“Polling by Jones’s organization, PRRI, found that only one in three Republicans believed immigrants strengthen American society. The other two out of three said immigrants threaten American values. In the Trump age, Fox increasingly spoke to the latter audience.”Go on....please provide some examples. You are a TYPICAL lib, when confronted with facts..you scream RACIST. Its who every one of you are...and truth be known..YOU guys are the racists!
To your second point...and listen closely...I am taking you to school, son. "You" does not chang elaws. Congress and Senate does. There was a super majority that Hussein obama had..and his administration did NOTHING concerning Illegal Aliens(that is what they are...not immigrants) Calling illegal aliens immigrants is not fair to the people who follow our laws, and do things the right way.
Lastly..I know libtards do not grasp that we have laws to follow...and you do not get to ignore thm when you disagree with them.
Excerpt From
Brian Stelter

“Nostalgia was one of the products Fox sold. “The America we know and love doesn’t exist anymore,” Ingraham declared in August. “Massive demographic changes have been foisted on the American people, and they are changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don’t like.”
Excerpt From
Brian Stelter