God Bless President Biden

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Go on....please provide some examples. You are a TYPICAL lib, when confronted with scream RACIST. Its who every one of you are...and truth be known..YOU guys are the racists!

To your second point...and listen closely...I am taking you to school, son. "You" does not chang elaws. Congress and Senate does. There was a super majority that Hussein obama had..and his administration did NOTHING concerning Illegal Aliens(that is what they are...not immigrants) Calling illegal aliens immigrants is not fair to the people who follow our laws, and do things the right way.
Lastly..I know libtards do not grasp that we have laws to follow...and you do not get to ignore thm when you disagree with them.
“Polling by Jones’s organization, PRRI, found that only one in three Republicans believed immigrants strengthen American society. The other two out of three said immigrants threaten American values. In the Trump age, Fox increasingly spoke to the latter audience.”

Excerpt From
Brian Stelter
This material may be protected by copyright.

“Nostalgia was one of the products Fox sold. “The America we know and love doesn’t exist anymore,” Ingraham declared in August. “Massive demographic changes have been foisted on the American people, and they are changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don’t like.”

Excerpt From
Brian Stelter
This material may be protected by copyright.
Reality instead of just more BS-C911 💩 ....

Keeping what's important on this BS-C911 thread, front and center....

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RATS congresswomen tells it like it is. Only the slow don’t see it 🤭😭😭😭😭

Retiring House Democrat Stephanie Murphy Unloads on Party: ‘You Can’t Keep Promising Rainbows and Unicorns’​

Retiring Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) on Friday unloaded on Joe Biden and the DCCC, blaming them for steering the Democrat Party into oblivion come the November midterms.

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I never used the word racist. More like xenophobic.

Let me school you on the second point. Trump significantly reduced the number of legal immigrants, which I’m sure made his base happy. Look it up and then get back to me.
This response requires that you go outside RIGHT NOW...and practice falling down some that you get used to it. If that is the best you can need to go find people in 5th grade to debate...not me, and not my friends here. I am embarrassed for you. PLEASE tell me you did not go to UF?
Trump made $40 million on selling a house to the Russians and and wants to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. That’s why he won’t talk bad about Putin.
Please let us know on a politicians Joe got all of his money. I KNOW how Trump got his. IF you were an American(which in my eyes you just do not make the cut) you would be concerned about EVERY politician who is worth countless millions on a politicians salary...and not the guy who was a billionaire when he entered office. But again, I know you are working with a handicap (mentally), and we cannot ignore that.
On this first Sunday after the Epiphany. Let’s all take the time to come together to wish our new President Godspeed. It was a fierce battle, but now that he has been certified as the winner, let’s put aside our partisan differences and, as Americans all, work for the benefit of all Americans, rich and poor.

Best wishes, President Elect Biden. May God look over you.

And in the spirit of the new Board rules, please, no flaming.
You need to be asking God to save this country as the sumbitch in the WH and whomever is really pulling the strings is doing everything he can to take us down the rathole tosocialism
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Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone in this great country that welcomed my ancestors when there wasn’t so much hate towards immigrants like today.

Erin Go Brah


Many early Irishmen were slaves so...solid post bruh.
Brandon -- "I may be Irish,,, but I ain't stupid."

BS-C911 -- "I may be Irish,,, but we're both really dumb as a rock village idiots."
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I see you don’t know your US history.

So the Irish weren't slaves? And they were welcomed when they arrived in this country?

I can't tell if you're lying again or if you're just this ignorant. Not sure it matters.
So the Irish weren't slaves? And they were welcomed when they arrived in this country?

I can't tell if you're lying again or if you're just this ignorant. Not sure it matters.
No they weren't slaves. I didn't say they were all welcomed.

False equivalency. You have an odd definition of lying. You are just really sensitive when challenged. I promise you I know 10X more about Irish history than you.
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No they weren't slaves.

Indentured servitude for a finite period of time. You go ahead and walk that fine line.

I didn't say they were all welcomed.

Are you sure you didn't?

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone in this great country that welcomed my ancestors

Haha 😄

False equivalency.

Yes the Irish were super welcomed when they arrived here. LOL...tell me again how I don't know my US history and how you know 10x more Irish history (or anything, really) than I do. You're a clown and when you aren't proving how little you know, you're busy lying instead.
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Just for clarification, I challenged your post ITT and you got sensitive. Just figured I would point that out...even though it felt obvious.
Not so. You are the the one calling names, which is the last refuge of a failed argument.

Still waiting on evidence that the Irish were held as slaves in the US. I won’t hold my breath.
Indentured servitude for a finite period of time. You go ahead and walk that fine line.

Are you sure you didn't?

Haha 😄

Yes the Irish were super welcomed when they arrived here. LOL...tell me again how I don't know my US history and how you know 10x more Irish history (or anything, really) than I do. You're a clown and when you aren't proving how little you know, you're busy lying instead.
Wrong again . I said MY ancestors were welcomed, I didnt say ALL Irish were. Note the emphasis. Mine were given a land grant for fighting against the southern traitors, which my family still owns today.

So yes, not only do I know more history, I can read better than you as well.

So please continue with the name calling. It fits you well.
So the Irish weren't slaves? And they were welcomed when they arrived in this country?

I can't tell if you're lying again or if you're just this ignorant. Not sure it matters.
My g-g-great grandfather was Sub-Saharan African-Cherokee living in Morgan County, AL. His spouse was Irish, just like my mother. Both made the move to Haskell County, OK on the "Trail Where they Cried", better known as the Trail of Tears, circa 1838.

There were a number of whites who made the move, mostly Irish as best we can learn from history. Voluntary.
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Not so. You are the the one calling names, which is the last refuge of a failed argument.

Still waiting on evidence that the Irish were held as slaves in the US. I won’t hold my breath.

I'm stating a fact. You are a clown.

And the Irish were ABSOLUTELY indentured servants when they first started coming to North America. They were also hated and spat upon. No one denies that. Hold your breath, don't hold your one GAS.

I have a good deal of Irish blood as well btw.
Wrong again . I said MY ancestors were welcomed, I didnt say ALL Irish were. Note the emphasis. Mine were given a land grant for fighting against the southern traitors, which my family still owns today.

So yes, not only do I know more history, I can read better than you as well.

So please continue with the name calling. It fits you well.

I'm assuming that this is the same land where you grow your soybeans? 😂🤣😂

I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings. Maybe if you were less ridiculous I wouldn't make fun of you so much. You'd grow thicker skin as you'd be less ashamed of your BS. It's a win-win.

Or you could just ignore my advice and take your gigantic boat on a cruise to your plantation in the Caribbean...or focus on your high level O&G career. What else am I missing?
My g-g-great grandfather was Sub-Saharan African-Cherokee living in Morgan County, AL. His spouse was Irish, just like my mother. Both made the move to Haskell County, OK on the "Trail Where they Cried", better known as the Trail of Tears, circa 1838.

There were a number of whites who made the move, mostly Irish as best we can learn from history. Voluntary.

I'm mostly English. We've traced our lineage back to England where there's a ruined castle that still bears our family name. One of my relatives had his head cut off in the Tower of London for trying to usurp the throne along with Mary Queen of Scots.

Later my family returned to good graces and received a large land grant in North Carolina from King George (not sure if I or II). That went well right up until the American revolution...then it went less well.
I'm assuming that this is the same land where you grow your soybeans? 😂🤣😂

I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings. Maybe if you were less ridiculous I wouldn't make fun of you so much. You'd grow thicker skin as you'd be less ashamed of your BS. It's a win-win.

Or you could just ignore my advice and take your gigantic boat on a cruise to your plantation in the Caribbean...or focus on your high level O&G career. What else am I missing?
You think childish name calling hurts my feelings? You‘ve got a lot to learn. I notice it is usually when I call out your BS. Slaves. LOL.

And it’s not a plantation in the Caribbean. How many times do I have to correct you.

Again, I called out your ridiculous garbage ITT and you got sad. But whatever...I don't have the time nor the inclination.
No time to support your slavery comment? I didn't think so.

But you have time to tell us about your boats and cars and lake houses. Someone here is a hypocrite.
No time to support your slavery comment? I didn't think so.

But you have time to tell us about your boats and cars and lake houses. Someone here is a hypocrite.

What kind of boats do I have? You have no idea because I've never told you.

You may know of two of my vehicles Mr. Porsche. They were a part of the conversation we were having where you assumed something about me because I currently live in Alabama. We have other vehicles that weren't brought up because they were not pertinent.

I have a (singular) house on a lake.

I'm not a plantation owner, I'm not a soybean farmer and I'm not a big-wig at an O&G company, however.

I laugh at your braggadocious tone because a) it's ridiculous and b) others, in reality, could cut you down to size if they had the inclination.

They don't have the inclination fwiw.
What kind of boats do I have? You have no idea because I've never told you.

You may know of two of my vehicles Mr. Porsche. They were a part of the conversation we were having where you assumed something about me because I currently live in Alabama. We have other vehicles that weren't brought up because they were not pertinent.

I have a (singular) house on a lake.

I'm not a plantation owner, I'm not a soybean farmer and I'm not a big-wig at an O&G company, however.

I laugh at your braggadocious tone because a) it's ridiculous and b) others, in reality, could cut you down to size if they had the inclination.

They don't have the inclination fwiw.
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No time to support your slavery comment? I didn't think so

This next one, from Snopes, refers to that fine line between indentured servitude and slavery.

The main difference between slavery and indentured servitude was that slavery was lifelong and hereditary whereas indentured servitude was not. The treatment of both was, however, awful...and a far cry from the welcoming of immigrants that you referred to that I am contradicting.

Time to move on to your next half-truth or flat out lie imo.

The vehicles that he claims I bragged about were a F350 and a Tacoma. 😂

The F350 wasn't exactly cheap but it's hardly a luxury vehicle. The Tacoma is nice imo but it's entirely utilitarian.

If I'd wanted to pull a @BSC911 I would have mentioned my wife's vehicle or my other toys...but I didn't, and I won't...because I'm not @BSC911 and I have no need. The fact that he does makes one wonder if he just isn't entirely FOS.
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The vehicles that he claims I bragged about were a F350 and a Tacoma. 😂

The F350 wasn't exactly cheap but it's hardly a luxury vehicle. The Tacoma is nice imo but it's entirely utilitarian.

If I'd wanted to pull a @BSC911 I would have mentioned my wife's vehicle or my other toys...but I didn't, and I won't...because I'm not @BSC911 and I have no need. The fact that he does makes one wonder if he just isn't entirely FOS.
And we like and respect you for not being like him!

This next one, from Snopes, refers to that fine line between indentured servitude and slavery.

The main difference between slavery and indentured servitude was that slavery was lifelong and hereditary whereas indentured servitude was not. The treatment of both was, however, awful...and a far cry from the welcoming of immigrants that you referred to that I am contradicting.

Time to move on to your next half-truth or flat out lie imo.
Nope. Theres a big difference. one is considered property, the other was voluntary. and was common during the early days as a way to repay for passage to the new world.

Until the late 18th century, indentured servitude was common in British America. It was often a way for Europeans to immigrate to the American colonies: they signed an indenture in return for a costly passage. However, the system was also used to exploit Asians (mostly from India and China) who wanted to migrate to the New World. These Asian people were used mainly to construct roads and railway systems. After their indenture expired, the immigrants were free to work for themselves or another employer. It has been theorized by at least one economist that indentured servitude occurred largely as "an institutional response to a capital market imperfection".[1] In some cases, the indenture was made with a ship's master, who sold the indenture to an employer in the colonies. Most indentured servants worked as farm laborers or domestic servants, although some were apprenticed to craftsmen.

The terms of an indenture were not always enforced by American courts, although runaways were usually sought out and returned to their employer.

Between one-half and two-thirds of European immigrants to the American colonies between the 1630s and American Revolution came under indentures.[2]


And again, you said slavery, then changed it when I called you out. Good try, but you should have just said what you meant, instead of trying to weasel your way out. I don’t expect you to admit you were wrong, but you were. Now carry on with the name calling if that makes you feel better.

And my OP stands, MY ancestors were welcomed, Try again.
The vehicles that he claims I bragged about were a F350 and a Tacoma. 😂

The F350 wasn't exactly cheap but it's hardly a luxury vehicle. The Tacoma is nice imo but it's entirely utilitarian.

If I'd wanted to pull a @BSC911 I would have mentioned my wife's vehicle or my other toys...but I didn't, and I won't...because I'm not @BSC911 and I have no need. The fact that he does makes one wonder if he just isn't entirely FOS.
Hmmm. Let’s see. Does your wife drive an AMG Mercedes? I wonder how I know that.

Busted agin.
Nope. Theres a big difference. one is considered property, the other was voluntary. and was common during the early days as a way to repay for passage to the new world.

Until the late 18th century, indentured servitude was common in British America. It was often a way for Europeans to immigrate to the American colonies: they signed an indenture in return for a costly passage. However, the system was also used to exploit Asians (mostly from India and China) who wanted to migrate to the New World. These Asian people were used mainly to construct roads and railway systems. After their indenture expired, the immigrants were free to work for themselves or another employer. It has been theorized by at least one economist that indentured servitude occurred largely as "an institutional response to a capital market imperfection".[1] In some cases, the indenture was made with a ship's master, who sold the indenture to an employer in the colonies. Most indentured servants worked as farm laborers or domestic servants, although some were apprenticed to craftsmen.

The terms of an indenture were not always enforced by American courts, although runaways were usually sought out and returned to their employer.

Between one-half and two-thirds of European immigrants to the American colonies between the 1630s and American Revolution came under indentures.[2]


And again, you said slavery, then changed it when I called you out. Good try, but you should have just said what you meant, instead of trying to weasel your way out. I don’t expect you to admit you were wrong, but you were. Now carry on with the name calling if that makes you feel better.

And my OP stands, MY ancestors were welcomed, Try again.

Haha, ok clown. I wonder why your copy and paste makes the case that Asians were exploited but not the white faces from Europe?
Haha, ok clown. I wonder why your copy and paste makes the case that Asians were exploited but not the white faces from Europe?
Nobody is talking about Asians. Stay on the subject. You claimed the Irish were slaves. Right or Wrong?

You hate to admit it, don’t you?
You claimed the Irish were slaves. Right or Wrong?

You hate to admit it, don’t you?

You really can't see it, can you? You're actually this dense?

You did see the post about indentured servitude, right? You saw the explanations of the parallels too, right? Are you always so dishonest about everything?

Nobody is talking about Asians. Stay on the subject.

Your article, that you posted, talked about Asians....said they were exploited. It made no such claim about the Europeans. I thought that was interesting. You didn't? Maybe you're just too thick to understand the implication.
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