spot on
How much prison time could Joe Biden face if he loses his re-election and is charged with felonies running the gamut from tax fraud, bribery, obstruction, and a host of other federal crimes?
You see, it will be my mission, and should be our mission, to make sure Biden is held to account from his crimes. When the Republicans take the presidency and DOJ/FBI, we/they must make sure it is a top priority to hold Biden and his family accountable for their crimes. The tactics used by today's DOJ/FBI/Judiciary/Democrat Party must be unleashed against them.
It is time to clean out US attorneys' offices and FBI offices, including field offices and Main Justice, by time limiting those who serve in these offices. Attorneys should serve a term of 5 years or so, then out.
And there will need to also be a full investigation and accounting of the top brass at DOJ/FBI, including but not limited to Garland, Wray, Smith, et al. This cabal has sought to destroy the political, governmental, and justice systems in this country, and they must not simply walk away with big jobs from the corrupt media, etc. This is compelled not to get even, although that would be enough, but to ensure that our country never has to go through this again (or at least make it less likely). Furthermore, other federal statutes, not used since the Civil War, must be employed as well, as they have now been used against citizens from across the country.
The Democrat Party is a corrupt, totalitarian enterprise that will do anything for power. Today, it owns the legal system and most of the lower courts. This must be effectively addressed. Let the discussion start here and now.
There must also be an examination of how the judiciary in DC has been set up and how appointments are made. Under the Constitution, Congress creates all courts below the Supreme Court -- hence, Congress, by statute, creates these courts and determines how many of these judicial positions to assign to the various districts. We've seen the Democrat Party (Biden in particular) packing these lower courts, just as they've threatened to pack the Supreme Court, and the GOP must become proactive now in addressing this.
We/GOP must also look at term limiting federal judges at all levels. The experiment with lifetime appointments has not worked well. And impeaching judges for their blatant disregard of the law and political partisanship has not be tried since Jefferson, and will not work.
More to come.