God Bless President Biden

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I speak to God, but never to ask for blessing for traitors.
While you claim that wasted/brain-dead PoS pretender in the WH is the president???
At best, he's a parrot for the other traitors that are trying to drive this country into Marxist oblivion.

There is a traitor's wall waiting for the one's like you that support those Rats, and someday it may eventually find yawl....

Bit of trivia. I just heard tonight that in a little less than the past 2 years, the FBI has already had to do 39 Million+ Background checks for new gun purchases.... Wonder what that might mean? BTW, I wasn't one of the millions of new gun purchasers....
Lots of hate in your heart. I suggest you ask Jesus for help. He’s there to guide you to love thy neighbor.
So Trump tried to weaponizing the Justice Dept. in his baseless attempt to overthrow the will of the people. And dolts OTB still think he won. Thank God we now have an adult in charge, even if he’s a bit over the hill.

The interim report, expected to be released publicly this week, describes how Justice Department officials scrambled to stave off a series of events during a period when Mr. Trump was getting advice about blocking certification of the electionfrom a lawyer he had first seen on television and the president’s actions were so unsettling that his top general and the House speaker discussed the nuclear chain of command.
“This report shows the American people just how close we came to a constitutional crisis,” Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois and chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in a statement. “Thanks to a number of upstanding Americans in the Department of Justice, Donald Trump was unable to bend the department to his will. But it was not due to a lack of effort.”
Following Biden’s lead on getting the debt ceiling extended, the market is back on track.

And all the sore losers do it whine and complain. Sad people.
Biden taking heat for being too tough on the border.

Top State adviser leaves post, rips Biden’s use of Trump-era Title 42

A senior State Department official is leaving his role in the Biden administration. And on his way out, he has sent a scathing internal memo criticizing the president’s use of a Trump-era policy to expel migrants from the southern border.

In a detailed legal memo dated October 2 and obtained by POLITICO, Harold Koh, a senior adviser and the sole political appointee on the State Department’s legal team, called the use of the public health authority known as Title 42 “illegal,” “inhumane” and “not worthy of this Administration that I so strongly support.”
He should take heat on the border - for inviting this crisis to happen. He, along with 19 other democrats in the initial primary raised their hands when asked if immigration should be decriminalized. He also raised his hand, along with everyone else, if they should get free benefits.

So what happened? Hundreds of thousands of people came. The cartels set up networks to profit off of their misery. Mexico, El Salvador, has done nothing.

These are, I am sure, for the most part, good people. Some should be allowed to come in legally and over some period of time, 10 years, never, etc. become full voting citizens. Any child born in the US will be a citizen.

He then, gets hard on the border when he realizes that 80% of the american public does not want open borders when we have unemployment issues, wage stagnation (more supply depressed wages), and then increased taxes and debts to pay for the social security net that they will tap into in some or part (schools, pre-K, community college, etc.) It is why, his approval rating is absolutely plummeting.

If you say we should have open borders, then great - you pay for it directly and have those individual in your state. (unfortunately, they could move at any time, so that does not work)

By the way - this goes for immigrants from ANYWHERE. I do NOT care if they come from Gothenberg Sweden, the UK, New Delhi, Shanghai, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, etc.)

So Biden is in a tough spot? He is an experienced individual, he can deal with it. He caused this issue from a lack of courage and conviction on a debating stage.
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He should take heat on the border - for inviting this crisis to happen. He, along with 19 other democrats in the initial primary raised their hands when asked if immigration should be decriminalized. He also raised his hand, along with everyone else, if they should get free benefits.

So what happened? Hundreds of thousands of people came. The cartels set up networks to profit off of their misery. Mexico, El Salvador, has done nothing.

These are, I am sure, for the most part, good people. Some should be allowed to come in legally and over some period of time, 10 years, never, etc. become full voting citizens. Any child born in the US will be a citizen.

He then, gets hard on the border when he realizes that 80% of the american public does not want open borders when we have unemployment issues, wage stagnation (more supply depressed wages), and then increased taxes and debts to pay for the social security net that they will tap into in some or part (schools, pre-K, community college, etc.) It is why, his approval rating is absolutely plummeting.

If you say we should have open borders, then great - you pay for it directly and have those individual in your state. (unfortunately, they could move at any time, so that does not work)

By the way - this goes for immigrants from ANYWHERE. I do NOT care if they come from Gothenberg Sweden, the UK, New Delhi, Shanghai, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, etc.)

So Biden is in a tough spot? He is an experienced individual, he can deal with it. He caused this issue from a lack of courage and conviction on a debating stage.
I’m not for open borders, and even agree that he helped create the mess. He was obviously pandering to the base at the debates.

But is it a full blown crisis? Nah. Just some scary pictures that the right wing media uses to scare the xenophobes. They are following the law, as written. Nobody is asking you to pay for anything, so you’ll be fine.
The Veggie is one weird SOB

Biden Says He Called Hospital for Friend Frustrated by Emergency Room Delays​

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Market up for the week. Oils tops $80/bbl. Record corn an beans prices.

How are those prices for you Beanie-Weanies lately? You still good? Just asking for a friend.
Been quoted $13,000 to $14,000 per acre for our farm. It sure is nice not have a disastrous trade war depressing prices.

Plus WHD back over $40.
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For the slowest of our slow.............

Surely you’re talking about Trump, who engineered the biggest budget deficit in history. Best to stick to tax returns, as your memes are a big fail.
For the slowest of our slow.............

It's hilarious that you drop a cartoon on us that's 87 years old and act like it has any validity.

I hate having to explain this to you, but I know you will be deliberately obtuse if I don't. If this had any validity it would have happened a long time ago. Plus, I would have you note, it's not true, has never been true, will never be true. Russia had a tremendous drop in GDP in the 1913-1928 time frame, because of WWI, followed by Civil war, followed by famine. None of that has anything to do with spending, other than wartime spending. Here's a nice article on the truth of the Russian economy in those days.

So let's recap:

This cartoon is just like the memes of today, full of lies designed to fool the gullible and ignorant.

You are evidently part of the gullible and ignorant.

Everybody who liked this is also part of the gullible and ignorant.
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It's hilarious that you drop a cartoon on us that's 87 years old and act like it has any validity.

I hate having to explain this to you, but I know you will be deliberately obtuse if I don't. If this had any validity it would have happened a long time ago. Plus, I would have you note, it's not true, has never been true, will never be true. Russia had a tremendous drop in GDP in the 1913-1928 time frame, because of WWI, followed by Civil war, followed by famine. None of that has anything to do with spending, other than wartime spending. Here's a nice article on the truth of the Russian economy in those days.

So let's recap:

This cartoon is just like the memes of today, full of lies designed to fool the gullible and ignorant.

You are evidently part of the gullible and ignorant.

Everybody who liked this is also part of the gullible and ignorant.

So you are taking the position that overspending can't have a negative impact on the US?

Yes, I realize that I'm asking a stupid question but I can't for the life of me see what other point that you might be making.

We have a spending problem in this country. It's not a taxation problem, it's a spending problem. The last two Republicans that we had in office suffered from the same it's bipartisan and it's not sustainable.
Yea...everything is awesome. Biden's presidency is going swimmingly and that's why he's so popular.

Check it out...another post in your thread. You rock dude. 😂
See, now you’re just trying to deflect.

He certainly has his issues, like every president. Yes, There are some challenges, but some successes, which of course you ignore.

But, unlike you, I’m rooting for him to succeed.

PS. Thanks.
So you are taking the position that overspending can't have a negative impact on the US?

Yes, I realize that I'm asking a stupid question but I can't for the life of me see what other point that you might be making.

We have a spending problem in this country. It's not a taxation problem, it's a spending problem. The last two Republicans that we had in office suffered from the same it's bipartisan and it's not sustainable.
Why not?
Would you please name a success? Go ahead on, I'll wait.
Stimulus plan
Vaccine rollout
Rejoining the Paris accord
New Russia sanctions
Less drama
Less childlike behavior
Reengaging with our allies.
Soon to pass infrastructure plan

And most importantly, rising oil prices.
See, now you’re just trying to deflect.

He certainly has his issues, like every president. Yes, There are some challenges, but some successes, which of course you ignore.

But, unlike you, I’m rooting for him to succeed.

PS. Thanks.

LOL, deflect from what? This administration is a sh1t show.

It's a great day for these guys when Biden doesn't offend someone or get creepy with a woman or a child.

This is your guy. If you didn't want Trump, fine...but maybe next time elect someone who hasn't passed his expiration date.
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That's the problem with your type. You failed history. Your spawn (if you tutored them) will fail it, and nothing will be learned. Socialism ain't gonna work this time either. The retards are currently trying to f#ck this country. 3.5 trillion in communism on deck. Own it!
Hilarious. I show you how you are the one who doesn't understand history, with graphs and all, and yet you still fail to understand. Let me see if I can make this clearer:

You are an idiot who understands nothing.
A fifth grade quiz for which you have no answers.

I d didn't come here and declare "BSC is slow." I came here to listen to BSC's incessant declarations, "I am slow."

BSC never stops reminding us.
I mean, who could answer what color does red and blue make. Who can answer that tuffy.

See if you can answer one. Define the word simplest. Or acrophobia.
Man, @Sunburnt Indian really has hurt your feewings hasn't he? I wish you could actually hear how you respond to his posts...almost every time.

He absolutely owns you.
Does he? I find people that claim internet “ownership” to be lame.

Yep, every time he bring up his fifth grade quiz, I mock him. That’s real ownership there.

At least it keeps the thread going. Every time he responds, God Bless President rising to the top.
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