Proprietary COVID-19 and Vaccine thread


This has been my fear all along: Once they feel they have everyone 'vaccinated' that can be, then they will start to tell the truth about the shots.

Some of you cheerleaders will have a lot to live with.
I don't think we'll ever get the whole truth.

It's a cash cow. Big Pharma said they're "basically living off Covid money" in leaked video (that apparently lacked context). Big Pharma are massive donors to both parties. As long as the lies continue and the mandates for boosters are pushed forward the financial circle jerk is intact.

I don't think we'll ever get the whole truth.

It's a cash cow. Big Pharma said they're "basically living off Covid money" in leaked video (that apparently lacked context). Big Pharma are massive donors to both parties. As long as the lies continue and the mandates for boosters are pushed forward the financial circle jerk is intact.

The @Uniformed_ReRe in me fears they have far more diabolical motives...
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Trust the science. The scientific method is infallible. @SORT14
As I've told you several times: Trust science, generally, yes*. Trust all scientists? No. The scientific method is not infallible, but it is the best available method for building knowledge.
Also (and again), I can't stand Fauci or what he stands for. He isn't the only representative of science, especially not ethical science. And, he is a very poor representative, as he is politically compromised and likely very ethically challenged IMO.
Typically when a scientific study is proposed , it has to be reviewed by a board of ethics, usually an IRB (institutional review board). Here is an example of one IRB guideline:
But if Fauci somehow got his dog study ethically approved, the scientific method could still be applied. Ethics do not constrain the scientific method, only people's application of it.

*This is why I told you before to go with the general consensus of science, not absolute consensus. I say not absolute consensus because there is very rarely such thing - there should be disagreement within the scientific community, but replicated, reproduced, and meta-analyses studies will converge toward a common conclusion is that conclusion is scientifically supported. At the point of convergence is where we have the general consensus.

Perhaps you should start a thread to discuss science/scientific method.
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As I've told you several times: Trust science, generally, yes*. Trust all scientists? No. The scientific method is not infallible, but it is the best available method for building knowledge.
Also (and again), I can't stand Fauci or what he stands for. He isn't the only representative of science, especially not ethical science. And, he is a very poor representative, as he is politically compromised and likely very ethically challenged IMO.
Typically when a scientific study is proposed , it has to be reviewed by a board of ethics, usually an IRB (institutional review board). Here is an example of one IRB guideline:
But if Fauci somehow got his dog study ethically approved, the scientific method could still be applied. Ethics do not constrain the scientific method, only people's application of it.

*This is why I told you before to go with the general consensus of science, not absolute consensus. I say not absolute consensus because there is very rarely such thing - there should be disagreement within the scientific community, but replicated, reproduced, and meta-analyses studies will converge toward a common conclusion is that conclusion is scientifically supported. At the point of convergence is where we have the general consensus.

Perhaps you should start a thread to discuss science/scientific method.

There is no scientific method in issues like this with big political leanings now. Their political leanings lead them to manipulate the conditions and results etc.
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There is no scienticfic method in issues with big political leanings now. Their political leanings lean them to manipulate the conditions and results etc.
It happens way too often, I agree. A while ago on this thread, I mentioned that there are a lot of internal battles going on in the scientific community, and part of it is just this. In instances where political agendas hijack research, it undermines the confidence of the public in scientific results. This was my motivation for starting a scientific journal (under way now, but difficult) that makes biased research obsolete.
But the corruption of certain "scientists" (which one ceases to be the minute they engage in scientific fraud), is not the scientific method. Purposely introducing bias into a study is decidedly not science. So we shouldn't blame 'science' for something that is not scientific.
As I've told you several times: Trust science, generally, yes*. Trust all scientists? No. The scientific method is not infallible, but it is the best available method for building knowledge.
Also (and again), I can't stand Fauci or what he stands for. He isn't the only representative of science, especially not ethical science. And, he is a very poor representative, as he is politically compromised and likely very ethically challenged IMO.
Typically when a scientific study is proposed , it has to be reviewed by a board of ethics, usually an IRB (institutional review board). Here is an example of one IRB guideline:
But if Fauci somehow got his dog study ethically approved, the scientific method could still be applied. Ethics do not constrain the scientific method, only people's application of it.

*This is why I told you before to go with the general consensus of science, not absolute consensus. I say not absolute consensus because there is very rarely such thing - there should be disagreement within the scientific community, but replicated, reproduced, and meta-analyses studies will converge toward a common conclusion is that conclusion is scientifically supported. At the point of convergence is where we have the general consensus.

Perhaps you should start a thread to discuss science/scientific method.
Dude it doesn’t matter what you say they’re going to misrepresent it and twist it and celebrate it in their own little circle jerk club, and no one outside that circle pays any attention to them. No need to waste your time 😊
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Dude it doesn’t matter what you say they’re going to misrepresent it and twist it and celebrate it in their own little circle jerk club, and no one outside that circle pays any attention to them. No need to waste your time 😊
Unfortunate. If anyone is interested in scientific discussions, then there should be a separate thread for that IMO.
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Unfortunate. If anyone is interested in scientific discussions, then there should be a separate thread for that IMO.

The reason it is ITT is because folks (including yourself)have posted “trust the science”, here are “scientific studies” with links, here is the “scientific method” etc…..all in this thread. So discussing fauci and the fallibility of “science” and “the scientific method” is totally appropriate ITT. Not to mention, the first time someone brought up covid in that thread, your boy would run to the mods because it’s not in here.

IMO this is the perfect thread to be discussing, and showing the corruption that has been in the “scientific community” for years (well before covid)

After all, it would appear that a worldwide pandemic that has killed millions, led to an economic crisis, increased violent crime, mental health issues, and increased worldwide hunger amongst other things… likely to have been caused by…..wait for it…
I worked for a short time for a scientific testing company who's operational motto was;
"Tell us what results your want,,, and we'll adjust the tests and keep testing until we get them for you."
At that time, I was state certified to take part in the testing for the purpose of the client getting their EPA certification for operation of their very large processing plant.

The company that I contracted to work for was certainly not the only ones with that attitude and that questionable scientific modus operandi....
The data that my group submitted was solid and honest, but I can't speak to what the testing company did with the mass of raw data that was provided by us.

Science and Politics often go hand in hand in the pursuit of wealth, and that's exactly how so much of the BAD science gets done by those without conscience and with enough greed to do whatever it takes.... (like making a virus in a lab and then releasing it on the world)

When attempting to decide between good and bad science, like with bad politics, just follow the money...

NOTE --- Where is the money that's in question for these two:
Ivermectin - a long established Nobel Prize 'Miracle Drug' that costs about $2 a dose.
Co-V Vax - Billions upon billions are being spent at taxpayers expense.
Again, just FOLLOW THE MONEY....
The last time I had the flu, I had taken that season's flu shot for the 1st time.
I came down with it an had it for two weeks, and the 1st week I was hoping that I'd die soon.
Learned my lesson and I've never taken another flu shot since the early 1970's.

Result is that I've never had any flu again since them, and I've had very few Colds, last was years ago.
Was that due to Natural Immunity,,,, or am I just real lucky?
Don't know and don't care, cause whatever it is, unvaccinated is still working for me.

Telling me to take a vaccine shot for the Communist Red Chinese Kung Flu is a non-starter with a KMA.

Bust Common Myths and Learn the Facts​

Can COVID-19 vaccines cause variants?​

No. COVID-19 vaccines do not create or cause variants of the virus that causes COVID-19.

New variants of a virus happen because the virus that causes COVID-19 constantly changes through a natural ongoing process of mutation (change). Even before the COVID-19 vaccines, there were several variants of the virus. Looking ahead, variants are expected to continue to emerge as the virus continues to change.

COVID-19 vaccines can help prevent new variants from emerging. As it spreads, the virus has more opportunities to change. High vaccination coverage in a population reduces the spread of the virus and helps prevent new variants from emerging. CDC recommends that everyone 12 years of age and older get vaccinated as soon as possible.
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Are all events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) caused by vaccination?​

No. VAERS data alone cannot determine if the reported adverse event was caused by a COVID-19 vaccination. Anyone can report events to VAERS, even if it is not clear whether a vaccine caused the problem. Some VAERS reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. These adverse events are studied by vaccine safety experts who look for unusually high numbers of health problems, or a pattern of problems, after people receive a particular vaccine.

Recently, the number of deaths reported to VAERS following COVID-19 vaccination has been misinterpreted and misreported as if this number means deaths that were proven to be caused by vaccination. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.

Learn more about VAERS.

Is the mRNA vaccine considered a vaccine?​

Yes. mRNA vaccines, such as Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, work differently than other types of vaccines, but they still trigger an immune response inside your body. This type of vaccine is new, but research and development on it has been under way for decades.

Do COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips?​

No. COVID-19 vaccines do not contain microchips. Vaccines are developed to fight against disease and are not administered to track your movement. Vaccines work by stimulating your immune system to produce antibodies, exactly like it would if you were exposed to the disease. After getting vaccinated, you develop immunity to that disease, without having to get the disease first.

Learn more about the ingredients in the COVID-19 vaccinations authorized for use in the United States.

Learn more about how mRNA COVID-19 vaccines work.

Can receiving a COVID-19 vaccine cause you to be magnetic?​

No. Receiving a COVID-19 vaccine will not make you magnetic, including at the site of vaccination which is usually your arm. COVID-19 vaccines do not contain ingredients that can produce an electromagnetic field at the site of your injection. All COVID-19 vaccines are free from metals.

Learn more about the ingredients in the COVID-19 vaccinations authorized for use in the United States.
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The reason it is ITT is because folks (including yourself)have posted “trust the science”, here are “scientific studies” with links, here is the “scientific method” etc…..all in this thread. So discussing fauci and the fallibility of “science” and “the scientific method” is totally appropriate ITT. Not to mention, the first time someone brought up covid in that thread, your boy would run to the mods because it’s not in here.

IMO this is the perfect thread to be discussing, and showing the corruption that has been in the “scientific community” for years (well before covid)

After all, it would appear that a worldwide pandemic that has killed millions, led to an economic crisis, increased violent crime, mental health issues, and increased worldwide hunger amongst other things… likely to have been caused by…..wait for it…
The reality is, we have a few shot cheerleaders who tell us to 'trust the science, trust the studies', but they themselves only trust the studies that back up the efficacy of the shots. The studies and information that shows the downsides to the shots, they completely dismiss.

That's not how you learn. That's how you stay ignorant.

I will applaud posters like you, @fatman76 and @DCandtheUTBand, who have gotten the shot, but are still trying to remain objective about new information associated with it.
This past week I did my bi-annual with the VA.
I was glad to find out (I asked) that the VA now has Ivermectin available for any Vet that tests positive for Co-V. So at least they are making some progress at following the SCIENCE....

When asked if I'd like to take the jab, I LOL'ed, they smiled, and we quickly moved on to other things.

Why is it that talking about the vaccine in any negative way, is like it used to be when talking about UFO's??? (suppressed, threatened, covered up, lied to and about, etc) 😏

Florida now has the lowest COVID-19 risk of all mainland U.S. states. October 24, 2021

  • states ranked by COVID-19 death rate (the Florida Free State now tied with fully-masked and often-shut Maskachusetts, but these data are not adjusted for percentage of population over 65, in which case FL would look much better (not that Floridians would care; they don’t measure the overall success of a society by the COVID-19 death rate)) 😝
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