Biden Solves High Gas Prices

I see. So it appears Hiden is purposely attempting to RAISE the cost of gas in this country? First killing the Keystone Pipeline, now writing EOs that hurt oil production domestically.

The cost of gas is a kitchen-table issue in America. Especially when the economy is already struggling.

What is Hiden doing to address this issue and lower the cost of gas in this country?

I just want the list. Where is it?

Remember the good ole days when Republicans actually believed in keeping the Government out of private markets? Besides stopping the pipeline extension, and I believe there was a short pause in issuing new leases before they started right back up again, not sure how Biden's EOs are hurting production levels, especially since there is plenty of available capacity, as we see every week when new wells come back online (US Rig Count: 1/22/21: 378, 2/4/22: 613).
Remember the good ole days when Republicans actually believed in keeping the Government out of private markets? Besides stopping the pipeline extension, and I believe there was a short pause in issuing new leases before they started right back up again, not sure how Biden's EOs are hurting production levels, especially since there is plenty of available capacity, as we see every week when new wells come back online (US Rig Count: 1/22/21: 378, 2/4/22: 613).
We all remember the good ole days when Republicans didn't tote water for an incompetent democratic president* as he turned the greatest nation on the planet into a third-world socialist shithole.

Still waiting on that list of what Hiden is doing to lower the cost of gas. Also waiting on the energy independence and $1.70 a gallon gas we had under Donaldus Magnus.

Guess I'm not going anywhere for a while...
Many oil producers are afraid to invest. How do any of us know what Biden's handlers will decide tomorrow? In any business, investors have to feel some degree of security. Many US energy industry investors do not at this time.
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Many oil producers are afraid to invest. How do any of us know what Biden's handlers will decide tomorrow? In any business, investors have to feel some degree of security. Many US energy industry investors do not at this time.
The U.S. exploration and production (E&P) sector is increasing its capital spending in 2022 for the first time in four years, while Canada is set to remain near multi-decades lows, according to Evercore ISI.

U.S. E&P spend is forecast to increase overall by 23.5% y/y, led by the privates, which are seen boosting their capex by 42%. U.S.-based independents are likely to raise their spending too, by about 26.5% in 2022.

The U.S. exploration and production (E&P) sector is increasing its capital spending in 2022 for the first time in four years, while Canada is set to remain near multi-decades lows, according to Evercore ISI.

U.S. E&P spend is forecast to increase overall by 23.5% y/y, led by the privates, which are seen boosting their capex by 42%. U.S.-based independents are likely to raise their spending too, by about 26.5% in 2022.

"for the first time in four years,"... Very good point. And much of it we know was pandemic related and much more recently Biden caused.
"for the first time in four years,"... Very good point. And much of it we know was pandemic related and much more recently Biden caused.
Huh? As usual your post makes no sense. The pandemic only started two years ago. And now are you saying Biden is causing the increase in drilling?

This must be why you weren’t accepted into Mensa. . “I got don’t. “
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"for the first time in four years,"... Very good point. And much of it we know was pandemic related and much more recently Biden caused.
If Biden caused the lower investment in 2021, the same lower investment trend we saw under Trump in previous years, why are they planning on increasing investment so much in 2022?

Don't they know about Biden's war on oil? Do they not think Biden will be President the remainder of this year?

Or maybe it has nothing to do with Trump or Biden, and as oil prices rise, potential projects become more profitable so they invest more. E&P cap-ex peaked in 2014 when oil was over $100, which led to an oversupply and prices plummeting in 2015, despite what I'm sure you guys also characterize as Obama's war on oil.
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Poor @CFAGator. Never try to match wits with a Mensa member. Haven't you seen what happens to @BSC911 when he tries?
Sunburnt literally just told you yesterday that you were wrong and I was correct about the Keystone pipeline. As fun as it to constantly prove your misinformation wrong with simple links to actual data, you really need to stop embarrassing yourself and stay out of the economic discussions. Stick to the covid and social issue threads with the other nutcases.
Let me say this again for the umpteenth time. I'll use small words from the dominant West Germanic language. I MISSED THREE QUESTIONS. What's so hard for you to understand? It was A Mensa test. There have been many over the years.

NavigatorII, do you want to try to get through to the board's slowest? Getting through is completely beyond my reach.
What do you expect from someone that thinks Brandon is a good President? This proves beyond ANY doubt what you are dealing with. There are NO facts ANYONE can bring to a discussion that proves Brandon is doing anything but a VERY poor job
I've said several times that while Bidens policies could affect oil prices in the future, there's nothing he has done that affected oil supply over the last year. The Keystone pipeline extension wouldn't have added one additional drop of oil to the supply over the last year, so people using it as a reason for the increase in oil prices have no idea what they're talking about.
You cannot understand how oil is priced making a statement like this. Gas and oil prices react VERY quickly to changes...good or bad. They reacted the day after Biden was sworn in. When you declare war on fossil fuels, please tell us how you think the futures market would react! LOL
You cannot understand how oil is priced making a statement like this. Gas and oil prices react VERY quickly to changes...good or bad. They reacted the day after Biden was sworn in. When you declare war on fossil fuels, please tell us how you think the futures market would react! LOL
You obviously have no idea how oil is priced. It is priced on short-term supply and demand, and absolutely nothing else. Oil is too expensive to store, so it does not trade on future expectations of price, only at the expected clearing price that matches current supply with demand. This is exactly why it traded at -$37.63 in April 2020, no one wanted to take delivery of it since there was no demand, despite every person on the planet knowing that prices would quickly recover.

Demand has outpaced supply over the last year due to the sharp rebound in economic activity last year, while supply has been slow to grow enough to match the increased demand, though production is currently 600k barrels a day higher than Jan-2021, and we are seeing rig counts increase every single week.

Tell me what Biden has done to hurt supply growth over the last year?

You posted a while back that he stopped issuing new leases, which I then gave proof to show that was 100% false.

Some here claim that canceling the Keystone pipeline extension hurt supply last year, which is nonsense since it wouldn't have been competed for 2-3 years from now.

Some here then claim that oil companies won't invest in new drilling projects because of Biden's war on oil, which I just showed that they didn't under Trump either, but they do expect to increase spending significantly under Biden this year.

Again, nothing to with Biden or Trump, just that they invest in new projects when the price is high, and cut back investment when the price is low.

Guessing you've never heard the saying "the cure for high oil prices, is high oil prices".
You obviously have no idea how oil is priced. It is priced on short-term supply and demand, and absolutely nothing else.

Did the prices change the day after the election? Yes or no?

Were those changes just part of the regular ebb and flow?

If not, how did that happen if what you just said was true?

Also, this initial position didn't help.

Did the prices change the day after the election? Yes or no?

Were those changes just part of the regular ebb and flow?

If not, how did that happen if what you just said was true?

Also, this initial position didn't help.

Did prices increase right after Trump was elected? They went from about $50 in Jan 2017 to about $75 in April 2018. Did Trump have a war on oil?
Did the prices change the day after the election? Yes or no?

Were those changes just part of the regular ebb and flow?

If not, how did that happen if what you just said was true?

Also, this initial position didn't help.

The day after? No idea. What's the answer? That is certainly not the reason for the significant rise since he's been elected.

What about the stock market? Is its rise and fall all due to Biden as well?

PS. Actions are more important than words.
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Did the prices change the day after the election? Yes or no?

Were those changes just part of the regular ebb and flow?

If not, how did that happen if what you just said was true?

Also, this initial position didn't help.

Gas prices just naturally doubled when the dem president* took office?

The US just naturally lost its energy independence and Hiden played no role?

What a time to be alive.
You obviously have no idea how oil is priced. It is priced on short-term supply and demand, and absolutely nothing else. Oil is too expensive to store, so it does not trade on future expectations of price, only at the expected clearing price that matches current supply with demand. This is exactly why it traded at -$37.63 in April 2020, no one wanted to take delivery of it since there was no demand, despite every person on the planet knowing that prices would quickly recover.

Demand has outpaced supply over the last year due to the sharp rebound in economic activity last year, while supply has been slow to grow enough to match the increased demand, though production is currently 600k barrels a day higher than Jan-2021, and we are seeing rig counts increase every single week.

Tell me what Biden has done to hurt supply growth over the last year?

You posted a while back that he stopped issuing new leases, which I then gave proof to show that was 100% false.

Some here claim that canceling the Keystone pipeline extension hurt supply last year, which is nonsense since it wouldn't have been competed for 2-3 years from now.

Some here then claim that oil companies won't invest in new drilling projects because of Biden's war on oil, which I just showed that they didn't under Trump either, but they do expect to increase spending significantly under Biden this year.

Again, nothing to with Biden or Trump, just that they invest in new projects when the price is high, and cut back investment when the price is low.

Guessing you've never heard the saying "the cure for high oil prices, is high oil prices".
I realize that TODAY, America is producing 1 MILLION barrels LESS every day, than it was last year. How does that effect prices?
I realize that TODAY, America is producing 1 MILLION barrels LESS every day, than it was last year. How does that effect prices?
Not true. We are actually producing more than a year ago. Get your facts straight.

Exactly what kind of captain are you?
Did prices increase right after Trump was elected? They went from about $50 in Jan 2017 to about $75 in April 2018. Did Trump have a war on oil?
Gas averaged $2.47 under Trump. Do you really want to debate this? You cannot win. Libs do things for ONE reason only. To get, and stay in power. PERIOD. They NEVER do anything because it is the law, or even more...because it helps someone else. Black voters can attest to this
Gas averaged $2.47 under Trump. Do you really want to debate this? You cannot win. Libs do things for ONE reason only. To get, and stay in power. PERIOD. They NEVER do anything because it is the law, or even more...because it helps someone else. Black voters can attest to this
The averages don't mean anything. Could be coincidence. Could be a number of different things which have nothing to do with who is president. Could be we were in a recession when worldwide demand dropped thru the floor. Correlation doesn't equal causation. Every statistician knows this.
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Did prices increase right after Trump was elected? They went from about $50 in Jan 2017 to about $75 in April 2018. Did Trump have a war on oil?

You're talking about 16 months...or approximately 480 days. I asked about a 1 day time frame.

Two different things, agree? Accident or were you purposely deflecting? How about you just answer the question I asked or tell me to screw off...either would be better than deception imo.
The day after? No idea. What's the answer? That is certainly not the reason for the significant rise since he's been elected.

What about the stock market? Is its rise and fall all due to Biden as well?

PS. Actions are more important than words.

I have no idea. I asked the question assuming one of the board O&G experts could answer.

Going just based off my memory, yes...I seem to recall oil jumped a few dollars per barrel the day after the election.

Also, some poll came out in September or October that heavily favored Biden. I specifically remember the price of oil jumped similarly just based on Biden's favorable polling.
You obviously have no idea how oil is priced. It is priced on short-term supply and demand, and absolutely nothing else. Oil is too expensive to store, so it does not trade on future expectations of price, only at the expected clearing price that matches current supply with demand. This is exactly why it traded at -$37.63 in April 2020, no one wanted to take delivery of it since there was no demand, despite every person on the planet knowing that prices would quickly recover.

Demand has outpaced supply over the last year due to the sharp rebound in economic activity last year, while supply has been slow to grow enough to match the increased demand, though production is currently 600k barrels a day higher than Jan-2021, and we are seeing rig counts increase every single week.

Tell me what Biden has done to hurt supply growth over the last year?

You posted a while back that he stopped issuing new leases, which I then gave proof to show that was 100% false.

Some here claim that canceling the Keystone pipeline extension hurt supply last year, which is nonsense since it wouldn't have been competed for 2-3 years from now.

Some here then claim that oil companies won't invest in new drilling projects because of Biden's war on oil, which I just showed that they didn't under Trump either, but they do expect to increase spending significantly under Biden this year.

Again, nothing to with Biden or Trump, just that they invest in new projects when the price is high, and cut back investment when the price is low.

Guessing you've never heard the saying "the cure for high oil prices, is high oil prices".
Your first paragraph is mostly correct. However, when the market is in a contango position, futures prices are actually higher than the current front-month price, thereby creating incentives to store oil instead of selling it. Oil traders with big balls and deep pockets will even try to engage in arbitrage by chartering oil tankers for floating storage. This is generally indicative of a falling demand / oversupplied market, which is not where we are today.

Here's an interesting article that was recently published in the WSJ that sheds light on the reluctance of domestic oil producers to quickly ramp up production.

Overall, I'll simply say that the Biden administration is no friend to the oil and gas industry, but is not the primary culprit to blame for current high oil prices. Frankly, there's plenty of other things they can be blamed for that justify not re-electing this clown show for another term.
I have no idea. I asked the question assuming one of the board O&G experts could answer.

Going just based off my memory, yes...I seem to recall oil jumped a few dollars per barrel the day after the election.

Also, some poll came out in September or October that heavily favored Biden. I specifically remember the price of oil jumped similarly just based on Biden's favorable polling.
Sorry, I don’t recall every days price movement. I doubt it had much of a change. I do recall the stock market went up. And has continued its ascent.
You're talking about 16 months...or approximately 480 days. I asked about a 1 day time frame.

Two different things, agree? Accident or were you purposely deflecting? How about you just answer the question I asked or tell me to screw off...either would be better than deception imo.
I have no idea what it did on that one day, but since oil moved higher pretty consistently after April 2020, odds are it increased after election day, just like most days in late 2020.

The market's initial reaction to an election never means much. Remember when stock market futures took a huge dip the night Trump won in 2016? Didn't mean anything.
Your first paragraph is mostly correct. However, when the market is in a contango position, futures prices are actually higher than the current front-month price, thereby creating incentives to store oil instead of selling it. Oil traders with big balls and deep pockets will even try to engage in arbitrage by chartering oil tankers for floating storage. This is generally indicative of a falling demand / oversupplied market, which is not where we are today.

Here's an interesting article that was recently published in the WSJ that sheds light on the reluctance of domestic oil producers to quickly ramp up production.

Overall, I'll simply say that the Biden administration is no friend to the oil and gas industry, but is not the primary culprit to blame for current high oil prices. Frankly, there's plenty of other things they can be blamed for that justify not re-electing this clown show for another term.
A well balanced and astute commentary. Highly unusual for a Trumper.

Much better than, derp, “we are no longer independent. It must be Biden’s fault.”
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Sorry, I don’t recall every days price movement. I doubt it had much of a change. I do recall the stock market went up. And has continued its ascent.

Umm...I bet there's a record of such. And as an O&G expert, I assumed that I was on the right track asking you and the other dude.
I have no idea what it did on that one day, but since oil moved higher pretty consistently after April 2020, odds are it increased after election day, just like most days in late 2020.

The market's initial reaction to an election never means much. Remember when stock market futures took a huge dip the night Trump won in 2016? Didn't mean anything.

I give up....but you said specifically that it couldn't happen.

Who cares?
Your first paragraph is mostly correct. However, when the market is in a contango position, futures prices are actually higher than the current front-month price, thereby creating incentives to store oil instead of selling it. Oil traders with big balls and deep pockets will even try to engage in arbitrage by chartering oil tankers for floating storage. This is generally indicative of a falling demand / oversupplied market, which is not where we are today.

Here's an interesting article that was recently published in the WSJ that sheds light on the reluctance of domestic oil producers to quickly ramp up production.

Overall, I'll simply say that the Biden administration is no friend to the oil and gas industry, but is not the primary culprit to blame for current high oil prices. Frankly, there's plenty of other things they can be blamed for that justify not re-electing this clown show for another term.
That's all true. But like you said, oil futures are in backwardation right now, so futures prices are lower the farther you go out, creating an opportunity for everyone in this thread that knows for certain that Bidens war on oil will keep pushing prices up, despite the market thinking otherwise. Buy up those long dated futures while you can!
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I answered my own question. It went up $1.51/bbl from 11/03/20 to 11/04/20.

Not a major jump. I thought I recalled a more significant move. I guess I'm the O&G expert on the board now.

***Sorry, should have added link.

Overall, I'll simply say that the Biden administration is no friend to the oil and gas industry, but is not the primary culprit to blame for current high oil prices. Frankly, there's plenty of other things they can be blamed for that justify not re-electing this clown show for another term.
Exactly my thoughts. I've said several times he could definitely do some things that could hurt production in the future, he just hasn't done anything that's affected production and prices in the last year.

By that point we'll likely have less demand from a slowing economy, and additional supply from increasing US and international production over the next year, so whatever he does will have a muted effect.
I answered my own question. It went up $1.51/bbl from 11/03/20 to 11/04/20.

Not a major jump. I thought I recalled a more significant move. I guess I'm the O&G expert on the board now.

***Sorry, should have added link.

Then dropped the next two days. LOL. As we’ve been saying, the election was of no importance. It is more based on inventories and demand expectations.
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Then dropped the next two days. LOL. As we’ve been saying, the election was of no importance. It is more based on inventories and demand expectations.

I stated in the post that you responded to that it wasn't a significant jump.

But since you started it...

It jumped $8.67/bbl by months end. 😂

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