Oh, so you're admitting to just being an internet troll. Of course its entertainment, although some of you take it really seriously. Otherwise you wouldn't follow me around so much.
And don't give me that BS. You've tried over and over to prove a lie, yet continue to fail.
And you are the one that claims internet victories and how many likes you have, like that's really important to you. And even admitted you followed me around for a year and now make it your mission in life is to prove me wrong. There's a whole cabal of you dorks that go around to other teams message boards to whine and complain about them there liberals. There's nothing sadder than that IMO. Sorry, You try to act like its just entertainment, yet somehow your words betray you.
Yes BSC, I admit that trolling you has been extremely entertaining. I’m not sure of the “some” you’re referring to but as I’ve told you before in the past, there isn’t a damn thing you could say to me that will offend me or hurt my feelings. I don’t know you other than what you post and even then if I did know you, I do not concern myself with the opinions of others 🤷🏻♂️
Look, you can’t fix stupid, it was proven to you and anyone who reads this board that you lied. If you can’t comprehend your lie that tells me you are oblivious to your own shit, playing stupid when you know you’ve lied or a pathological liar. Either way, I don’t give a shit. This will be the last time I’ll be explaining this to you but will still continue to call you a liar.
Now, I’ve noticed the pattern of you trying to take a dig at me about this “internet warrior” claim. So let’s break this down for you.
1. What I post is funny
2. What you post is not funny. You could be funny in person, don’t know don’t care
3. Just like on any other social media platform, the number of likes or laughs determines the popularity of the post. Look at how many likes that dumbass baby bron bron gets. Why? He’s popular. I’m no Lebron, wouldn’t want to be, but people on this board generally like what I post. I’m sorry that you don’t get the same reception, we’re not all created equally.
4. You may find yourself to be a funny person, most on here disagree including myself
5. Do you have a problem with people liking my posts? Is this stemming from a lack of popularity or friends during your childhood?
6. Do you have problems with people who make fun of you? Are you capable of taking a joke?
Here is what I think BSC.
I think you have to claim certain things to make yourself feel important, you’re not. I think you think you’re an important person and people need to recognize you, we don’t nor should we. I definitely know you think you’re smarter than everyone, you’re definitely not. You challenge people on a message board to make yourself feel superior, we laugh.
With that said, hopefully you reflect on what I’ve explained to you and step off this imaginary pedestal or the trolling will continue. If this is the type of attention you need or yearn for then by all means continue to lie.