I owned my big boat for 20 years. he posted a link of a nice boat. I could ask him a few questions to see if he is real, but it really does not matter. We know how most libs are about the truth
Even so I noted it was a Sea Ray, the try hard pretending class's Bayliner. A cruiser, not a useful boat. ;) That boat has never seen blood on it. :p
I did not miss the fact that he did not post real pictures. I owned my big boat for 20 years. he posted a link of a nice boat. I could ask him a few questions to see if he is real, but it really does not matter. We know how most libs are about the truth
Feel free. Will the USCG Documentation suffice?

In fact, I will make the same bet as the other posters. Name the bet. If I can't prove what I claim, you win. If I can, you lose.

Unlike Ghost, I would expect that you would honor your bet.
Great Spirit, Maker of All Life. A warrior goes to you swift and straight as an arrow shot into the sun. Welcome him and let him take his place at the council fire of my people. He is Uncas, my son. Tell them to be patient and ask death for speed; for they are all there but one - I, Chingachgook - Last of the Mohicans.


Worthy of 1000 likes, from the Great Medicine Man of the defunct SoonerSpinZone.

Classic was fairdinkem, the Indian unmerciful abuse of toto. Closest we have here is Ghost abuse of BSC.
Nothing will ever top you from exposing yourself as the board's slowest.
At least I don’t pretend to be some genius, and then get caught lying.

Just curious, do you ever get tired of sucking up to Ghost, the Welcher? It’s a bit embarrassing.
Venezuela, being a socialist country, subsidizes their gasoline. I guess that’s what you commies want here.
Don't I remember Brandon cancelling the drilling leases on his first day???
The reason is because he didn’t. Your as ignorant as Fauxronomo on this matter.

Which is not surprising considering the media you rely on.
Wyoming Senator John Barrasso (R) slammed the Biden administration for continuing “to defy the courts and the law” by halting oil drilling on public lands. “Even in the face of a global energy crisis, historic inflation and skyrocketing gasoline prices, the Biden administration continues to crush U.S. energy production,”

Wyoming Senator John Barrasso (R) slammed the Biden administration for continuing “to defy the courts and the law” by halting oil drilling on public lands. “Even in the face of a global energy crisis, historic inflation and skyrocketing gasoline prices, the Biden administration continues to crush U.S. energy production,”

Sunny has already told us. You can't fix the slowest of the slow. BScuck is unreachable.
This is despicable every time you post it. You should stop.
He’s a big boy. He can say something if he doesn’t like it. Then I’ll stop.

I think it’s clever. It’s a play on what they call Elizabeth Warren. The guy says he’s only 12% NA so he‘s hardly a real Indian.

I do find it hypocritical (again), that you Only say something when it affects “your side”. Yet nothing when people on the other side are called “fags”, murderers, sexual predators, stolen valor, etc. Either be consistent or quit your whining.
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I started an exterior door painting project yesterday in Crawford. Texaco regular is $3.49. No big deal to G. W. It is a big deal to older daughter's 15 new apartment dwellers.
The left is far more racist than the right. At a very early age, I learned I'm 1/4 house boy, token, "white boy," traitor and Uncle Tom. I'm 1/8 lazy. I didn't learn this from BamaFan1137. This was not documented by Genelex Labs in Seattle. The left taught me.

Baseless racist charges is M. O. for the left.

If you don't know to vote for me or Trump, you ain't black.
If you visit a 7-11, you better have an Indian accent.
He's a clean and articulate black man.
Many of them don't know how to get on the internet.

I've been living with the slow racist left for some time now. Those among us with an IQ above the US mean average of 98 well understand.

Kamala defined Brandon as the racist he is in Democrat debates. Handlers picked Brandon's running mate. Brandon is a PINO announcer, not a decision maker.

WBAP in Cow Town tells me there's a bi-partisan effort to ban import of Russian petro. Brandon says the US will continue to support the Russian war effort.
Just curious, how many here want to ban Russia oil even if it means paying 50% more for gasoline. I mean you guys bitch about it enough now. I can only imagine.
The left is far more racist than the right. At a very early age, I learned I'm 1/4 house boy, token, "white boy," traitor and Uncle Tom. I'm 1/8 lazy. I didn't learn this from BamaFan1137. This was not documented by Genelex Labs in Seattle. The left taught me.

Baseless racist charges is M. O. for the left.

If you don't know to vote for me or Trump, you ain't black.
If you visit a 7-11, you better have an Indian accent.
He's a clean and articulate black man.
Many of them don't know how to get on the internet.

I've been living with the slow racist left for some time now. Those among us with an IQ above the US mean average of 98 well understand.

Kamala defined Brandon as the racist he is in Democrat debates. Handlers picked Brandon's running mate. Brandon is a PINO announcer, not a decision maker.

WBAP in Cow Town tells me there's a bi-partisan effort to ban import of Russian petro. Brandon says the US will continue to support the Russian war effort.
You just like to play the victim card. Nobody OTB talks about race more than you do. Remember bragging about your “all white” granddaughter? That was especially weird.
He’s a big boy. He can say something if he doesn’t like it. Then I’ll stop.

I think it’s clever. It’s a play on what they call Elizabeth Warren. The guy says he’s only 12% NA so he‘s hardly a pure breed Indian.

I do find it hypocritical (again), that you Only say something when it affects “your side”. Yet nothing when people on the other side are called “fags”, murderers, sexual predators, stolen valor, etc. Either be consistent or quit your whining.
12% is infinitely more than zero (Fauxhonta's count). I have a smidgeon (more than Warren has which is zero) and am proud of having indigenous ancestry, no matter how small. I see you are back on your pedestal defending sexual predators, child molesters, non non-binary freaks (which don't occur in the human race, unless they are in the carnival). Still batting 1000 in never failing to disappoint us. :rolleyes:
12% is infinitely more than zero (Fauxhonta's count). I have a smidgeon (more than Warren has which is zero) and am proud of having indigenous ancestry, no matter how small. I see you are back on your pedestal defending sexual predators, child molesters, non non-binary freaks (which don't occur in the human race, unless they are in the carnival). Still batting 1000 in never failing to disappoint us. :rolleyes:
My all white granddaughter comes from our white daughter who we adopted at age 3. We love her as if she were our biological daughter. This is a concept foreign to the board's slowest.

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