Biden Solves High Gas Prices

Obama had the lowest single month price but he didn’t have the lowest average over his two terms. Why is that wise sage of all things energy? Show us all what true expert analysis looks like.

Thank you in advance for bestowing your greatness upon the board.
I’m going to work out. I’ll expect answers when I return.

Hint. It has something to do with supply and demand.
That’s why it’s interesting that a Republican president was bracketed by two Democrats and the difference in average prices was almost exactly the same (~20%).

Just a strange coincidence I guess. But I’m sure an expert like you has a perfect explanation for it that you’ll keep to yourself.
It's not just gas prices.

What happened to food prices under obama? They went up.

What's happening to food prices under Hiden? They are way up.

So is gas and energy.

So is clothing.

The STAPLES that America needs, especially the most financially unstable, went way UP in price under both obama and now under Hiden.

The only difference is in how it's being spun.

Under obama, the spin was that it was fun to be unemployed and if you were miserable and having no work and no food to eat, well then you just aren't looking at the big picture! obama told us that being unemployed was a blessing, it meant more time for walks in the park! And to spend on hobbies like creating art!

Yes, he really said this!

The spin now is screw all that, the economy is amazing! Ignore the empty shelves and food costing 25-100% more than it did when Trump was in office! Ignore gas being over a dollar a gallon higher under Hiden. All signs of a ROBUST ECONOMY!!!!

obama and Hiden are both running the same playbook: Suck America dry, create a nation where the poor are totally dependent on government assistance. Cause that equals votes for dems. Then drive the middle class down to the bottom class.

Trump ran the 'undo all the shit obama did and Make America Great Again' playbook.

That's why we loved him. That's why the dems here hate him.
It's not just gas prices.

What happened to food prices under obama? They went up.

What's happening to food prices under Hiden? They are way up.

So is gas and energy.

So is clothing.

The STAPLES that America needs, especially the most financially unstable, went way UP in price under both obama and now under Hiden.

The only difference is in how it's being spun.

Under obama, the spin was that it was fun to be unemployed and if you were miserable and having no work and no food to eat, well then you just aren't looking at the big picture! obama told us that being unemployed was a blessing, it meant more time for walks in the park! And to spend on hobbies like creating art!

Yes, he really said this!

The spin now is screw all that, the economy is amazing! Ignore the empty shelves and food costing 25-100% more than it did when Trump was in office! Ignore gas being over a dollar a gallon higher under Hiden. All signs of a ROBUST ECONOMY!!!!

obama and Hiden are both running the same playbook: Suck America dry, create a nation where the poor are totally dependent on government assistance. Cause that equals votes for dems. Then drive the middle class down to the bottom class.

Trump ran the 'undo all the shit obama did and Make America Great Again' playbook.

That's why we loved him. That's why the dems here hate him.
It’s my feeble understanding that energy prices increasing make everything more expensive. Everything has to be made and transported to market using energy.

But BSC says that presidential policy has nothing to do with it. So we will just have to continue to hope things get better I guess.
I’ve already explained it. Several times. You just don’t want to hear it because you’re stuck in your partisan mindset.

Why was it lower under Obama?

Whats the R squared correlation?

Why are gas prices dropping now?

Why are average Covid deaths lower under Biden?
On the last part, because Trump used OWS to move through the (often) needless beauracracy that hold up FDA approval and got the vaccines to market in record time.

On total deaths, by Biden’s own rubric, he should resign from the presidency.
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It’s my feeble understanding that energy prices increasing make everything more expensive. Everything has to be made and transported to market using energy.

But BSC says that presidential policy has nothing to do with it. So we will just have to continue to hope things get better I guess.
Our economy is energy dependent. NavigatorII cannot get through to BSC. NavigatorII has wasted much time and ink with his efforts.
It’s my feeble understanding that energy prices increasing make everything more expensive. Everything has to be made and transported to market using energy.

But BSC says that presidential policy has nothing to do with it. So we will just have to continue to hope things get better I guess.
@BSC911 reminds me of Frank Burns:

Trapper: "Does Frank know?"

Hawkeye: "Frank knows so little, it's hard to keep up with what he doesn't know"

@BSC911 lies to draw attention to himself. Most of us just point out he's lying. @BSC911 doesn't care, he loves the attention.

Then someone like you will take his lies at face value, and challenge him to defend his lie.

That's when he shits his pants. AKA "Doing the Biden".

Top Ten UAP/UFO Stories of 2021​

Every year since 2017 has been a big one in the struggle to unravel the mystery of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. It turns out that 2021 was the biggest yet for UFO news.

Skeptics (like the GhostofBRAINLESS) Had a Hard Year. 2021 has been a tough year for the knee-jerk UFO/UAP skeptic crowd. With the government, Navy pilots and sensors agreeing that UAP is a real phenomenon....

2017, of course, was the one that started the modern age of confirmation with the New York Times coverage and the release of the first Navy videos. It will always be a stand-out.

Yet 2021 runs a close second because this is the year where it truly began to take hold among opinion makers, powerbrokers and government insiders that something amazing (and quite possibly dangerous) is going on now, and the shock to the system is realizing that we’ve refused to see the evidence as a society for more than seven decades.

The world is changing. This year was huge. Next year could be even bigger.

While the iG has been way ahead of the curve on this, because of his own personal experiences, and has been attempting to lesson the 'Future Shock' of those without the same experience/knowledge.

Live and learn, or remain ignorant by choice, but remaining ignorant won't stop reality from running over your ignorance and/or intellectual cowardice.... iG
Our economy is energy dependent. NavigatorII cannot get through to BSC. NavigatorII has wasted much time and ink with his efforts.
Sunburnt is mad that I outed him as a liar and a fraud

Sunburnt appeals to others as a way to save face

On the last part, because Trump used OWS to move through the (often) needless beauracracy that hold up FDA approval and got the vaccines to market in record time.

On total deaths, by Biden’s own rubric, he should resign from the presidency.
Oh, so you can't just look at the average and draw a conclusion.

You are making progress, grasshopper
Brandon's a village idiot. He blames Republicans for making car prices too high. Hey Pantshitter. Tell us about these "cheap" electric cars?

Brandon's a village idiot. He blames Republicans for making car prices too high. Hey Pantshitter. Tell us about these "cheap" electric cars?

If you are really a poor and can’t afford a few bucks extra for a fill up, you can buy a Chevy Volt for about $20k.

Sorry for you being a Poor.
Oh, so you can't just look at the average and draw a conclusion.

You are making progress, grasshopper
BSC911 - a suggestion here, your tone, perhaps in keeping in others, is really not necessary.

To your point, I separated out average and total. Alex Azar did a remarkable job under OWS. The Biden administration, in turn, has done a remarkable job in making vaccines (not tests, expansion of ICUs, not including natural immunity and antibody levels in allowing hospitals to retain critical staff, etc.) available. Pair both together, and we continue, to the extent that one is concerned about hospitalizations and deaths, a pandemic of the unvaccinated with a smaller cohort, perhaps 5 to 15% of individuals who are re-hospitalized with covid because of significant underlying health conditions (e.g. transplant patients).

By the way, how do you think I voted in 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020?

I would ask that you be respectful in your response. If not, your choice, but I will not engage in further discussion.
If you are really a poor and can’t afford a few bucks extra for a fill up, you can buy a Chevy Volt for about $20k.

Sorry for you being a Poor.
The average price of a new 'green' vehicle is roughly 20K more a year over the average price of a new gasoline-powered vehicle.

Have we identified yet another industry that @BSC911 is clueless on? I think we have, since Chevy discontinued the Volt in 2019.
BSC911 - a suggestion here, your tone, perhaps in keeping in others, is really not necessary.

To your point, I separated out average and total. Alex Azar did a remarkable job under OWS. The Biden administration, in turn, has done a remarkable job in making vaccines (not tests, expansion of ICUs, not including natural immunity and antibody levels in allowing hospitals to retain critical staff, etc.) available. Pair both together, and we continue, to the extent that one is concerned about hospitalizations and deaths, a pandemic of the unvaccinated with a smaller cohort, perhaps 5 to 15% of individuals who are re-hospitalized with covid because of significant underlying health conditions (e.g. transplant patients).

By the way, how do you think I voted in 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020?

I would ask that you be respectful in your response. If not, your choice, but I will not engage in further discussion.
Fair enough. I actually thought I was replying to Fatman who seems to think the average price means anything.

Mea culpa
Biden now says Americans getting poorer will help reduce the demand for expensive cars. These idiots can't even hide their true plans with this green energy nonsense.
Rich people will always control this country. No matter which side wins.
Tell that to the lower income patriots with their squirrel guns back in the day....
(which is why they are against the sovereign citizens being armed)

The intelligent citizens have the power, and that's why you now have government controlled schools run by Socialist Rats. The last thing they want is intelligent and fully informed sovereign citizens going to public schools, with a true free press watching the government.

Ghetto slums (of any and every race) is where the Rats would like to have us all....
(they want a return of European style Royalty) with them in control)
There is real truth to that. Pelosi's wealth, as an example (there are others on the R side), has only exploded over the past 2 years.
Happens to 95% of politicians across the board.

Note the average age of politicians when they enter office and when they leave. If the politicians in this country truly ran to serve the people, they wouldn't enter politics until their 50s and 60s, after they had already built something with their lives, and wanted to give back.

Instead, the average politician enters the life in their 20s and 30s and sees it as THEIR CAREER.

Career politicians are highly susceptible to corruption, That's why most of the top power guys in the House and Senate are lifers worth $25M and more.
Sorry about your lot in life. But voting against your own self interests must be hard for you (unless you don't get that concept). Ripped off by UF in them issuing you a college degree, and voting yourself over and over onto the Dimtard Plantation must be frustrating as hell for you. Sorry for your luck.

Profanity is not allowed under the new ownership.

Reported. Have fun in Chile
There is real truth to that. Pelosi's wealth, as an example (there are others on the R side), has only exploded over the past 2 years.
I don't have the time to look it up and copy it to this thread, but a week or two ago I saw a tweet that said (paraphrasing) "The best way to reduce income inequality in this country is to let the poor copy Nancy Pelosi's stock trades in real time".
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Gas prices have dropped four weeks in a row. Since the ignorant placed all the blame on him for increasing gas prices, line up here to give him credit for the decline. I mean, he must be doing something to reduce it, correct?
Just filled up. Regular was 2.69. Premium, which I need of course, was 2.99

For you rubes that were blaming Biden for high gasoline prices, feel free to jump in and give him credit for lowering them.

PS. With crude down 30%, Prices will drop again next week.
"Biden solves high gas prices" You spelled CREATED wrong
I guess you're not familiar with the fracking boom that flooded the market with supply and tanked oil prices in 2015, despite GDP growth in 2015 of 3.1%. I'm no fan of Obama, but at least try to look up publicly available data when making up claims.
You mean the fracking that made America energy independent until Brandon discontinued it on federal property? The same move that "created" high gas prices?
You mean the fracking that made America energy independent until Brandon discontinued it on federal property? The same move that "created" high gas prices?

Biden is approving more oil and gas drilling permits on public lands than Trump, analysis finds

The analysis looked at data from the Bureau of Land Management, which processes applications for drilling permits on public lands. Its main findings were:

  • During Biden's first year in office so far, BLM has approved an average of 333 drilling permits per month. That figure is more than 35% higher than Trump's first year in office, when BLM approved an average of 245 drilling permits per month.
  • That number is also higher than the monthly average in 2018 (279 permits) and 2019 (284 permits), but lower than the monthly average in 2020 (452 permits), when oil companies stockpiled permits in the final months of the Trump administration.

Biden is approving more oil and gas drilling permits on public lands than Trump, analysis finds

The analysis looked at data from the Bureau of Land Management, which processes applications for drilling permits on public lands. Its main findings were:

  • During Biden's first year in office so far, BLM has approved an average of 333 drilling permits per month. That figure is more than 35% higher than Trump's first year in office, when BLM approved an average of 245 drilling permits per month.
  • That number is also higher than the monthly average in 2018 (279 permits) and 2019 (284 permits), but lower than the monthly average in 2020 (452 permits), when oil companies stockpiled permits in the final months of the Trump administration.
Sorry. That POS has backtracked so hard he's thrown his transmission out backpedaling and burning rubber so hard in reverse. The Pantshitter campaigned on making America energy cucks. The bottom line is he's still trying to make America Venezuela Again (without the oil). :mad:

Sorry. That POS has backtracked so hard he's thrown his transmission out backpedaling and burning rubber so hard in reverse. The Pantshitter campaigned on making America energy cucks. The bottom line is he's still trying to make America Venezuela Again (without the oil). :mad:

Your own link specifically says he has not stopped drilling on public lands like some in this thread claim.

Any leases issued during Biden over the last year wouldn't be affecting supply right now anyway even if they began the project immediately, since it takes over a year to get a new well producing.

There are plenty of capped wells right now that can be restarted to increase production whenever US oil companies wish to. It's been steadily increasing over the last year as oil companies slowly increase production. They have plenty more available they can uncap, leases on public lands are not the problem.

You can track the oil rig count here, it's released every Friday. We're currently at 558, 228 more than a year ago.
Your own link specifically says he has not stopped drilling on public lands like some in this thread claim.

Any leases issued during Biden over the last year wouldn't be affecting supply right now anyway even if they began the project immediately, since it takes over a year to get a new well producing.

There are plenty of capped wells right now that can be restarted to increase production whenever US oil companies wish to. It's been steadily increasing over the last year as oil companies slowly increase production. They have plenty more available they can uncap, leases on public lands are not the problem.

You can track the oil rig count here, it's released every Friday. We're currently at 558, 228 more than a year ago.
My point is that the Pantshitter campaigned on hampering oil production AND fracking. When gas prices went up exponentially, Hiden went into full panic mode. Has pissed off the proggies, even released oil reserves (lol at that thimble of difference). Brandon is the equivalent of the Jacksonville Jaguars when it comes to franchise wins. 🤣
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My point is that the Pantshitter campaigned on hampering oil production AND fracking. When gas prices went up exponentially, Hiden went into full panic mode. Has pissed off the proggies, even released oil reserves (lol at that thimble of difference). Brandon is the equivalent of the Jacksonville Jaguars when it comes to franchise wins. 🤣
I'm sure Biden would love to stop or slow down oil production if he could, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if he actually did at some point in the next three years, but the point is he has done nothing at this point to actually slow down US production in any way and nothing he has done so far has had any effect on the actual supply of oil hitting the market.
You mean the fracking that made America energy independent until Brandon discontinued it on federal property? The same move that "created" high gas prices?
Oh geez. Am I going to have to educate another rube that believes right wing lies.

First of all, the fracking boom started under Obama. Secondly, there is plenty of drilling going on federal lands. Thirdly, production declined 30% and drilling activity declined 75% under Trump. That's reason we lost so called energy independence

Your media is lying to you.
Your own link specifically says he has not stopped drilling on public lands like some in this thread claim.
And your own link contradicted itself. It claimed that Hiden is approving more permits on public lands, then said Hiden is approving 333 permits a month in his first year, which is DOWN from the 452 a month Trump approved in 2020.
I'm sure Biden would love to stop or slow down oil production if he could, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if he actually did at some point in the next three years, but the point is he has done nothing at this point to actually slow down US production in any way and nothing he has done so far has had any effect on the actual supply of oil hitting the market.
I think he wants to appear to slow it down to appease the climate changers,, but in reality, I think he realizes we can't afford to for quite some time.

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