Trump Isn’t Going Anywhere

And our military signs up to step on IED's too, right? real need to better protect them from the earth exploding underneath them.

That's ridiculous and you know it. We can do better. Cops can do better one has denied that but F you and that statement.

his statement says everything about who he is. An awful human being. A liar, a welcher, a hypocrite, a narcissist. Sad part is, you protect his ability to be the best burger flipper he can be
Here you go. This is the full video.

No, bad shoot. Kid was scared to death and was incapable of following simple instructions.

I would like to know the back story. Why were they so worried about him being armed? There's reason to worry and then there's REASON to worry.

From what I saw, the cop created the scenario that caused him to shoot this kid for non-compliance in a high stress situation.
yep. Thats what I knew. You are all talk. you got caught. Your meltdown and depantsing was of epic proportions for all to see.
I’ve challenged you many time to simply state what I’ve lied about. You’ve yet to come up with an answer. So, yes, you are a puss. That is clear.
When you take the job, you know the risks. Yes, no different than joining the military.

Your safety is no more, or less, important than the safety of the citizens you are paid to protect.

Yes...I know the risks. That doesn’t give you or the world the excuse to say "fuggem'...they knew the risks."

Cops can do better for society. Society can do better for Cops. If you don’t believe that, you are part of the problem.
I’ve challenged you many time to simply state what I’ve lied about. You’ve yet to come up with an answer. So, yes, you are a puss. That is clear.

it was already proven. Many times over. So, lets let the board decide chicken little. You scared?
No, bad shoot. Kid was scared to death and was incapable of following simple instructions.

I would like to know the back story. Why were they so worried about him being armed? There's reason to worry and then there's REASON to worry.

From what I saw, the cop created the scenario that caused him to shoot this kid for non-compliance in a high stress situation.
There was a call in about an armed person in the hotel. The officer, clearly inexperienced, panicked. Like I said, it’s a tough job and not meant for everyone. Like this guy.
Yes...I know the risks. That doesn’t give you or the world the excuse to say "fuggem'...they knew the risks."

Cops can do better for society. Society can do better for Cops. If you don’t believe that, you are part of the problem.

Like I’ve said many times, I support the police. They make the right call 99.9% of the time and it’s unfair to judge the entire police force by the actions of a few misguided officers. But as you well know, you put your life on the line every day. If you don’t want to accept that risk, you should choose a different profession.

No different than loggers, or oilfield workers, or coal miners, or any number of other dangerous jobs. Thats why I admire the people that choose that line of work. I couldn’t do it.
Like I’ve said many times, I support the police. They make the right call 99.9% of the time and it’s unfair to judge the entire police force by the actions of a few misguided officers. But as you well know, you put your life on the line every day. If you don’t want to accept that risk, you should choose a different profession.

No different than loggers, or oilfield workers, or coal miners, or any number of other dangerous jobs. Thats why I admire the people that choose that line of work. I couldn’t do it.

You misunderstand. I, and every cop worth a damn, fully accepts the risk of death. That is not at all what I'm referring to.

Thought that was pretty clear.
There was a call in about an armed person in the hotel. The officer, clearly inexperienced, panicked. Like I said, it’s a tough job and not meant for everyone. Like this guy.

Inexperience definitely seemed like a major contributing cause. But I would guess not the only one.

Based on the 5 minute clip, which isn't really fair TBH, I'd love to see his psych eval prior to the shooting...if he ever had one.
Then lets let the board decide if you have lied on here? I point out the lie, they decide.
Its not a popularity contest. You have to prove your claims. You can’t even say what it is.

You’re a puss.
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Its not a popularity contest. You have to prove your claims. You can’t even say what it is.

You’re a puss.

I have stated it many times. You’re scared and this is all you have left. You melted down for all to see, and now you’re doing the only thing you have left. Let a jury of your peers decide, it’s what we do in this country. Or are you scared?
You misunderstand. I, and every cop worth a damn, fully accepts the risk of death. That is not at all what I'm referring to.

Thought that was pretty clear.
Cops and firefighters deserve to be paid a lot more money. Those jobs should be six figure as the risk you put on your lives to protect us citizens is incredible.

Back in the summer when BLM was rioting, there was a cop that would park his car in the parking garage where my ex used to work. I’d see him once a week at least. After SLC had its little riot, I walked over to him to say hi and thank him for all that he does. He was a little hesitant at first, rightfully so but warmed up quickly. I bought him lunch a few times and would bring it to him. The least I can do for making that parking garage safe.
Cops and firefighters deserve to be paid a lot more money. Those jobs should be six figure as the risk you put on your lives to protect us citizens is incredible.

Back in the summer when BLM was rioting, there was a cop that would park his car in the parking garage where my ex used to work. I’d see him once a week at least. After SLC had its little riot, I walked over to him to say hi and thank him for all that he does. He was a little hesitant at first, rightfully so but warmed up quickly. I bought him lunch a few times and would bring it to him. The least I can do for making that parking garage safe.
Supply and demand. People don't get paid based on how dangerous their job is. And I think I read police work isn't even in the top 10.
I have stated it many times. You’re scared and this is all you have left. You melted down for all to see, and now you’re doing the only thing you have left. Let a jury of your peers decide, it’s what we do in this country. Or are you scared?
No you haven't. Still waiting. Still a puss.
Supply and demand. People don't get paid based on how dangerous their job is. And I think I read police work isn't even in the top 10.
Actually, that is incorrect.

In my line of work, the operators make $25-$30 an hour to start, due to being exposed to explosive material. In previous jobs, where I was developing composite material that gets used on the Airbus and Boeing planes, the employees were making $20 to $25 for being exposed to hazardous materials.

Why do you think our military gets paid a hell of a lot less while civilian contractors get paid more and are being exposed to the same environment?
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Actually, that is incorrect.

In my line of work, the operators make $25-$30 an hour to start, due to being exposed to explosive material. In previous jobs, where I was developing composite material that gets used on the Airbus and Boeing planes, the employees were making $20 to $25 for being exposed to hazardous materials.

Why do you think our military gets paid a hell of a lot less while civilian contractors get paid more and are being exposed to the same environment?
I'll bet the supervisirs and managers make even more.

Soldiers make less than senior logistics or medical personnel in the military.

Roughnecks make less than drilling engineers.


Cops do fine. My brother just retired with $1.5M in his Retirement Plan, lifetime medical and a $80,000 pension for life.
I'll bet the supervisirs and managers make even more.

Soldiers make less than senior logistics or medical personnel in the military.

Roughnecks make less than drilling engineers.


Cops do fine. My brother just retired with $1.5M in his Retirement Plan, lifetime medical and a $80,000 pension for life.
Of course that’s all true, that wasn’t the point. The point is being paid more for doing dangerous work. You disagreed, I explained real world results. This isn’t hard to understand.

If true, we never know with you, then you’re brother would be just fine but not all cops are guaranteed that kind of money and the starting salary for a cop is a joke. You wonder why police forces have that 0.01% person who makes the entire force look bad. Raise the pay and requirements to be a cop and like anything in a free market society, the cream rises to the top.

I’d definitely take a good, hard look at privatizing the police forces as well as the firefighters and teachers.
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Of course that’s all true, that wasn’t the point. The point is being paid more for doing dangerous work. You disagreed, I explained real world results. This isn’t hard to understand.

If true, we never know with you, then you’re brother would be just fine but not all cops are guaranteed that kind of money and the starting salary for a cop is a joke. You wonder why police forces have that 0.01% person who makes the entire force look bad. Raise the pay and requirements to be a cop and like anything in a free market society, the cream rises to the top.

I’d definitely take a good, hard look at privatizing the police forces as well as the firefighters and teachers.
Yeah, that worked out so well for the prisons and Blackwater.
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Still waiting on that cat who says the election wasn’t stolen to buy into the fair, equitable, and democratic process of letting the board decide if he has lied on the board.
Still waiting on that cat who says the election wasn’t stolen to buy into the fair, equitable, and democratic process of letting the board decide if he has lied on the board.
Ding. Still a puss.

Name the bet.
Name the lie.
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Yawn. I keep waiting but continue to be disappointed. I’m sure you could do it if you really tried.

Will check back later to see if you’ve manned up.

Yes check back later. The lunch rush is calling

Here is your reminder. It was glorious for all to see

What happened at every protest over the summer? And I mean EVERY protest in every state.

Is it your contention that Americans lose, at your discretion, the right to protest? There were riots, and there were protests. They are not the same. If students are drunk and disorderly at every athletic event.... That's a slippery slope.
Is it your contention that Americans lose, at your discretion, the right to protest? There were riots, and there were protests. They are not the same. If students are drunk and disorderly at every athletic event.... That's a slippery slope.
I can't tell you the countless Gator games I've attended where businesses and police stations were burned to the ground.:rolleyes:😂
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Is it your contention that Americans lose, at your discretion, the right to protest? There were riots, and there were protests. They are not the same. If students are drunk and disorderly at every athletic event.... That's a slippery slope.
I never said that, answer the question and stop deflecting
So what are you complaining about? Climate change?


The fact that what you described above as a "good shoot" could have led to prison, job loss or, at a minimum, significant loss of reputation. That's what we fear in law enforcement.

The second guessing is beyond over the top these days. The Jacob Blake shooting is a perfect example. I can't tell you how many times I've heard...

"Why didn't they just tase him instead?" They did tase him.

"Why didn't they just fight him?" They did fight him.

"Why did they have to shoot him just because he went into his car?" Because there was a knife, and possibly other weapons, in his vehicle.

"Why did they shoot him in the back?" Because his back was facing the police officer as he was arming the very least that is what the officer believed and that belief was entirely reasonable.

That's the sort of thing I'm complaining about. If I die on this job, that's more acceptable than this other bullshit. That other bullshit is coming from the very people we intend to protect and that stab in the back is entirely unacceptable.

The fact that what you described above as a "good shoot" could have led to prison, job loss or, at a minimum, significant loss of reputation. That's what we fear in law enforcement.

The second guessing is beyond over the top these days. The Jacob Blake shooting is a perfect example. I can't tell you how many times I've heard...

"Why didn't they just tase him instead?" They did tase him.

"Why didn't they just fight him?" They did fight him.

"Why did they have to shoot him just because he went into his car?" Because there was a knife, and possibly other weapons, in his vehicle.

"Why did they shoot him in the back?" Because his back was facing the police officer as he was arming the very least that is what the officer believed and that belief was entirely reasonable.

That's the sort of thing I'm complaining about. If I die on this job, that's more acceptable than this other bullshit. That other bullshit is coming from the very people we intend to protect and that stab in the back is entirely unacceptable.
You should link some pictures of the end results after a knife fight.

People think that a knife can’t do as much damage as a gun but they’d be wrong as you know.
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Cops and firefighters deserve to be paid a lot more money. Those jobs should be six figure as the risk you put on your lives to protect us citizens is incredible.

Back in the summer when BLM was rioting, there was a cop that would park his car in the parking garage where my ex used to work. I’d see him once a week at least. After SLC had its little riot, I walked over to him to say hi and thank him for all that he does. He was a little hesitant at first, rightfully so but warmed up quickly. I bought him lunch a few times and would bring it to him. The least I can do for making that parking garage safe.

Two thoughts...people will do the job for less and that is why it pays what it pays. Most do it as a way to serve. That sounds like a cliché but it also happens to be true. I was drawn to it and I stopped myself from taking the plunge many times before I finally said screw it...I'm doing it.

OTOH, we may attract (and more importantly keep) even better talent if it paid better. Maybe the small percentage of rif-raf would be out on their ass before they did something stupid???

Most of us have other sources of income, at least in my sphere. For me this is career #2 and my wife and I have built a few other revenue streams. We could not survive on my pay.

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