Proprietary COVID-19 and Vaccine thread

This is fun @SORT14 . It’s like coming into an insane asylum from time to time and watching the inmates have a conversation with each other as though it was somehow important to anybody besides them. A unique experience indeed.
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That's it. Pure evil. I hope the cheerleaders that support this can live with themselves.

When a nation stops protecting it's babies, it's dead.
Really, which babies and during which period of our history? Native American babies when we gave them smallpox blankets? African-American babies when we sold them off into slavery? Sharecropper babies when we let them die from vitamin deficiencies? Just curious during which period of us not protecting our babies did the country die?

I’m sure several of us would like to know.
@kalimgoodman @Uniformed_ReRe @SORT14 @Phenry44 @Swamp_Thing @sven715 @GatorNutz @LTGator
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Not only can they live with themselves, they think we're insane.

See what happens when he has no one left, and needs an ego boost?

Hap me (tags lots of folks, and the company he keeps says all you need to know).

Wolf in sheeps clothing. He is a fraud. Leftists doing what leftists do.

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🦩 🚨
For those of you that have trouble letting go:

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🦩 🚨

Numbers spiking in michigan.

My guess, Numero Cincuentas posts will age as well as @sadgator declaring bidens victory over covid.

Oh well, he is used to being wrong.
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See what happens when he has no one left, and needs an ego boost?

Hap me (tags lots of folks, and the company he keeps says all you need to know).

Wolf in sheeps clothing. He is a fraud. Leftists doing what leftists do.

Is he still trying to bring more over here to hap him?

Maybe he should stop and think about why everyone keeps leaving him?
But let’s totally inject all of the kids. We are living in an insane upside down right now.

Alex deserves a Pulitzer for the work he's doing on telling the truth about these shots.
So the vaccines seems to work great

And the internet docs bowing to and trusting the big wigs at Big Pharm and the FDA in light of the opioid crisis is well founded.

I’m embarrassed us plebs have the balls to question the settled science.
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How I picture the hap me crew when they are called in to hap. Singing a song in defense of their master


Like I said, YOU are supposed to be the hap? LOL In one sentence you proved my point (Most shot cheerleaders also support the killing of babies via abortion) and @fatman76's point (they think WE are the insane ones for saying anything).

And reminder.....this comes from the man that legit had a panic attack live on this board on Jan 6th. But WE are the ones overreacting to having the deadliest vaccine in the history of medicine pushed on babies.

Great hap! LMAO!
So the mandates seem to be doing their job.

Remember how I said the same people who have been hoodwinked by hoax flu tend to also have been hoodwinked by man-made climate change hoax?

Note they even use the same broken logic to defend their hoaxes; In this case, multiple countries showing that the vaccine clearly doesn't work doesn't mean that it doesn't work in the REST of the world. Likewise, seeing constant record LOW temperatures all across the world at all times doesn't mean that the WORLD isn't on fire LOL

These people are evil. These people are insane.
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The Saints have caved, they've dropped the shot requirement to see their games.

Guess this means they no longer give a **** if people die while watching their games?
No actually the city change the ordinance which is why the Saints were allowed to do that. But however you want to spend it works for me