JMOHO's as always....
Beijing Biden didn't cause the price of gas at the pump to increase, nor decrease, at any time in his 47+ years of being a corrupt deadbeat politician that's never had a real job in his entire life. He's just a full time political parasite that's always stealing from those that he's supposed to be a PUBLIC SERVANT for.
Beijing Biden didn't threaten the Ukraine's Billion dollar U.S. aid if they didn't fire the prosecutor that was investigating his son and the corrupt oil company that he was getting paid 'access' money for, regardless of what you might have watched on the vid of his Quid Pro Quo at the CFR meeting.
Beijing Biden and his son haven't really gone to China to make backdoor deals with the CCP that resulted in the Red Communist Chinese Kung Flu being made in the Wuhan lab, and then intentionally released in order to create a scamdemic to push mail in voter fraud, in order to help him circumvent the citizens choice, along with the help of Hillbilleries Dominion Vote altering/stealing machines.
Beijing Biden and his Border Ho are not responsible for the chaos of the invading army of criminal illegal aliens that are pouring in over the undefended southern border.
Beijing Biden and his Rat puppet masters don't really want to load the Supreme Court, in order to circumvent the Constitutional restraints on their tyrannical Rat overthrow of our Republic.
Beijing Biden and his Rat puppet master that are currently in control of the US Congress, did not intentionally create the Jan 6th 'fraudulent armed sedition' at the Capital. Just like they haven't held innocent American citizens in 'Political Prisons' for going on a year now, in inhumane and un-Constitutional conditions, (tip of the iceberg of their decades long traitorous corruption).
Those that continue to support these Rats are either totally ignorant and irresponsible citizens, or they are knowing traitors to the states and the citizens of America.