Biden Solves High Gas Prices

You got it. You did good. Remember, I got dont. We both make mistakes in English.

I also make mistakes in German and Spanish.
Except mine wasn’t a mistake. I know there is supposed to be an apostrophe, it just is harder to type on the phone.
I'm really not. My core business income, I'm good. I do have 2 smaller businesses with much tighter margins where it's teetering on the brink. I'll have to make tough choices sooner or later unless something changes. The people who work for me in those businesses are like family so that sucks.

Higher fuel prices, inflation...and yes I've given my people cost of living raises, and most people are tightening their purse strings (both businesses are in the home service industry) which doesn't allow for rate increases. Hell those two are struggling to keep their customer bases without rate increases. These homeowners are feeling the pinch too and they start cutting things that are less necessary. Eventually something will have to give.

I'm fine with either business, or both, shuttering. I'm keeping them open FOR my people...but truth be told, it's probably a poor business decision.
Remember how you said you just pass cost increases on to your customers? And I said that’s not always the case and you said I was crazy. Why don’t you just pass those cost increases on to your customers. Problem solved.
Remember how you said you just pass cost increases on to your customers? And I said that’s not always the case and you said I was crazy. Why don’t you just pass those cost increases on to your customers. Problem solved.
Well, I am passing cost increases on to my customers and I still may be out of business soon.
Well, I am passing cost increases on to my customers and I still may be out of business soon.
Well, you obviously aren’t passing off all cost increases or you wouldn’t have a problem.

Btw, I‘m in the process of selling the farm. Getting $13,000 an acre. Feelsgoodman
Well, you obviously aren’t passing off all cost increases or you wouldn’t have a problem.

Btw, I‘m in the process of selling the farm. Getting $13,000 an acre. Feelsgoodman

You do understand that even if you raise your prices, your profits can still go down due to lower sales, right?
You do understand that even if you raise your prices, your profits can still go down due to lower sales, right?
Of course. There is always a trade off between price and volume that every business owner has to make. But demand doesn’t seem to be the problem in today’s economy. And since costs seem to be rising across the board for all businesses, this shouldn’t cause a competitive disadvantage.

Where it would come into play would be discretionary items or where lower cost product substitution exists. I’m just trying to reconcile his earlier statement that cost increases are always just passed on to the consumer. I don't believe that’s the case. Many times the owner has to foot the bill. For example, when Trump instituted tariffs on Chinese goods, the oilfield companies I work with had to eat those costs. They weren’t passed on to their customers.
I'm really not. My core business income, I'm good. I do have 2 smaller businesses with much tighter margins where it's teetering on the brink. I'll have to make tough choices sooner or later unless something changes. The people who work for me in those businesses are like family so that sucks.

Higher fuel prices, inflation...and yes I've given my people cost of living raises, and most people are tightening their purse strings (both businesses are in the home service industry) which doesn't allow for rate increases. Hell those two are struggling to keep their customer bases without rate increases. These homeowners are feeling the pinch too and they start cutting things that are less necessary. Eventually something will have to give.

I'm fine with either business, or both, shuttering. I'm keeping them open FOR my people...but truth be told, it's probably a poor business decision.
So, you really have me curious. What percentage of your revenues do fuel costs represent? I certainly understand cost increases can squeeze margins, but fuel costs wouldn’t seem to be a major factor in a home services business.
The natural resource oil in the ground belongs to the Sovereign citizens of America.

They have allowed the Oil Barons, through their bought off politicians, to steal it from the citizens, so they can then sell it back to them at exorbitant profit prices, creating the Oil Baron Billionaires.

Those same corporate oil thieves that buy up any new gas saving inventions, so they can shelf them to never see the light of day again, or they off the inventor if all else fails. They are also one of the one's that would like to make Zero Point Energy technology disappear.

"U.S. Agencies Maintain Secrecy of UFO and Zero-Point Energy Technology The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is responsible for more than 150 deaths of UFO researchers, biologists, engineers, scientists, and top military officers that had knowledge of, or worked in, Area 51."
(one of the reasons that Bob Lazar bailed out of CIA's S-4 hangars)

"Some had extraterrestrial experiences, or were given information by the government, or had witnessed UFOs. We termed the ET UFO phenomenon, the Extraterrestrial Presence. Eventually, we integrated our work around zero-point energy, consciousness, and the Extraterrestrial Presence. That was our foundation. Exoconsciousness as ET, Energy, and Identity."

Personally, I'd like to see the oil industry completely out of the energy business. That limited resource would be better used for manufacturing, lubrication, medicine, and other such things. Burning it to pollute our atmosphere is the height of non-survival stupidity.
Wow. So you are saying we should nationalize our oil industry?

OK, Comrade
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LOL. This is the guy that used to claim he aced the Mensa test.
Let me say this again for the umpteenth time. I'll use small words from the dominant West Germanic language. I MISSED THREE QUESTIONS. What's so hard for you to understand? It was A Mensa test. There have been many over the years.

NavigatorII, do you want to try to get through to the board's slowest? Getting through is completely beyond my reach.
Let me say this again for the umpteenth time. I'll use small words from the dominant West Germanic language. I MISSED THREE QUESTIONS. What's so hard for you to understand? It was A Mensa test. There have been many over the years.

NavigatorII, do you want to try to get through to the board's slowest? Getting through is completely beyond my reach.
No, no it wasn’t a Mensa test. A Mensa test doesn’t ask questions that have multiple correct answers or what color do you get by combining two other colors, or semantic trick questions.

Prove me wrong. Take another test and post the results. Or else quit trying to fool people on the internet because you’re insecure.

You’re on the clock fake Mensa dude.
Good for you.

Welcome to my world. We seem to go through boom bust cycles every few years. It sucks but some belt tightening can be good for the business longer term. That’s the way capitalism works. It’s called creative destruction. Get more efficient or go out of business.

They will come back as the economy improves, and I mean truly improves rather than some job recoveries.

Agree that is how capitalism works...but in the moment, it's pretty damn tough on the little guy and the little-r guys who work for him.

These business are pretty bare bone. Making them more efficient doesn't really make sense without a great deal of upfront capital expenditures...and even then, no guarantees.
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Remember how you said you just pass cost increases on to your customers? And I said that’s not always the case and you said I was crazy. Why don’t you just pass those cost increases on to your customers. Problem solved.

I've already answered that question ITT.

And that point still stands as I stated it that day. Costs are passed on to consumers. If they aren't, and X remains > Y....the business is done.
So, you really have me curious. What percentage of your revenues do fuel costs represent? I certainly understand cost increases can squeeze margins, but fuel costs wouldn’t seem to be a major factor in a home services business.

Fuel costs are but one issue in these two businesses. Materials, such as chemical supplies and others, are rising as much if not more than fuel.

For example, an account that I charge $320 per month in service is costing me about $386 per month to service.
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I've already answered that question ITT.

And that point still stands as I stated it that day. Costs are passed on to consumers. If they aren't, and X remains > Y....the business is done.
Or the profits are just less.
Or the profits are just less.

If X remains > Y then the profits are non-existent. To be clear X = expenditures and Y = income....10 minus 12 = –2.

–2 isn't less profit. It's the absence of profit. It's the realization of loss.

Most businesses do not have the margins that you're suggesting. My core business has fantastic margins. The downside, it's VERY expensive to get into and quite risky. Most businesses run on a razors edge...and that is a product of Capitalism my friend.
Am I reading right? Canadian heavy ships to Texas on Warren Buffet rail cars. It could ship to Texas through the Keystone XL at 1/4 the price and safer. Canadians would be tickled to death to see it make gasoline for my car instead of Venezuela or Saudi.
Let me say this again for the umpteenth time. I'll use small words from the dominant West Germanic language. I MISSED THREE QUESTIONS. What's so hard for you to understand? It was A Mensa test. There have been many over the years.NavigatorII, do you want to try to get through to the board's slowest? Getting through is completely beyond my reach.
I give up. Some obstacles are just a bridge too far. And for those reasons, I am OUT!
No, no it wasn’t a Mensa test. A Mensa test doesn’t ask questions that have multiple correct answers or what color do you get by combining two other colors, or semantic trick questions.
How would you know?

If you're telling the truth, that means you have taken a Mensa test.

And it also likely means you failed that test. Which would explain your obsession with Sunny doing so well with his.
Bump to the new page....

The natural resource oil in the ground belongs to the Sovereign citizens of America.

They have allowed the Oil Barons, through their bought off politicians, to steal it from the citizens, so they can then sell it back to them at exorbitant profit prices, creating the World's Oil Baron Billionaires.

Those same corporate oil thieves that buy up any new gas saving inventions, so they can shelf them to never see the light of day again, or they off the inventor if all else fails. They are also one of the one's that would like to make Zero Point Energy technology disappear.

"U.S. Agencies Maintain Secrecy of UFO and Zero-Point Energy Technology The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is responsible for more than 150 deaths of UFO researchers, biologists, engineers, scientists, and top military officers that had knowledge of, or worked in, Area 51."

(one of the reasons that Bob Lazar bailed out of CIA's S-4 hangars)

"Some had extraterrestrial experiences, or were given information by the government, or had witnessed UFOs. We termed the ET UFO phenomenon, the Extraterrestrial Presence. Eventually, we integrated our work around zero-point energy, consciousness, and the Extraterrestrial Presence. That was our foundation. Exoconsciousness as ET, Energy, and Identity."

Personally, I'd like to see the oil industry completely out of the energy business. That limited resource would be better used for manufacturing, lubrication, medicine, and other such things. Burning it to pollute our atmosphere is the height of non-survival stupidity.
Am I reading right? Canadian heavy ships to Texas on Warren Buffet rail cars. It could ship to Texas through the Keystone XL at 1/4 the price and safer. Canadians would be tickled to death to see it make gasoline for my car instead of Venezuela or Saudi.
Another example of Hiden's disastrous policies driving up the cost of gas. @CFAGator how did you miss this?
Another example of Hiden's disastrous policies driving up the cost of gas. @CFAGator how did you miss this?
I've said several times that while Bidens policies could affect oil prices in the future, there's nothing he has done that affected oil supply over the last year. The Keystone pipeline extension wouldn't have added one additional drop of oil to the supply over the last year, so people using it as a reason for the increase in oil prices have no idea what they're talking about.
I've said several times that while Bidens policies could affect oil prices in the future, there's nothing he has done that affected oil supply over the last year. The Keystone pipeline extension wouldn't have added one additional drop of oil to the supply over the last year, so people using it as a reason for the increase in oil prices have no idea what they're talking about.
Sunny just proved you wrong. The cost of delivery is increased thanks to Hiden's disastrous policies. That cost is passed along to the customer in the form of higher prices at the pump.

No one mentioned supply but you, that's the same talking point you repeat every time Hiden killing the Keystone Pipeline is mentioned LOL.

Tote that water, young man.
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Sunny just proved you wrong. The cost of delivery is increased thanks to Hiden's disastrous policies. That cost is passed along to the customer in the form of higher prices at the pump.

No one mentioned supply but you, that's the same talking point you repeat every time Hiden killing the Keystone Pipeline is mentioned LOL.

Tote that water, young man.
Is he not talking about once the extension would have been completed in 2-3 years? So no effect on current supply and prices.
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Is he not talking about once the extension would have been completed in 2-3 years? So no effect on current supply and prices.
He's talking about how the costs to deliver crude TODAY are going up TODAY. That's leading to prices at the pump going up TODAY.

And your president* is doing nothing to address the increasing cost of gas TODAY. Which is a shame, because President Trump did plenty to help working Americans by making the US energy independent and establishing strong diplomatic ties with the largest oil producing nations, lowering the cost of gas to roughly half what it is now under your president*. Your guy threw that all away and now working Americans are suffering as a result.

We haven't seen this level of incompetence in the White House since....Carter?

Maybe this is historic. And maybe that's why Hiden's approval rating is about the same as your age.
He's talking about how the costs to deliver crude TODAY are going up TODAY. That's leading to prices at the pump going up TODAY.

And your president* is doing nothing to address the increasing cost of gas TODAY. Which is a shame, because President Trump did plenty to help working Americans by making the US energy independent and establishing strong diplomatic ties with the largest oil producing nations, lowering the cost of gas to roughly half what it is now under your president*. Your guy threw that all away and now working Americans are suffering as a result.

We haven't seen this level of incompetence in the White House since....Carter?

Maybe this is historic. And maybe that's why Hiden's approval rating is about the same as your age.
No he isn't. He saying the Keystone pipeline extension, which would not have been completed for 2-3 years, would be a cheaper and safer option to get Canadian oil to Texas in the future rather than transporting using the current method of rail cars. Biden stopping the construction of the pipeline extension has done nothing to supply levels or costs over the last year. If you're saying it will affect supply levels in 2024-2025 that's a different argument, but you're saying it is affecting the CURRENT price of oil, which is wrong.
No he isn't. He saying the Keystone pipeline extension, which would not have been completed for 2-3 years, would be a cheaper and safer option to get Canadian oil to Texas in the future rather than transporting using the current method of rail cars. Biden stopping the construction of the pipeline extension has done nothing to supply levels or costs over the last year. If you're saying it will affect supply levels in 2024-2025 that's a different argument, but you're saying it is affecting the CURRENT price of oil, which is wrong.
What is your guy doing TODAY to lower the cost of gas in this country?

Give us the list.
What is your guy doing TODAY to lower the cost of gas in this country?

Give us the list.
We have a private energy industry, you want the government the start dictating production levels to private companies like other countries do? As long as the government gets out the way, which they have for the last year as several of us have posted (production levels up, rig counts up, leases on government land issued at normal pace), then that's all you should ask for. Will that continue, who knows, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they slow issuing new leases at some point, but that's not what has been happening over the last year.
He's talking about how the costs to deliver crude TODAY are going up TODAY. That's leading to prices at the pump going up TODAY.

And your president* is doing nothing to address the increasing cost of gas TODAY. Which is a shame, because President Trump did plenty to help working Americans by making the US energy independent and establishing strong diplomatic ties with the largest oil producing nations, lowering the cost of gas to roughly half what it is now under your president*. Your guy threw that all away and now working Americans are suffering as a result.

We haven't seen this level of incompetence in the White House since....Carter?

Maybe this is historic. And maybe that's why Hiden's approval rating is about the same as your age.
CFAGator is right about Keystone XL. I'll add. Biden killed many pipeline jobs and jobs related to construction.

Ghost makes many good points. The Montana governor told Rick Roberts on WBAP, Biden EO's have played havoc with Montana oil and gas.
We have a private energy industry, you want the government the start dictating production levels to private companies like other countries do? As long as the government gets out the way, which they have for the last year as several of us have posted (production levels up, rig counts up, leases on government land issued at normal pace), then that's all you should ask for. Will that continue, who knows, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they slow issuing new leases at some point, but that's not what has been happening over the last year.
What is your guy doing TODAY to lower the cost of gas in this country?

Give us the list.
I see. So it appears Hiden is purposely attempting to RAISE the cost of gas in this country? First killing the Keystone Pipeline, now writing EOs that hurt oil production domestically.

The cost of gas is a kitchen-table issue in America. Especially when the economy is already struggling.

What is Hiden doing to address this issue and lower the cost of gas in this country?

I just want the list. Where is it?

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