Proprietary COVID-19 and Vaccine thread

This is NOT a vaccine >>> to prevent you from getting the Kung Flu.

It is nothing more than an inoculation >>> with very questionable results, plus unknown long term dangers.

The Mandates interfere with my 'Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness....'
My God given human rights allow me to refuse to be dictated to by any Tyrant.

The 1st Amendment Restriction on any government guarantees my saying so.
The 2nd Amendment Restriction on any government guarantees my ability to resist the Rat parrot Beijing Brandon's tyrannical attempts to destroy my freedoms.

JMOHO, that the
'World Order' is finally making it's 1st major attempt to enslave the world under their tyrannical rule, and they are putting Machiavelli's principles in motion with their attempt.
~~ Put any 2 sides against each other, and then rule/control both from the outside.
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mandate appears to allow for religious exemption,,,,not sure how that works since they will want to roto root your nose every week.

One angle on religious exemption that allows one to take voluntary vaxxes while not taking this one would be the mark of the beast. One could claim that to participate in this mandate is to promote a system that could evolve into the system mentioned in revelation and that you will not participate in such a coercive evil.
I thought the pandemic was over? Why do we need national mandates if the 'threat' is gone?

Just asking rhetorical questions for anyone who still believes that this is all about covid.
I can't tell for sure, but it seems the hospital updates on this board have suddenly stopped.
Maybe he’s actually really busy this time.

edit: Consider the source of that article. They claim all these people are sick because of delayed treatment from Covid, but Covid is waning and none of their anecdotal stories seemed to be long term disease.
More news for BS-C911 💩 and the 1776 QUACK.... 😷

CDC Whistleblowers Tell Top Doctor Vaccine Injections Already Killed 50,000 Americans​

Dr. Peter McCullough, Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine in Dallas, TX, referred to the COVID vaccine jabs as "propagandized bioterrorism by injection" which resulted in the deaths of more than 50,000 people in the United States.

In a recorded interview mentioned in a report from World View Weekend (WVW), Dr. McCullough was quoted as saying that "every single thing that was done in public health in response to the pandemic made it worse."

He claimed that COVID was a bioweapon, and that the vaccinations were
"phase two" of that bioweapon's development.

He asserted that a "multi-drug treatment administered in the early to mid-point" of the virus might have averted 85 % of the more than 600,000 deaths that hit the United States. (these murderers need to be on trial, iG)

"We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have 2 whistleblowers in the CDC. We think we have 50,000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It's basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection," he said.

McCullough went on to claim that the prohibition of potential medicines against the COVID virus, such as hydroxychloroquine and, in particular, ivermectin, "was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine."

WVW noted that the U.S. government is a "co-patent holder" of the Moderna vaccine "through the National Institutes of Health."

For the rest of the article, use the link....

More news for BS-C911 💩 and the 1776 QUACK.... 😷

CDC Whistleblowers Tell Top Doctor Vaccine Injections Already Killed 50,000 Americans​

Dr. Peter McCullough, Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine in Dallas, TX, referred to the COVID vaccine jabs as "propagandized bioterrorism by injection" which resulted in the deaths of more than 50,000 people in the United States.

In a recorded interview mentioned in a report from World View Weekend (WVW), Dr. McCullough was quoted as saying that "every single thing that was done in public health in response to the pandemic made it worse."

He claimed that COVID was a bioweapon, and that the vaccinations were
"phase two" of that bioweapon's development.

He asserted that a "multi-drug treatment administered in the early to mid-point" of the virus might have averted 85 % of the more than 600,000 deaths that hit the United States. (these murderers need to be on trial, iG)

"We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have 2 whistleblowers in the CDC. We think we have 50,000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It's basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection," he said.

McCullough went on to claim that the prohibition of potential medicines against the COVID virus, such as hydroxychloroquine and, in particular, ivermectin, "was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine."

WVW noted that the U.S. government is a "co-patent holder" of the Moderna vaccine "through the National Institutes of Health."

For the rest of the article, use the link....

So we've gone from 0 to 55,000?
An inconvenient Truth:

Failure to vaccinate increases risk to others as much as drunk driving​

September 15th, 2021, 9:47pm by Sam Wang​

There's a fatal flaw with this piece: It assumes that Newsom has gotten the booster.

I seriously doubt that any of the dems in charge of anything have been within a million miles of any of these shots.

That's for the peasants. The elite don't inject the most deadly 'vaccine' in the history of medicine.
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Aaron Rodgers got covid after refusing the jab.

Immediately treated with HCQ and Ivermectin. Now appears to be fine.

Liberals can't stand it.

Shot cheerleaders, still think this is about covid?

Its not. It's about everyone taking a vaccine. That's killed tens of thousands of people. At least.

Ask yourself why.
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Wasn’t a joke. It was a serious question based on historical posting. You seem to spend quite a bit of your life in fear.

I’m not the one who thinks COVID was intentionally leaked for the purpose of undermining Trump’s re-election, and that the vaccine is a conspiracy by the wealthy elite to get even more wealthy, induce totalitarianism, and reduce the population.
There's a fatal flaw with this piece: It assumes that Newsom has gotten the booster.

I seriously doubt that any of the dems in charge of anything have been within a million miles of any of these shots.

That's for the peasants. The elite don't inject the most deadly 'vaccine' in the history of medicine.
I dunno

He’s dumb enough and woke enough I think he might be getting actual shots

I wish no ill will on any human, I hope he’s ok. But if he did have a vaxx reaction I hope he’s honest about it.

But we have a saying in Oklahoma - wish in one hand and shit in the other…and see which one fills up first.
I dunno

He’s dumb enough and woke enough I think he might be getting actual shots

I wish no ill will on any human, I hope he’s ok. But if he did have a vaxx reaction I hope he’s honest about it.

But we have a saying in Oklahoma - wish in one hand and shit in the other…and see which one fills up first.
I'd believe that about the 'foot soldiers'. They are no smarter than the shot cheerleaders we have here.

The power brokers in the dem party know whats up. Remember how Hiden reacted when Don Lemon said he had gotten the jab? He was visibly stunned.

"And you're ok????" LOL
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I’m not the one who thinks COVID was intentionally leaked for the purpose of undermining Trump’s re-election, and that the vaccine is a conspiracy by the wealthy elite to get even more wealthy, induce totalitarianism, and reduce the population.
What do you think the purpose of the 'vaccine' is? Give us your honest opinion.
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