God Bless President Biden

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The natural gas chart is pretty much the same. Peak rig count was maybe a month later.

But if you look at oil prices...

...they were hovering in the high-$40 to low-$50 range almost Trump's entire term (small spike in 2018, oddly about the same time rig counts started to ramp down).

Natural gas isn't quite the same, but similar story. From 2018-pandemic prices were plummeting.

So is it just a matter of a commodity industry slowing active investment because supply was more than meeting demand lowering prices? Wasn't Trump trying to export oil to support ongoing domestic production - or are you asserting he was making it harder for new rigs to drill?

Commodities ramp up when prices are high, because it's when you make your profits. Now's the time to make hay. Why aren't we back to 2018 levels with either type of drilling?
Duh, that’s the whole point. The president has nothing to do with drilling, it’s all based on economics.

But thanks for posting charts that prove my point.

BTW,the pandemic didn’t start in 2018. Are you insane?
HEY are a liar? My question is...are you just lying about drilling...or your supposed profession? We KNOW you lied about owning a big boat. Have you EVER told the truth on this board? This article just DESTROYS your BS
Uh, that was my boat that I posted.

And much bigger than your skiff. Don’t be embarrassed, little man. To each his own.

It’s pretty obvious that people iTT can’t even read a chart. Never a dull moment.

I swear it’s like taking candy from a baby.
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True or false, the rig count has more than doubled since Biden took over. Here’s your chance to prove your claim.

Here's what I have to say about this...

The natural gas chart is pretty much the same. Peak rig count was maybe a month later.

But if you look at oil prices...

...they were hovering in the high-$40 to low-$50 range almost Trump's entire term (small spike in 2018, oddly about the same time rig counts started to ramp down).

Natural gas isn't quite the same, but similar story. From 2018-pandemic prices were plummeting.

So is it just a matter of a commodity industry slowing active investment because supply was more than meeting demand lowering prices? Wasn't Trump trying to export oil to support ongoing domestic production - or are you asserting he was making it harder for new rigs to drill?

Commodities ramp up when prices are high, because it's when you make your profits. Now's the time to make hay. Why aren't we back to 2018 levels with either type of drilling?

I was pretty clear...I never read your chart. As I stated, when you say something, I simply assume that you're lying based on precedent.

You say I can't read a chart. I say you can't read, period.

Oh, so you are just repeating what the rest of the ignorant crew claimed, without even looking at it. Figures. That’s what sheep do.

And it wasn’t my chart, it was the one that Fatman posted that proved my claim.

Still undefeated.

Duh, that’s the whole point. The president has nothing to do with drilling, it’s all based on economics.

But thanks for posting charts that prove my point.

BTW,the pandemic didn’t start in 2018. Are you insane?
I didn’t say it did. I was just citing what was in the charts. But you keep blaming Trump for ramping production down and giving Biden credit for “doubling” active rigs. Be intellectually consistent.

Ok so we’re in agreement. You drill when prices are high. That’s when you make your money.

Answer the question - why aren’t we drilling more now that prices are up? Any response to the politico article re: the decline in permits?
I didn’t say it did. I was just citing what was in the charts. But you keep blaming Trump for ramping production down and giving Biden credit for “doubling” active rigs. Be intellectually consistent.

Ok so we’re in agreement. You drill when prices are high. That’s when you make your money.

Answer the question - why aren’t we drilling more now that prices are up? Any response to the politico article re: the decline in permits?
1. I never blamed Trump for “ramping production down.” Quit lying in order to cover your ass.
2. I said drilling has more than doubled since Biden took over. That’s a fact.
3. There are many reasons drilling is still below previous peaks. None of which you would understand. Biden has nothing to do with it. In fact there were over 4000 rigs drilling at one point. Rigs change over time. Many Rigs drilling even in 2018 are no longer usable.
You guys caught me. I’ve never been in the O&G business, nor owned a 45 foot boat, graduated from UF, owned several businesses, or owned multiple properties. In fact, I’m actually a Chevy used car salesman just like Capt. Ron.

Man, the jealousy ITT just drips off the page.
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1. I never blamed Trump for “ramping production down.” Quit lying in order to cover your ass.
2. I said drilling has more than doubled since Biden took over. That’s a fact.
3. There are many reasons drilling is still below previous peaks. None of which you would understand. Biden has nothing to do with it. In fact there were over 4000 rigs drilling at one point. Rigs change over time. Many Rigs drilling even in 2018 are no longer usable.
You are such a lying FRAUD

"Last week the administration also issued Secretarial Order No. 3395, which implemented a 60-day suspension of new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for federal land and water.

This week President Biden followed that action up with Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. The biggest takeaway from this order was an indefinite “pause on new oil and natural gas leases on public lands” until a comprehensive review on the climate change impacts can be completed."
Arguing about rig counts, Mensa tests, and whatnot is a pure deflection play to get you to not notice what a shitty job Biden's handlers are doing at running the country. Here's hoping the Dems get the clock-cleaning they deserve two weeks from now.
I’m not the one who brings up the fake Mensa test all the time. That’s someone else. I just call him out when he does. Same when he says the Biden has banned drilling and fracking.

I just present facts and watch the butt hurt scramble.

In fact, it won’t bother me a bit if the Pubs take over the House and/or senate. A split governing is usually a good thing since then only reasonable measures get passed.
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You are such a lying FRAUD

"Last week the administration also issued Secretarial Order No. 3395, which implemented a 60-day suspension of new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for federal land and water.

This week President Biden followed that action up with Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. The biggest takeaway from this order was an indefinite “pause on new oil and natural gas leases on public lands” until a comprehensive review on the climate change impacts can be completed."
Derp. Stick to selling cars dude. That order was just a temporary suspension so that they evaluate options, and leases were subsequently reinstated. Permits increased. No drilling was banned and it has had zero impact on current production. Those leases won’t be drilled for many years in the future.

I love it when used car salesmen try to tell experts in the O&G industry what is going on. You don’t see me trying to tell you how to change oil in a Chevy Impala.
Sec. 207. Renewable Energy on Public Lands and in Offshore Waters. The Secretary of the Interior shall review siting and permitting processes on public lands and in offshore waters to identify to the Task Force steps that can be taken, consistent with applicable law, to increase renewable energy production on those lands and in those waters, with the goal of doubling offshore wind by 2030 while ensuring robust protection for our lands, waters, and biodiversity and creating good jobs. In conducting this review, the Secretary of the Interior shall consult, as appropriate, with the heads of relevant agencies, including the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, through the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Secretary of Energy, the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality, State and Tribal authorities, project developers, and other interested parties. The Secretary of the Interior shall engage with Tribal authorities regarding the development and management of renewable and conventional energy resources on Tribal lands.

Sec. 208. Oil and Natural Gas Development on Public Lands and in Offshore Waters. To the extent consistent with applicable law,the Secretary of the Interior shall pause new oil and natural gas leases on public lands or in offshore waters pending completion of a comprehensive review and reconsideration of Federal oil and gas permitting and leasing practices in light of the Secretary of the Interior’s broad stewardship responsibilities over the public lands and in offshore waters, including potential climate and other impacts associated with oil and gas activities on public lands or in offshore waters. The Secretary of the Interior shall complete that review in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Secretary of Energy. In conducting this analysis, and to the extent consistent with applicable law, the Secretary of the Interior shall consider whether to adjust royalties associated with coal, oil, and gas resources extracted from public lands and offshore waters, or take other appropriate action, to account for corresponding climate costs.

Sec. 209. Fossil Fuel Subsidies. The heads of agencies shall identify for the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the National Climate Advisor any fossil fuel subsidies provided by their respective agencies, and then take steps to ensure that, to the extent consistent with applicable law, Federal funding is not directly subsidizing fossil fuels. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall seek, in coordination with the heads of agencies and the National Climate Advisor, to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies from the budget request for Fiscal Year 2022 and thereafter.

Read this...THIS is why our energy prices are so high. Read what these bonafide IDIOTS did to America.
Double derp. LOL.
I see the Chevy salesman is still triggered that drilling has more than doubled under Biden.

Thank you @fatman76 for confirming that.
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And least anyone forgets it....

Reality instead of just more BS-C911 💩 ....

Keeping what's important on this BS-C911 thread, front and center....


Report: Biden Administration Considering Pulling Health Care from Veterans to Treat Illegal Aliens = FJB

Did you, or a family member, serve your country with the expectation of receiving the health care benefits you were promised?

Sorry, illegal aliens apparently come first in President Joe Biden’s America.

The Biden administration reportedly is considering diverting doctors from the Department of Veterans Affairs to treat the massive inflow of illegal aliens expected at the southern border this spring and summer.

Hillary Vaughn of Fox Business reported on the insulting slight to American veterans on Thursday, citing a source with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. She quoted the source as saying, “We’re going to take medical services away from people that really deserve that. Who went to combat … to give free medical attention to illegal migrants.” 😡

Use the below link for the rest of the story....
(Trump over-hauled the VA making it much better, while FJB wants to screw us)

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I see you woke up from my knockout punch, son. I hope you rested well.....
Dream on, Chevy boy. You don’t understand the first thing about my industry. It’s painfully obvious.

Please cut and paste more, though. It’s entertaining.
My fault for trying to have an actual conversation.

If he returns he will cite some facts that have nothing to do with my questions and tell me I’m an idiot.
Be honest, you have no interest in actually learning anything about the industry. Anything other than Biden bad, Trump genius, doesn’t compute for you and your crew.

I posted facts that support what I said. You ignored them and deflected to something totally different. That’s what you do.
Time to lock this thread?

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Oh, so you are just repeating what the rest of the ignorant crew claimed, without even looking at it. Figures. That’s what sheep do.

And it wasn’t my chart, it was the one that Fatman posted that proved my claim.

Still undefeated.


For the 3rd time now, I just assume you're lying. It's been a great time saver for me. And way more often than not, my assumption is correct.
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For the 3rd time now, I just assume you're lying. It's been a great time saver for me. And way more often than not, my assumption is correct.
And I assume you are a transsexual who likes to dress up like the cop in the Village People. You’re too big a sheep to be a real cop.

So there.
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1. I never blamed Trump for “ramping production down.” Quit lying in order to cover your ass.
2. I said drilling has more than doubled since Biden took over. That’s a fact.
3. There are many reasons drilling is still below previous peaks. None of which you would understand. Biden has nothing to do with it. In fact there were over 4000 rigs drilling at one point. Rigs change over time. Many Rigs drilling even in 2018 are no longer usable.
Why are you so angry and defensive? Calm down and let's discuss this like adults.

1) You're right. I took your comment about "Biden doubling" rig activity as a shot at Trump. Normally when the successor makes a move deemed positive, it's because the predecessor screwed it up. Glad we agree Trump was pretty good for the energy industry because Biden is lagging about 35% behind peak activity under Trump (after almost two years that's terrible).
2) See #1 - I never said it wasn't factual and I never said it's the whole story either. But that's what trolls do, hang on to one key point like Linus with his blanket, ignoring the whole story because it doesn't meet the narrative.
3) You always say no one could possibly understand, but you never even attempt an explanation. Makes most of us think you have zero clue about anything you claim to be an expert in...

4) You keep ignoring the Politico article so I'll keep asking about it. These O&G companies are idiots I guess. I don't see the strategy of not expanding drilling and then blaming the administration slow walking permits. Remember, onshore and offshore Federal land represents about 35% of O&G production, it's meaningful - no joke, no I'm serious, c'mon man.

- Ryan McConnaughey, spokesperson for the Petroleum Association of Wyoming, said the Biden administration has a “playbook” for federal development: 'delay, distract and deflect'. "It doesn’t come as much of a surprise that the Biden Administration’s approval of APDs [applications for permit to drill] has plummeted,” he said.

- Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, said the political focus on the drilling permits and leases already held by industry is a red herring from the White House.
“Just because Acme O&G isn’t using a permit right away doesn’t mean that ABC O&G doesn’t need one for a well it’s planning to drill now,” she said. “If the federal permitting situation weren’t so inefficient and fraught with political interference, companies wouldn’t need to request a large inventory even years in advance."
If the White House wants drilling to increase, they could ease regulatory requirements and speed up permitting, she said.

Another article on Biden admin slowing Permits and Leases:

President Biden’s Interior Department leased 126,228 acres for drilling through Aug. 20, his first 19 months in office, the analysis found. No other president since Richard Nixon in 1969-70 leased out fewer than 4.4 million acres at this stage in his first term.

5) Here's another big problem. The Biden administration is going after O&G from the investment side. Is that not a fact you'd like to put forward, because it's one more way he's contributing to the situation we're in? I mean, since you know everything I have to assume you're just omitting this?

  • In April 2021, Climate Envoy John Kerry boasted that President Biden is poised to sign an executive order on climate financial risk that is “going to change allocation of capital,” and said in July 2021 that “the IEA is quite correct in pushing the notion that you really want to try to avoid the new [fossil fuel projects] rather than compounding the problem.”
  • In October 28, 2021, the State Department’s Senior Advisor for Energy Security, Amos Hochstein said: The administration sees investments in multi-decade natural gas and oil infrastructure “as unfortunate and unnecessary.”
Stricter SEC reporting requirements is another sneaky way to pressure investment away from fossil fuels.

"One of the big concerns from the oil and gas industry stems from the likely outcome that the SEC rule will afford some financial institutions and ESG investor groups with just another rationale to deny capital lending to companies."

So here's a much more complete picture than you're willing to provide, as an industry expert:
1) Biden promised to end fossil fuels.

If you don't think this affects markets, when the "leader" of the free world promises to kill something as vital as the O&G industry, you're an idiot.
2) Now that the markets are spooked, he's decimated the issuance of leases for drilling on federal lands. Like, an historically low number of acres in his first 19 months in office. This is choking off about 1/3rd of the available land and resources (note: he tried to do this with an EO and failed, so he just used the bureaucracy like a good fascist).
3) If #1 and #2 aren't good enough, he's now using the full power of the SEC (in conjunction with the surge of ESG requirements) to strongly deter investment in fossil fuel projects. This is a double whammy for investors given his promise to kill the industry. Why put your money in something that hurts your ESG targets and won't be around in 10 years if we keep "electing" democrats?
4) He's also killed about $20BB worth of subsidies, drained the Strategic Oil Reserve (to hold prices right before the mid terms), while a serious international conflict is going on and China is saber rattling at Taiwan.
5) His international policy has failed, best evidence is OPEC cutting production significantly after he begged them to ramp it up. Now he's looking to dirty Venezuelan oil (which pollutes the earth much more than if we did it ourselves)...and it helps prop up a the PCV which I'm sure pleases him.

So you're flat wrong, the PUSA and his policies in fact can have a major effect on the industry. We're seeing it right now, this is the main reason he'll never get rig activity back to where it was....BECAUSE HE DOESN'T WANT TO. These energy prices are a feature, not a bug - and it's not the industry's fault.
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I see the Cheney salesman is still triggered that drilling has more than doubled under Biden.

Thank you @fatman76 for confirming that.
You're welcome and you're right, it has.

It's also 35% lower than the peak under Trump, and the result is prices are high and we're begging for foreign oil.

See, isn't it better when we can agree on things?
I will not ask God to bless an IDIOT that is destroying my Country...are you a fool?
Capt. Ron,
As a reminder to you and the rest of this board, here is how this thread started:

On this first Sunday after the Epiphany. Let’s all take the time to come together to wish our new President Godspeed. It was a fierce battle, but now that he has been certified as the winner, let’s put aside our partisan differences and, as Americans all, work for the benefit of all Americans, rich and poor.

Best wishes, President Elect Biden. May God look over you.

Now we all know this is complete BS from the BS Emeritus of the board without a shred of sincereity. How do I know? Because if there was sincereity, he would have written the same thing, asking God to bless OUR president after Trump won. Anybody seen that? Kind of strange when an "Independent" doesn't ask for God's blessing for EVERY president. LOL!
May I be the one to explain the VERY obvious here, son?

Trump = $2.20 per gallon

FJB = $4.25 per gallon

Do you have ANY other questions?
I’ve explained this, but obviously you are too dense to understand. Trump destroyed the industry so it takes a while to recover.

PS. I just paid 2.95 for gas yesterday. Looks like Joe is doing work.

Just like Trump lost 22million jobs. Biden is adding them back.

Any more questions?

IMO when a poster starts posting things that they KNOW are lies, it's time to start locking their threads. Like this one.

Hopefully that gets their attention and they change their behavior. The BO has already told us that @BSC911 doesn't act like this on Swamp Talk, so that proves he DOES know how to follow the rules the mods have set out, he just chooses not to here.

I think it's time to start locking his threads. Hopefully he will change his behavior and start following the rules like he does on Swamp Talk.

If not, he can find another free board to troll on. Plenty of em out there.
Locking it won't change much, trolls live to start threads and brag about how much attention they get...but I agree that people stating things that are demonstrably false then posting sunglasses emojis is the definition of trolling.

It's either allowed or it's not, but it's not my board to make that call.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I am SHOCKED you posted this! LOLOLOLOL You have OBVIOUSLY had some STUPID fact, almost all of yours are...THIS one is just about as funny as Fetterman telling everyone he is FOR fracking!! LOLOLOL
Yea but, ya know he lost because the closed captioning didn't work. He must have hired Biden's pathetic excuse writers.
Why are you so angry and defensive? Calm down and let's discuss this like adults.

1) You're right. I took your comment about "Biden doubling" rig activity as a shot at Trump. Normally when the successor makes a move deemed positive, it's because the predecessor screwed it up. Glad we agree Trump was pretty good for the energy industry because Biden is lagging about 35% behind peak activity under Trump (after almost two years that's terrible).
2) See #1 - I never said it wasn't factual and I never said it's the whole story either. But that's what trolls do, hang on to one key point like Linus with his blanket, ignoring the whole story because it doesn't meet the narrative.
3) You always say no one could possibly understand, but you never even attempt an explanation. Makes most of us think you have zero clue about anything you claim to be an expert in...

4) You keep ignoring the Politico article so I'll keep asking about it. These O&G companies are idiots I guess. I don't see the strategy of not expanding drilling and then blaming the administration slow walking permits. Remember, onshore and offshore Federal land represents about 35% of O&G production, it's meaningful - no joke, no I'm serious, c'mon man.

- Ryan McConnaughey, spokesperson for the Petroleum Association of Wyoming, said the Biden administration has a “playbook” for federal development: 'delay, distract and deflect'. "It doesn’t come as much of a surprise that the Biden Administration’s approval of APDs [applications for permit to drill] has plummeted,” he said.

- Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, said the political focus on the drilling permits and leases already held by industry is a red herring from the White House.
“Just because Acme O&G isn’t using a permit right away doesn’t mean that ABC O&G doesn’t need one for a well it’s planning to drill now,” she said. “If the federal permitting situation weren’t so inefficient and fraught with political interference, companies wouldn’t need to request a large inventory even years in advance."
If the White House wants drilling to increase, they could ease regulatory requirements and speed up permitting, she said.

Another article on Biden admin slowing Permits and Leases:

President Biden’s Interior Department leased 126,228 acres for drilling through Aug. 20, his first 19 months in office, the analysis found. No other president since Richard Nixon in 1969-70 leased out fewer than 4.4 million acres at this stage in his first term.

5) Here's another big problem. The Biden administration is going after O&G from the investment side. Is that not a fact you'd like to put forward, because it's one more way he's contributing to the situation we're in? I mean, since you know everything I have to assume you're just omitting this?

  • In April 2021, Climate Envoy John Kerry boasted that President Biden is poised to sign an executive order on climate financial risk that is “going to change allocation of capital,” and said in July 2021 that “the IEA is quite correct in pushing the notion that you really want to try to avoid the new [fossil fuel projects] rather than compounding the problem.”
  • In October 28, 2021, the State Department’s Senior Advisor for Energy Security, Amos Hochstein said: The administration sees investments in multi-decade natural gas and oil infrastructure “as unfortunate and unnecessary.”
Stricter SEC reporting requirements is another sneaky way to pressure investment away from fossil fuels.

"One of the big concerns from the oil and gas industry stems from the likely outcome that the SEC rule will afford some financial institutions and ESG investor groups with just another rationale to deny capital lending to companies."

So here's a much more complete picture than you're willing to provide, as an industry expert:
1) Biden promised to end fossil fuels.

If you don't think this affects markets, when the "leader" of the free world promises to kill something as vital as the O&G industry, you're an idiot.
2) Now that the markets are spooked, he's decimated the issuance of leases for drilling on federal lands. Like, an historically low number of acres in his first 19 months in office. This is choking off about 1/3rd of the available land and resources (note: he tried to do this with an EO and failed, so he just used the bureaucracy like a good fascist).
3) If #1 and #2 aren't good enough, he's now using the full power of the SEC (in conjunction with the surge of ESG requirements) to strongly deter investment in fossil fuel projects. This is a double whammy for investors given his promise to kill the industry. Why put your money in something that hurts your ESG targets and won't be around in 10 years if we keep "electing" democrats?
4) He's also killed about $20BB worth of subsidies, drained the Strategic Oil Reserve (to hold prices right before the mid terms), while a serious international conflict is going on and China is saber rattling at Taiwan.
5) His international policy has failed, best evidence is OPEC cutting production significantly after he begged them to ramp it up. Now he's looking to dirty Venezuelan oil (which pollutes the earth much more than if we did it ourselves)...and it helps prop up a the PCV which I'm sure pleases him.

So you're flat wrong, the PUSA and his policies in fact can have a major effect on the industry. We're seeing it right now, this is the main reason he'll never get rig activity back to where it was....BECAUSE HE DOESN'T WANT TO. These energy prices are a feature, not a bug - and it's not the industry's fault.
CALM DOWN?????????


I posted 3 short bullet points while you cut and paste a dissertation of energy people not happy they have to abide by some rules. Biden clearly is no friend to the industry, as it’s well know he wants to eventually transition into renewables. That’s no big surprise. But most of the stuff you posted never came to fruition, so it was just a bunch of campaign talk

However, none of that word salad changes the fact that for all of Biden’s talk

1. We are still dependent on fossil fuels
2. Drilling and permits have increased.
3. For all of your and Capt. Ron’s bluster, his policies have had littl to no effect on current drilling or production, nor the price of gasoline (with the exception of banning Russian imports)

You political wonks think the president controls our industry. He doesn’t. Get over your blame Biden for everything. It’s ignorant.

Now who needs to calm down.
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Capt. Ron,
As a reminder to you and the rest of this board, here is how this thread started:

On this first Sunday after the Epiphany. Let’s all take the time to come together to wish our new President Godspeed. It was a fierce battle, but now that he has been certified as the winner, let’s put aside our partisan differences and, as Americans all, work for the benefit of all Americans, rich and poor.

Best wishes, President Elect Biden. May God look over you.

Now we all know this is complete BS from the BS Emeritus of the board without a shred of sincereity. How do I know? Because if there was sincereity, he would have written the same thing, asking God to bless OUR president after Trump won. Anybody seen that? Kind of strange when an "Independent" doesn't ask for God's blessing for EVERY president. LOL!
I want God to bless everyone as he loves all of his children.

Was this a troll thread? Duh, of course it is. Look at the hate this thread has generated by simply asking God to bless our president has generated. That’s why it’s the GOAT.

Do you see me melting down over the Let’s Go Brandon thread? Nope. Have at it. I’m not a hateful, sensitive snowflake like many on here.

You're welcome and you're right, it has.

It's also 35% lower than the peak under Trump, and the result is prices are high and we're begging for foreign oil.

See, isn't it better when we can agree on things?
1. No, drilling isn’t 35% lower.
2. The raw rig count number isn’t the best measure of drilling. All rigs aren’t created equal. Wells completed is a much better measure. Do you understand the difference between Mechanical, SCR and AC rigs? Offshore vs. Onshore. Do you think all rigs decommissioned during the Trump administration are capable of going back to work? The differences in HP, racking capacity, pad, capable, etc.? Do some homework and you might be better able to discuss.
3. The peak rig count under Trump was half of what it was under Obama. Does that mean Trump hated the O&G business?

Educate yourself. I don’t have the time nor the desire to teach you. Lesson over.
Locking it won't change much, trolls live to start threads and brag about how much attention they get...
I disagree. Earlier in this thread when @BSC911 was posting racial slurs at another poster, all I had to do was tag the BO and @BSC911 *immediately* changed his behavior.

The irony? While he was in the middle of lactating over @kalimgoodman's thread being locked, in THIS THREAD he said that the only threads that should be locked were ones with 'racial overtones'.

So he just explained to the mod why THIS THREAD should be locked.

IMO its time to lock this thread.
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