Proprietary COVID-19 and Vaccine thread

I'm sure @SORT14 will be offended by the lack of context in the video clips in this story, but it's really eerie how prescient these scientists were months before Covid started.

It also shows Fauci's infamous 2017 clip about Trump facing a "challenge" from a "surprise outbreak". We now know that less than a year after his comments the lab that gave us Covid opened and its construction was partially funded from grants from the NIAID...of which Fauci is the Director.

@GhostOfMatchesMalone - this is still all about Covid right?

I’m not offended by a lack of context. Just aware of it. I’ll check out the video
Of course, everybody in Florida is either vaccinated or has had it now, LOL
Just as knowledgeable and as accurate as we've all come to expect from this 'pants on fire' QUACK.

I'm in my 70's, had a heart attack, have a CPAP, and have not taken ANY Flu Vax since the 1970's, and never had the flu again since I stopped taking flu Vax crap.

The only one with the slightest chance of giving me any of that Kung Flu Vax crap, is the local coroner.... It's the HCQ-Cocktain and/or Ivermectin for me, and that's only if I ever come down with it.

BTW, nobody has died as a direct result from either of those preventatives/cures, while over 4,000 have already died in just the U.S. as a direct result of those BS crap Co-V Vax shots.
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That's about as close as you ever come to providing a scientific response to being proven to be a QUACK,,,, yet again. But hey, the un-informed WeWe will always agree widja,,, so you're good....
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Well that's what the evidence shows jeff, those vaccinated are 10 times less likely to get severe COVID if they get infected.
I wonder why those cured by HCQ or Ivermectin are not included in the numbers?

Per the CDC, more than 166 million people have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The new data suggests 1,507 people of those fully vaccinated people died from COVID-19.
Meanwhile, 7,101 people of those fully vaccinated people were hospitalized from COVID-19.

Nearly all Covid patients can be successfully treated in the early stage without hospital admission, and avoid the devastating organ damage and blood-clotting that can occur if the disease is allowed to progress.

For the second time in a month, strong positions taken against early outpatient drug treatment for Covid-19 by federal agencies and the medical establishment have quietly been withdrawn. This suggests a long-awaited turning point in the battle against the disease, many believe. (except for the QUACK and his idiot parrots here)

Three weeks ago, the NIH withdrew its opposition to “wonder-drug” ivermectin as a treatment for both outpatient and hospitalized Covid patients. Prior to that, the federal agency also dropped its negative stance on monoclonal antibodies infusion (laboratory-created blood plasma) and its disapproval of corticosteroids in the treatment of Covid. --- That article continues at:

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we'll be "surprised" by this phenomenon for the next 10 years...especially if it's politically expedient

“My hospital is filling up because of covid”. No, your Hospital was 80 percent full without covid, and now you are almost full because that remaining 20 percent is filled with mostly unhealthy people to begin with that got covid. Let’s treat the illness. Physical fitness and nutrition classes begin now.

Now, get off the internet and go treat some patients.
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@GhostOfMatchesMalone @fatman76

CNN and Don Lemon remind you of anyone?


From the article:

“They told viewers he took horse dewormer: a 100% lie. He took the human version of ivermectin prescribed by his medical doctor," Greenwald tweeted Thursday. "But as I said, lying is not frowned upon at CNN: it's encouraged."

"It's true that ivermectin is not approved for treatment of COVID. That has nothing with the lie CNN told. They said Rogan took horse dewormer. He didn't. And CNN and Don Lemon are such little people, with so little integrity, they can't admit they lied," Greenwald added.

@GhostOfMatchesMalone @fatman76

CNN and Don Lemon remind you of anyone?


From the article:

“They told viewers he took horse dewormer: a 100% lie. He took the human version of ivermectin prescribed by his medical doctor," Greenwald tweeted Thursday. "But as I said, lying is not frowned upon at CNN: it's encouraged."

"It's true that ivermectin is not approved for treatment of COVID. That has nothing with the lie CNN told. They said Rogan took horse dewormer. He didn't. And CNN and Don Lemon are such little people, with so little integrity, they can't admit they lied," Greenwald added.

So you're saying he's the Don Lemon of internet doctors?
@GhostOfMatchesMalone @fatman76

CNN and Don Lemon remind you of anyone?


From the article:

“They told viewers he took horse dewormer: a 100% lie. He took the human version of ivermectin prescribed by his medical doctor," Greenwald tweeted Thursday. "But as I said, lying is not frowned upon at CNN: it's encouraged."

"It's true that ivermectin is not approved for treatment of COVID. That has nothing with the lie CNN told. They said Rogan took horse dewormer. He didn't. And CNN and Don Lemon are such little people, with so little integrity, they can't admit they lied," Greenwald added.

CNN is awful.

You know, we give Penicillin to animals too. Why isn't that considered "dog antibiotics" when they prescribe it for humans?

And aren't humans just animals with thumbs and big brains?
(I don't want to get into a theology/Genesis discussion, but I think the point holds regardless)
Have we talked about the UK study that found that vaccinated people over 30 were TWICE as likely to get covid as unvaccinated?

Nah? Ok my apologies, didn't mean to interrupt the pro-shot propaganda.
Note - we're not hearing "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated" much anymore.

I think in time I'm going to regret my choice even more than I do now. Hopefully I'm wrong on that.
Been a great day around here. Maybe a couple of folks took the advice seriously, and are actually humbly trying to be better.
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Throughout the pandemic, the anti-parasite drug ivermectin has attracted much attention, particularly in Latin America, as a potential way to treat COVID-19. But scientists say that recent, shocking revelations of widespread flaws in the data of a preprint study reporting that the medication greatly reduces COVID-19 deaths dampens ivermectin’s promise — and highlights the challenges of investigating drug efficacy during a pandemic.


Thought I would post some science vs rando sensational tweets

Thought I would post some science vs rando sensational tweets
It is an absolutely sensational drug……..for treating parasites. Major human parasites fall under the animal kingdom of Protista and Animalia (Metazoa). They represent protozoa, helminths and arthropods.

Sadly, viruses do not fall under any animal kingdom because they are not considered to be living organisms despite their own DNA because they require other organisms multicellular organelles to replicate and survive.

Therefore, pathophysiologically, ivermectin does not treat viruses. Nor was it ever design to treat viruses. It was a flawed scientific concept to begin with, and all the research bears that out to date.

But I’m sure you understand the science better than I do Jeff
Covid related deaths in the US being reported are running about double what they were in 2020 at this time prior to this trash vaccine and the public being told the trash vaccine would have us at herd immunity now.

Biden will have the most reported covid related deaths upon him taking office soon.
It is an absolutely sensational drug……..for treating parasites. Major human parasites fall under the animal kingdom of Protista and Animalia (Metazoa). They represent protozoa, helminths and arthropods.

Sadly, viruses do not fall under any animal kingdom because they are not considered to be living organisms despite their own DNA because they require other organisms multicellular organelles to replicate and survive.

Therefore, pathophysiologically, ivermectin does not treat viruses. Nor was it ever design to treat viruses. It was a flawed scientific concept to begin with, and all the research bears that out to date.

But I’m sure you understand the science better than I do Jeff
The one potential mechanism of action is suppression of interleukin six, if it’s going to have any effect on treating Covid that is the mechanism of action and that is where the ongoing US research study is Currently looking at
Invermectin is kicking Covid's butt everywhere they are actively using it despite any joke spin drug company sponsored trial to try to lie to the public. The clowns are even having the fake news media run bogus stories on it because its gained traction and its not profitable for them.
Someone is talking to himself again.

Someone practices medicine by tweet instead of science


Numero Cincuenta earning that fitty spot
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@GhostOfMatchesMalone @fatman76

CNN and Don Lemon remind you of anyone?


From the article:

“They told viewers he took horse dewormer: a 100% lie. He took the human version of ivermectin prescribed by his medical doctor," Greenwald tweeted Thursday. "But as I said, lying is not frowned upon at CNN: it's encouraged."

"It's true that ivermectin is not approved for treatment of COVID. That has nothing with the lie CNN told. They said Rogan took horse dewormer. He didn't. And CNN and Don Lemon are such little people, with so little integrity, they can't admit they lied," Greenwald added.

Part of their scare tactics but the horse wormer stuff will work just as good as the kind you get from the doctor.
“What do penicillin, aspirin and ivermectin have in common? Apart from the fact that they rhyme, all three belong to a very select group of drugs that can claim to have had the greatest beneficial impact on the health and well-being of humanity.”…

Because of its impact, safety and versatility, ivermectin has earned the title of “wonder drug” among public health specialists. Treating entire communities with the drug could represent a safe and effective means of “hitting several birds with one stone”;

Be a free person, and free your mind from the evils being inflicted on you by governments, so-called medical experts, and the fear mongering media in regards to Co-V the Chinese batflu. (BTW, bats don't get it, or carry it, or pass it -- except for the bats that are flying around in Dr. Faulty's head)
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Ivermectin, a US FDA-approved anti-parasitic agent, was found to inhibit severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) replication in vitro.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to determine the rapidity of viral clearance and safety of ivermectin among adult SARS-CoV-2 patients. There were no severe adverse drug events recorded in the study. A 5-day course of ivermectin was found to be safe and effective in treating adult patients with mild COVID-19.

NOTE: The authors declare that there are no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work described in this paper.

Or you can follow the advise from the 1776 QUACK that's getting rich off of the untreated people that are dying in his multi-state ICU's....
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Curiosity question but do you really think all these corporations are lining up to intentionally poison you?
Like you, they are just lining up to line their pockets with someone else's money.

And like you, they don't really G-a-S who suffers or dies, just as long as the money flows to them...
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I wonder why those cured by HCQ or Ivermectin are not included in the numbers?

Per the CDC, more than 166 million people have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The new data suggests 1,507 people of those fully vaccinated people died from COVID-19.
Meanwhile, 7,101 people of those fully vaccinated people were hospitalized from COVID-19.

Nearly all Covid patients can be successfully treated in the early stage without hospital admission, and avoid the devastating organ damage and blood-clotting that can occur if the disease is allowed to progress.

For the second time in a month, strong positions taken against early outpatient drug treatment for Covid-19 by federal agencies and the medical establishment have quietly been withdrawn. This suggests a long-awaited turning point in the battle against the disease, many believe. (except for the QUACK and his idiot parrots here)

Three weeks ago, the NIH withdrew its opposition to “wonder-drug” ivermectin as a treatment for both outpatient and hospitalized Covid patients. Prior to that, the federal agency also dropped its negative stance on monoclonal antibodies infusion (laboratory-created blood plasma) and its disapproval of corticosteroids in the treatment of Covid. --- That article continues at:

Crazy how many deaths them and big Pharma have been responsible for just to fatten the insiders wallets. Crooked money hungry hospital giants refusing to let doctors prescribe it even with court orders requiring an outside one to come do it days layer - all to pump up their bottom lines and push an agenda.
Note - we're not hearing "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated" much anymore.

I think in time I'm going to regret my choice even more than I do now. Hopefully I'm wrong on that.
I've seen some of the videos of the stuff that's supposedly in the vaccines. Living organisms?

Hope it's fake. Then again internet doctors here say of course it is. Which makes me more likely to believe it.
Crazy how many deaths them and big Pharma have been responsible for just to fatten the insiders wallets. Crooked money hungry hospital giants refusing to let doctors prescribe it even with court orders requiring an outside one to come do it days layer - all to pump up their bottom lines and push an agenda.
Did you miss internet doctor bragging about making 7 figures this year and last off hawking the vaccines?
Government mandates regarding vaccines are bad. I oppose them as I oppose all Covid vaccine mandates. I just want to remind everybody, especially a few of you that like to confabulate the truth, that this has always been my position on vaccine mandates regarding the coronavirus vaccine.

What is particularly telling to me is they continue to push these vaccine mandates despite the fact that the coronavirus crisis we experience this summer has completely dissipated and we are back to the same numbers we were seeing in April and May when it appeared to be all but under control. So there is no reason anymore with the number of people that are vaccinated and the number of people have already contracted coronavirus to push this Vaccine Mandy like they continue to do. It is wrong and it is purely political.

That said it remains one of the year marvels of modern medicine to have this many vaccines against coronavirus that are this effective in the safe this fast into a pandemic. And I still highly recommend it but it should be a personal choice.
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