Biden Solves High Gas Prices

Good for my business as well, although I do feel a tinge of sympathy for the average consumer who’s not only paying more for energy, but also for food and other household goods.
True. But where was the sympathy when oil prices hit $30, hundreds of companies were filing for bankruptcy and hundreds of thousands were losing their jobs. There is a price to be paid for that since we‘re having a hard time hiring people back.

But there’s an old saying in the business, the best cure for low oil prices is low oil prices, and visa versa. The market will correct itself eventually. There’s little Biden can do.
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Good for my business as well, although I do feel a tinge of sympathy for the average consumer who’s not only paying more for energy, but also for food and other household goods.
Just part of CFA's touting our "awesome" GDP growth. Never mind the rampant inflation, increased cost of transportation in everything shipped or manufactured with petroleum products, and the little guy's misery index. 🤣
Just part of CFA's touting our "awesome" GDP growth. Never mind the rampant inflation, increased cost of transportation in everything shipped or manufactured with petroleum products, and the little guy's misery index. 🤣
You know my stance on the idea that @BSC911 has ever had gainful employment or that he has ever procreated with a female.

Having said that, IF there was a hellspawn, I think it would be @CFAGator. They are both equally ignorant of how economics or the government works (cfa didn't know the president proposes a federal budget and then Congress approves it till I told him yesterday) and they both spin that dems putting us in a ditch means they get double credit for pulling us halfway out of it. See obama's 2% GDP a quarter after negative GDP or Hiden's economy 'growing' in 2021 after it was shut off in 2020.
Just part of CFA's touting our "awesome" GDP growth. Never mind the rampant inflation, increased cost of transportation in everything shipped or manufactured with petroleum products, and the little guy's misery index. 🤣
Biden has messed up pretty much everything since he took office. However, high oil and gas prices, which generally though not always leads to higher profit margins, is good for my company's business.

Usually high energy prices ripple through the economy and increase prices / costs for related goods and services. This time is different in the sense that there are shortages of goods relative to the money supply available to purchase these goods - basically a double whammy or even a triple whammy.
The ignore feature is never an option for me. nail invited me here to listen to the slow declare their stupidity. You're a treasure.
I don't have you on ignore. I just usually gloss over your boring family stories. This isn't Facebook.
You know my stance on the idea that @BSC911 has ever had gainful employment or that he has ever procreated with a female.

Having said that, IF there was a hellspawn, I think it would be @CFAGator. They are both equally ignorant of how economics or the government works (cfa didn't know the president proposes a federal budget and then Congress approves it till I told him yesterday) and they both spin that dems putting us in a ditch means they get double credit for pulling us halfway out of it. See obama's 2% GDP a quarter after negative GDP or Hiden's economy 'growing' in 2021 after it was shut off in 2020.
You're completely full of it. I said a President's proposed budget was meaningless, which it is, and that that a Trump proposed budget with lower spending was imaginary, which it was.

All that matters is the budgets that the President signs, but since you didn't like when I showed how much he increased spending in those actual budgets, you came up with the crazy justification that only his proposed budgets matter, not the actual ones he signed, which might be the dumbest thing I've ever read on this board.

Looking at the 2017 budget that Trump proposed, it had $4.1t in spending, and the actual budget ended up being $4t, so your claim that Trump proposed lower spending, but was overruled by the Republican congress is complete b.s.

And regarding your comment that "they both spin that dems putting us in a ditch means they get double credit for pulling us halfway out of it", please show me where I ever gave Biden credit for the current economy. All I have ever done is provide data showing the economy is doing extremely well right now, despite what you would like to believe. I've even said several times that it is temporary, as we will likely see GDP growth back around 4% this year and 2% the following year.
I guess you're not familiar with the fracking boom that flooded the market with supply and tanked oil prices in 2015, despite GDP growth in 2015 of 3.1%. I'm no fan of Obama, but at least try to look up publicly available data when making up claims.
The way I look at is Trump got us to the 50 yard line, then was sacked for a 10 yard loss back to the 40. We then changed QBs. Biden now has us back past the 50 and close to field goal territory. Hopefully he can punch it in.
The way I look at is Trump got us to the 50 yard line, then was sacked for a 10 yard loss back to the 40. We then changed QBs. Biden now has us back past the 50 and close to field goal territory. Hopefully he can punch it in.
You’re not watching the same game I am…. With Biden it feels like 4th & 43 with no option but to go for it….

ok, I’m being a bit melodramatic….. but Biden is not the upgrade over Trump you’re trying to sell us.
The way I look at is Trump got us to the 50 yard line, then was sacked for a 10 yard loss back to the 40. We then changed QBs. Biden now has us back past the 50 and close to field goal territory. Hopefully he can punch it in.
No. Biden's gotten sacked and is now punting on 3rd down from his own 5 yard line. I've instructed Brandon to just take the longsnap and take a knee in the end zone, losing only 2 points until the new QB comes in. 🤣 🤣 🤣
You’re not watching the same game I am…. With Biden it feels like 4th & 43 with no option but to go for it….

ok, I’m being a bit melodramatic….. but Biden is not the upgrade over Trump you’re trying to sell us.
The economy is better, as measured by the GDP. That's all I'm saying.

As in every economy, some are doing better than others.
You're completely full of it. I said a President's proposed budget was meaningless, which it is, and that that a Trump proposed budget with lower spending was imaginary, which it was.
That's great, but that wasn't what we were discussing. I said you look at the PROPOSED spending by Trump in 2017 and obama in 2016.

You then linked to the APPROVED budgets for both years. So either you didn't know that the president proposes a budget which must then be approved by Congress, or you did, and you were trying to pull a fast one.

So you're dumb or a liar. I'll let the board decide which.
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That's great, but that wasn't what we were discussing. I said you look at the PROPOSED spending by Trump in 2017 and obama in 2016.

You then linked to the APPROVED budgets for both years. So either you didn't know that the president proposes a budget which must then be approved by Congress, or you did, and you were trying to pull a fast one.

So you're dumb or a liar. I'll let the board decide which.
Well, we know which one you are.

Liar, welcher, troll.
The way I look at is Trump got us to the 50 yard line, then was sacked for a 10 yard loss back to the 40. We then changed QBs. Biden now has us back past the 50 and close to field goal territory. Hopefully he can punch it in.
More like Trump got us to the goal line and then got knocked out of the game by a cheap shot (China flu). Coach told Hiden to 'get in there and score!' and Hiden ran into the stands and started feeling up a 5 year-old girl.
More like Trump got us to the goal line and then got knocked out of the game by a cheap shot (China flu). Coach told Hiden to 'get in there and score!' and Hiden ran into the stands and started feeling up a 5 year-old girl.
If only Trump's suggestion to inject bleach had cured the virus, he might have even been reelected. Oh well, tough break.
If only Trump's suggestion to inject bleach had cured the virus, he might have even been reelected. Oh well, tough break.
Only retards such as yourself keep repeating the same old lies. Come on over, it's sunny out. I've got a pool and a pond for you to swim in. On second thought, the pond becomes you. 🤣
That's great, but that wasn't what we were discussing. I said you look at the PROPOSED spending by Trump in 2017 and obama in 2016.

You then linked to the APPROVED budgets for both years. So either you didn't know that the president proposes a budget which must then be approved by Congress, or you did, and you were trying to pull a fast one.

So you're dumb or a liar. I'll let the board decide which.

We were discussing spending by each President after Navigator stated the current economic growth was due to government spending, which I agreed with him, and I stated it was the same thing that drove economic growth under Trump and Obama, and provided the data showing that spending was the same under Obama and Trump.

You didn't like that information, so you switched to saying Trump's budget proposals (which are meaningless) are somehow proof that government spending didn't drive his economic growth (the topic we were discussing), instead of the actual budgets he signed and the dollars actually spent during his presidency.

Your use of his proposed budget doesn't even back up your argument anyway, since at least for 2017, which was the year you requested to compare to Obama, his proposed budget spent more than the actual budget he later signed.
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Your use of his proposed budget doesn't even back up your argument anyway, since at least for 2017, which was the year you requested to compare to Obama, his proposed budget spent more than the actual budget he later signed.
You have no idea what my argument is. You keep inventing it then replying to yourself. LOL

I never said Trump didn't spend, I'm the one that told YOU he did LOL I said he spent on things that could pay for itself or show a profit, while your boy obama paid for pork and kickbacks to his donors.

I've repeated that at least 3 times now, it's impossible you've missed it.

Still on the fence if you are an idiot or liar. I'm beginning to believe liar since I've explained my position to you multiple times and you keep claiming I said something else.
You have no idea what my argument is. You keep inventing it then replying to yourself. LOL

I never said Trump didn't spend, I'm the one that told YOU he did LOL I said he spent on things that could pay for itself or show a profit, while your boy obama paid for pork and kickbacks to his donors.

I've repeated that at least 3 times now, it's impossible you've missed it.

Still on the fence if you are an idiot or liar. I'm beginning to believe liar since I've explained my position to you multiple times and you keep claiming I said something else.
You said he spent on things that would pay for itself or show a profit, and used him "wanting" to spend on infrastructure as your backup to that claim, while admitting he never did actually spend on infrastructure because the democrats wouldn't agree to an infrastructure plan, so you have no argument.

The facts are that Obama, Trump, and now Biden, have all used massive government spending to spur the economy, Trump was no different than the other two.
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If Russia invades the UKraine, oil is going to $100. Better load up now on oil stocks. That will take some of the pain away from paying a few bucks more for a fill up.
1. Didn’t shut down the country like Trump did
2. Doesn’t contradict his own intelligence agencies.and sell out the country for personal gain.
3. Hasnt instituted tariffs
4. Increasing drilling activity
5. Didn’t give a key position to an idiot Son in law
6. Hasnt told people he’s “good at science” and then suggests people should inject bleach to stop the virus

Basically, he’s not Trump. That’s good enough for me.
1. Trump took the advice our Fauci...if he would not have shut the Country down, would you and the rest of the sissy snowflakes set by silently and supported it?
2. ARE YOU SERIOUS...his son has received over 31 million from China, and God only knows how much from Ukraine
3. Has not instituted tariffs? What HAS he done?
4. LIAR doubled the import of Russian oil
5. His son in law has more brains in his fingernail clippings than you and your whole family, son
6. Trump is ALWAYS right.

POOR job at telling what Biden has accomplished. ONE reason for that...he HAS NOT accomplished ANYTING good. But you unAmerican libs probably think leaving Americans behind enemy lines and removing the troops before...and closing Bagram was a GODD idea....but we know why.

You also probably love high gas prices, inflation, weakness, and a bumbling IDIOT that in 50 years in politics, has NEVER, EVER made the right decision

Lastly....since a HUGE majority of Americans side with my thoughts on you think you are SMARTER than everyone else...or do you consider the possibility you are not the brightest bulb on the old tree?
Lastly....since a HUGE majority of Americans side with my thoughts on you think you are SMARTER than everyone else...or do you consider the possibility you are not the brightest bulb on the old tree?
The forum has many bulbs. BScuck is on the right. :p
1. Trump took the advice our Fauci...if he would not have shut the Country down, would you and the rest of the sissy snowflakes set by silently and supported it?
2. ARE YOU SERIOUS...his son has received over 31 million from China, and God only knows how much from Ukraine
3. Has not instituted tariffs? What HAS he done?
4. LIAR doubled the import of Russian oil
5. His son in law has more brains in his fingernail clippings than you and your whole family, son
6. Trump is ALWAYS right.

POOR job at telling what Biden has accomplished. ONE reason for that...he HAS NOT accomplished ANYTING good. But you unAmerican libs probably think leaving Americans behind enemy lines and removing the troops before...and closing Bagram was a GODD idea....but we know why.

You also probably love high gas prices, inflation, weakness, and a bumbling IDIOT that in 50 years in politics, has NEVER, EVER made the right decision

Lastly....since a HUGE majority of Americans side with my thoughts on you think you are SMARTER than everyone else...or do you consider the possibility you are not the brightest bulb on the old tree?
Well, to be honest I do love high gas prices.

The rest of your post is just the ramblings of a Trump cultist, so all I will say is.

Gas up another penny over the last week. First time I can remember gas rising in the dead of winter, I was expecting a 25 cent or so haircut, which is normal.

Not complaining, I know a lot of other areas are hurting much more in the Hiden economy.
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The lamestream lying media with another "oh look over there! A squirrel!! deflection of Brandon's failed occupancy.

Biden outpaces Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands​

Now let's look behind the scenes for the truth.................

The authority to suspend oil and gas leasing lies "solely with Congress," Doughty wrote.
Biden officials said they could be held in contempt if they didn't resume leasing.

Legal challenges have "made it impossible for us to stop many of these leases," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said during Thursday's daily briefing.

I went to a World Oil breakfast this morning. US Drilling expected to up over 20% this year. Sorry, Sunburnt, you were wrong again.

The energy industry loves Joe Biden.
Biden doing work. Looks like @Sunburnt Indian was wrong again.

US Oil & Gas: November Oil Production Up
November Crude and Natural Gas Up (EIA-914)

January 31, 2022

RBC Capital Markets, LLC
Scott Hanold
(Analyst) (512) 708-6354;
Our view: The November data was largely as expected and reflected the continued recovery in offshore production as the hurricane season abated, as well as modest onshore production growth. Onshore natural gas volumes were up 1%. Most producers plan to stick with maintenance plans or modest growth in 2022, but there is some increased drilling now that DUC backlogs have normalized. Formal 2022 budget season is now underway, but we don’t expect many surprises with OPEC+ spare capacity giving pause to any meaningful growth plans. We forecast entry-to-exit US oil production up 658 Mb/d in 2022, largely driven by Permian growth.
1. Trump took the advice our Fauci...if he would not have shut the Country down, would you and the rest of the sissy snowflakes set by silently and supported it?
2. ARE YOU SERIOUS...his son has received over 31 million from China, and God only knows how much from Ukraine
3. Has not instituted tariffs? What HAS he done?
4. LIAR doubled the import of Russian oil
5. His son in law has more brains in his fingernail clippings than you and your whole family, son
6. Trump is ALWAYS right.

POOR job at telling what Biden has accomplished. ONE reason for that...he HAS NOT accomplished ANYTING good. But you unAmerican libs probably think leaving Americans behind enemy lines and removing the troops before...and closing Bagram was a GODD idea....but we know why.

You also probably love high gas prices, inflation, weakness, and a bumbling IDIOT that in 50 years in politics, has NEVER, EVER made the right decision

Lastly....since a HUGE majority of Americans side with my thoughts on you think you are SMARTER than everyone else...or do you consider the possibility you are not the brightest bulb on the old tree?
The board troll got you to swallow the hook brother.

It happens to the best of us.