This says it all fellow Americans


Chomp Artist
Jul 23, 2004

Whatever political affiliation you are, this is B.S. call your Senator! (Especially if you live IN KENTUCKY)


Whatever political affiliation you are, this is B.S. call your Senator! (Especially if you live IN KENTUCKY)


lulz. Food bank ( next it will be soup lines) :rolleyes:

The poor Gubmint workers who make on average 40 k more than private sector workers, who get back pay and continue to to accrue money for their pentions ( all paid for by the private sector worker ) have to dip into their savings ?

Ask the private sector workers who lost their jobs, 401 Ks, life savings, who got NO back pay when they where laid off in the Owebama economic disaster 2009-2016

Where was all the gnashing of the from you and the leftist rat run media?
lulz. Food bank ( next it will be soup lines) :rolleyes:

The poor Gubmint workers who make on average 40 k more than private sector workers, who get back pay and continue to to accrue money for their pentions ( all paid for by the private sector worker ) have to dip into their savings ?

Ask the private sector workers who lost their jobs, 401 Ks, life savings, who got NO back pay when they where laid off in the Owebama economic disaster 2009-2016

Where was all the gnashing of the from you and the leftist rat run media?

You’re blaming Obama for the stock market crash? When did the market crash? Who was President during the crash and in the 7 years prior? Where was the stock market when Obama took office and where was it when he left?

And I don’t give Obama any great credit for the stock market. He basically just continued Bush’s policies and reinflated the same bubble. But blaming him for people’s crashing 401ks is just silly.
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lulz. Food bank ( next it will be soup lines) :rolleyes:

The poor Gubmint workers who make on average 40 k more than private sector workers, who get back pay and continue to to accrue money for their pentions ( all paid for by the private sector worker ) have to dip into their savings ?

Ask the private sector workers who lost their jobs, 401 Ks, life savings, who got NO back pay when they where laid off in the Owebama economic disaster 2009-2016

Where was all the gnashing of the from you and the leftist rat run media?

Nail must not remember that the housing market crash happened in 2008 and that George Jr.'s little buddy Barney Frank made out like a bandit! as well as Barney's little buddy George Sr.
People need to remember that the Bush family was not oil barons they were banking Nazi's.
Nail must not remember that the housing market crash happened in 2008 and that George Jr.'s little buddy Barney Frank made out like a bandit! as well as Barney's little buddy George Sr.
People need to remember that the Bush family was not oil barons they were banking Nazi's.

This was the proganda spewed by the Keynan Kommie and the his pretorian guard in the leftist media and fools like @urtren believe it

Froglit this was all caused by the Clinton Crime family forcing Banks in the mid 90’s to give housing loans to low income families who normally wouldn’t qualify.

Had nothing to do with Jr. ( economic disasters happen in RAT presidencies FDR, Carter, Clinton, Owebama

Read. Learn.understand
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This was the proganda spewed by the Keynan Kommie and the his pretorian guard in the leftist media and fools like @urtren believe it

Froglit this was all caused by the Clinton Crime family forcing Banks in the mid 90’s to give housing loans to low income families who normally wouldn’t qualify.

Had nothing to do with Jr. ( economic disasters happen in RAT presidencies FDR, Carter, Clinton, Owebama

Read. Learn.understand
Wrong again Nail! It actually started with the Cater presidency and continued on through the Bush presidency.Does Enron not ring a bell or Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
Watch ole Nail go and hide. heheheheheheheheh
That ole cartel (Bush working with the Democrats) finally came home to haunt him. Oh yea, don't be weak like your " self proclaimed critical thinker" buddy and attack the source but prove this to be wrong. Hell! even your old leader (Rush Ditto Head Limbaugh) even came out and talked about how he would not allow himself to be used as a Republican lap dawg no more) As i stated earlier it started with Carter with the Bush crime family owning the financial sector. They gave out loans knowing that the people applying for these loans weren't QUALIFIED for these loans. It was a shell game. The banks couldn't say no or the race and discrimination card was played.
Notice this question is continually ignored. Sheep can't engage in critical thought, they are led and march down the path they have been pushed toward.

Critical thinkers begin to question. Sheep do not.
No dummy, we don't care about your soap opera mindset or mentality. Who in their right mind gives a rat's azz about that old hag. Maybe soap opera queens like yourself are interested in things like this but then again that is your mindset. Drama queen and soap opera queen of Rivals and the Gator Lounge is your new title!
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Before you blame Bush for the housing bubble that led to the 2008 Recession, you need to read Reckless Endangerment by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner (Times Books, 2011).

While there were bad actors across the political spectrum that caused the crisis, Democrats like Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, and Maxine Waters pushed Fannie Mae to give out loans to people who were wholly unqualified to receive, and are the primary culprits.

Wall Street isn’t dumb. They give lots of money to both political parties to stay in the good graces of whoever’s in charge.
You are correct! But it went deeper than that as far as who " The Players " were. They "Congress" were in on this rape and pillage of the country.
No dummy, we don't care about your soap opera mindset or mentality. Who in their right mind gives a rat's azz about that old hag.

You don't care because addressing her actions means admitting that Dems are lying about wanting the shutdown to end and lying about caring about the poor FBI agents in NY who are starving in the streets.

It also might mean admitting that Trump was right all along about this being a political stunt. And we all know that those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome will never admit Trump did anything positive.
You don't care because addressing her actions means admitting that Dems are lying about wanting the shutdown to end and lying about caring about the poor FBI agents in NY who are starving in the streets.

It also might mean admitting that Trump was right all along about this being a political stunt. And we all know that those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome will never admit Trump did anything positive.
Listen, You. Little. Bitch.
Trump does as he's told to do!
Listen, You. Little. Bitch.
Trump does as he's told to do!

And there it is. This is the type of venom you get from sheep every time you ask them to critically think about facts that clearly blow their believed narratives out of the water.

They double-down, attack the person presenting the facts, and go back to blindly believing the narrative they want to be true.

Sheep to the end, right off the side of the cliff....
And there it is. This is the type of venom you get from sheep every time you ask them to critically think about facts that clearly blow their believed narratives out of the water.

They double-down, attack the person presenting the facts, and go back to blindly believing the narrative they want to be true.

Sheep to the end, right off the side of the cliff....
Is that what you called it when you used the word Bastard? Be a man for once and take your own medicine!
Is that what you called it when you used the word Bastard? Be a man for once and take your own medicine!

That was a joke and you know it was a joke because you laughed.

I don't care about the insults, just pointing out correctly what triggered the hate. You don't want to hear facts that destroy the narrative that you've blindly bought into.

It's been said that anger makes the average person lose 50 IQ points. Validated here.
That was a joke and you know it was a joke because you laughed.

I don't care about the insults, just pointing out correctly what triggered the hate. You don't want to hear facts that destroy the narrative that you've blindly bought into.

It's been said that anger makes the average person lose 50 IQ points. Validated here.
Yep that's all anybody can do is laugh at you and your stupidity!
And please quit giving yourself so much credit. You don't possess anything that can make me mad. You don't have the intellect to do such a thing. Ask your buddy Nail, Box don't care for Democrats nor Retardicans. Box thinks for himself! Box don't pick sides. Box stands on his own 2 feet. Unlike yourself!
Yep that's all anybody can do is laugh at you and your stupidity!
And please quit giving yourself so much credit. You don't possess anything that can make me mad. You don't have the intellect to do such a thing. Ask your buddy Nail, Box don't care for Democrats nor Retardicans. Box thinks for himself! Box don't pick sides. Box stands on his own 2 feet. Unlike yourself!

It's incredible how the left continues to misread Trump.

He sent that letter to Pelosi for one reason only: To show to everyone that Pelosi was going on a vacation when she should have been in DC working for the people that voted her into office.

That's it. Trump proved that she was lying and a hypocrite.

Critical thinkers got this. Sheep said it was 'soap opera', who cares, etc.

Eventually the sheep have to wake up. Or walk off the side of the cliff.
That was a joke and you know it was a joke because you laughed.

I don't care about the insults, just pointing out correctly what triggered the hate. You don't want to hear facts that destroy the narrative that you've blindly bought into.

It's been said that anger makes the average person lose 50 IQ points. Validated here.

Here is what you wrote. Notice there was no LOL by it and no smiling emojo so no you weren't kidding. I laughed because of how you let your emotions take over. Now you're caught in a big fat blatant lie! Lies,Lies and more Lies by the Gator Lounge Queen. LOOKS LIKE YOU LOST MORE THAN 50 IQ POINTS? You also lost what credibility you had. LIAR! LMAO

GhostOfMatchesMalone said:
FBI agents in NY are apparently on the streets starving, and you don't care that Pelosi would rather go on vacation than see them get food.

You heartless bastard

Here is what you wrote. Notice there was no LOL by it and no smiling emojo so no you weren't kidding. I laughed because of how you let your emotions take over. Now you're caught in a big fat blatant lie! Lies,Lies and more Lies by the Gator Lounge Queen. LOOKS LIKE YOU LOST MORE THAN 50 IQ POINTS? You also lost what credibility you had. LIAR! LMAO

GhostOfMatchesMalone said:
FBI agents in NY are apparently on the streets starving, and you don't care that Pelosi would rather go on vacation than see them get food.

You heartless bastard

Liberals have no sense of humor whatsoever. Rush was right.