Again. You still have said nothing about what the Declaration of Independence says about our God given right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but congrats on reciting Moby Dick. Do you believe those are God given rights or not? Pretty simple.
pssstt. Go read my post again, the DEI is exactly where I said that statement was located. You’re just pissed because you cannot explain it away. In fact, you have tried to use the very same statement in your arguments on here before as God given rights.
here is your quote:
“Now, are you saying do not have sex because you might have a baby, and "tough". Well then, buddy, you are getting in the middle of my "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
You don’t get to pick and choose when those rights apply sir. Seems like you just might be getting “in the middle of a baby’s life, liberty, and the pursuit of happines.” So either you believe those are God given rights, or you don’t. Which is it? Please answer that question. I bet you won’t.
Also, no need to tell us how wealthy you are in an attempt to validate your intelligence level. You have already informed us, and we all know that you must be super smart based on