God Bless President Biden

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Sure thing. Have I ever mentioned intellectual dishonesty to you before? 😂

Reality instead of just more BS....

Keeping what's important on this BS-C911 thread, front and center....

Hey look, the peanut gallery chimes in. I thought you were boycotting this thread. I don't want you to get in trouble with your crew.
Oh no, you have it all wrong merkin. Any post that makes you look bad deserves a response.
When is DeSantis going to stop all the Cubans from taking over Miami. They don’t call it Little Havana for nothing.
The Cubans were here long before Ron was the Gov., but how about this....

Sen. Rick Scott to Sec. Blinken: Pan American Health Organization Must be Held Accountable for Human Trafficking

Senator Rick Scott sent the following letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken again urging him and President
Joe Biden to lift the legal immunity of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). PAHO has worked with the illegitimate communist Cuban regime to traffic Cuban doctors around the world. Senator Scott strongly believes that these doctors deserve the chance to pursue justice in the courts and hold their traffickers, and those who aided in their trafficking, responsible for their abuses. In the letter, Senator Scott makes clear that he will refuse to consent to expedited floor consideration of all relevant State Department nominees until substantial steps toward fulfilling this request are made.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The constant attacks threatening the Colombian people and their government are dangerous and reprehensible. It’s clear that ELN, FARC, and terrorist organizations
backed by the Castro/Diaz-Canel and Maduro regimes are behind these despicable attacks, which are nothing but a disgusting attempt to destabilize Colombia’s democracy. It makes me furious that in the face of these vicious assaults on democracy, Joe Biden has again and again chosen appeasement over the security and stability of our hemisphere.

His lack of support is a complete betrayal of the United States and Colombia’s commitment to promoting security, prosperity, human rights and democracy across the Western Hemisphere. Last year, I was proud to introduce a resolution in the U.S. Senate that makes clear that America stands with Colombia in the fight to defend freedom, condemns efforts to undermine democracy and urges the international community to join the United States in supporting Colombia.
I will always support the people of Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua in the fight for freedom and democracy. We won’t stop until all of Latin America sees the freedom and liberty its people deserve.”
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The Cubans were here long before Ron was the Gov., but how about this....

Sen. Rick Scott to Sec. Blinken: Pan American Health Organization Must be Held Accountable for Human Trafficking

Senator Rick Scott sent the following letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken again urging him and President
Joe Biden to lift the legal immunity of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). PAHO has worked with the illegitimate communist Cuban regime to traffic Cuban doctors around the world. Senator Scott strongly believes that these doctors deserve the chance to pursue justice in the courts and hold their traffickers, and those who aided in their trafficking, responsible for their abuses. In the letter, Senator Scott makes clear that he will refuse to consent to expedited floor consideration of all relevant State Department nominees until substantial steps toward fulfilling this request are made.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The constant attacks threatening the Colombian people and their government are dangerous and reprehensible. It’s clear that ELN, FARC, and terrorist organizations
backed by the Castro/Diaz-Canel and Maduro regimes are behind these despicable attacks, which are nothing but a disgusting attempt to destabilize Colombia’s democracy. It makes me furious that in the face of these vicious assaults on democracy, Joe Biden has again and again chosen appeasement over the security and stability of our hemisphere.

His lack of support is a complete betrayal of the United States and Colombia’s commitment to promoting security, prosperity, human rights and democracy across the Western Hemisphere. Last year, I was proud to introduce a resolution in the U.S. Senate that makes clear that America stands with Colombia in the fight to defend freedom, condemns efforts to undermine democracy and urges the international community to join the United States in supporting Colombia.
I will always support the people of Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua in the fight for freedom and democracy. We won’t stop until all of Latin America sees the freedom and liberty its people deserve.”
DeSantis should send everyone back that didn’t apply for citizenship the right way. You know, submit an application and wait for a response. Anyone illegally coming by boat or swimming across is to be returned.

And BTW, tell him to open up drilling in Florida waters. We need the oil.
Good for Pence. He is finally starting to man up. You Trumpers should take his cue.

On the heels of Trump praising Putin as “genius” and “savvy” as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine got underway, Pence declared on Friday night, “There is no room in this party for apologists for Putin. There is only room for champions of freedom.”

He added, “Elections are about the future. My fellow Republicans, we can only win if we are united around an optimistic vision for the future based on our highest values. We cannot win by fighting yesterday’s battles, or by relitigating the past.”
Im obviously in your head. What's funny is that you think I care what some dork on the internet thinks. Now get out of my thread loser.
Ahhh, am I picking on you too much merkin? Small penis envy getting to you? You’re so adorable when you’re being attacked.
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Biden on the rise.

Multiple surveys over the past week, including a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll out Tuesday, show a modest-to-moderate uptick in voters’ views of Biden’s job performance, up from his low-water mark earlier this year.

Forty-five percent of registered voters surveyed in the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll approve of the job Biden is doing, up 4 points over the past week. But a narrow majority, 51 percent, still disapproves of Biden’s job performance.
Such a feckless response.

In a tweet sent Tuesday, the Ukrainian president wrote: “Thankful for US and @POTUS personal leadership in striking in the heart of Putin’s war machine and banning oil, gas and coal from US market." He reiterated his appreciation in an a video posted later in the day, saying: “The United States has taken a step that will significantly weaken the invaders. It will make them pay for aggression and be responsible for the evil they have done. For all the evil...I am grateful personally to President of the United States...for this decision. For this leadership. For this most powerful signal to the whole world. It is very simple: every penny paid to Russia turns into bullets and projectiles that fly to other sovereign states.”
Such a feckless response.

In a tweet sent Tuesday, the Ukrainian president wrote: “Thankful for US and @POTUS personal leadership in striking in the heart of Putin’s war machine and banning oil, gas and coal from US market." He reiterated his appreciation in an a video posted later in the day, saying: “The United States has taken a step that will significantly weaken the invaders. It will make them pay for aggression and be responsible for the evil they have done. For all the evil...I am grateful personally to President of the United States...for this decision. For this leadership. For this most powerful signal to the whole world. It is very simple: every penny paid to Russia turns into bullets and projectiles that fly to other sovereign states.”

Zelensky would dress up like a prepubescent girl and let Biden sniff him if he acts against Russian interests.

Agree we should have shut down Russian oil. I said so about a week ago. The Biden administration is as effective as I would be running the country...though they're about 168 hours slower.
And LOL, I answered your question directly. Something that you almost never do.

Feckless? Get on my level, bruh. 😂
Naw, as usual, you downplay everything Biden does, while making excuses for Trump.

Such a hypocrite.
Naw, as usual, you downplay everything Biden does, while making excuses for Trump.

Such a hypocrite.

Mirror. Buy one.

Debating you is a monumental waste of time...but as usual, everything you post is true about you rather than the person that you are responding to.

Leaders lead. Losers make excuses and finger point. Biden admin blamed supply issues and now Putin for inflation and oil prices. What have they done to correct these issues? Inflation has been "temporary" for a year now.

Why not sit down with American oil producers and ask," what are your obstacles to drastically ramping up US production?" Respond to those obstacles and overcome those hurdles...that's what a leader would do. That's what leadership looks like.

I've been critical of Trump and you enjoyed it. When I'm critical of Biden's admin you you are ITT. As I said, buy a mirror.
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Mirror. Buy one.

Debating you is a monumental waste of time...but as usual, everything you post is true about you rather than the person that you are responding to.

Leaders lead. Losers make excuses and finger point. Biden admin blamed supply issues and now Putin for inflation and oil prices. What have they done to correct these issues? Inflation has been "temporary" for a year now.

Why not sit down with American oil producers and ask," what are your obstacles to drastically ramping up US production?" Respond to those obstacles and overcome those hurdles...that's what a leader would do. That's what leadership looks like.

I've been critical of Trump and you enjoyed it. When I'm critical of Biden's admin you you are ITT. As I said, buy a mirror.
In fact, I have been critical of the administration’s energy policy. As I said previously, the pie in the sky,” let’s get rid of all fossil fuels” is coming home to roost. My problem is with the lame partisan “it’s all Biden’s fault” responses, when in fact he has had little impact to date. Keystone (I’m in favor), Federal leases(I’m in favor), Alaska (I’m not), have zero to do with the current price of gasoline, no matter how much Fox or the Pubs want to make of it. It will impact future supply, but none today or the near future.

The administration is now facing a difficult choice between energy security and the longer term energy transition away from fossil fuels. It can be done, just not overnight. I believe he can make some concessions to increase short term supply, without hindering the longer term goals. We’ll see if he’s willing to do that. He’s a politician, he knows how negatively the current gas prices are impacting the average voter.
Thank God we have a president looking out for the American worker. It seems like only yesterday when there were 22 million unemployed. Thank you Joe for navigating us thru that disaster that was Trump presidency.


The overwhelming majority of labor market data and anecdotal remarks from companies have underscored a job market that remains incredibly tight. Demand for workers has far outpaced supply, and job openings have held near record levels. This has created a situation in which employees maintain a significant amount of leverage — and have seen considerable wage increases — while the labor supply-side constraints have contributed to economy-wide inflationary pressures.

"The labor market is extremely tight," Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said in testimony before the House Financial Services Committee on Wednesday.

"Labor demand is very strong, and while labor force participation has ticked up, labor supply remains subdued," Powell said. "As a result, employers are having difficulties filling job openings, an unprecedented number of workers are quitting to take new jobs, and wages are rising at their fastest pace in many years."
YOU CANNOT BE THIS STUPID. But then again......
In fact, I have been critical of the administration’s energy policy. As I said previously, the pie in the sky,” let’s get rid of all fossil fuels” is coming home to roost. My problem is with the lame partisan “it’s all Biden’s fault” responses, when in fact he has had little impact to date. Keystone (I’m in favor), Federal leases(I’m in favor), Alaska (I’m not), have zero to do with the current price of gasoline, no matter how much Fox or the Pubs want to make of it. It will impact future supply, but none today or the near future.

The administration is now facing a difficult choice between energy security and the longer term energy transition away from fossil fuels. It can be done, just not overnight. I believe he can make some concessions to increase short term supply, without hindering the longer term goals. We’ll see if he’s willing to do that. He’s a politician, he knows how negatively the current gas prices are impacting the average voter.

Just ftr I've never listed Keystone, Federal leases, Anwar or any specific site/project in my objections to this administration's policies or stance towards fossil fuels or their energy policies in general. My issue is that THEY ARE NOT LEADING.

I saw your "pie in the sky" comment today. I've never seen that from you before.
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Just ftr I've never listed Keystone, Federal leases, Anwar or any specific site/project in my objections to this administration's policies or stance towards fossil fuels or their energy policies in general. My issue is that THEY ARE NOT LEADING.

I saw your "pie in the sky" comment today. I've never seen that from you before.
In so many words.

Well said. We will be transitioning Away from fossil fuels but it doesn’t happen overnight. Those that thought we could just get away from oil and gas at the drop of a hat are getting a painful lesson. This doesn’t mean we give up on alternative energy sources, however. There will be many bumps in the road along the way.
So now you add the 100% part and pretend like that's a number that I've ever used?

Dishonest to your core imho
So sensitive. I was referring to Captain Ron‘s post in the OP you were responding to.. Thats where the “100% responsible” line came from.

I expect an apology.
So sensitive. I was referring to Captain Ron‘s post in the OP you were responding to.. Thats where the “100% responsible” line came from.

I expect an apology.

I've just become accustomed to your allergies to the truth.

You should be expecting a lobotomy...but go ahead and wait for that apology.
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