Proprietary COVID-19 and Vaccine thread

I haven't read the pages prior to this 74th page ITT but not only have I read about and heard about various vax adverse reactions but I actually know somebody who died of heart attack within 24 hours of getting vaxxed. That and my wife's, friend's father is a veteran cardiologist and he told his family and friends to not take it early this year after seeing an abnormal spike in the number of young patients in his office with cardiovascular issues, like teens and 20 somethings. I had brain cancer the past year so after doing surgery, radiation, and chemo I ain't putting more shite into my body in the near future. Needless to say my family isn't vaxxed nor going to. Problem is that I want to switch jobs now but the uncertainty with this vax mandate and employers pushing this woke crap and employee vax shite has me not knowing what to do workwise.
So it came from bats?

And the vaccine works?

I don’t dismiss the possibility that it was accidentally leaked, or intentionally leaked by a crazy person working at the lab. I just don’t think it was an international conspiracy to hurt Trump’s re-election chances, foment totalitarianism, or reduce the world’s population.

And yes, the vaccine significantly reduces your chances of getting severe COVID, though the protection declines after a few months.
I don’t dismiss the possibility that it was accidentally leaked, or intentionally leaked by a crazy person working at the lab. I just don’t think it was an international conspiracy to hurt Trump’s re-election chances, foment totalitarianism, or reduce the world’s population.

And yes, the vaccine significantly reduces your chances of getting severe COVID, though the protection declines after a few months.

Not all of those have to be true. There is a crazy dictator in china that wanted trump gone. Chinese currency was crashing when trump won florida and it looked like he was going to win. Conversely, chinese currency jumped back up and recovered when things began to swing towards biden. The question you should be asking is, why.
I haven't read the pages prior to this 74th page ITT but not only have I read about and heard about various vax adverse reactions but I actually know somebody who died of heart attack within 24 hours of getting vaxxed. That and my wife's, friend's father is a veteran cardiologist and he told his family and friends to not take it early this year after seeing an abnormal spike in the number of young patients in his office with cardiovascular issues, like teens and 20 somethings. I had brain cancer the past year so after doing surgery, radiation, and chemo I ain't putting more shite into my body in the near future. Needless to say my family isn't vaxxed nor going to. Problem is that I want to switch jobs now but the uncertainty with this vax mandate and employers pushing this woke crap and employee vax shite has me not knowing what to do workwise.
I feel ya. brother. Doesn't seem like the America we grew up in, does it?

Best advice anyone can give, I think, is wait it out as long as you can. The virus will continue to weaken and they can't keep this up more than a few more weeks, maybe a few months.
And yes, the vaccine significantly reduces your chances of getting severe COVID, though the protection declines after a few months.
Let's assume that is correct.

How do you explain the number of covid cases increasing for much of this year across the country while the number of 'vaccinated' increased as well?

And don't answer in anticipation of where I am trying to 'lead' you. Use your brain, and think for yourself.

If a shot is created to stop/slow the spread of a virus, and the number of cases for that virus increases as the number of people receiving the shot increases at the same time......what does that tell you?
I feel ya. brother. Doesn't seem like the America we grew up in, does it?

Best advice anyone can give, I think, is wait it out as long as you can. The virus will continue to weaken and they can't keep this up more than a few more weeks, maybe a few months.
That's the thing, I've had a unique experience the past 18 months because I started a new job, found out I had a brain tumor/cancer, and covid hit society all at the same time for me last April 2020. Because I've been out of work on short term disability for half that time frame I had time on my hands that allowed me to research, investigate, and gain insight into covid, the vax, cancer, medical Healthcare in general, pharmaceutical industry in general, viruses in general, and vaccines in general. I knew little about any of these topics before April 2020, lol. I like to think the good Lord slapped me upside the head with my brain tumor in order for me to get my priorities in shape and be a better husband and father. That just happened to coincide with "covid" timeline for us all. Things I've learned, heard, seen, and felt firsthand about pharma, government, corporate America, doctors, drugs, vaxxes, and viruses have all led me to go with my gut feeling and sit this vax out on the sideline until new information comes to light. I feel like a hypocrite in a way because while I espoused not taking the vax I was taking toxic poison chemo pills earlier this year, which I wasn't comfortable taking but I was scared and didn't know what to do. At least the chemo pills had been being tested for 20 years unlike this vax currently on a global clinical trial. The chemo may screw me up years from now but I'm not adding this vax to the mix inside me, nor my family.
I don’t dismiss the possibility that it was accidentally leaked, or intentionally leaked by a crazy person working at the lab. I just don’t think it was an international conspiracy to hurt Trump’s re-election chances, foment totalitarianism, or reduce the world’s population.

And yes, the vaccine significantly reduces your chances of getting severe COVID, though the protection declines after a few months.
Wait, so this is all just coincidence?

What’s more likely - releasing a virus that changes election laws and allows massive cheating or someone ate some undercooked soup? Does it change your mind that we funded both the creation of the lab and the research that led to the “accident”, and the person in charge of approving those grants is a massive liberal?

All the facts point to one conclusion but I’m the crazy person for not believing it’s all happenstance.
Conspiracy Theorist -- A term invented by the CIA to discredit anyone not towing their (BS) line.
Using that crap phrase on a fellow citizen is bordering on being traitorous imoho.

The CIA has its motto inscribed in stone just inside the front door : “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”. There are many CIA professionals who take to heart this injunction to objectivity. Unfortunately for American Citizens, the quote is taken out of context and distorted in meaning. “The truth will set you free” is also a common saying in academic circles that want to promote academic freedom and the power of learning. Many universities have this statement emblazoned on a sign near the entrance of a building. But “the truth will set you free” did not originate in academia; The verse from John 8:31-32 reads “…If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”. (lose the truth and your freedom goes down the drain with it)

Months ago I posted my opinion:

Intentionally lab created virus, funded by NIH/Dr Faulty.
Intentionally released to benefit China and Biden/Rats, while hurting the rest of the World.
Because that lab is supposed to be totally isolated from any accidental release.

Joe and Hunter take trips to China where they are given millions and promises of more.
Beijing Biden could not be fraudulently elected without the illegal voting law changes and the mail-in votes, plus Hillbillaries Dominion machines doing the collation and counting. All of which was made possible by the Chinese Kung Flu Scamdemic.

American Citizen's freedoms are being taken away on a day to day basis now.
Freedom of Speech, Religion, and Choice, are at the very core of our Freedoms.
The traitors have used the Communist Red Chinese Kung Flu to enable those freedom attacks by the Rats.

"If something happens, then you can bet that it was planned that way.” -Franklin Delano Roosevelt

“The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole." FDR
(The New World Order, but there is nothing new about it.)
Read 'The World Order' by Eustace Mullins.

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. A healthy democracy requires a decent society; it requires that we are honorable, generous, tolerant and respectful. Politics is war without bloodshed, while war is politics with bloodshed." -- FDR

"The choice about which kind of politics to use is teetering on a knife's edge right now...." -- iG
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Getting a copy of Mullins 'The World Order' is not easy now days. I see it listed on line as a rare book with a price tag around $400.00. I have a personally signed copy in my own library, and no, it's not for sale or loan.

"The World Order: Our Secret Rulers" is an important book exposing the hidden parasites that control and manipulate the world with their dirty money (made through war, slavery, depressions, famines, drugs, etc). I recommend reading this book AFTER "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins.
Let's assume that is correct.

How do you explain the number of covid cases increasing for much of this year across the country while the number of 'vaccinated' increased as well?

And don't answer in anticipation of where I am trying to 'lead' you. Use your brain, and think for yourself.

If a shot is created to stop/slow the spread of a virus, and the number of cases for that virus increases as the number of people receiving the shot increases at the same time......what does that tell you?

Even with large numbers of people vaccinated, there are enough who are not that the virus is able to continue spreading.

The R0 rate of the Delta variant of COVID is currently estimated at around 4-6, meaning that one infected person will, on average, infect 4-6 other people. By comparison, the common flu has an R0 rate of around 1.3. The severe 2009 Swine Flu had an R0 rate of around 1.6.

Using a financial analogy, the seasonal flu is a mutual fund that grows between 1.3-1.6% annually. COVID19 is a mutual fund that grows between 4-6% annually. Although the difference is initially small, it becomes significant over time.

If we round the R0 for the season flu up to 2, the first person spreads it to 2, then those 2 spread it 4 people, and so on. After 10 "generations" around 2^(10-1) should be infected. That's 512 people.

For the Delta variant, if we assume R4, after 10 generations, 4^(10-1) should be infected, or 262,144 people.
If it's R6, after ten generations, 6^(10-1), or 10,077,696.

Infections will continue to grow until we reach herd immunity. Because COVID, especially the Delta variant, is more contagious, the threshold percentage of the population needed to reach "herd immunity" is higher than the flu.

For the seasonal flu, herd immunity is reached at around 25%. For an extraordinarily virulent strain of the flu, it would be around 50%. According to McKinsey, achieving herd immunity for COVID may require between 78-95 percent of people over 12 to be vaccinated.

This also doesn't take regional variations into consideration. The rate of vaccination is not evenly distributed. Areas that have lower vaccination rates will continue to suffer more infections and act as corridors for the virus to spread to other areas.
@Uniformed_ReRe has happily injected himself at least 3 times with a substance that has killed tens of thousands of people, and that hasn't been approved by the FDA.

And while doing this, he has attempted to mock others for not doing the same.

You are an abominable weasel. Not only do you "mock" people more than anyone here, you cynically mislead and corrupt the minds of gullible posters. You are an eater of souls. Diabolical!
You are an abominable weasel. Not only do you "mock" people more than anyone here, you cynically mislead and corrupt the minds of gullible posters. You are an eater of souls. Diabolical!
So why waste your time with him? Trust me when I say the number of people that listen to him without laughing at him can be counted on fingers and toes and no more.
Yeah, instead you should trust the 1776 QUACK 😷 that is making millions by letting patients die on ventilators, instead of curing them with Ivermectin or the HCQ Cocktail, or any one of the others CoV cures that are currently available.

The uninformed WeWe and the QUACK...
Speaking of laughable twits.... 😂 🤣 😂
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Also, the Pfizer vaccine has been approved by the FDA since August.
Not the one we can get. The one we can get is still not available (to my knowledge, it may have just been released). There's the original FDA EUA vaccine and there's the Comirnaty, which even the FDA says are not the same formulation. Now - to clarify the FDA says that they are both the same despite different formulations. So you have to trust the FDA.

You also have to give up all rights to sue Pfizer if you take Comirnaty - or at least you did until it was approved for kids 5-11. There's a loophole in Federal Laws that prevent lawsuits for vaccines for children.

Approval for kids was given about two weeks after this article was written. I'm sure none of this seems fishy to you at all. They seem to be going to great lengths to absolve themselves of any liability. Given how amazingly safe we're told this vax is...I don't understand why.
No matter how safe the vaccine is, there will be people insisting that the vaccine caused <fill-in-the-blank-ailment-here> along with attorneys ready to accommodate them. Even no-hope lawsuits are expensive to defend.
Pretty sure you've posted here multiple times that you got your shots long before August.

I didn't realize how much you cherish FDA approval seeing how you propagate all manner of conspiracies alleging government malevolence. Or, was it only when the lack of approval became a useful talking point to frighten people that you began to worry about our welfare?

To be fair, I don't care much about FDA approval either. I read the published peer-reviewed studies available at the time and took a calculated risk, weighing a realistic chance of becoming seriously ill from COVID versus a microscopic chance of having a reaction to the vaccine worse than the disease itself.
No matter how safe the vaccine is, there will be people insisting that the vaccine caused <fill-in-the-blank-ailment-here> along with attorneys ready to accommodate them. Even no-hope lawsuits are expensive to defend.
And no matter how unsafe the shots are, there will always be sheep who will tune out reality and follow any order that Mama Government gives them.

The fear mongering will always work on the hand-wringers, unfortunately.
I didn't realize how much you cherish FDA approval seeing how you propagate all manner of conspiracies alleging government malevolence. Or, was it only when the lack of approval became a useful talking point to frighten people that you began to worry about our welfare?

To be fair, I don't care much about FDA approval either. I read the published peer-reviewed studies available at the time and took a calculated risk, weighing a realistic chance of becoming seriously ill from COVID versus a microscopic chance of having a reaction to the vaccine worse than the disease itself.
Just keeping you honest. Your shots weren't FDA approved when you got them.

As I've said repeatedly, I feel for people like @fatman76 @jfegaly and @DCandtheUTBand who studied and agonized over what to do. They understood that it was likely a risk either way. They hoped the risk of getting the shot was less than the risk of not getting it.

And as I've said all along, I hope they end up right and I end up being dead wrong. Nothing would make me happier.

I have no feels for people who immediately picked up the shots then mocked anyone who dared question Mama Government pushing the most dangerous shots in the history of medicine on a populace.
No matter how safe the vaccine is, there will be people insisting that the vaccine caused <fill-in-the-blank-ailment-here> along with attorneys ready to accommodate them. Even no-hope lawsuits are expensive to defend.
Interesting perspective

How on earth are any vaccines offered then?
Newsome has been MIA for 11 days since his booster and Psaki has been out of the public sphere for nearly two weeks….and literally her only job is to be in the public sphere.

I wish them well, I would never wish physical harm on someone because they are ideologically the opposite of me, but they need to surface soon just so people don’t worry.

This clueless BS is perfect,,,, coming from the 1776 QUACK. 😷

Now he's free to go kill some more patients by putting them on ventilators in his expensive ICU's, instead of just giving them Ivermectin and sending them back home cured....

Ivermectin, a US Food and Drug Administration-approved anti-parasitic agent, was found to inhibit severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) replication in vitro. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to determine the rapidity of viral clearance and safety of ivermectin among adult SARS-CoV-2 patients.

There were no severe adverse drug events recorded in the study. A 5-day course of ivermectin was found to be safe and effective in treating adult patients with mild COVID-19.


The Undeniable Ivermectin Miracle in India’s 240m Populated Largest State, Uttar Pradesh – Horowitz. Doctors advice that Ivermectin or Monoclonal antibodies should be used within the first 10 days of contact/infection.

Uttar Pradesh might sound obscure to most Americans, but it is the most populated state in India, with urban areas that rival the most densely populated cities in the U.S. Yet, miraculously, despite housing a population of 240 million people, this northern state has been averaging only 24 cases and 0-2 deaths per day in recent months. Despite its size — roughly 73% of the U.S. population — it ranked dead last in cases per capita last week among India’s 36 states.

And no matter how unsafe the shots are, there will always be sheep who will tune out reality and follow any order that Mama Government gives them.

The fear mongering will always work on the hand-wringers, unfortunately.

Here you go again, projecting your own weirdness onto others. I would not have gotten the vaccine if the data suggested it was unsafe.
Just keeping you honest. Your shots weren't FDA approved when you got them.

As I've said repeatedly, I feel for people like @fatman76 @jfegaly and @DCandtheUTBand who studied and agonized over what to do. They understood that it was likely a risk either way. They hoped the risk of getting the shot was less than the risk of not getting it.

And as I've said all along, I hope they end up right and I end up being dead wrong. Nothing would make me happier.

I have no feels for people who immediately picked up the shots then mocked anyone who dared question Mama Government pushing the most dangerous shots in the history of medicine on a populace.

Again, no one around here “mocks” people and casts sinister aspersions as much as you.

I don’t mock people for making a reasonable personal decision not to take the vaccine. It should be up to you and your doctor. I *do* mock people who think they know more about the subject than an actual, working, pulmonologist with significant experience dealing with COVID.
Interesting perspective

How on earth are any vaccines offered then?

In most cases, the rate of adverse reactions is small enough that they can still make a profit.

In emergency situations, liability is assumed by the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. This is a calculated risk to encourage faster vaccine production with the understanding that there is a greater chance of failure.

Until solid research was available indicating that the COVID vaccine was effective with a low rate of adverse side effects, we did not know how good it was. Early adopters from late 2020 arguably took a risk. Since then, hundreds of millions of people have been vaccinated with only a tiny percentage experiencing serious adverse reactions worse than the disease itself. In theory, there may be long-term effects that we don’t know about. But adverse reactions to vaccines happen quickly.

Personally, I felt the slight risk from the vaccine was preferable to the risk of getting COVID without any immunity. I’ve gotten three shots of Pfizer and I have observed no side effects other than slight soreness in the shoulder were I was jabbed.
Again, no one around here “mocks” people and casts sinister aspersions as much as you.

I don’t mock people for making a reasonable personal decision not to take the vaccine. It should be up to you and your doctor. I *do* mock people who think they know more about the subject than an actual, working, pulmonologist with significant experience dealing with COVID.
He could be a part-time oil changer at Jiffy Lube for all you know.

What *I* know is he's been completely wrong about many of the things he's posted about covid. Sometimes intentionally, and he's admitted that to other posters privately.

Tell us more about who's gullible around here.
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He could be a part-time oil changer at Jiffy Lube for all you know.

What *I* know is he's been completely wrong about many of the things he's posted about covid. Sometimes intentionally, and he's admitted that to other posters privately.

Tell us more about who's gullible around here.

There are some gullible people here. I do not believe you are one of them.

I think you know on some level that much of what you say is untrue or misleading. But you have a degenerate compulsion to say things that lead others astray and turn them against each other.
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There are some gullible people here. I do not believe you are one of them.

I think you know on some level that much of what you say is untrue or misleading. But you have a degenerate compulsion to say things that lead others astray and turn them against each other.

Whose to say you aren’t the gullible one? IMO you are.

I mean, you fell for the dems “southern strategy” bait and switch.
There are some gullible people here. I do not believe you are one of them.

I think you know on some level that much of what you say is untrue or misleading. But you have a degenerate compulsion to say things that lead others astray and turn them against each other.
The fact that you project your own shortcomings onto others here is absolutely fascinating.

There isn't a single person here who has ever thought to themselves "Well I think I know what to make of this...but I can't be sure till I hear Ghost's take".

You may not WANT what I say about covid to be true....but that's your issue to deal with.

As I've said repeatedly, even today, I would love to be completely wrong about these shots. Nothing would make me happier.