So tell me why Trump lost, and prove it if you say only from cheating. LOL if you think I watch either of those. I only laugh at the highlights when I see them. If I didn't know the 3 of your's politics I would swear you were liberals based on your belief that you know all and can be the only one's that are correct. Can't have an open discussion. without trying to insult or be a smart ass. As I said if Trump wins the nomination, I will vote for him. I will not vote for him in the primaries if Pompeo, Cruz, Tim Scott, Noem, or especially Desantis run. I put conservatism over any one individual.
I will tell you why I KNOW they make your mind up for yourself.
1. Biden was ALMOST 100% defeated until Super Tuesday. Bernie wins Super Tuesday...the math would be impossible for Biden to win the nomination. A COMMUNIST almost won the democratic nomination UNTIL Clyburn took the black vote and helped move it to Biden.
2. In our history, a sitting President has never increased his votes running for the second term...Trump did, and had the most show of support that I have seen TEN FOLD from a candidate on either side in my lifetime. BTW....I challenge you to find this on google...they have it hid
3. You will have to explain to me how a guy that hid in his basement because he CANNOT complete a 12 MILLION more votes than one of the most popular presidents ever elected...while hiding in his basement. (I know how he did it) (obama)
4. The FBI investigated Trump for 3 1/2 years...while KNOWING the dossier was fake even BEFORE Comey told Trump that there was a dossier out there. They already knew it was fake, yet even after this, lied multiple times on FISA warrants to keep the investigation going to diminish Trump.
5. The FBI had Hunters lap top BEFROE the election, and knew that it was his, and knew that there was damning information on it...yet let almost EVERY news outlet spread that it was "Russian disinformation" even having 50 intelligence "experts" sign off that it WAS Russian disinformation.
6. The former FBI, CIA, NSA and senior senate intelligence committee chairman SWORE that they had SEEN the evidence of Russian was 100% a lie
7. No candidate in modern history ha slost the election when they won Ohio and Florida...and neither was close. Trump MURDERED Biden there.
8. MANY democrat ran states ILLEGALLY changed voting rules to allow the big steal...and let write in votes be sent in WITHOUT verification that the person who is voting is actually that person. And it was not just states....MANY large cities did this also. (Atlanta)
9. With just watching their campaigns...when each had rallies...FJB had DOZENS of people...maybe at BEST hundreds at a very few. Trump had 30-50 THOUSAND. Secondly..did ANYONE EVER see a Biden sign? I saw maybe 2, and I traveled the whole SE United States in the few months before the election
10. When there were recounts, Republicans WERE NOT ALLOWED to observe in MANY states and cities..where the vote counts were WAY, WAY higher than in any time in their history.
11. Social media, MSM and big tech CENORED conservatives. The MSM reported covid stats that were just downright lies to make Trump look bad. Cuomo was made to be a hero, while DeSantis was made to look the villain. DeSantis will win reelection by 14-18%...Cuomo as removed from office.
I invite my friends to add to this, as I am doing all of this off of the top of my head. But let me add.....there has NEVER in our history been a President that could have weathered this attack (especially during a pandemic) that was orchestrated by the establishment...the Cabal. Personally, I despise anyone that watched this happen, and brings up "mean tweets" F EVERY one of are NOT an American. America CANNOT exist with this kind of behavior from our premier law and intelligence agencies, our media and big tech. If you supported this, and stood by without saying ANYTHING...then you do not deserve to even live in America.
Any more questions?