Nice response dude. Well thought out.Holy crap dude. 😅🤣😅
Nice response dude. Well thought out.Holy crap dude. 😅🤣😅
A fifth grade quiz for which you have no answers.
I d didn't come here and declare "BSC is slow." I came here to listen to BSC's incessant declarations, "I am slow."
BSC never stops reminding us.
Nice response dude. Well thought out.
Of course. Why can’t we borrow as much as we need to fund the government?
Im testing your knowledge.
Does he? I find people that claim internet “ownership” to be lame.
Yep, every time he bring up his fifth grade quiz, I mock him. That’s real ownership there.
At least it keeps the thread going. Every time he responds, God Bless President rising to the top.
Bamafan: I can’t answer your question.😂...goodnight you are as dumb as DS.
Try this crap on a teenager. Fair warning, they may well laugh at you as well. Honest question...what is actually wrong with you? Have you been diagnosed?
Have you heard about this quiz he took 60 years ago? What is the simplest equation?If I was claiming to own you, maybe you would have a point. As it turns out, you have no point.
@Sunburnt Indian pisses you off...clearly. That is ownership friend.
I know someone else that can’t define simplest. One who gives multiple answers.BamaFan understands axiom and argument. You don't. All here except you can define simplest.
BamaFan would score much higher than you in the intelligence quotient class room.
How do I know this? You just won't stop making these declarations. Your reminders are incessant. We all get it.
Bamafan: I can’t answer your question.
Bamafan: You’re dumb.
BSC: Derp.
It’s a serious question about fiscal financing. You could discuss Keynes vs. Friedman. What is the appropriate Debt/GDP level? What impact does it have on the dollar?
I understand if you want to sit this one out.
Yet you choose not to attempt to answer. I can understand why.I can also choose to point and laugh. Guess which one I've chosen.
You asked a stupid question. I called you out on it. Be a man, take your lumps and do better next time.
Have you heard about this quiz he took 60 years ago? What is the simplest equation?
What color does red and blue make. Hint. There are many correct answers.BamaFan understands axiom and argument. You don't. All here except you can define simplest.
BamaFan would score much higher than you in the intelligence quotient class room.
How do I know this? You just won't stop making these declarations. Your reminders are incessant. We all get it.
Is this a trick question?I have.
Do you know the guy who absolutely loses his sh1t anytime @Sunburnt Indian mentions it? It's freaking hilarious.
Yet you choose not to attempt to answer. I can understand why.
Fiscal debt levels are a complex subject.
And the really slow don’t even know what they are asking. .The slow labels questions he can't answer as stupid, dumb or trick.
Thank you President Biden
Social Security Benefits to Increase 5.9% for 2022
Seniors and other Americans receiving Social Security will see largest increase in payments in 40 years
I figured that was good news for Sunburnt and the other senior citizens on here.
You still don't get it. This thread is a tribute to just how stupid you are. When aliens land and read your bullshit, they will report back to Star Fleet Command that there is no intelligent life on earth, at least lounge posts originated from Houston, Texas.
Wait. I thought the borders were already open.
BREAKING NEWS The U.S. will open the Canada and Mexico borders for fully vaccinated travelers in November, lifting a 19-month ban that began with the pandemic.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 11:08 PM EST Those who provide proof of vaccination and are looking to visit families or friends or shop in the United States will be allowed to enter next month, senior administration officials said, just weeks after President Biden lifted a similar sweeping ban on foreigners looking to travel to the country from overseas
Who knew? Another brilliant hot take from our resident almost genius.SSI increases are tied to inflation.
Hmmm. They seem to left out that all of the inflation is Biden’s fault.
Thats probably the biggest raise you’ve gotten in over 30 years.Thinking people here know I am not pleased with the highest SSI increase in 40 years. Naturally you don't get it.
Fox Business just told me September saw 8.6% year over year increase in wholesale inflation. Let's think of a way to blame Trump.
NavigatorII can't explain any of this to you. I join NavigatorII in wasting my time.
Ah, so that’s what the right wing media is claiming? Inflation is all due to Biden? LOL.Yes, NBC and the rest of the sycophant legacy media do a great job of covering for Biden.
Gosh I tried to post here but couldn’t find it.New posts for the cuck communist Biden go HERE!
Fuk BSC, he can be obtuse and retarded (as usual here). No more post to his idiot tribute thread. Aliens will land on his original post and report back to command "no intelligent life on Earth". Here we can rebuttle that, as well as call him out for the dumfuk he is!
Go here. 😂
Another one waving the white flag. How many is that now?PS --- This will be my final read or post to this thread.
May it in the future, be just as dead as your brain is.
The Biden crime family
WH: Joe Biden ‘Proud of His Son’ Hunter Biden After Selling $375,000 Worth of Paintings
WH: Joe Biden 'Proud of His Son' Hunter Biden After Selling $375,000 Worth of Paintings
The White House defended President Joe Biden's son Hunter for selling $375,000 worth of his artwork, despite ethical
Oh nooooooo……..Looks like you have some work to do…..