Ron DeSantis stands no chance against a political barbarian like Donald Trump...

This would be a very formidable team MAGA and America’s Governor

@Gator Fever fevered-brain 🧠

Nailed in the head, I don't buy this. If anything, I could see someone from DeSantis' camp telling them to run this story and see how pub voters, and Trump, react to it.

The article claims Trump insiders want DeSantis cause he's 'youthful' and would be in contrast to the Hiden ticket. If that's the concern, then he would grab Kari Lake as his VP. She's young, and probably Trump's biggest champion. She would be an instant hit with every Trump supporter.

Not saying there isn't a chance that Trump and DeSantis could end up together, but I don't see it right now.
I've already said this before, Lt Governor Mark Robinson is my pick but the state of North Carolina needs him as much as Florida needs DeSantis.
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Trump picking DeSantis as his VP would guarantee the 2024 election gets suspended.
I think cheating in 2 in a row is not a very good chance. Many eyes will be on this one. I really like Ron. I think he is getting some bad press, and he is making some HORRIBLE political mistakes here early. He is probably too green to be President...and it would be good for America if Trump would shut his pie hole and endorse this very rare and incredible young talent in our party.
I think cheating in 2 in a row is not a very good chance. Many eyes will be on this one. I really like Ron. I think he is getting some bad press, and he is making some HORRIBLE political mistakes here early. He is probably too green to be President...and it would be good for America if Trump would shut his pie hole and endorse this very rare and incredible young talent in our party.
I agree, will be doubly hard to cover up the cheating this time. Which is why I think they will want to find a way to suspend the election. If Trump and DeSantis are on the same page, they almost have to.
DESantis has made some HUGE mistakes early on. He has NO ONE around him that understands National politics. I am all in on Trump...but I also love this guy. I do not wish him bad, in fact, I am not sue he will not be Trumps running mate yet. It CAN happen. It would be GREAT for America.
It can, my point was I think everyone already knows who Haley is, a RINO. I don't think this will hurt her at all, it will likely help her in SC if anything.
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I thought Trump was a Republican now.

He's America First. And as I've already said, this is a dumb move by Trump, just like trying to say Florida was great before DeSantis was governor is a dumb move.

PS: So this means you agree with Trump on this issue, right?
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I'm beginning to think DeSantis won't announce. He was going to get a bump in the polls, but the polls have gotten so far away from him now that even a 10-point bump won't help that much.

Now they are saying mid-May just for exploratory stuff. The crooked billionaires will make that call. Unless he collapsed out of 2nd place I think they do by June hoping the left can somehow lock Trump up.
Those that want 'power' above all else,,,
are the least trustworthy to hold it....

"The best suited to rule are least likely to want to, and perhaps those less suited to rule will be more inclined to desire power due to their own shortcomings."

As for myself (iG), I do not seek any office, and I would refuse any nomination to do so, so don't bother asking me to run for Gov or Pres....
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Ron needs to ignore the national BS and return 100% to his elected job as FL's Gov.

IF,,, if he's asked to be VP, then he can decide if he's done with being the FL Gov.

If not asked to be VP, then he can spend post-Gov 2025-26 preparing himself for a Presidential run....
BTW, I've never liked 'The Donald.'

I voted for him over the Criminal Syndicates that are being run by the Clinton and Biden Crime Family Syndicates, not because he's a great or respected person....

Voting for the 'lesser of two evils' has become,,,,
Voting for the 'evil of two lessers'.....
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The Rats, RINO's, and the Soros type moneyed elite want Ron to run.

They will use Ron to weaken 'The Donald' with Pub in-fighting, in their quest to remain in power and to further destroy the Constitutional Republic of America.

To ALL Freedom Loving People,,,, Please don't fall for it..................