Proprietary COVID-19 and Vaccine thread

Obviously this is light on data and heavy on drama, but if true….
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I have him on ignore… am I missing any progress in the conversation?

You didn’t, no one trusts Numero Cincuenta still. Everyone still knows he is a self admitted troll that should be putting more time into practicing his craft instead of posting….and he still says hap me sort when his ego needs to be fed because no one else believes a word he says.
You didn’t, no one of the science deniers trusts Numero Cincuenta still. Everyone still knows he is a self admitted troll that should be putting more time into practicing his craft instead of posting….and he still says hap me sort when his ego needs to be fed because no one else believes a word he says.
Not in the least bit. More statistical ignorance on purpose in the guise of tweets Mixed with a deliberate ignorance about how vaccines work.
A true vaccine, like for Polio, prevents you from getting it.

While a fake news
inoculation for Co-V can kill you, while it DOES NOT prevent you from getting it and dying anyway....

Talk about deliberate ignorance? Naw, it's just another of the many government inspired ways for crooks and murders to steal money from those that they can abuse with their imposed tyranny.
A true vaccine, like for Polio, prevents you from getting it.

While a fake news
inoculation for Co-V can kill you, while it DOES NOT prevent you from getting it and dying anyway....

Talk about deliberate ignorance? Naw, it's just another of the many government inspired ways for crooks and murders to steal money from those that they can abuse with their imposed tyranny.
Yep, prior to 2021, we all knew what a vaccine was.

Now, a vaccine means a shot that might work, or it might not. It might give you covid, it might not. It might make you more likely to spread covid, it might not.

We just don't know. But what we DO know is that everyone needs to get it.

Question for the shot cheerleaders: What would have happened with polio and small pox if those shots acted just like these covid shots are?

There's no sin in admitting you got hoodwinked.
You didn’t, no one trusts Numero Cincuenta still. Everyone still knows he is a self admitted troll that should be putting more time into practicing his craft instead of posting….and he still says hap me sort when his ego needs to be fed because no one else believes a word he says.
Well let me know when we actually want to discuss the subject matter for the thread. As of now, the entire redundancy of insults and unwillingness to advance the conversation is just dull.
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Well let me know when we actually want to discuss the subject matter for the thread. As of now, the entire redundancy of insults and unwillingness to advance the conversation is just dull.

Will do. I will have Numero Cincuenta tag you.
Well let me know when we actually want to discuss the subject matter for the thread. As of now, the entire redundancy of insults and unwillingness to advance the conversation is just dull.
What is left to discuss. The vast majority of Americans, including most of the chuckleheads on this board, are vaccinated. A fair number of the people that aren’t vaccinated had Covid recently. We have reached heard immunity. There is zero reason to mandate vaccines and nobody on here believes in mandating the vaccines. There’s nothing left to discuss.

The science has clearly been settled in even if these chuckleheads wanna keep arguing about it they’ve already lost the debate because everybody’s either vaccinated or postinfectious or covered by the subsequent heard immunity.

Only thing left for this particular board at this point is the relentlessly pointless name-calling which is all you have left to do when you lost the argument. 🤣🤣

I harbor no animosity towards those that insulted me at this point, hard to be upset when you won and hard to be upset when Covid has yet again dissipated to the pointed there are very few cases left. It’s now become what we normally see during flu season, and unpleasant little virus will have to deal with from time to time but not intensive care units full of patients. Let’s all hope and pray that there’s not a new variant that is actually truly resistant to the vaccine.

So let’s celebrate the victory of science over misinformation and America over Covid.

If it helps the chuckleheads on here, most of them are vaccinated anyway, do with the losers of a battle frequently do………. Depart the field and declare victory 😊😊
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What is left to discuss. The vast majority of Americans, including most of the chuckleheads on this board, are vaccinated. A fair number of the people that aren’t vaccinated had Covid recently. We have reached heard immunity. There is zero reason to mandate vaccines and nobody on here believes in mandating the vaccines. There’s nothing left to discuss.

The science has clearly been settled in even if these chuckleheads wanna keep arguing about it they’ve already lost the debate because everybody’s either vaccinated or postinfectious or covered by the subsequent heard immunity.

Only thing left for this particular board at this point is the relentlessly pointless name-calling which is all you have left to do when you lost the argument. 🤣🤣

I harbor no animosity towards those that insulted me at this point, hard to be upset when you won and hard to be upset when Covid has yet again dissipated to the pointed there are very few cases left. It’s now become what we normally see during flu season, and unpleasant little virus will have to deal with from time to time but not intensive care units full of patients. Let’s all hope and pray that there’s not a new variant that is actually truly resistant to the vaccine.

If it helps the chuckleheads on here, most of them are vaccinated anyway, do with the losers of a battle frequently do………. Depart the field and declare victory 😊😊
I hit on a couple of points a while ago. That we agree vaccines shouldn't be mandatory and it is a good idea for people to get vaccinated especially if they are in a high risk group. I think we also agree that IVM should be researched more heavily, don't trust MSM, and Joe Rogan was misrepresented by CNN. And statistics is hard.
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I hit on a couple of points a while ago. That we agree vaccines shouldn't be mandatory and it is a good idea for people to get vaccinated especially if they are in a high risk group. I think we also agree that IVM should be researched more heavily, don't trust MSM, and Joe Rogan was misrepresented by CNN. And statistics is hard.
Agree with everything. We also agree that vaccination under the age of 12 is a bad idea in between the age of 12 and about 20 is debatable and should be a personal choice. Above the age of 20 it should remain a personal choice but it’s less debatable.

We actually vastly agree on everything even with the chuckleheads but they’re too busy shouting at the moon and figuring out ways to insult us to actually pay attention to what we’re saying. Suffice to say that since most of them got vaccinated anyway that on some level they listen to the science even as they deny it.

Come to think of it what is the actual crux of the disagreement, the fact that we prove the vaccine is effective and safe and good as they want to try and prove it’s not even after they got vaccinated. Strange argument.
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My great fear was never that the shots didn't stop the spread of covid, it was always that they actually ACCELERATED the spread.

If this keeps crossing species so easily and mutating pretty fast it just reinforces that this mess definitely was being manipulated in the lab big time. Most things point to that already.

I do wonder if this experimental mess is contributing however.
If this keeps crossing species so easily and mutating pretty fast it just reinforces that this mess definitely was being manipulated in the lab big time. Most things point to that already.

I do wonder if this experimental mess is contributing however.
How many news stories do we now have of fully vaccinated celebs being hospitalized or dying with covid?

I think America is finally starting to wake up.

Your daily reminder that this has nothing to do with covid and certainly nothing to do with public safety.

If it was about public safety, all employees would be tested daily. All employees can get and die from covid. A shot does not protect you from either.
My state is now at a level of 24 infections per 100k.

CA is at 10.8 per 100k.

This is pure insanity.