Walls are closing in on DJT.... *All of Trump Charged threads have been merged - post here*

On the 87th attempt, have the dems FINALLY got Trump?

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Haha. Judge Merchan has literally just changed everything you ever have known about how guilty verdicts work. You know, where you have to have Unanimous agreement to convict. I guess if you were charged with 12 different crimes you could just get one juror to agree on each count so that it equals 12 jurors and boom, conviction.

Oh, OK. LOL.

If you think or believe that this trial has been on the up and up and has been fair, I hope to GOD that the DEMS/BIDEN never come after you.
I don't plan on committing any crimes, so I know that won't happen. Trump should try that sometime......although I know he never will.
Haha. Judge Merchan has literally just changed everything you ever have known about how guilty verdicts work. You know, where you have to have Unanimous agreement to convict. I guess if you were charged with 12 different crimes you could just get one juror to agree on each count so that it equals 12 jurors and boom, conviction.

According to some on here, this is just the norm.
The Stalinist judge is so bad and abusing power even the #Fakenews is admitting what he has done win/ lose/ draw has severely damaged our legal system. They made up a crime and didn’t even prove that. The judge has put in layers and layers of reversible decisions a he’s trying to clean it up with these absurd jury instructions.
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Think it will be a hung jury, which is essentially a Trump win since its unlikely they can try him again before the election. Appears to me that is what the Trump attorney's where shooting for and, IMO, the right way to play it. All they need is one Trumper out of 12 people. I also think public sentiment will be against another trial as well.....which is the camp I am in. If they don't get a conviction here they should drop it.
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Every single thing you list was about defending Trump's record. He called out Trump on things.

- Attacking Trump's tax cuts (that worked BTW)
- Going after Trump for cozying up to big fossil fuels (Trump is a drill baby drill President, he was always going to do that, and it shows how much of a radical environmentalist RFK is)
- Accusing Trump of "inflaming racial tensions", when it was Soros-funded professional rioters that started and maintained the "2020 Summer of Love"
- Attacking Trump for "arming" Ukraine...Trump sold weapons to them, plus that's an anti-war strategy...the stronger Ukraine is the safe they are. "Peace through strength". Zero wars under Trump's watch and he's getting attacked?
- Attacking Trump for not ending the Afghanistan war is wasn't a war anymore. 2000 troops had secured the area and it gave us access to intel we've since lost. More people die on the streets of Chicago than in that "war" annually.
- Trump "bombing Syria" was a strategic strike that took out a terror organization leader and had almost zero collateral damage. I don't understand how anyone who isn't a crazed Leftist would take issue with that. They want us dead but we have to let them live? Eff that.
- The MDF'er line of blaming Trump for lockdowns, when he deferred to "experts" in 3-letter agencies for that policy. It was not out of line thinking in the moment. I can tell you this - I didn't hear a peep from the Left at the time about it.
- Blaming Trump for not improving the opioid crisis is a Leftist controlling the border the US saw the only 3 year period where deaths didn't increase in the last 25 years.

Show me a shift in HIS policy. Calling out Trump record is not a shift in policy. You didn't show me that RFK once believed in that and now he believes in this. All I took from you is that he is calling out Trump, so he must be hard left.

Well you have a very interesting opinion for sure.

You think Trump is going to jail? I see zero chance and I think he won't be found guilty.
Holy crap your TDS is level 1000.

For one time in your life try to put Trump to the side. He’s just in the way. Every one of those points is a de facto policy position. It would be no different if you were running on the Republican side, it's not about the opponent.

A few of RFK's policy positions have been consistent - his environmentalism, isolationist foreign policy - but he's never taken the stance he did in that tweet on issues like the 2020 riots, Covid lockdowns (he blamed Fauci more than Trump), and tax cuts. If you have time go listen to the 3 hour Rogan interview where he took very libertarian positions on most issues. Economically he was center-left, environmentally hard left (although he goes about it with much more common sense, and he takes on clean air and water more than global warming, which I 100% support), but he wasn’t close to where he is now. It’s a great interview, you should listen.

And I don’t know if you’re keeping up but the judge gave the jury 3 categories of crimes to consider with no specific crime mentioned or guidance on how any of Trump’s actions may have violated any specific laws. That’s why he wouldn’t let the FEC expert witness testify - they would actually have knowledge of how the NDA payment did or did not result in a crime (also they would have learned that - if Trump had violated federal election laws - would have been a Federal crime this court had no jurisdiction over...and the FEC/Biden DOJ declined to prosecute).

Merchan intentionally left the jury in the dark, he didn't even given his jury instructions in writing for them to reference. That's extremely dangerous, and by all reports there's one lone sympathetic juror who knows his life will be ruined if he hangs the jury. I think there's a very good chance they convict here, and convict on an unspecified crime which is incredibly unconstitutional.

Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt REQUIRES the prosecution lay out the specifics of every element of a specific crime.

I listed 15 SPECIFIC leftist policy positions and you boil it all down to "he attacked Trump"?

You're really a special kind of ideologue. You see the T-word and get triggered and can't see anything else.

And you have your predictions, I have mine. We'll see. If the dems want to win it's Michelle or RFK, and I don't think Michelle wants to give up her lifestyle (but I maintain she'd be the toughest to beat).

Kamala and Newsome are on the struggle bus and would get smoked by Trump, especially if he goes to jail this week. Plus, only one of those two have even been campaigning this cycle.
You’re a lunatic you do realize that right fats? You’re not center right or left you’re a fringe lunatic. That’s why you have trouble communicating with people. I see the same with the lunatics on the left, I should know I spent 25 years in the sf bay areas managing their money. I find all of you sheep tiring and stupid, no offense intended…

This will be interesting. I for one don’t think Trump will be found guilty, billions of dollars and you can’t get one juror out of 12 to think you’re not guilty?? The odds of that are tiny.
Well since you are the expert at everything it is sad how you can't figure this out. Stop watching FOX, they will shield you from all of the court room procedures.

I know you going to reply with defending him. I am NOT saying that he did anything. I am just going to explain the judge decision.

He was charged with falsifying invoices, falsifying ledger entries and falsifying hush money payments, those are his CRIME. It is a misdemeanor charge that becomes a felony IF he did it protect/hide another crime. Like if you commit theft over a certain amount, that would make theft a felony instead of a misdemeanor.

What the judge told the jury and I think the appellant courts will definitely look into, is that the prosecutor doesn't have to single out or specific which other crime he tried to protect/hide. They believed he committed all 3 and all 3 can be and should be considered based on NY law.

I hope this answers your question. I am not debating the charges, I am just telling you what they are for like the 10th time.
For the 1000th time, I have not watched FoxNews since 2020. Clips here or there on Twitter, sure, but I watch clips from every network embedded in tweets. So do you.

I'm not an expert, but since the underlying crime IS the reason they can escalate a misdemeanor (that the SOL expired on) to a felony don't you think they should have to prove that that specific crime was committed. Hell, shouldn't they have to at least NAME that crime!? And FTR - "campaign finance violation" is a category not a specific crime. There is a statute that would have to be referenced and each element proven "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Which is why your example sucks - in your case the crime is at least identified (i.e. felony theft over $1000 in goods or cash). So try to come up with an example where the prosecutors don't even name a specific crime, I bet you can't...because it's unconstitutional and no fair prosecutor would bring it and no fair judge would allow it.

And when you take all of this and factor in the setting:
- Judge is a Biden donor (would you EVER donate $1 to Trump?)
- Judge's daughter is a big time bundler with clients like the 2024 Biden/Harris campaign and Chuck Schumer
- The trial is in one of the bluest districts in the US
- The case was timed to keep Trump off the campaign trail - this all happened many years ago's really tough for a normal, reasonable person to not question the fairness of this whole debacle.
For the 1000th time, I have not watched FoxNews since 2020. Clips here or there on Twitter, sure, but I watch clips from every network embedded in tweets. So do you.

I'm not an expert, but since the underlying crime IS the reason they can escalate a misdemeanor (that the SOL expired on) to a felony don't you think they should have to prove that that specific crime was committed. Hell, shouldn't they have to at least NAME that crime!? And FTR - "campaign finance violation" is a category not a specific crime. There is a statute that would have to be referenced and each element proven "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Which is why your example sucks - in your case the crime is at least identified (i.e. felony theft over $1000 in goods or cash). So try to come up with an example where the prosecutors don't even name a specific crime, I bet you can't...because it's unconstitutional and no fair prosecutor would bring it and no fair judge would allow it.

And when you take all of this and factor in the setting:
- Judge is a Biden donor (would you EVER donate $1 to Trump?)
- Judge's daughter is a big time bundler with clients like the 2024 Biden/Harris campaign and Chuck Schumer
- The trial is in one of the bluest districts in the US
- The case was timed to keep Trump off the campaign trail - this all happened many years ago's really tough for a normal, reasonable person to not question the fairness of this whole debacle.
Ok man, I told you the crime and you did what I knew you would do, it is NEVER a good faith question. You just wanted to argue with me. I am not debating anything. They did prove a crime, he signed the checks.
Holy crap your TDS is level 1000.

For one time in your life try to put Trump to the side. He’s just in the way. Every one of those points is a de facto policy position. It would be no different if you were running on the Republican side, it's not about the opponent.

A few of RFK's policy positions have been consistent - his environmentalism, isolationist foreign policy - but he's never taken the stance he did in that tweet on issues like the 2020 riots, Covid lockdowns (he blamed Fauci more than Trump), and tax cuts. If you have time go listen to the 3 hour Rogan interview where he took very libertarian positions on most issues. Economically he was center-left, environmentally hard left (although he goes about it with much more common sense, and he takes on clean air and water more than global warming, which I 100% support), but he wasn’t close to where he is now. It’s a great interview, you should listen.

And I don’t know if you’re keeping up but the judge gave the jury 3 categories of crimes to consider with no specific crime mentioned or guidance on how any of Trump’s actions may have violated any specific laws. That’s why he wouldn’t let the FEC expert witness testify - they would actually have knowledge of how the NDA payment did or did not result in a crime (also they would have learned that - if Trump had violated federal election laws - would have been a Federal crime this court had no jurisdiction over...and the FEC/Biden DOJ declined to prosecute).

Merchan intentionally left the jury in the dark, he didn't even given his jury instructions in writing for them to reference. That's extremely dangerous, and by all reports there's one lone sympathetic juror who knows his life will be ruined if he hangs the jury. I think there's a very good chance they convict here, and convict on an unspecified crime which is incredibly unconstitutional.

Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt REQUIRES the prosecution lay out the specifics of every element of a specific crime.
So what is his shift? I still don't see a shift other than attacking Trump.

Attacking Trump makes someone hard left, got it.
Think it will be a hung jury, which is essentially a Trump win since its unlikely they can try him again before the election. Appears to me that is what the Trump attorney's where shooting for and, IMO, the right way to play it. All they need is one Trumper out of 12 people. I also think public sentiment will be against another trial as well.....which is the camp I am in. If they don't get a conviction here they should drop it.
Same over here. He won't be acquitted for sure.
Ok man, I told you the crime and you did what I knew you would do, it is NEVER a good faith question. You just wanted to argue with me. I am not debating anything. They did prove a crime, he signed the checks.
WRONG Have to prove he did it to influence the election. PLEASE learn the F what you are talking about one day, son. You are one of the most uninformed people I have ever read on these boards in my 20 years doing so. AND you would have to totally ignore the statue of limitations. Jesus you are SO SLOW. May want to go slap your momma....
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Ok man, I told you the crime and you did what I knew you would do, it is NEVER a good faith question. You just wanted to argue with me. I am not debating anything. They did prove a crime, he signed the checks.
You didn’t tell me the crime. You cited the judge listed “all 3”. Well those 3 were not actual crimes they were general categories.

You highlighted the misdemeanor charges but you didn’t mention what the underlying statute was that he violated that escalated it to a felony and eliminated the SOL.

In other words, Merchan pulled 12 randos off the street who probably know very little about the 3 categories of crimes listed, didn’t allow any expert witnesses to enlighten the jury, didn’t even let the defense talk about the laws regarding elections, didn’t force the prosecution to prove the elements of this crucial “crime” committed, hell didn’t even NAME a specific crime…and told them to rule on guilt or innocence. How is this fair?

“Good faith” is your excuse when you have nothing. I didn’t attack you personally, I just made well reasoned arguments.

Apparently that’s not something you can handle.
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Second full paragraph.

Excuse Me No GIF by Osvezilna fronta

Remember who you are dealing with Fatman.
You didn’t tell me the crime. You cited the judge listed “all 3”. Well those 3 were not actual crimes they were general categories.

You highlighted the misdemeanor charges but you didn’t mention what the underlying statute was that he violated that escalated it to a felony and eliminated the SOL.

In other words, Merchan pulled 12 randos off the street who probably know very little about the 3 categories of crimes listed, didn’t allow any expert witnesses to enlighten the jury, didn’t even let the defense talk about the laws regarding elections, didn’t force the prosecution to prove the elements of this crucial “crime” committed, hell didn’t even NAME a specific crime…and told them to rule on guilt or innocence. How is this fair?

“Good faith” is your excuse when you have nothing. I didn’t attack you personally, I just made well reasoned arguments.

Apparently that’s not something you can handle.
No, I told you the crime, you just don't agree with them which is fine AND you are reciting right wing talking points of "What is the crime?'

The crime IS falsifying invoices, falsifying ledger entries and falsifying hush money payments. Charges are crimes. You don't have to agree that he is guilty but the actual crimes are well documented. SO are the 3 other crimes that they think he was protecting.

This is why I tried to avoid this because I knew you wasn't asking because you wasn't sure. You asked to promote the agenda you were given. I know if I hear it on right wing TV, it will make it why here soon enough. I may try to beat you to the punch next time haha.
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SO because he attacked Trump, that means he shifted hard left? Some of your political thinking is odd. He also attacked Biden. I don't think that he shifted hard left or right. I think he decided that he need to attack both sides to help his presidential bid.

He won't ever be the Dem nominee. If something happens to Biden, it would be Kamala. Where do you guys come up with this nonsense? One day it's Michelle, then its Newsom and now it's Kennedy? WOW.
I hope it is Trump vs Kamala
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No, I told you the crime, you just don't agree with them which is fine AND you are reciting right wing talking points of "What is the crime?'

The crime IS falsifying invoices, falsifying ledger entries and falsifying hush money payments. Charges are crimes. You don't have to agree that he is guilty but the actual crimes are well documented. SO are the 3 other crimes that they think he was protecting.

This is why I tried to avoid this because I knew you wasn't asking because you wasn't sure. You asked to promote the agenda you were given. I know if I hear it on right wing TV, it will make it why here soon enough. I may try to beat you to the punch next time haha.
The misdemeanors were in the initial filing. Those are a waste of time, small misdemeanors (and he didn't do anything wrong there either, his accountants filed money paid to his lawyer as legal expenses...had he used campaign funds he would have been hit with the same campaign violation charges John Edwards was...).

Without the "underlying crime" they wouldn't even be brought as the SOL ran out, nor would they be felonies.

The crime you can't name is the UNDERLYING CRIME...and that's the one that matters.
Yes you mentioned "2020 riots, Covid lockdowns (he blamed Fauci more than Trump), and tax cuts" All things that he was critical of Trump. My point. Thanks, over it.
No, you're ignoring it.

Which you always do when you have nothing.

How about this - he hired a far leftist billionaire running mate. Is that a "shift that doesn't involve Trump"?
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Yes you're coldhearted if you think visiting his son's widow on memorial day is shady. You guys have no empathy. Everything is a conspiracy theory.

Also, Joe isn't on trial, Hunter is. I know you guys try to make them the same person but they are not.
Diaper Joe doesn't even know what day it is, much less Memorial Day. Pedolph keeps talking about his son being killed in the war (when he was not) , while his other son bangs his widow. What a family!

And how are you following this trial?
Me personally? I'm reading you and @Illegal-shift 's bizarro-world coverage and relying on the bizarro world litmus test. Whatever you two post, means just the opposite.

I voted for judges in the last election the same way, not knowing one thing about the judge's pasts. So I went to the Miami Herald's picks and voted completely the opposite.

It’s not. They are just deranged, convict at all cost partisans. They have shown that over the last few years. Illegal is in stage 5 TDS. No recovery.

It's definitely a sad state of affairs to see our Judicial system destroyed this way. This sets such bad precedent. Without a fair judicial system, we become a third world Country.
From what I’ve read, Trump is likely to be convicted. The facts of the case are completely immaterial as everyone knows what this is. This is just the latest attempt by the establishment (not a Dem vs Repub issue) to avoid accountability (ie voters). Problem for the establishment is Trump will win a fair election from jail. Everybody knows that globally government is being run to launder tax dollars and put them in the pockets of the politically connected and their financiers.

The establishment will try to beat this back through sham trials and sham elections until finally they have no choice but to drop the charade and outright try to impose totalitarianism. Whether they will succeed, we’ll see. But all of this is about how much the ruling class can get away with to prop up their kleptocracy.