Biden Solves High Gas Prices

So Joe is now responsible gor every country in the world? Interesting

You gave him credit for uniting the world against Putin but you won’t allow criticism when that turns out to be untrue?

We're all stunned by this development.

Maybe you want to lecture me again on how I react to criticism of Trump? Or maybe you just buy that mirror?
So Joe is now responsible gor every country in the world? Interesting.

Have you recovered from yet another Calipari disappointment? St. PETERS?
I was just going off the premise off the article. India is clearly pursuing its own economic self-interest. It's a shame Biden and our allies couldn't persuade them to stay united in the boycott. Then again, Russian oil (at least a good portion of it) is going to find a home eventually.

Haven't you heard? UK is now a football school, with basketball just a means to pass the time between football and spring football.
Then again, Russian oil (at least a good portion of it) is going to find a home eventually.

The only thing you could do here is assign a price to those who bypass the boycott.

Is that feasible or even wise? Honestly I have no idea but if you're going to boycott the oil, it seems to me that you should do your dead level best to actually boycott it.
Drilling activity keeps surging. As @Sunburnt Indian and others continue to believe Biden shut down drilling. LOL. So gullible.

horizontal activity continued to surge higher last week (+12 w/w, 4-wk +36) with public E&Ps recovering nearly all of the prior week’s declines (+6 w/w, 4-wk +13) and private E&Ps continuing to add rigs in bunches (+6 w/w, 4-wk +23). As a result, avg. Q1’22 horizontal activity remains on pace to finish +14% q/q (BKR +14% q/q) with an eye-popping ~73 HOR rigs already added on a YTD basis (publics +44, privates +29). From a regional perspective, the Permian continues to command the lion’s share of incremental attention (+10 HOR rigs w/w, 4-wk +19), marking the sixth consecutive week of gains, while activity in the Bakken (+2 w/w, 4-wk +1) and Anadarko (+2 w/w, 4-wk +4) also saw small upticks.

Still can't tell if your trolling or just an absolute fruit cake... I'm leaning towards the latter.
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"Facts" lol U r a lunatic
Seriously.......and I mean it. It's like picking on Corky. We should be ashamed. 😯

World oil prices down 30% in the last two weeks.

Further proof that BSCuck not only doesn’t work in the Industry, but has no clue what’s actually going on with it. He literally just regurgitates talking points.

Joe's burned some serious bridges with the Saudi's.... Now he's groveling for their help in bringing down fuel prices.

I, and others, have tried to explain this to you but you guys are too stuck in your partisan mindset to listen. We can only explain it, not make you understand.

Biden administration policies haven’t really done anything to reduce U.S. oil production,” Raoul LeBlanc, vice president of the energy practice at S&P Global, told Yahoo Finance. “They may do so in the future. But right now, that’s not the root of the reason U.S. oil and gas production is not ramping up.”

So what is pushing oil and gas prices up? Mainly it’s an effort by oil firms in the United States and elsewhere to resist overproducing, which has torpedoed profits many times in the past and, here in the U.S., caused billions of dollars in losses for oil producers and their investors. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting sanctions have limited oil supplies from Russia, the world’s third-largest producer, accounting for a 20% price spike since Russia invaded on Feb. 24. But supply was tightening and oil prices were rising before then, as drillers worldwide adapted to a world weaning itself off fossil fuels. Since oil accounts for more than half the cost of gasoline, gas prices rise and fall in tandem with oil prices.
I, and others, have tried to explain this to you but you guys are too stuck in your partisan mindset to listen. We can only explain it, not make you understand.

Biden administration policies haven’t really done anything to reduce U.S. oil production,” Raoul LeBlanc, vice president of the energy practice at S&P Global, told Yahoo Finance. “They may do so in the future. But right now, that’s not the root of the reason U.S. oil and gas production is not ramping up.”

So what is pushing oil and gas prices up? Mainly it’s an effort by oil firms in the United States and elsewhere to resist overproducing, which has torpedoed profits many times in the past and, here in the U.S., caused billions of dollars in losses for oil producers and their investors. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting sanctions have limited oil supplies from Russia, the world’s third-largest producer, accounting for a 20% price spike since Russia invaded on Feb. 24. But supply was tightening and oil prices were rising before then, as drillers worldwide adapted to a world weaning itself off fossil fuels. Since oil accounts for more than half the cost of gasoline, gas prices rise and fall in tandem with oil prices.
I actually believe this is a small part of it....the problem with this is that the price climb started the DAY Brandon got installed in office...and none of that happened yet what you typed. So your post is a lie, for the most part. It has SOME bearing...but not a major bearing.
I actually believe this is a small part of it....the problem with this is that the price climb started the DAY Brandon got installed in office...and none of that happened yet what you typed. So your post is a lie, for the most part. It has SOME bearing...but not a major bearing.
You're making progress
Further proof that BSCuck works with Canola, not Black Gold. His words are not in alignment with the industry.

Quote from link:

“Independent Petroleum Association of America Executive Vice President Dan Naatz said gas and oil companies are "frustrated" with the Biden administration’s "relentless assault" on American oil and natural gas producers over the past year.”
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Further proof that BSCuck works with Canola, not Black Gold. His words are not in alignment with the industry.

Quote from link:

“Independent Petroleum Association of America Executive Vice President Dan Naatz said gas and oil companies are "frustrated" with the Biden administration’s "relentless assault" on American oil and natural gas producers over the past year.”
Fox Business just told me new home sales slid in February. Did BSC mention "roaring economy?"

Brandon did promise higher crime rates and economic stagnation in Democrat debates.
I, and others, have tried to explain this to you but you guys are too stuck in your partisan mindset to listen. We can only explain it, not make you understand.

Biden administration policies haven’t really done anything to reduce U.S. oil production,” Raoul LeBlanc, vice president of the energy practice at S&P Global, told Yahoo Finance. “They may do so in the future. But right now, that’s not the root of the reason U.S. oil and gas production is not ramping up.”

So what is pushing oil and gas prices up? Mainly it’s an effort by oil firms in the United States and elsewhere to resist overproducing, which has torpedoed profits many times in the past and, here in the U.S., caused billions of dollars in losses for oil producers and their investors. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting sanctions have limited oil supplies from Russia, the world’s third-largest producer, accounting for a 20% price spike since Russia invaded on Feb. 24. But supply was tightening and oil prices were rising before then, as drillers worldwide adapted to a world weaning itself off fossil fuels. Since oil accounts for more than half the cost of gasoline, gas prices rise and fall in tandem with oil prices.

LMFAO, I'm not even partisan, Biden blows. Failed at everything, caused gas prices to rise. Lap up that milk tho, bend over so your dude can whack it to u
Brandon bucks?

Democrats Mull $100 Monthly 'Biden Bucks' Gas Stimulus Checks to Buy Your Vote​

What an idiot. Typical Dimtard, providing solutions for self inflicted problems. How much more free shit can they possibly offer for bribes at the polls? And we've got at least a dirty dozen on this board who are "ALL IN" on Brandon's Bullshit. Unbelievable. :mad:
LMFAO, I'm not even partisan, Biden blows. Failed at everything, caused gas prices to rise. Lap up that milk tho, bend over so your dude can whack it to u
Well, the experts disagree with you. But I’m sure you know more than they. Fill me in on your experience in the energy industry again.
What an idiot. Typical Dimtard, providing solutions for self inflicted problems. How much more free shit can they possibly offer for bribes at the polls? And we've got at least a dirty dozen on this board who are "ALL IN" on Brandon's Bullshit. Unbelievable. :mad:
A dozen? That many?

My classical mechanics formula tells me a population of 331 million with an average IQ of 98 does not have nearly 81 million stupid enough to vote for this nightmare. But I'm one of those who doesn't find quantum locking mind blowing.
A dozen? That many?

My classical mechanics formula tells me a population of 331 million with an average IQ of 98 does not have nearly 81 million stupid enough to vote for this nightmare. But I'm one of those who doesn't find quantum locking mind blowing.
Was that on that Mensa test you failed?


Thank you again for reminding us how slow you are. We can always count on you.
And thank you for constantly trying to impress others with how smart you are even after being exposed as a fraud. It always makes my day.

PS. Mechanics has nothing to do with elections. That’s more correlated to statistical analysis. Thank you once again.
And thank you for constantly trying to impress others with how smart you are even after being exposed as a fraud. It always makes my day.

PS. Mechanics has nothing to do with elections. That’s more correlated to statistical analysis. Thank you once again.
nail1988 didn't invite me here to declare anyone stupid. nail invited me here to listen to the handful declare themselves stupid. Thank you.
nail1988 didn't invite me here to declare anyone stupid. nail invited me here to listen to the handful declare themselves stupid. Thank you.
Ah, Nail is one of my loyal subjects. As the king of this board, I declare you the biggest fraud. There is no one that says more stupid things OTB than you.
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What an idiot. Typical Dimtard, providing solutions for self inflicted problems. How much more free shit can they possibly offer for bribes at the polls? And we've got at least a dirty dozen on this board who are "ALL IN" on Brandon's Bullshit. Unbelievable. :mad:
This is socialism/wealth redistribution at it VERY BEST. This is an attemt to buy votes..because he is in DEEP poo poo right now..and is too dumb to get out of it