Biden Solves High Gas Prices

Reg. Gas in NE FL today was $3.18 Gal.

Good thing that the Bugatti get's 20 MPG....

I can hardly afford to drive the GMC Sierra Vortex 6000 any more, as it only gets 18 MPG.
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Reg. Gas in NE FL today was $3.18 Gal.

Good thing that the Bugatti get's 20 MPG....

I can hardly afford to drive the GMC Sierra Vortex 6000 any more, as it only gets 18 MPG.
CenTex regular has dropped off to $2.68. Expected with Beijing tampering with the reserve. My zip code electricity rates remain double since the election.
CenTex regular has dropped off to $2.68. Expected with Beijing tampering with the reserve. My zip code electricity rates remain double since the election.
Sunny, I did some Christmas shopping yesterday, and also picked up a few items at the grocery store. I noticed that most of my favorite items had increased by 50-100% in price since Trump was in office.

Hiden being elected has simply been a tax on the poor. Those of you who voted for him are ruining the lives of the people who have the least.

Shame on each of you.
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Sunny, I did some Christmas shopping yesterday, and also picked up a few items at the grocery store. I noticed that most of my favorite items had increased by 50-100% in price since Trump was in office.

Hiden being elected has simply been a tax on the poor. Those of you who voted for him are ruining the lives of the people who have the least.

Shame on each of you.
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Just filled up again. Regular dropped another .10 to 2.59. Thank you Joe.

How is this even possible without the Keystone pipeline?
Nobody answered this. How about you @Sunburnt Indian How are gas prices dropping without building the Keystone pipeline? And Biden banning US drilling?

It seems impossible.
Nobody answered this. How about you @Sunburnt Indian How are gas prices dropping without building the Keystone pipeline? And Biden banning US drilling?

It seems impossible.
Still bragging about the little tidbit of hope aren't you? When the prices soar into the stratosphere in '22, I'll be waiting to hear your spin/excuse for it. Because you're remarkably delusional.
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Still bragging about the little tidbit of hope aren't you? When the prices soar into the stratosphere in '22, I'll be waiting to hear your spin/excuse for it. Because you're remarkably delusional.
Here’s a question for you. Why will gas prices soar in ‘22? What are you basing that on.

In fact, you can buy a futures contract if you are so sure. You could make a ton of money if you are right.
Here’s a question for you. Why will gas prices soar in ‘22? What are you basing that on.

In fact, you can buy a futures contract if you are so sure. You could make a ton of money if you are right.
So your own wealth (i.e. greed) supercedes the welfare of an entire country then. Now that's just like a dirtbag liberal already. Gas prices will continue to soar as OPEC is not paying any attention to your incoherent leader Poopy Joe who believes tapping into our reserves will ease inflation. OPEC cut the supply to increase gas prices slightly but enough to cause more discomfort for the West on purpose. You said previously that this was suppossedly a good thing; henceforth, you live in the Twilight Zone. Even OPEC's slight increase of 400,000 barrels per day ultimately does no good. Maybe you have global investments going on to whereas you bet against the economy, I don't know or care. The point is that you care only about your "net profits" as it pertains to the detriment of our country. Making you a traitor.
Gas was 3.42 in Palatka this morning. My girl lives in Napa, CA and says its almost 5 there.
Well, you are getting ripped off, since it’s much lower in other parts of Florida. Palatka is always a bit behind the times though. My in laws live there.
So your own wealth (i.e. greed) supercedes the welfare of an entire country then. Now that's just like a dirtbag liberal already. Gas prices will continue to soar as OPEC is not paying any attention to your incoherent leader Poopy Joe who believes tapping into our reserves will ease inflation.
This board is all he has. A couple years ago I trolled him and told him if he didn't start acting right, I would ban him. Within minutes, @BSC911 started accusing me of being a 'secret mod' and he even emailed the former owner of the site telling him he better not let me ban him, that it just wasn't fair! He even posted what he claimed was the response from the site owner, effectively telling him if a poster was upsetting him that much, he should just put him on Ignore LOL

This board and his invented persona of wealth, knowledge and success (the three things he craves, and lacks the most), are all he has. I realized that when he got that upset at the thought that he might lose them.
This board is all he has. A couple years ago I trolled him and told him if he didn't start acting right, I would ban him. Within minutes, @BSC911 started accusing me of being a 'secret mod' and he even emailed the former owner of the site telling him he better not let me ban him, that it just wasn't fair! He even posted what he claimed was the response from the site owner, effectively telling him if a poster was upsetting him that much, he should just put him on Ignore LOL

This board and his invented persona of wealth, knowledge and success (the three things he craves, and lacks the most), are all he has. I realized that when he got that upset at the thought that he might lose them.
Those blue-pilled Skittles he eats sure must taste good huh 😂
Nobody answered this. How about you @Sunburnt Indian How are gas prices dropping without building the Keystone pipeline? And Biden banning US drilling?

It seems impossible.

Trump brokered 4 peace deals in the middle east and made the U.S. energy independent.

Beijing Biden screws the pooch with Iran and in Afghanistan, and makes backroom deals with the Saudi's to get a temporary few cents drop at the pump. Merry Xmas from Joe and his Ho....
Trump brokered 4 peace deals in the middle east and made the U.S. energy independent.

Beijing Biden screws the pooch with Iran and in Afghanistan, and makes backroom deals with the Saudi's to get a temporary few cents drop at the pump. Merry Xmas from Joe and his Ho....
Huh? Trump didn’t do anything. We were well on our way to being energy independent when Trump took over. In fact, the sanctions on Iran reduced the supply of oil.

US oil production dropped from 13 million bpd to 10 million bpd and OPEC cut production during Trumps presidency. That’s why gas prices are so high.

The more you know.
I may be moving to California, and I'm not looking forward to gun control, double the gas prices and idiotic Green restrictions. Hell, most of the knives I own are illegal.
Other than the weather, I can’t see any reason to move to Cali. Everything else sucks.

Alabama is the only worse state.
Trump brokered 4 peace deals in the middle east and made the U.S. energy independent.
True. Then Hiden comes behind him, kills our ability to produce energy domestically, and shits on the peace deals in the oil hotbed of the world that Donaldus Magnus had carefully orchestrated.

Of course energy prices went through the roof and we lost our energy independence. What else could happen???
True. Then Hiden comes behind him, kills our ability to produce energy domestically, and shits on the peace deals in the oil hotbed of the world that Donaldus Magnus had carefully orchestrated.

Of course energy prices went through the roof and we lost our energy independence. What else could happen???
I'm sure you and Fox Business has it all wrong. No doubt our resident energy expert will enlighten us.
True. Then Hiden comes behind him, kills our ability to produce energy domestically, and shits on the peace deals in the oil hotbed of the world that Donaldus Magnus had carefully orchestrated.

Of course energy prices went through the roof and we lost our energy independence. What else could happen???
What else could happen? Try vaccine mandates. That's a start.
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I'm sure you and Fox Business has it all wrong. No doubt our resident energy expert will enlighten us.

The relationship between the White House and U.S. oil companies has sunk to a new low at a moment when President Biden needs the industry most.

Oil company executives have become openly frustrated with a Biden administration that spent months shunning the industry, only to start urging in recent weeks that it produce more oil to alleviate rising gasoline prices.

In closed-door meetings with Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm over recent weeks, oil executives have made few promises about raising output, say people familiar with the matter, and explained that it may be months before higher oil prices lead to resurgent U.S. production.
At a time when Wall Street is telling oil companies to tamp down spending and deliver profits after years of poor returns, oil company leaders say Mr. Biden’s positions on oil make it even harder for them to justify new spending to grow.

The administration’s energy policy has not been very coherent, NO SHIT SHERLOCK!


The relationship between the White House and U.S. oil companies has sunk to a new low at a moment when President Biden needs the industry most.

Oil company executives have become openly frustrated with a Biden administration that spent months shunning the industry, only to start urging in recent weeks that it produce more oil to alleviate rising gasoline prices.

In closed-door meetings with Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm over recent weeks, oil executives have made few promises about raising output, say people familiar with the matter, and explained that it may be months before higher oil prices lead to resurgent U.S. production.
At a time when Wall Street is telling oil companies to tamp down spending and deliver profits after years of poor returns, oil company leaders say Mr. Biden’s positions on oil make it even harder for them to justify new spending to grow.

The administration’s energy policy has not been very coherent, NO SHIT SHERLOCK!

Hey, look, this guy wants Biden to fix gasoline prices. I thought conservatives wanted to eliminate the DOE.

It must be working, gasoline prices dropped again last week. When I filled up yesterday, regular was 2.49.

Great job, Joe.
I'm sure you and Fox Business has it all wrong. No doubt our resident energy expert will enlighten us.
Yes, yes he does have it all wrong. We lost our energy independence during the Trump administration. Why do you continue to quote Ghost? Does he even have a job?
Hey, look, this guy wants Biden to fix gasoline prices. I thought conservatives wanted to eliminate the DOE.

It must be working, gasoline prices dropped again last week. When I filled up yesterday, regular was 2.49.

Great job, Joe.
Engrish a second language for you? Brandon groveling after shitting his own bed.

Oil company executives have become openly frustrated with a Biden administration that spent months shunning the industry, only to start urging in recent weeks that it produce more oil to alleviate rising gasoline prices.

We didn't GAIN energy independence until Trump was in office. Brandon ended it.

The United States was a net total energy exporter in 2019 and 2020​

US Production declined from 13mbpd to 10mppd in 2020. That’s what caused us lose our energy independence. We are still exporting crude and natural gas.

Try another meme, Epstein.
Engrish a second language for you? Brandon groveling after shitting his own bed.

Oil company executives have become openly frustrated with a Biden administration that spent months shunning the industry, only to start urging in recent weeks that it produce more oil to alleviate rising gasoline prices.

Derp. That’s the whole point, Alicia Silverstone

Gas prices have gone up and down during every presidency. They have nothing to do with it. In fact, if you want to give credit to a president for energy independence, give credit to Obama since he oversaw the shale revolution. Trump got in at the tail end. That would be live giving all the credit to a one yard rushing TD after a 79 yard pass.

This is what happens when you try to discuss things with people who are Clueless.

Derp. That’s the whole point, Alicia Silverstone

Gas prices have gone up and down during every presidency. They have nothing to do with it. In fact, if you want to give credit to a president for energy independence, give credit to Obama since he oversaw the shale revolution. Trump got in at the tail end. That would be live giving all the credit to a one yard rushing TD after a 79 yard pass.

This is what happens when you try to discuss things with people who are Clueless.

Stacy Dash is still hot. Wood do! 😈
Derp. That’s the whole point, Alicia Silverstone

Gas prices have gone up and down during every presidency. They have nothing to do with it. In fact, if you want to give credit to a president for energy independence, give credit to Obama since he oversaw the shale revolution. Trump got in at the tail end. That would be live giving all the credit to a one yard rushing TD after a 79 yard pass.

This is what happens when you try to discuss things with people who are Clueless.

This is just such a strange coincidence then. Looking at the last three presidents it certainly appears, on the whole, that Executive Branch policy has some effect.

Obama's 8 year Avg = $3.03
Trump's 4 year Avg = $2.57
Bidens' 1 year Avg = $3.09

Obama High/Low = $3.96 / $1.84
Trump High/Low = $2.99 / $1.94
Biden High/Low = $3.49 / $2.42

Not adjusting for inflation, Trump's term saw a 17% lower average than Obama and a 20% lower average than Biden so far. Eerily similar comparisons, no?


(I had to copy and paste into excel to calculate high/low and avg)
This is just such a strange coincidence then. Looking at the last three presidents it certainly appears, on the whole, that Executive Branch policy has some effect.

Obama's 8 year Avg = $3.03
Trump's 4 year Avg = $2.57
Bidens' 1 year Avg = $3.09

Obama High/Low = $3.96 / $1.84
Trump High/Low = $2.99 / $1.94
Biden High/Low = $3.49 / $2.42

Not adjusting for inflation, Trump's term saw a 17% lower average than Obama and a 20% lower average than Biden so far. Eerily similar comparisons, no?


(I had to copy and paste into excel to calculate high/low and avg)
Stop. Just stop. You are falling into Simpsons Paradox again by confusing correlation with causation. Was Obama’s lower gas prices because he was a friend to the industry? Nope. Gas prices are determined based on supply and demand, dummy.

Everything isn’t political. The President doesn’t control every aspect of the economy. I know why I bother with you people. It’s beneath me.
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Releasing oil reserves is like spraying Lysol on a 5 pound turd he created. 😅😂🤣

Per AP


Fear you are right; Tuesday, Nov 23rd Biden announced the release of 50 MM barrels from the Reserve. The U.S. action is focused on helping Americans coping with higher fuel and other prices ahead of Thanksgiving and winter holiday travel.

Between the summer driving season & winter holiday travel, Big Oil has a BS excuse for everything; they of course have never seen these predictable fluctuations in seasonal demand before & are completely astounded by them !

To have an economic impact on the US gasoline market these 50 MM barrels had to be sold at a discount; wonder which of Biden's friends got to buy them & pocket the money ?

But in trading after the announcement, prices shot up roughly 2% instead of falling.

“The problem is that everybody knows that this measure is temporary,” Galimberti said. “So once it is stopped, then if demand continues to be above supply like it is right now, then you’re back to square one.”

Shortly after the U.S. announcement,
India said it would release 5 million barrels from its strategic reserves.
The British government confirmed it will release up to 1.5 million barrels from its stockpile.
Japan and South Korea are also participating, - What ? - 10 barrels each ?

and U.S. officials said it’s the biggest coordinated release from global strategic reserves.

US releases 50 MM barrels ; everybody else totals less than 8 MM barrels.

US taxpayers take it in the shorts - again !

Go Joe !
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Per AP


Fear you are right; Tuesday, Nov 23rd Biden announced the release of 50 MM barrels from the Reserve. The U.S. action is focused on helping Americans coping with higher fuel and other prices ahead of Thanksgiving and winter holiday travel.

Between the summer driving season & winter holiday travel, Big Oil has a BS excuse for everything; they of course have never seen these predictable fluctuations in seasonal demand before & are completely astounded by them !

To have an economic impact on the US gasoline market these 50 MM barrels had to be sold at a discount; wonder which of Biden's friends got to buy them & pocket the money ?

But in trading after the announcement, prices shot up roughly 2% instead of falling.

“The problem is that everybody knows that this measure is temporary,” Galimberti said. “So once it is stopped, then if demand continues to be above supply like it is right now, then you’re back to square one.”

Shortly after the U.S. announcement,
India said it would release 5 million barrels from its strategic reserves.
The British government confirmed it will release up to 1.5 million barrels from its stockpile.
Japan and South Korea are also participating, - 10 barrels each ?

and U.S. officials said it’s the biggest coordinated release from global strategic reserves.

US releases 50 MM barrels ; everybody else totals less than 8 MM barrels.

US taxpayers take it in the shorts - again !

Go Joe !
US taxpayers gain by releasing the SPR. It’s federal revenue.
US taxpayers gain by releasing the SPR. It’s federal revenue.


BS !

What does it cost to replace / refill the SPR ?

How will they amortize the loss they will incur ?

Who pays the distribution & storage fees ?

What about the interest on the money/oil stocks tied up in the SPR ? Maybe we could sell a few more T-Bills to cover that; upsetting the supply & demand of M1.

Are you really that stupid or do you just think everyone else on this board is ?
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