Biden Solves High Gas Prices

He obviously wanted Trump to get a second term so he could continue to walk all over him. He already had him convinced not to believe the CIA over him.

But Trump screwed up and lost.
I see what others have been telling me...and I have not listened to them. You are SO dumb it is exactly like debating a rock. Do you feel America is better off today than it was last year..if so, enlighten the rest of us how
I see what others have been telling me...and I have not listened to them. You are SO dumb it is exactly like debating a rock. Do you feel America is better off today than it was last year..if so, enlighten the rest of us how
These factions of treehuggers are impressed when they see insults hurled at Putin but are totally on board with trading with Russia, China, or Iran. It's like they only understand childlike approaches to debating.

These factions of treehuggers are impressed when they see insults hurled at Putin but are totally on board with trading with Russia, China, or Iran. It's like they only understand childlike approaches to debating.

Joe is OWNED financilly by Russia AND China...because of his crack head son
What Trump or Obama will say or do is irrelevant, Sir. Neither one are currently in the WH. What has Joe done other than act weird and meander with topics that are muddled and irrelevant to questions regarding fuel, inflation, and Ukraine?
not sure, I haven’t heard Biden say invading a country and killing women and children “GLORIOUS”kinda strange huh?? I’m still waiting on one just one of you cats to man up and call Fatboy out

Libs are such liars. I have never met a good person that was a lib...they all are trash...just like Brandon
I haven't met a lib here who I would say is a 'good' person. They all seem very angry, bitter and childish. Some are far worse.

Just being honest.
not sure, I haven’t heard Biden say invading a country and killing women and children “GLORIOUS”kinda strange huh?? I’m still waiting on one just one of you cats to man up and call Fatboy out
Yes, he's not saying or doing much to stop it which is actually the same as endorsing it. If Trump and Putin were actually in cahoots as you claim, then why would he not invade while he was in office? Words taken out of context are your only complaint.
Did I understand Bongino on the radio? The NY Times is turning on Brandon? Main stream press was silent on Hunter lap top bragging about the Biden Crime Syndicate. 17% of Independents would have voted different had they known Hunter lap top details. The NY Times is now making mention of Hunter and his lap top?

Chapter 5, The Revenge of Fake News in Rigged by Mollie Hemingway is good additional reading.
Yes, he's not saying or doing much to stop it which is actually the same as endorsing it. If Trump and Putin were actually in cahoots as you claim, then why would he not invade while he was in office? Words taken out of context are your only complaint.
One word Doc…. Dirty Money, and give it a break on words taken out of context, that dickhead meant what he said, I would bet a crisp 100 dollar bill that if ass kissers would call him out, meaning all of them, he’d straighten up but he’s been enabled so long he ain’t gonna change, I’d vote republican again but it won’t be for Donnie boy, need a leader that’ll put their foot in Russian and North Koreans leaders asses instead of writing love letters and sending hugs and kisses
One word Doc…. Dirty Money, and give it a break on words taken out of context, that dickhead meant what he said, I would bet a crisp 100 dollar bill that if ass kissers would call him out, meaning all of them, he’d straighten up but he’s been enabled so long he ain’t gonna change, I’d vote republican again but it won’t be for Donnie boy, need a leader that’ll put their foot in Russian and North Koreans leaders asses instead of writing love letters and sending hugs and kisses
Deflect much, you have.
BCS.. man instead of trying to make clarity with a bunch of knuckleheads who Worship Fatboy Trump, ask them all when is their beloved 45 gonna grow a sack and call his boyfriend Putin a War Criminal?! Nah I don’t think so, if any of these posting brain surgeons on this board would do their research, the whole damn world is paying higher at the pump! And that Bidens fault?! Cmon man 🤣🤣🤣

With Trump in office Putin was held at bay. With Sleepy Joe, the world is doing whatever they want with our Cuck Faux President.

Good news is, 2024 he will be Back in office.
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Let me do something that you and the other little sissy snowflakes CANNOT do...ask a factual question. Why did Putin not invade under Trump...but DID invade while Bush, Hussein, and Brandon were in charge? No back to your Moms basement, son
<Jack Nicholson's voice> "THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!"


With Trump in office Putin was held at bay. With Sleepy Joe, the world is doing whatever they want with our Cuck Faux President.
And there he is! Jfegaly to the rescue!!! My apologies I know you get upset when folks talk about your Lard and Savior, and so you know me being one of them, is Black Folks will be coming out on Buses, Vans, Ships,Horses, Feet too make sure his Bigass ain’t never in office again! Bet that homeboy
Good news is, 2024 he will be Back in office.
I see what others have been telling me...and I have not listened to them. You are SO dumb it is exactly like debating a rock. Do you feel America is better off today than it was last year..if so, enlighten the rest of us how
Naw, last year was the best. That’s when Trump high tailed it out of here and Biden took over.

Or is your Old Timers disease kicking in and you forgot what year it is.?

BScuck has no excuses. A pox on the Flagship U's house. A shit stain in the britches of the U just like Brandon is on America. 😂
Brandon on America I can agree with....

But sorry Mavi, the Socialists/Progressives/Communists fit right in now daze at Socialist-U, the home of the Karl Marx Reading Room... Sad day, it is....
Brandon on America I can agree with....

But sorry Mavi, the Socialists/Progressives/Communists fit right in now daze at Socialist-U, the home of the Karl Marx Reading Room... Sad day, it is....
It’s no Trump U, that’s for sure

If it was currently viable, greedy capitalists such as myself would be lining up to compete for the opportunity to provide it to others.

Why isn't that happening? I know why and I suspect that you do too.
I know this is not new technology...going from memory, I remember some mass transit vehicles around California about 15 years ago. And I do not think there has been any close in the gap technology since then
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I know this is not new technology...going from memory, I remember some mass transit vehicles around California about 15 years ago. And I do not think there has been any close in the gap technology since then

There probably has been some breakthroughs...but it's not a viable alternative yet.

I wish it was. That would be great. Seriously, why wouldn't the average American love that? They would of course. Just like we'd love it if we could build windmills and solar panels and have reliable and cheap electricity.
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@Kingseve1 @BSC911

Solar Energy Sector Failing as Biden Continues War on Reliable Oil and Gas​

As Joe Biden continues his war against reliable oil and gas, the solar sector warns it will need a government bailout to ensure its growth.

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@Kingseve1 @BSC911

Solar Energy Sector Failing as Biden Continues War on Reliable Oil and Gas​

As Joe Biden continues his war against reliable oil and gas, the solar sector warns it will need a government bailout to ensure its growth.

Not sure why you are tagging me. I’m a big supporter of oil and gas. I just wish Trump hadn’t decimated our industry in 2020.
Drilling activity keeps surging. As @Sunburnt Indian and others continue to believe Biden shut down drilling. LOL. So gullible.

horizontal activity continued to surge higher last week (+12 w/w, 4-wk +36) with public E&Ps recovering nearly all of the prior week’s declines (+6 w/w, 4-wk +13) and private E&Ps continuing to add rigs in bunches (+6 w/w, 4-wk +23). As a result, avg. Q1’22 horizontal activity remains on pace to finish +14% q/q (BKR +14% q/q) with an eye-popping ~73 HOR rigs already added on a YTD basis (publics +44, privates +29). From a regional perspective, the Permian continues to command the lion’s share of incremental attention (+10 HOR rigs w/w, 4-wk +19), marking the sixth consecutive week of gains, while activity in the Bakken (+2 w/w, 4-wk +1) and Anadarko (+2 w/w, 4-wk +4) also saw small upticks.