Trump Isn’t Going Anywhere

Because Biden is too busy sh!tting his Depends. His central issues revolve around nap time and early bird specials. Even today he was apparently unable to start reaching out to foreign heads of state so Harris did it.

It was certainly central for Harris. She repeatedly talked about it and praised the riots.

Please provide a credible link that shows that Harris praised the riots. Calling 100% BS on that.
Please provide a credible link that shows that Harris praised the riots. Calling 100% BS on that.

"It should not stop, it will not stop."

As a partisan you will say that she was ONLY referring to peaceful protests, whatever the hell that means.

No one gave a shit about actual peaceful protests...including Harris. The sausage was made, along with the news, in the unpeaceful protests. That's what she meant and everyone knew it. Honest people admit it.
Please provide a credible link that shows that Harris praised the riots. Calling 100% BS on that.

This was stated after rioting had begun. Now, imagine trump being interviewed during the middle of capital riots and saying this. Verbiage be damned. Remember you can call a riot a protest, but its still a riot.
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"It should not stop, it will not stop."

As a partisan you will say that she was ONLY referring to peaceful protests, whatever the hell that means.

No one gave a shit about actual peaceful protests...including Harris. The sausage was made, along with the news, in the unpeaceful protests. That's what she meant and everyone knew it. Honest people admit it.
She incited the violence and by dem standards should be impeached
Again I’m totally lost on your line of thinking.

So the massive rally the day before was a mistake? Should he have ignored something that was front of mind for a vast majority of those in attendance? Was he not supposed to leverage his massive support to try to help them win?

Did it ever occur to you that Loeffler and Perdue were just awful candidates who ran sh!tty campaigns to a base that felt disenfranchised? I just think it’s myopic to lay that loss solely at Trump’s feet. The arc of his political career was based on a Republican finally being a fighter. Stopping that at the 11th hour seems like a bold strategy Cotton.
The rally was not a mistake. Trumps approach was wrong. Front of mind for those voters could have been turned into a mandate to GO AND VOTE. Awful candidates? They were already in the Senate and reliably conservative! Are you really going to tell me the rich white boy from Roswell and the racist demagogue were better?
No. They. Were. Not.
That's not entirely true. Also, 18 U.S.C. §§ 241, 242, and the application thereof, greatly affect how we're able to police. And the person sitting in the Oval, and those he places into positions of power in the DOJ, have a huge impact as well.

Just so you are aware @BSC911 , when law enforcement are charged or sued, it's almost always under title 18 u.s.c. section 241 & 242. Most are, of course, bogus claims. No one, even the bad guys, doubts this claim.

Ask your one who has spent time in law enforcement, if they do ANYTHING, avoids such lawsuits or criminal allegations. 99.9% of the time these cases lead to nothing because they are garbage claims by desperate people trying to avoid the charges they are facing.

However, when the DOJ becomes more liberal, more of these cases are considered. When that happens, cops are more likely to hesitate. That may sound like a good thing to you...but when a good cop doing righteous work hesitates, he puts himself and others in danger.

Imagine you are serving a felony warrant at a very bad man's house. This guy has a violent history including resisting arrest with violence and he is known to be armed. Despite all of that, you enter his home to serve that warrant...because that is your job.

Weapon drawn, you go in and he's standing in a dimly lit hallway with his right hand in his jacket pocket. You order him to the ground, MANY times, but he refuses. He steps back with his right leg and squares up to you...and then pauses. Again, you order him to the ground as forcefully as you can muster...and then he jerks his right hand violently out of his right pocket...that's all the information you get to have before you make a life changing decision.

What do you do?

The answer to that question may lead you, or your team members (close friends) to the morgue...or to prison...depending on what he pulled out of his pocket. Maybe it's a phone. Maybe it's a bare hand. Maybe it's a gun.

The US codes I listed above, and how they are applied by the humans in the DOJ, will determine your fate.

Who do you want determining your fate in that situation @BSC911 ? A liberal in 2021 or a conservative? Answer honestly...and remember that sign in your yard.
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Just so you are aware @BSC911 , when law enforcement are charged or sued, it's almost always under title 18 u.s.c. section 241 & 242. Most are, of course, bogus claims. No one, even the bad guys, doubts this claim.

Ask your one who has spent time in law enforcement, if they do ANYTHING, avoids such lawsuits or criminal allegations. 99.9% of the time these cases lead to nothing because they are garbage claims by desperate people trying to avoid the charges they are facing.

However, when the DOJ becomes more liberal, more of these cases are considered. When that happens, cops are more likely to hesitate. That may sound like a good thing to you...but when a good cop doing righteous work hesitates, he puts himself and others in danger.

Imagine you are serving a felony warrant at a very bad man's house. This guy has a violent history including resisting arrest with violence and he is known to be armed. Despite all of that, you enter his home to serve that warrant...because that is your job.

Weapon drawn, you go in and he's standing in a dimly lit hallway with his right hand in his jacket pocket. You order him to the ground, MANY times, but he refuses. He steps back with his right leg and squares up to you...and then pauses. Again, you order him to the ground as forcefully as you can muster...and then he jerks his right hand violently out of his right pocket...that's all the information you get to have before you make a life changing decision.

What do you do?

The answer to that question may lead you, or your team members (close friends) to the morgue...or to prison...depending on what he pulled out of his pocket. Maybe it's a phone. Maybe it's a bare hand. Maybe it's a gun.

The US codes I listed above, and how they are applied by the humans in the DOJ, will determine your fate.

Who do you want determining your fate in that situation @BSC911 ? A liberal in 2021 or a conservative? Answer honestly...and remember that sign in your yard.
You’ll get three results from cummers:

1. He won’t respond because it will require an honest response then claim he didn’t see it

2. He’ll lie

3. He’ll answer with a question, do a cute little dance of words while avoiding answering the question

He’s done all three today
You’ll get three results from cummers:

1. He won’t respond because it will require an honest response then claim he didn’t see it

2. He’ll lie

3. He’ll answer with a question, do a cute little dance of words while avoiding answering the question

He’s done all three today

More than likely. I just thought giving him a sniff of a world that he's not incredibly familiar with might give him pause, even if he won't admit to the pause in his reply.

There an infinite number of circumstances like the one I described above. None of them help you better prepare for the next one. Each one is isolated from the next.

I have another good one involving a shotgun in a bad guys hands that I might share later.
More than likely. I just thought giving him a sniff of a world that he's not incredibly familiar with might give him pause, even if he won't admit to the pause in his reply.

There an infinite number of circumstances like the one I described above. None of them help you better prepare for the next one. Each one is isolated from the next.

I have another good one involving a shotgun in a bad guys hands that I might share later.
He’s cummers, he’s an expert in everything and I mean everything

Definitely share. The men and women in uniform are the true heroes of this nation, not the bullshit fake celebrities or athletes.
I am Congolese-Cherokee-Caucasian. I am very close to the black community.

Black America turned out in record numbers to vote for the Messiah. During 8 years of Biden/Obama, black America poverty went up and home ownership went down. My source is the U. S. Censes Bureau. Unemployment numbers for black Americans improved. Wages did not.

The long-legged Mack Daddy's second term saw less support from black America. The "smartest" woman in the world ran for Mack Daddy's third term and found tepid support among minorities.

Mack Daddy and the Godmother of the Clinton crime mob gave us a reality TV star. 5 states which discarded state election laws gave us Beijing Biden.
Because Biden is too busy sh!tting his Depends. His central issues revolve around nap time and early bird specials. Even today he was apparently unable to start reaching out to foreign heads of state so Harris did it.

It was certainly central for Harris. She repeatedly talked about it and praised the riots.
Wrong, Trumper. Biden is getting down to business instead of playing golf. Like it or not, he’s a doer, not a tweeter.
There are still legal challenges out there.

Powell has three dates in front of SCOTUS this month this month and Dominion has sued everyone. The SL in AZ is still going after the board of electors.

For three years we heard the election was stolen from Hillary and Putin colluded to put Trump in office. It’s been a little over three weeks this cycle. Let’s see how it plays out.
It’s time to move on. For your own sanity. It’s over.

Hillary conceded defeat the day after the election. Trump still hasn’t. I know you admire that but just because you don’t like the results doesn’t make them invalid. You’re acting like the Hillary sky screamers at this point.
And can you score higher than any Trumper on my 60 question 60 minute time limit M test?
Sorry, Looney Tunes, that quiz you took 50 years ago doesn’t impress me. You cant even support your answers.

You’re a loon, no matter what.
I am Congolese-Cherokee-Caucasian. I am very close to the black community.

Black America turned out in record numbers to vote for the Messiah. During 8 years of Biden/Obama, black America poverty went up and home ownership went down. My source is the U. S. Censes Bureau. Unemployment numbers for black Americans improved. Wages did not.

The long-legged Mack Daddy's second term saw less support from black America. The "smartest" woman in the world ran for Mack Daddy's third term and found tepid support among minorities.

Mack Daddy and the Godmother of the Clinton crime mob gave us a reality TV star. 5 states which discarded state election laws gave us Beijing Biden.
This is a good example. You post like a child. Are you all there? Tell the orderlies its time for your pills.
"It should not stop, it will not stop."

As a partisan you will say that she was ONLY referring to peaceful protests, whatever the hell that means.

No one gave a shit about actual peaceful protests...including Harris. The sausage was made, along with the news, in the unpeaceful protests. That's what she meant and everyone knew it. Honest people admit it.

That’s a lot of assumptions on your part. In other words, you’ve got nothing to support your claim.
It’s time to move on. For your own sanity. It’s over.

Hillary conceded defeat the day after the election. Trump still hasn’t. I know you admire that but just because you don’t like the results doesn’t make them invalid. You’re acting like the Hillary sky screamers at this point.
She called Trump because it was clear there was no path for victory. We didn't have ANY evidence the election was fraudulent and she knew there'd be no challenged electoral slates in that election (84 EC votes, 7 states sent competing slates to Congress in 2020).

Yet 3 years later she's still whining that she ran a "perfect campaign" and the "election was stolen".

Isn't that what led to the second phony impeachment, Trump claiming the election was stolen? Maybe we should impeach Hillary since there's a precedent for impeaching private citizens now.
Just so you are aware @BSC911 , when law enforcement are charged or sued, it's almost always under title 18 u.s.c. section 241 & 242. Most are, of course, bogus claims. No one, even the bad guys, doubts this claim.

Ask your one who has spent time in law enforcement, if they do ANYTHING, avoids such lawsuits or criminal allegations. 99.9% of the time these cases lead to nothing because they are garbage claims by desperate people trying to avoid the charges they are facing.

However, when the DOJ becomes more liberal, more of these cases are considered. When that happens, cops are more likely to hesitate. That may sound like a good thing to you...but when a good cop doing righteous work hesitates, he puts himself and others in danger.

Imagine you are serving a felony warrant at a very bad man's house. This guy has a violent history including resisting arrest with violence and he is known to be armed. Despite all of that, you enter his home to serve that warrant...because that is your job.

Weapon drawn, you go in and he's standing in a dimly lit hallway with his right hand in his jacket pocket. You order him to the ground, MANY times, but he refuses. He steps back with his right leg and squares up to you...and then pauses. Again, you order him to the ground as forcefully as you can muster...and then he jerks his right hand violently out of his right pocket...that's all the information you get to have before you make a life changing decision.

What do you do?

The answer to that question may lead you, or your team members (close friends) to the morgue...or to prison...depending on what he pulled out of his pocket. Maybe it's a phone. Maybe it's a bare hand. Maybe it's a gun.

The US codes I listed above, and how they are applied by the humans in the DOJ, will determine your fate.

Who do you want determining your fate in that situation @BSC911 ? A liberal in 2021 or a conservative? Answer honestly...and remember that sign in your yard.
In that situation, It’s a tough call, no doubt. Others aren’t such tough calls. I generally give the police the benefit of the doubt, but that doesn’t give the victims any solace when they make the wrong call. Most of the times, the courts have sided with the police. since intent is hard to discern.

But I doubt any officer ever goes into a situation with the intent to shoot an unarmed person. But cops aren’t perfect, as you know, and sometimes make the wrong call. Have you seen the video of the guy in the hotel who was just trying to pull his pants up?

But we were talking about funding the police, not how they are charged.
She called Trump because it was clear there was no path for victory. We didn't have ANY evidence the election was fraudulent and she knew there'd be no challenged electoral slates in that election (84 EC votes, 7 states sent competing slates to Congress in 2020).

Yet 3 years later she's still whining that she ran a "perfect campaign" and the "election was stolen".

Isn't that what led to the second phony impeachment, Trump claiming the election was stolen? Maybe we should impeach Hillary since there's a precedent for impeaching private citizens now.
Yeah, that’s a sore loser talking. Nobody likes a sore loser.

Neither impeachment was phony. I’ll bet you didn’t even watch the trial.
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Yeah, that’s a sore loser talking. Nobody like ps a sore loser.

Neither impeachment was phony. I’ll bet you didn’t even watch the trial.
I did and both were bs. If u don’t realize that then u will be supporting Biden and Harris impeachment once the republicans gain the house.
You’ll get three results from cummers:

1. He won’t respond because it will require an honest response then claim he didn’t see it

2. He’ll lie

3. He’ll answer with a question, do a cute little dance of words while avoiding answering the question

He’s done all three today
It's actually entertaining to watch. I'd imagine he tuckers himself right out with all the mental gymnastics. It's probably good exercise for his brain.
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It's actually entertaining to watch. I'd imagine he tuckers himself right out with all the mental gymnastics. It's probably good exercise for his brain.
That and Sudoku.

But you still believe the election was stolen. Talk about cognative dissonance.
That and Sudoku.

But you still believe the election was stolen. Talk about cognative dissonance.
PT being is that they can be supported. Ur views... Not so much. But hey, maybe u have a luggage bag u can pull out under a table and u might have the proof to ur bs views u can’t seem to support.
Jimmy Kimmel Gives Trump Supporters An Uncomfortable Truth About The Ex-President

Those who’ve been in the former president’s orbit have pointed out that he’s not very fond of his own supporters.

Olivia Troye, who was on Trump’s coronavirus task force before turning on him, said Trump was happy when pandemic safety measures meant that he’d no longer “have to shake hands with these disgusting people.”

She made similar comments to The New York Times, clarifying that it wasn’t just the hands he didn’t like. It was the people.

“Oh, he talked all the time about the people themselves being disgusting,” Troye told the newspaper last year. “It was clear immediately that he wanted nothing to do with them.”

Radio host Howard Stern, who for years considered Trump a friend and had him on the show as a frequent guest, made similar comments.

“The oddity in all of this is the people Trump despises most love him the most,” Stern said on his show last spring. “He wouldn’t even let them in a ****ing hotel. He’d be disgusted by them.”
That and Sudoku.

But you still believe the election was stolen. Talk about cognative dissonance.
And you believe everything is fine with the 2020 election, and you also believed Trump was a Russian puppet and the 2016 election was stolen for years. But I guess that's fine because the MSM told you it was.

Personally I'm going to use past experience to inform the current situation and wait until all the facts are heard before I make my mind up on what I really believe.

Also, *cognitive

A good grammar cop always uses spellcheck. Be better.
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Jimmy Kimmel Gives Trump Supporters An Uncomfortable Truth About The Ex-President

Those who’ve been in the former president’s orbit have pointed out that he’s not very fond of his own supporters.

Olivia Troye, who was on Trump’s coronavirus task force before turning on him, said Trump was happy when pandemic safety measures meant that he’d no longer “have to shake hands with these disgusting people.”

She made similar comments to The New York Times, clarifying that it wasn’t just the hands he didn’t like. It was the people.

“Oh, he talked all the time about the people themselves being disgusting,” Troye told the newspaper last year. “It was clear immediately that he wanted nothing to do with them.”

Radio host Howard Stern, who for years considered Trump a friend and had him on the show as a frequent guest, made similar comments.

“The oddity in all of this is the people Trump despises most love him the most,” Stern said on his show last spring. “He wouldn’t even let them in a ****ing hotel. He’d be disgusted by them.”
Man, u amazing me at ur sources and how u give them credibility. Lol. Howard stern, kimmel, and ppl removed from positions. Yupe, trump hates shacking hands. So much so he goes out of his way to put himself out there to shack hands. Lol. Keep the stupidity going snowflake. Haha
Man, u amazing me at ur sources and how u give them credibility. Lol. Howard stern, kimmel, and ppl removed from positions. Yupe, trump hates shacking hands. So much so he goes out of his way to put himself out there to shack hands. Lol. Keep the stupidity going snowflake. Haha
Jimmy Kimmel. What a dumbass kunt that dork is. 😂 😂 😂 😂
Man, u amazing me at ur sources and how u give them credibility. Lol. Howard stern, kimmel, and ppl removed from positions. Yupe, trump hates shacking hands. So much so he goes out of his way to put himself out there to shack hands. Lol. Keep the stupidity going snowflake. Haha
You’re the type of guy Trump would never let in his clubs. I’ve been in several.
And you believe everything is fine with the 2020 election, and you also believed Trump was a Russian puppet and the 2016 election was stolen for years. But I guess that's fine because the MSM told you it was.

Personally I'm going to use past experience to inform the current situation and wait until all the facts are heard before I make my mind up on what I really believe.

Also, *cognitive

A good grammar cop always uses spellcheck. Be better.
Good catch. A secure person can admit when he’s wrong.

And yes, most everything was fine with the 2020 election, other than Trump and his minions trying to overturn the will of the people.

I never believed the 2016 election was stolen. I’m not an idiot.
Please provide a credible link that shows that Harris praised the riots. Calling 100% BS on that.
^ Village idiot!

Well, he was a security officer at Burger King. KP (kitchen police) 😂
And there is his angle to say he was a cop. Then will deny it, admit he is a cop, deny again, claim as a cop he made more than Trump, call us all pusses, call us sheep, lie some more, believe the lie, talk to the father running his church, get touched, come back here taking on all new cummers.

Did I miss anything? 😂😂😂
And there is his angle to say he was a cop. Then will deny it, admit he is a cop, deny again, claim as a cop he made more than Trump, call us all pusses, call us sheep, lie some more, believe the lie, talk to the father running his church, get touched, come back here taking on all new cummers.

Did I miss anything? 😂😂😂
He did say his brother is in Law Enforcement. I don't remember BSC claiming to be one.
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