So let me ask...if they were so "swift and severe", why did he invade under the Brandon administration AND the Hussein administration, yet for 4 years when Trump was in invasions?Swift and severe. Just like he promised.
Breaking News: President Biden announced strong new sanctions aimed at punishing Russia for what he called “the beginning of a Russian invasion of Ukraine.”
Anyone with a functioning brain knows this99% of us know Trump lost to the Democrat vote harvesting scheme. I recommend Rigged by Molly Hemingway.
Anyone with a functioning brain knows this
Barr laying the wood to you Trumpers and your fake election raud claims. What an embarrassment he was.
Ex-Attorney General William Barr Urges GOP to Move On From Trump — The Wall Street Journal
Book recounts confrontational meeting in Oval Office and says Republicans need to focus on new
Now, ready for the Trump Defense squad to start attacking in 3….2….1
You and @nail1988 Not that there’s anything wrong with it.If I were ever a bank robber that took all of the money and then got away from the scene of the crime, I'd be hoping that same Barr was the prosecutor in charge of pursuing my case....
I got away with it initially,,, so Barr then says let's just forget about it and move on.....
And the BS-C911 💩 would happily go along with that decision I'm sure,,, especially if it was HIS bank that just got robbed....
We’re still waiting on that Mensa test results there, Fauxronomo.There are not 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for a shrub who can't draw 5 cars to a Jack in the Box drive thru. Brandon didn't actively campaign. Notice the "crowds" at the rare campaign rallies in Scranton and Phoenix? Check out Brandon approval in blue states lately?
Mentally unfit is better than being mentally unstable like......well, you know who.
Mentally unfit is better than being mentally unstable like......well, you know who.
When is DeSantis going to stop all the Cubans from taking over Miami. They don’t call it Little Havana for nothing.Wages are not rising fast enough for Brandon's inflationary tidal wave. Have we checked Brandon approval in blue states lately? Have we checked Brandon's nation wide crime wave, augmented by a wide open southern border?
instaGATOR and Ron DeSantis gets it. This is not wave mechanics.
Another example of Trumpers being gullible.
Column: Trump’s trade deal with China turned out to be a huge, costly bust
The deal, it may be remembered, required China to make $200 billion in new purchases of agricultural and manufactured goods, services and crude oil and other energy.
The idea floated by Trump was that the deal would end the trade war he had started with China, while producing a massive infusion of new income for American manufacturers and growers.
None of those outcomes happened. Although the trade war stopped escalating, most of the tariffs Trump had imposed on Chinese goods remained in place, as did retaliatory tariffs China imposed.
More to the point, "China bought none of the additional $200 billion of exports Trump's deal had promised."
That's the finding of a study just published by Chad P. Bown of the Peterson Institute of International Economics, who has assiduously tracked China trade since the deal was reached
Why didn't China buy the $200 billion?
Uhhhh, the guy that made the deal. Trump.???
When we're they supposed to make those purchases? Did someone not follow through with pressuring China to fulfill their commitments.
As you've clearly demonstrated again and again, getting through to the board's slowest is completely beyond your reach.???
When we're they supposed to make those purchases? Did someone not follow through with pressuring China to fulfill their commitments.
Uhhhh, the guy that made the deal. Trump.
And why did you never bitch about this tax on the American people.
As you've clearly demonstrated again and again, getting through to the board's slowest is completely beyond your reach.
Agree about the IP theft, but the tariffs did nothing to address that. They were intended to fix the trade imbalance. They accomplished nothing but driving up costs to US companies and consumers (depending on whether you believe all cost increases are passed on to consumers).I'll answer this separately as I've become accustomed to your spin tactics.
I'm not a big fan of tariffs or duties, never have been. However, considering China's proclivities towards IP theft and their regular negligence in regards to international trade laws and standards, something needed (and still needs) to be done.
Add to that China's stated desires by 2049 and the costs of doing nothing, targeted tariffs and duties were reasonable. China is a threat to everyone on planet Earth save the Chinese elite themselves.
Kind of like you getting thru the door at Mensa, huh?As you've clearly demonstrated again and again, getting through to the board's slowest is completely beyond your reach.
Don’t know and don’t care. I do know the tariffs drove up my steel costs and lowered my soybean sales.Why didn't China buy the $200 billion?
Agree about the IP theft, but the tariffs did nothing to address that. They were intended to fix the trade imbalance. They accomplished nothing but driving up costs to US companies and consumers (depending on whether you believe all cost increases are passed on to consumers).
If you believe China is a threat to all mankind why did we not just ban all ? I wonder how that would have worked out.People love to bitch about China but still buy their shit.
Don’t know and don’t care. I do know the tariffs drove up my steel costs and lowered my soybean sales.
Not that you care.
Agree about the IP theft, but the tariffs did nothing to address that.
Yeah, that's called a lose/lose deal, like most anti free market proposals.And this isn't true. It cost them a crap ton of money while they were in a recession and Trump's administration did harp on IP theft. They even shut down a consulate.
Yes, it was expensive for us too.
A failure is still a failure.Global shutdown due to covid coupled with a new administration in year two.
I figured that you wouldn't answer but I gave you an opportunity. You blew it, of course.