Proprietary COVID-19 and Vaccine thread

Russia kicking ass and epically failing at the same time. @SORT14
Don’t know about you man but I have a hard time believing Russian research at 97%, LOL
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So happy to see more and more people standing against discrimination of the unvaxxed.

I don't see how a cop could stay working in these lefty states anyway unless they were just a couple of years short of their retirement money or something like that. Any younger cop would be smart to get the best deal they can and move.
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Herd Immunity is 10X's better than any of the current Co-V vaccines.
Ivermectin and the HCQ Cocktail used early mitigates the flu, and many other diseases.
They have both been proven for decades to be both safe and able to cure diseases.

Taking ivermectin is my easy choice over taking what I and many professionals believe is a dangerous inoculation that:

1. Does Not prevent anyone from getting the Co-V
2. Does Not prevent the vaccinated from further spreading it, to the vaxed and un-vaxed.
3. Has unknown future consequences.
4. Can possibly KILL YOU in the short term, and in the long term....

But like any of the world's other drug pushers, they demand that your get it and keep on getting it, cause that 'repeat business' is how they make their BIG money....
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The reality is, we have a few shot cheerleaders who tell us to 'trust the science, trust the studies', but they themselves only trust the studies that back up the efficacy of the shots. The studies and information that shows the downsides to the shots, they completely dismiss.

That's not how you learn. That's how you stay ignorant.

I will applaud posters like you, @fatman76 and @DCandtheUTBand, who have gotten the shot, but are still trying to remain objective about new information associated with it.
I have some serious regrets I that I got it too early.

Not necessarily that I regret getting it, but some of the issues that are being reported about lower N antibodies in people that have recovered from breakthrough infections concerns me. It may not have changed my mind but I'm frustrated that such potentially devastating findings are just now coming to light.

If we're going to have to rely on boosters because these vaccines compromise natural response I would have potentially waited so my booster cadence started later.
This past week I did my bi-annual with the VA.
I was glad to find out (I asked) that the VA now has Ivermectin available for any Vet that tests positive for Co-V. So at least they are making some progress at following the SCIENCE....

When asked if I'd like to take the jab, I LOL'ed, they smiled, and we quickly moved on to other things.

Why is it that talking about the vaccine in any negative way, is like it used to be when talking about UFO's??? (suppressed, threatened, covered up, lied to and about, etc) 😏

Florida now has the lowest COVID-19 risk of all mainland U.S. states. October 24, 2021

  • states ranked by COVID-19 death rate (the Florida Free State now tied with fully-masked and often-shut Maskachusetts, but these data are not adjusted for percentage of population over 65, in which case FL would look much better (not that Floridians would care; they don’t measure the overall success of a society by the COVID-19 death rate)) 😝
insta -

Help me out. The media was all over "DeathSantis" a few months ago as cases surged but I can't seem to find and MSM stories about how Florida has turned the corner and is now leading the pack. Why is that?
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Help me out. The media was all over "DeathSantis" a few months ago as cases surged but I can't seem to find and MSM stories about how Florida has turned the corner and is now leading the pack. Why is that?

Herd immunity achieved
  • Haha
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insta -

Help me out. The media was all over "DeathSantis" a few months ago as cases surged but I can't seem to find and MSM stories about how Florida has turned the corner and is now leading the pack. Why is that?

They are out there but are all spin stories about how its expected since Florida had a bad late summer before because of AC and the indoors and then dropped but fail to mention they never acted like that was the reason in the original articles claiming he is killing everyone.
An investigation of official ONS data has revealed that since the Covid-19 vaccine was offered and administered to kids in England and Wales there has been an 89% rise in deaths among male children against the five-year-average, with the most recent week seeing an increase as high as 200%.

Well, if you're one of the many that dies, that really SUCKS.

However, if you're one of the lucky ones that lives, it's gonna be a little like being the only stallion on a large horse farm.... 😉

Sorry folks, I was just looking for the rare silver lining.....
An investigation of official ONS data has revealed that since the Covid-19 vaccine was offered and administered to kids in England and Wales there has been an 89% rise in deaths among male children against the five-year-average, with the most recent week seeing an increase as high as 200%.

Well, if you're one of the many that dies, that really SUCKS.

However, if you're one of the lucky ones that lives, it's gonna be a little like being the only stallion on a large horse farm.... 😉

Sorry folks, I was just looking for the rare silver lining.....
The link to this story is the post right above yours...I am fine with you posting the same info, but the data is in the link.
The link to this story is the post right above yours...I am fine with you posting the same info, but the data is in the link.
fat, it was a teaser posting for those that often won't use a link. (and I gave you a like)
However, you being fine with it or not,,, won't change what or how I post in the future.,.. 😎
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Remember when our guy @SORT14 said we should follow the “consensus” when it comes to “science”

So I guess @SORT14 is a big believer in man made climate change. What about the politics behind it?

It's QUITE telling that the people that fell for the hoax flu hoodwinking typically believe in their bones that man-made climate change is a thing.
It's QUITE telling that the people that fell for the hoax flu hoodwinking typically believe in their bones that man-made climate change is a thing.
And every time I post some terrible data like the Ireland post below it’s crickets.

If they gave up they’ve lose their conviction.

If I believe something I’ll tilt at windmills over it - see every argument I have with Kalim for evidence.
And every time I post some terrible data like the Ireland post below it’s crickets.

If they gave up they’ve lose their conviction.

If I believe something I’ll tilt at windmills over it - see every argument I have with Kalim for evidence.
Yeah we already won the argument, serves no purpose to keep playing the junior varsity when you’re already holding the championship trophy.

Good, I’m against mandates for this particular vaccine.

And every time I post some terrible data like the Ireland post below it’s crickets.

If they gave up they’ve lose their conviction.

If I believe something I’ll tilt at windmills over it - see every argument I have with Kalim for evidence.
The hell of it is, I would *LOVE* to be completely wrong about these shots. I would LOVE to make a complete ass of myself over what I believe,

Why? Cause I have friends and family members who have taken the shots. If I am right about them, then they could and likely will face serious health issues as a result.

I pray I am wrong. I fear I am not.
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This happens over and over again. It doesn't work 100% of the time, but there's plenty to suggest it's damn more effective than those shots.

There's so much evil happening in the world right now. My only hope is this opens our eyes and encourages us to do something.
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The hell of it is, I would *LOVE* to be completely wrong about these shots. I would LOVE to make a complete ass of myself over what I believe,

Why? Cause I have friends and family members who have taken the shots. If I am right about them, then they could and likely will face serious health issues as a result.

I pray I am wrong. I fear I am not.
Hopefully the result isn't absolute.

In other words, hopefully the shots started as a desperate attempt during a crisis and ended up being about control and demonstrated loss of bodily autonomy.

That scenario doesn't require them to be extremely harmful to the healthy populace long-term.

Where I draw the line are my kids. And statements like "we don't know the risks but we will learn more as we expand approved ages to 5-11" drive that home for me. Even the FDA is coming around on side effects and the fact that with more widespread use we'll learn more about potentially serious and deadly side effects...

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This happens over and over again. It doesn't work 100% of the time, but there's plenty to suggest it's damn more effective than those shots.

There's so much evil happening in the world right now. My only hope is this opens our eyes and encourages us to do something.
We're in a place where observational information must be ignored and treated as harmful disinformation - even when it's potentially very good news.

Let that sink in for a second.
The hell of it is, I would *LOVE* to be completely wrong about these shots. I would LOVE to make a complete ass of myself over what I believe,

Why? Cause I have friends and family members who have taken the shots. If I am right about them, then they could and likely will face serious health issues as a result.

I pray I am wrong. I fear I am not.
Don’t worry, your prayers are answered, you are completely wrong 🤣🤣🤣
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Hopefully the result isn't absolute.

In other words, hopefully the shots started as a desperate attempt during a crisis and ended up being about control and demonstrated loss of bodily autonomy.

That scenario doesn't require them to be extremely harmful to the healthy populace long-term.

Where I draw the line are my kids. And statements like "we don't know the risks but we will learn more as we expand approved ages to 5-11" drive that home for me. Even the FDA is coming around on side effects and the fact that with more widespread use we'll learn more about potentially serious and deadly side effects...

Jaundiced journalism
Hopefully the result isn't absolute.

In other words, hopefully the shots started as a desperate attempt during a crisis and ended up being about control and demonstrated loss of bodily autonomy.

That scenario doesn't require them to be extremely harmful to the healthy populace long-term.

Where I draw the line are my kids. And statements like "we don't know the risks but we will learn more as we expand approved ages to 5-11" drive that home for me. Even the FDA is coming around on side effects and the fact that with more widespread use we'll learn more about potentially serious and deadly side effects...

NO! The science is “settled”

Right @SORT14

At least that’s what Numero Cincuenta told us