No, I didn’t buy into it at all. I merely said I heard it. Obviously there was some rollout planned as the hospital workers and nursing homes were first to receive it. Maybe the guy was talking about the next steps. I don’t know and don’t care.
Apparantly you think you are the only one that questions everything the media tells you. Yet you bought the whole election hoax hook line and sinker. NOBODY trusts everything the media reports. That’s been proven in many surveys.
Like I said, I didn’t really care what the Biden guy said. And I’m quite certain Biden will take credit for things he had nothing to do with. Just like Trump did, and you guys repeated every one in here. Yet you think you are so woke. GMAFB.
PS. An average of 900k wasn’t being administered. See the chart I posted.
Woke? WTF are you talking about? Don’t use words you don’t understand self proclaimed king, you’re only digging yourself a deeper grave.
I have yet to see you question anything unless it’s Trump related. In fact, corn pop’s hand is so far up your ass that you’re his puppet. You mimic and regurgitate everything he says like he’s some genius. He’s not, never has been and never will be. Why do you think he has handlers and wears an ear piece so he’s aware of what to say and he still ****s that up?
Here is what corn pop is great at doing, more red tape, opening our boarders, kissing china’s ass, killing jobs, encroaching on the second amendment, bending over for big tech, weaponizing our intelligence agencies, grifting tax dollars and whoring his son around and this is just 13 days in. I’m sure there is more to come.
If you’re buying he had a covid plan then you’re as dumb as the other corn pop circle jerk club on this board. Oh but he made it mandatory to wear masks while using public transportation. Great plan there corn pop, way to get em tiger.
The beauty of this whole thing BSC, every single day into corn pop’s administration is another day that solidifies that had we not had Trump during this pandemic, we’d be ****ed as a country.
(hand inserted into BSC’s ass)
BSC: dad, bill is being mean again. He keeps throwing truth bombs at me all day and I tried to spin, deflect and even ignore but he keeps coming at me.
Corn Pop: don’t worry son, let him know that even though I don’t have a covid plan, I’m still going to take credit for the vaccine and vaccine distribution. (Ear piece: solute the soldiers) Salute the soldiers.
BSC: What soldiers?
Corn Pop: oh you know the thing
BSC: (confused)
Corn Pop: c’mon man
BSC: well dad, I’m going to reason with Bill on my hearsay. When do I make the check out to the big guy?
Corn Pop: Big Guy? Oh yeah, that’s me, we can’t talk about that. I’m going to send Hunter back to China, cracked out, he better get a 2 billion dollar deal with China. I did do him a favor and named Hunter’s attorney head of the investigation into Hunter at the DOJ. A little trick I learned in my 47 years in office.
Fake Dr. Jill Corn Pop: Honey, time for your bath.
Corn Pop: got to go son, it’s Wednesday night, time for my enema.
BSC: ok dad, be safe out there
Corn Pop: shut up BSC, I don’t work for you